Guest guest Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Pranams Dhyanasaraswati-ji for those beautiful verses from mukundamala stotra. Please post more of these as you have some time. Here are another set of Tukaram abhangs (from the way of the bird website) Each verse is a priceless gem..... 1. JANMA-CHE TE MULA PAHILE SHODUNA. DU-HU-KHASI KARANA JANMA GHYAVA. The root cause of birth, gunas/attributes, is nothing but misery. When you take a body, duality comes. PAPA-PUNYA KARUNI JANMA YETO PRANI. NARA-DEHA YE-UNI HANI KELI. With an equal balance of virtues and sins you get a human body. You don't appreciate the human body and make the worst of life, running here and there for happiness. RAJA-TAMA-SATTVA AAHE JYA-CHE ANGI. YA-CHA GUNI JAGI VAYA GELA. By three attributes you work with life and by these attributes you uselessly lose your life without understanding. TAMA MHANA-JE KAAYA NARAKA-CHI KEVALA. RAJA TO SABALA MAYA-JALA. Tama guna, ignorance, is nothing but the shit of the ego, hell. Rajas is thinking again and again of worldly affairs. TUKA MHANE YE-THE SAT-VA-CHE SAMAR-THYA. KARAVA PARMAR-THA AHAR-NISHI. Stick to the Sattva guna and day and night think that this is not true and understand what is Reality. 2. AHARA-NISHI SADA PARMAR-THA KARAVA. PAAYA NA THE-VAVA AADA-MARGI. Whole day and night understand this is nothing and don't go the wrong way. Never think the world is true. AADA-MARGI KONI JANA JE JATILA. TYA-TUNI KADHILA TOCHI GNYANI. One who is going the wrong way, only a realized person takes him to the right path. TOCHI GNYANI KHARA TARI DUJI-YANSHI. VELO-VELA TYASI SHARAN JAVE. Only a realized person gives real understanding and takes you to the right path. Go to His feet and accept what He says! AAPANA TARELA NAVHE TE NAVALA. KULE UDDHA-RILA SARVAN-CHI TO. He gives others understanding and they can swim this ocean which is not true. SHARANA GELI-YANE KAAYA HOTE PHALA. TUKA MHANE KULA UDDHA-RILE. Tukaram says by going to Him, you understand and make your family understand. 3. UDDHA-RILE KULA APANA TARELA. TOCHI EKA ZALA TRAILO-KYATA. He is the real person in all three worlds, who can make people understand. TRAILO-KYATA ZALE DVAITACHI NIMALE. AISE SADHI-YELE SADHAN BARA-VE. This rare person sees no duality, only Oneness and He gives this understanding to others making them great. BARA-VE SADHANA SUKHA SHANTI MANA. KRODHA NAHI JANA TILA-BHARI. By following His guidance you become HE. Anger vanishes from you because you know Myself is everywhere. TILA-BHARI NAHI CHITTASI TO MALA. TUKA MHANE JALA GANGE-CHE TE. Dirt of the mind is cleaned and you're like the Ganges (knowledge) which runs and runs cleaning everybody, taking away misunderstanding. 4. JAISI GANGA VAHE TAISE TYACHE MANA. BHAGA-VANTA JANA TYACHE-JAVA-LI. Your mind is like the Ganga cleaning out the dirt-duality; like the residence of the Lord/Bhagavan. TYACHE-JAVA-LI DEVA BHAKTI-BHAVE OOBHA. SWANANDA-CHA GA-BHA TAYA DISE. Due to his devotion (nothing is true), HE is always with Him. He sees everywhere SELF, and is complete. TAYA DISE ROOPA ANGUSTHA-PRAMANA. ANU-BHAVI KHUNA ZANATI HE. The realized one sees Himself everywhere, as clearly as you see your own thumb. Those who have no understanding cannot understand Him. ZANATI HE KHUNA SWATMA-NUBHAVI. TUKA MHANE PADAVI JYA-CHI TYALA. One who has Self-understanding remains in Himself, no need to tell anybody. 