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The Wheel of Desires !!

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why the TIMELESS AND LIMITLESS was encircled

by dimensions, is not known. Philosophical and

religious reasons may be innumerable but practical reason

is only one -Desire.


Why and how did the first Desire came to the omnipresent omnipotent

and super consciousness may be a good subject for long discussions

but He had his very first desire is sure. If, for the time being we

leave the reasons behind the first desire then this desire will

become a clear guide for further thinking. As soon as the first

desire was fulfilled, second came up then third..fourth and thus a

spring of desires emanated in the supereme consciousness!!


In the first few desires, Chetan was effective and

his Shakti was in readiness to fulfil his desires.

After getting the desires fulfilled the chetan accepted

the manifestation of shakti. And this acceptance and

dependece increased with increase in further fulfilments

and slowly the authority of chetan started decreasing

and that of shakti increasing.


Though this change in authorities was apparent but at some level of

consciousness it was true and real. This fulfilment of desires

became the reason for manifestation of Universe and was

a main tool in the evolution of human from a single

cell. Coming down to human level, chetan had become

fully dependent on shakti (its lower entities) and

forgot his authority altogather. By now the fly wheel of

desires had started spinning with its full statical

energy and grandeur and shakti and chetan had become too

weak (apparantely)to stop it.


Today a cobweb has been knit. By fulfilling the desires of chetan,

shakti has woven so many nets that chetan feels himself

weak to come out of this. What is then the way out of

this web ? The same tool which brought us to this

web--Desire. We have now to stop and then rewind this fly

wheel of desires by desiring for it !


This has now been understood that fulfilment of one desire,

gives birth to other desires. So we have to first stop

giving fuel to this wheel, by checking the desires, and

this is the most difficult part. Desiring is not a

sin. But chetan becoming a slave of desires is a sin.

As desire is the root cause of this universe hence

this little sin is pardonable. Desire is a proof of

our Chetna, and our union with the super-consciousness. Though

chetan becoming a slave of desires is quite natural, but is an

obstacle for fast progress.



Stopping this wheel seems impossible but there is no other

way. It seems impossible not to desire while living in

the world, with family and friends. But once if this

wheel is stopped, it will stop fulfilling the desires

and will stop producing new desires. This is not an

easy job, as our chetan has come down to such lower

levels that he by negating his own authority, has become

slave of lower natural powers. If we feel that we

should not interfere in nature's job and let it continue

with its play and if we feel we are a toy in the hands

of God then we are still away from the stage where

progress starts (Though on higher levels of consciousness,

this thinking becomes natural). If we do not feel a

need to stop this wheel it implies our chetan is so

much infested by Tamoguna that we are happy in slavery

!! But if we feel a need to stop this wheel, we

should congragulate ourselves and start the job of

stopping and reversing the wheel. The moment this wheel

stops, chetan and shakti will know their subtle and

powerful forms and this will become the force to reverse

the wheel and pave way towrds truth !!

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But Baabji, how can one conquer desires? They arise automatically,

like bubbles on hot water. Not only that, but influence on parents,

relatives, friends, society etc force external desires on the mind of

a person. It takes a very strong person to resist these external



One way is to leave everything & goto jungle, but jungles are hard to

find nowdays , also this is very bad for society. So what is the solution?

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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> But Baabji, how can one conquer desires? They arise automatically,


shri Krishna said in Gita, Karma cant be stopped and the only way to

get free of the chain of karma is to do karma without attachment


Same key applies here...desires can not be stopped but taking all

desires as Nature's actions, and rejecting all desires which are to

satisfy our personal ego, will keep us away from the desires and

their chains


We will see desires emanting from our Chitta as Sakshi not as

Karta, then these desires will start diminishing and only those

desires which mother Nature wants will be left....then we will let

Mother Nature work on those desires...not US


with love

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