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I have read the stream of posts and would like to share teachings

which Maa and Swami have passed onto us. As the Gurus, they only have

our best interest at heart, and, being egoless, they only pass onto us

knowledge which is true. Since they are part of a peerless lineage,

with Ramakrishna being the most recent of a long line of illuminated

Masters, the knowledge they pass onto us is "tried and true". As

Swami says, you can have faith the teachings work and are true by the

results of those who came before us. And since it worked for them it

will work for us.


As they state, the goal of life is self realization. Such a lofty

goal, yet we are beings with 5 element bodies and karma from past

lives coming to fruition today. We live in the relative world, bound

by desires and the laws of nature. Our moods swing, doubts come and

go like the breeze, and our bodies get sick and all sorts of problems

come to plague us. Yet still we desire self realization.


How to reach this lofty goal? Do we have to wait until we are old and

we have discharged all our worldly duties? Are we powerless and

merely blown by the winds of karma and change in this relative world?


Maa and Swami indicate that we have to take concrete steps if we wish

to reach this goal. They state it can be attained, and their lives are

proof of it.


What do they teach us daily: first we have to set the goal. Then make

a plan, and set action steps, and make a sankalpa-a firm committment,

then start working the plan.


The plan for most of us involves trying to lead a balanced life of

sadhana, seva, work in the world, and recreation.


Maa and Swami teach us to use our discrimination and discipline to

reach our goals. They provide inspiration and knowledge so that we

keep on the path. And when we stray, They remind us and help us back

onto the path.


They want us to make all work worship, and They want us to be

conscious at all times, and as efficient as possible so that we can

complete our tasks quickly and without mistakes so we do not create

more karma for ourselves.


She and Swami constantly show us by Their own example how to live in

this world, without becoming attached to it. Live like a mudfish, as

Ramakrishna said, live in the mud but do not become muddy.


They teach us spiritual techniques which help us discover deeper

levels of ourselves, and they even perform them with us to help speed

our evolution.


Hinduism as they have taught us, is a living vibrant every expanding

body of knowledge and experience, which is timeless and rooted in the

Absolute, yet, at the the same time, the teachings are completely

practical to everyday life in America and all Western countries today.


For example, Swami has become expert in the computer and the internet,

using these modern tools to teach devottes around the world. He and

Maa use whatever tools available to spread the Word of God in this

modern age.


They teach that every moment is sacred, because God is present

everywhere, all the time. They teach that every being is God, that we

are God, are Divine. They want us to realize our true nature now, at

this moment, and they do everything they can to help us reach this

goal. Even when we get tired, or loose interest, or our egos get in

the way, They never give up on us.


Why, this very forum, and the live discussion group every Saturday and

Sunday, and the live broadcasts of Swami's classes most evenings, and

the Sunday group Chandi, and the many scriptures Swami has translated-

all of these are their gifts to help us reach the goal now.


And, they are working for our ancestors in the past, and our children

and our children's children. Their goal is peace for the entire universe.



Now, I am a white man, 52 years old, born in Philadelphia, with a

wife I love dearly, a son 17 years old, and 4 step children ages

34-42, and 4 grandchildren. I was raised in the Christian church. I

was raised to love Jesus as the one and only Savior in this world. I

was raised to keep the 10 Commandments and was told if I was "saved",

I would go to Heaven and have everlasting eternal life. If not, I

would go to hell.

Well, alot changed when I met Shree Maa 10 years ago in Fairfield Iowa.


Now, today, my wife and I chanted the Chandi at the homa with Swami

and our spiritual family. Our belief that self realization is within

our grasp, that our Gurus-Maa and Swami- are Diving Beings sent to

this Earth to guide us to that goal-and that goal is available thru

hard work and The Grace of our Gurus and God-these things keep us sane

in this crazy world. These are the Truths which guide our lives.


We want to share that truth with all. Maa and Swami have charged us

with that activity.


So, it is my wish and desire, that all of us who share this passion

for God, share the knowledge and Grace which flows from Maa and Swami

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As it says in the texts: The Guru is

Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is the Great Maheswar.

