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Amar Jivana

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Song Name: Amar Jivana

Official Name: Dainya Song 4

Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Book Name: Saranagati

Language: Bengali




•m•ra j•vana, sad• p•pe rata,

n•hiko punyera les•a

parere udvega, diy•chi je koto,

diy•chi j•vere kleœa



nija sukha l•gi’, p•pe n•hi d•ori,

doy•-h•na sw•rtha-paro

para-sukhe duh•kh•, sad• mithya-bh•s••,

para-duh•kha sukha-karo



aœes•a k•man•, hr•di m•jhe mora,

krodh•, dambha-par•yana

mada-matta sad•, vis•aye mohita,

him•s•-garva vibh•s•ana



nidr•lasya hata, suk•rye virata,

ak•rye udyog• •mi

pratis•t•ha l•giy•, œ•t•hya-•caran•a,

lobha-hata sad• k•m•



e heno durjana, saj-jana-varjita,

apar•dhi nirantara

œubha-k•rya-œ•nya, sad•nartha-man•h•,


n•n• duh•khe jara jara



b•rdhakye ekhona, up•ya-vih•na,

t•’te d•na akiñcana

bhakativinoda, prabhura caran•e,

kore duh•kha nivedana



1) I am an impious sinner and have caused others great anxiety and trouble.


2) I have never hesitated to perform sinful act for my own enjoyment. Devoid

of all compassion, concerned only with my own selfish interests, I am

remorseful seeing others happy. I am a perpetual liar, and the misery of others

is a

source of great pleasure for me.


3) The material desires within the core of my heart are unlimited. I am

wrathful, devoted to false pride and arrogance, intoxicated by vanity, and

bewildered by worldly affairs. Envy and egotism are the ornaments I wear.


4) Ruined by laziness and sleep, I resist all pious deeds; yet I am very

active and enthusiastic to perform wicked acts. For worldly fame and reputation


engage in the practice of deceitfulness. Thus I am destroyed by my own greed

and am always lustful.


5) A vile, wicked man such as this, rejected by godly people, is a constant

offender. I am such a person, devoid of all good works, forever inclined toward


evil, worn out and wasted by various miseries.


6) Now in old age, deprived of all means of success, humbled and poor,

Bhaktivinoda submits his tale of grief at the feet of the Supreme Lord.




Song Lyrics: Amar Jivan Sada Pape Rata

Purport Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Amara jivana sada pape rata nahiko punyera lesa. This is a song sung by

Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Vaisnava humbleness. A Vaisnava is always meek and


So he is describing the life of the people in general, taking himself to be

one of them. He says that “My life is always engaged in sinful activities, and

if you try to find out, you will not find even a trace of pious activities—only


sinful activities.” And parere udvega, diyachi ye koto, diyachi jivere klesa:

“I am always inclined to give trouble to other living entities. That is my

business. I want to see that others are suffering, and then I enjoy.” Nija


lagi’, pape nahi dori: “For my personal sense gratification, I accept any

kind of sinful activity.” Daya-hina svartha-paro: “I am not at all merciful,

and I see only to my personal interest.” Para-sukhe duhkhi, sada mithya-bhasi:

As such, when others are suffering I become very happy, and I am always

speaking lies. Even for ordinary tbings I am accustomed to speaking lies.”

Para-duhkha sukha-karo: “And if someone is suffering, that is very pleasant to


Asesa kamana, hrdi majhe mora: “I have got lots of desires within my heart, and


I am always angry and falsely prestigious, always puffed up with false pride.”

Mada-matta sada visaye mohita: “I am captivated by subject matters of sense

gratification, and I am almost crazy.” Himsa-garva vibhusana: “My ornaments

are enviousness and false pride.” Nidralasya hata, sukarye virata: “I am

conquered by sleep and laziness, and I am always averse to pious activities.”

Akarye udyogi ami: “And I am very enthusiastic to perform impious activities.”

Pratistha lagiya sathya-acarana: “I always cheat others for my prestige.”

Lobha-hata sada kami: “I am conquered by greediness and always lusty.” E heno

durjana saj-jana-varjita: “I am so fallen, and I have no association with


Aparadhi nirantara: “I am an offender always.” Subha-karya-sunya: “In my

life there is not a bit of auspicious activity”; sadanartha manah: “and my mind


is always attracted by something mischievous.” Nana duhkhe jara jara: “

Therefore, at the fag end of my life I am almost invalid by all such


Bardhakye ekhona upaya-vihina: “Now in my old age I have no alternative”; ta’

te dina akincana: “therefore by force I have now become very humble and meek.”

Bhakativinoda prabhura carane, kore duhkha nivedana: “Thus Bhaktivinoda

Thakura is offering his sad statement of his life’s activities at the lotus

feet of

the Supreme Lord.”

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