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Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if that

is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying






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Hi Shweta,


Well, your question actually very mystrious and not so simple to answer..



But I can tell you small two stories..


Once there was a fishermen who used to go in sea and kill so many fishes,

now he has done the karma of killing so

many fishes, how those fishesh will take revenge..for that he & fishes has

to take thousands of births.


So what god did is, he made fisherman to take birth as a Cobra in some

deep forest. And after some time due to some reasons he got wounded. And

then thousands of small ants attacked him and he couldnt do anything.

Those ants were nothing but all those fishes who got killed by the Cobra

(Fisherman) in previous birth.


An another story, a person borrows few thousand rupees from his friend.

But when his friend asked to pay him money he refused to pay him and

never paid infact his friend whole life. And his poor friend was not

having enough power to take money forcefully from him. After some time

both were died and born in some other village.


However the person who refused give money was born as bullock and his

friend as farmer. Now this farmer buys a bullock for farming. He gets

work done by his bullock, if bullock refuses to work, he would hit so

badly.As soon bullock pays of his debt either he will die or farmer will

think that he should sell this to someone else. These thoughts or actions

or whatever happens is law of karama.


Now why should one know why he is paying for....??? Rather the same story

can happen another way..both can born as father and son, father would

spend all his money on his sons's diseaes, education or marriage. If he

would know that it is the same friend from previous birth from whome he

took money...he would hardly think of his current relationships :), or if

they would happen to be bitter enemy in previous birth..then ??


But one can know his previous births and karma's made...only at one

place..and that place is holy feet of Guru.


Warm Regards












wrote on 11/10/2006 04:18:06 AM:


> Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

> believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if that

> is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying

> for.


> Thanks,

> -Shweta



> ____________________



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It's good thing that you don't know what Karma's you did in your past life. The reason is that if knew what you did to someone, you will not be able to live. It would be like a constant torture.

Your out look to life should be positive. Have faith in God. Having said this, there are sadhnas to be able look into someone's past.


shweta19shah <shweta19shah > wrote:

Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if that

is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying










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Suppose you wanted to prove some statement with some logic . If you

can't prove the statement does it mean that the statement is false or

it means the logic that you approached with did not work .

You either prove something or negate it . But negation would also be a

contrapositive for the statement . Just if you cannot negate does not

mean its true neither it means its false .

Belief originates from evolutionary experience . Is it true what you

belief is all justified by your logical senses or you have picked up

some beliefs from watching what happens arround you ?

Secondly , are you interested to know what you are paying for . Just

because you do not know it does that universally proves none knows it?

Amongst all properties that you posses how many did you choose

yourself , did you choose your health ? Are you that tall as you want

to be ? Is the color of your skin the way you wanted . Did you choose

your name ? Do you have answers for those ? Are you sure why you are

here ?

Try to answer it yourself , that might take you to land of wonders .







, "shweta19shah" <shweta19shah wrote:


> Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

> believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if that

> is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying

> for.



> Thanks,

> -Shweta


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Each deed, each word, each thought has a karmic consequence of its

own. As you sow, so shall you reap. This is the divine law. So sow in

the soil of your mind and in the garden of your heart, only seeds of

divine love and divine understanding. Perhaps no other law in nature

controls our lives as does this one law. God created the laws of

nature, but is himself beyond law. And while he may be approached

with devotion, it is vital to live in harmony with His laws.


The law of karma urges you to think before you act, and to be wise in

your expressions in speech. God in His great kindness has given us

divine gifts of free choice, reason, and will. Before we act, we have

an option, but once we do, we are bound by the consequences of our

act. Transgression of karmic laws will delay man in his spiritual



Karma is the fruits, the good or evil effects, of action. Action of

itself is a manifestation of energy. So every action, be it physical,

mental, or spiritual is energy in motion. Energy by itself is devoid

of emotion and so is not bound by the conditioning of good and evil.

Energy is energy, vibrating at a subtle or a gross frequency.


Appropriately, the effects of each of your actions are either good or

evil, only in the sense as we may define good or evil. Good actions

may be simply defined as those that serve to bring about harmony in

the internal and external states of the body, mind, and the soul, and

evil actions as those that strengthen the fetters of maya and

imprison us further in the cocoon of ignorance.


In the practical sense, actions done with the consciousness of God as

the Doer, bring divine returns and those done in the consciousness of

the ego reap gross returns. If at a party you pamper your palate on

delicious and difficult-to-digest food, you probably end up with

dyspepsia, but if you eat wisely and think that it is God eating

through you and surrender the act of eating at the feet of the

Divine, you actually undergo a certain level of purification of the

consciousness and thereby also of your body!


As soon as you are confronted with a want, check within to see

whether it is wholesome or not. Anything that is wholesome will lead

you away from material enslavement to the lake of true happiness.

Every act is good that will bring forth a blossoming of your inner

divine qualities and understanding.