The Guru is God.


We have in this very moment, the greatest gift we could ever imagine.

We have the desire for God, and we have the means and method to

attain to this state of Being thru the guidance and Grace of 2 Divine



Please consider this, meditate on this, and ask yourself if you really

want to know your true nature.


If yes, let's all run to Their feet, and bow down and surrender to

Them, and see what happens next.


Jai Maa Jai Swami









, "SANDY KRIZ" <skriz63 wrote:



> Hi Mimi

> Very well said, your words illuminates. I am Hindu and I have to

tell you I

> can't wait to get to the last stage of this path, I am ready and

willing to

> forsake all desires for Moksha....But I know that I have a duty

here, and

> when the time is right, the path will light up for my last walk....

> Thank you for your words of wisdom

> sandy






> >mimi spirit <mimi_female_spirit

> >

> >

> >Re: [www.ShreeMaa.org] Kashyapa sutra #2: Question about


> >Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:16:06 -0800 (PST)

> >

> >Chris,

> > Here I would like to point out the Hindus believed in 4 stages

of life.

> >However gives some kind of direction to my thought process:

> >

> > Hinduism recognized four main stages of life. Like the goals of


> >these can be divided into three plus one, with the three deriving

from the

> >"life is good" strand of Hinduism, and the one deriving from the

"life is

> >bad" strand. The first three are the student, the householder, and the

> >retired person, while the fourth is the ascetic.

> >

> > The last stage is a rejection of life and all that it means in


> >for a search to attain moksha or liberation, that is, release from the

> >cycle of samsara. Of course a person may enter into this stage of

life at

> >any time.For instance Vivekananda was evolved to that stage from

the very

> >beginning. The rejection of life, especially as defined by the

> >life-affirming strand of Hinduism, is complete. It requires

rejection of

> >the household duties and responsibilities of all stages of life. It


> >requires the rejection of the religious beliefs. Indeed, the ceremony

> >making one a sannyasin included the burning of copies of the Vedas, a

> >symbolic rejection even of one's role in maintaining the cosmos.

> >

> > I don't intend to make it sound simple. But its a lifestyle that


> >been followed through centuries. The rejection came only after one had

> >fulfilled his role, satisfied his desires and is ready to transcend


> >The values are taught early in life as a student. Armed with that


> >it was easier to make choices as a youth. And after one completes all

> >duties towards family, friends, society and community, one was

ready for

> >spiritual enlightenment. In other words there is a time for

everything. Of

> >course there are exceptions to that rule. Some are born much more


> >than others, while others find themselves going through the stages


> >they reach there.

> > Love

> > Mimi

> >

> >Chris Kirner <chriskirner1956 wrote:

> > Mimi,

> >

> >I think the essence of what we are saying is, "Do the best that you

> >can with the Light God has given you."

> >

> >Visualizing a goal, trying not to be attached to circumstances, and

> >learning to discriminate between pure and impure desires, is the


> >

> >Jai Maa!

> >Chris

> >

> >, mimi spirit

> ><mimi_female_spirit@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Thank you Karen and Debra. I do believe that the soul evolves and

> >learns and it takes us many lives before we find the answers. And I

> >also believe that Knowledge is transferred from one soul to another.

> >There comes a point in life when we ask questions. When we ask the

> >right questions the teacher arrives. Perhaps thats when we meet our

> >Guru - our friend, philosopher and guide. And with the help of our

> >Guru we find the answers and the complexities of life become a simple

> >stream of consciousness. And we prepare ourselves for the absolute.

> > > Chris talks about Karma. It reminds me of the Bhagwad Gita when

> >Arjuna refuses to go to battle as he does not want to kill his

> >relatives and the answer Shri Krsna gives him. He makes Arjun realize

> >that he is just an instrument in the hand of the Lord. Can we deny and

> >evade our destiny? On the other hand what about free will? Do we have

> >no choice?

> > > I believe God and Guru both test us in time. Help us to realize

> >ourselves and every situation makes us aware of who we are, why are we

> >here and where we want to go. Eventually all of us want to return to

> >God. There comes a point in time when we finally free ourselves from

> >Maya or illusions and desires and we want to merge with God. But till

> >then we are here to live out our destiny, meet the challenges of life

> >and overcome the obstacles, participate in the creation and

> >destruction, accept the duality of life - in other words walk down the

> >road that will finally take us to our true destination.

> > > Being raised in a Hindu family from Bengal, my mother taught me

> >only one prayer...Ma I offer you all my good karma and I offer you all

> >my bad karma. Free me from both good and bad. I am nothing but an

> >instrument in your hand. Play me.

> > > Love

> > > Mimi

> > >

> > > Debra McDaniel <student61754@> wrote:

> > > Have to agree with you Karen.

> > > Mimi has a point.

> > > I added my thoughts but had to relate to self to come to any

> >conclusion.

> > > Agree with you Mimi, It's all about intentions & how can we're

> >back to judging again.

> > > Thanks for posting, very good.

> > > Debi

> > >

> > > forall10q <forall10q@> wrote:

> > > Thanks, Mimi, for sharing your lovely thoughts. I found your

> >ideas

> > > very soothing to the spirit, and I was happy to read them. You have

> > > a kind and gentle way of presenting thoughts. Makes me sigh, and

> > > say "ahhhh, how sweet." Love and blesssings, Karen

> > >

> > > , mimi spirit

> > > <mimi_female_spirit@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > I wouldn't go into purity and impurity. I think what we are

> > > talking about here is intention. There can be no comments on a

> > > situation like a mother wanting her child to be cured or a child's

> > > intention to become a doctor to serve his village. Its just a

> > > perspective - and every perspective is individual and we can only

> > > remain non-judgmental. Our endeavor is to go beyond desire. Pure or

> > > impure is not the point. At the same time we accept that desire

> > > keeps this world evolving. To transcend beyond this world means

> > > giving up all desires. When are we ready for that? When we have

> > > fulfilled our roles on this plane and we are ready to reach out for

> > > a different realm. Why would be here in the first place if we had

> > > fulfilled all our desires? The soul travels and learns from

> > > experience and it makes sense when we say that is not only possible

> > > in one life. The whole point of this journey is to learn, know and

> > > evolve. How do we judge situations or intentions? We can only hope

> > > the prayers

> > > > are heard and the person realizes his or her goals and comes to a

> > > point when he or she can go beyond those desires. Time reveals it

> > > all. And when the time comes the person is ready to go beyond

> > > situations, intentions, purity and impurity.

> > > > Thats my humble understanding..

> > > > Love

> > > > Mimi

> > > >

> > > > Ramya Srinivasan <n_ramya108@> wrote:

> > > > Namaste Everybody,

> > > >

> > > > We were discussing the second Kashyapa sutra this

> > > > weekend. It talks about how our individuality arises

> > > > from our desires. The transcripts are on shreemaa.org

> > > > website.

> > > >

> > > > In your opinion what is a pure desire and what is an

> > > > impure desire?

> > > >

> > > > How would you classify these desires?

> > > >

> > > > Scenario # 1

> > > >

> > > > A young mother's 8 month old baby is very sick and

> > > > hospitalized. She is sitting outside - without eating,

> > > > sleeping and just praying and praying for the good

> > > > health of her child.

> > > >

> > > > Scenario # 2

> > > >

> > > > Raj is studying day and night, literally, to prepare

> > > > for Medical School. It has been his ambition since

> > > > childhood to become a doctor and now he is foregoing

> > > > all other activities to prepare for it. He also knows

> > > > that it will help his family and village if he becomes

> > > > a doctor, as they have no doctors there.

> > > >

> > > > Please do share your thoughts and reasoning, so we can

> > > > all get clarity and understanding! Thank you!

> > > >

> > > > Jai Maa!

> > > >

> > > > ramya :)

> > > >

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