In some cultures of the world, one is not considered evil if one's

actions are not evil, but just as ideation preceded creation,

thoughts precede action. Within the realms of your inner

consciousness, your thoughts are more powerful than your actions. The

nature of your thoughts will draw to you like circumstances and if

the level of feeling is intrinsically high in a particular set of

thoughts, stronger proportionately will be the manifestation of their

karmic effect. Animals live by instinct and have no discrimination,

and thereby are free from individual karma. They are governed by the

influences of their environment and by mass karma, but man is a free

agent. So guard the cave of your thoughts and muse only on good and

powerful positive thoughts.


Almost all of us undergo the throes of misery at one time or the

other in our lives. And at every prickly thorn on the path, we are

quick to blame others for our troubles. The law of karma educates us

in the realization that we alone are responsible and to blame for all

that befalls us - be it grave ill-health, a broken marriage,

misunderstandings in daily life, or something else.


God created us free, and with free choice and the inner wisdom to see

creation as He sees it. But over time, we have let our outwardly

turned senses rule roost over our minds and our lives. Suffering

comes because we have broken some pertinent law of nature ... either

in a distant life or in the recent past.


Suffering comes as a result of man's own delusion, and also as a

consequence of mass karma. Suffering has a purpose and seeks to

awaken the divine strength in you, that with courage and

determination you may imbue the lesson that life is striving to teach

you. Until you absorb the underlying lesson, Nature will keep

slotting you into those very troublesome circumstances again and



God urges you to refrain from identification with creation and its

protagonists. In sleep you experience a garish nightmare, but when

you awake, you see it was only a dream. Similarly this whole creation

is a dream in the consciousness of God, and if you identify only with

His consciousness, then delusive pain, desires, actions will no

longer bind you with the chords of karma.


The only real way to escape from the karmic law therefore is to

realize the Self within. As a thumb rule, do all your deeds without

desire for the fruit of action and in all that you do, feel and

realize that it is God who is the Doer and not you. Destiny, fate,

luck, are creations of the human mind. Everything in nature is born

of a scientific law and what man ignorantly calls destiny is nothing

but 'effects', the cause of which he himself set into motion in the



Karma is the law of action and is rooted in the law of causation. It

is as applicable to our family lives as it is to our professional,

business, or academic experiences. Action can be born of current

influences of environment, inner impulses and acquired habits, or of

habits and influences of past lives. We are therefore responsible for

all our actions, even those born of uncontrolled innate impulses, for

we ourselves created those impulses through actions in past lives.


The scriptures teach us that good and bad effects of actions in the

present life settle down into the subconscious and those that are

brought over from the past are submerged in the subtle state of the

super conscious. Here these seeds stay until one starts to awaken

spiritually and work out their effects. As a general principle,

ordinary man stirs his subconscious karmic baggage first, and

simultaneously starts to relieve the weight of karma stored in the

super conscious primarily through the practice of specific spiritual

techniques, including meditation.


In the fire of scientific meditation, one may roast the brain cell

grooves of past evil deeds, and will the awakening of past health and

success tendencies. Change your life patterns by continually doing

good karma, so that the weight of the good within slowly but surely

drowns the evil and no matter what your pain, acquire the tenacity of

mind to stay detached in the emotion of each situation. God has not

damned us eternally. Sin is a coating, a parasite. As souls we

descend into earth to work out these sins, and experience the good

karma. When this process of 'working out' is completed we will be

free to be one with God again.


Life is prompting us to look at the futility of living without Him.

Depend less on man and opportunity and more on His grace. Continue to

be virtuous even when sorely tried in every possible way. The balance

of the tide will eventually sway your way, and good fortune,

happiness, and peace will be yours for the asking.


Sri Paramahansa Yogananda said, "To seek things only for yourself is

destructive; to seek things for others is expensive; but to seek to

please God is the best attitude. It will lead you directly into the

Divine Presence".



, "shweta19shah" <shweta19shah



> Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

> believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if


> is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying

> for.



> Thanks,

> -Shweta


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  • 2 weeks later...



Whatever we do leaves an imprint in our mind. We always know

when we do wrong.

This leaves an imprint on our mind. Such imprints start blocking flow of

life force (Chi in chinese/ Parana tattava)

in us and result is we suffer in various ways. This way we pay for some of

the deeds in this life itself and for some

of the deeds imprints get carried over to next birth. And these imprints

affect our genes.

Hence lord doesn't have to interfere of each and every deed one does.


So for many of the deeds there is no one else but oneself who punishes


Thats where Moksha comes in. Acts when done selflessly don't leave an


and when one die's one goes with a clean slate.


Above doesn't cover some of the issues with next life like one taking a

birth into dfferent yoni.

I am not sure if that can be explained via kundalini. May be lord looks into

these aspects.


Jai Gurudev!!!




Can I please be explained the true meaning of "Karma". Why it is

believed that you pay for your karma's in you next life, and if that

is true what is the point as one would never know what he is paying





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