5. JYACHI TYALA PADA-VI ITA-RA NA SAJE. SANTA-LA UMA-JE ATMA-SUKHA. So, He remains in Himself. Other people don't understand Him. [Only Saints of that status know who He is.] ATM-SUKHA GHYA-RE OOGHA-DA GYNAN-DRUSTI. YAVINA CHAVA-TI KARU NAKA. Open your eyes with knowledge; see everybody as Oneness. Don't say wrong things, or gossip about Him. Take the knowledge of Self from Him that only He offers. KARU-NAKA KA-HI SANTA-SANGA DHARA. PURVI-CHA JA DORA OOGA-VA-LA. Don't do anything! Just go to the Saint so you can understand. When real understanding comes your luck will open. OOGA-VELA PRA-RAB-DHA SANTA-SANGE-KARUNI. PRATYA-KSHA PURANI VAR-NI-YELE. In the vicinity of a Saint your luck will open and you can understand, WHO AM I ? In the Puranas (old mythological books) it is described. VAR-NI-YE-LYA EKA GOONA-NAMA-GHOSHE. JATILA RE DOSHA TUKA MHANE. Tukaram gives this proclamation that nothing is true; only Yourself is true. 6. DOSHA RE JA-TILA ANANTA JANMA-CHE. PAAYA TYA DEVA-CHE NA SODA-VE. Since many births you've taken this world as true, which is the real sin. The Saint is the real One. Never leave His feet. Understand what He gives and never forget. NA SODA-VE PAAYA NISH-CHAYA TO KARA. ALA-VA SHA-RAN-GA-DHARA BHAVA-BALE. Make yourself strong; determine that He is the only person who can give the real truth. Be yourself HE! (Sha-ran-gad/Krishna) DHA-RUNI KESHAVA AANA BHAVA-BALE. PAPIYA NA KALE KAHI KELYA. He says, "I'm not the body, I am HE." Ignorant persons don't understand this. NA KALE TO DEVA SANTA-SANGA-VACHUNI. VASANA JALONI SHUDDHA KARA. This will be understood only in the vicinity of a Saint. Burn wrong desires and make the desire for the Self only. When the seed is burned it won't grow again. SHUDDHA KARA MANA DEHA-TITA VHA-VE. VASTUSI OL-KHAVE TUKA MHANE. Make your mind clean by understanding THAT. Then you will know you're not the body. Tukaram says only then will you know that where you "stay" is HE. 7. OLA-KHARE VASTU SANDARE KALPANA. NAKA ADA-RANA JAU ZANI. Understand the Reality and don't go astray, not for a moment. If you try to know through thoughts you'll only wander the world. ZANI JALA KOTHE BUDA-VALA-HEETA. VICHARI MANATA APULIYA. If you go astray by following your thoughts, you'll forget your own interest -Yourself. Say, "Oh mind, you're a thinking mind. Understand, I AM HE." APULIYA JIVE SHIVASI PA-HAVE. ATMA-SUKHA GHYA-VE VELO-VELA. Understand, "I am not a small creature (jiva), I am HE (Shiva)." Don't be a shape. Don't touch anything. By realizing this, you will experience bliss (Atmasukha)- Self-happiness. GHYA-VE ATMA-SUKHA SWA-ROOPI MILAVE. BHOOTI LINA VHA-VE TUKA MHANE. This way, you become HE. Merge with all the elements and then all the people are Myself. 8. BOOTI LINA VHA-VE SANGA-VE NALA-GECHI. AATAN AHAN-KARA-CHI SHANTI KARA. Forget the ego! You are everywhere. You are in shit and you are in heaven also; all HIS creation. SHANTI KARA TUMHI MAMA-TA NA-SAVI. ANTA-RI VASA-VI BHOOTA-DAYA. When you say me and mine then you protect. Say everybody is mine, then ego goes off. BHOOTA-DAYA THE-VA MAGA KAAYA UNE. PRATHAMA SADHANA HEN-CHI ASE. Have mercy for all; " I am everywhere.He is Myself," in whatever state he may be. This is the only sadhana. ASO HE SADHANA JYAN-CHE CHITTI VASE. MAYA-JALA NASE TUKA MHANE. When such thinking comes in the mind, then illusion/Maya doesn't remain. 9. MAYA-JALA NASE YA NAAME-KA-RUNI. PRITI CHAKRA-PANI ASO DYAVI. The net of illusion doesn't remain when you have love for Krishna/Chakrapani. With knowledge, see everybody and say my wish is his wish and his wish is my wish. ASO DYAVI PRITI SADHUN-CHE PAYA-SI. KADA KIR-TANASI SODU NAYE. Have deep love for the Saint and don't forget His greatness. He has taken the name of God and talks about God always. He is Lord in manifest form. Remember Him and you become Shiva. SODU NAYE PU-RANA-SHRAVANA KIRTANA. MA-NANA NIDI-DHYASA SAKSHAT-KARA. Don't leave the books of knowledge; hear Saints and sing that only. Don't sing anything else! Think always of HIM; contemplate 'I am HE', not the body. That way you will get Self-understanding.(Sakshatkara) SAKSHAT-KARA JHALIYA SAHAJA SAMADHI. TUKA MHANE OOPA-DHI GELI TYA-CHI. Go to the Reality. HE is shapeless. Understand that in every shape is HE. Then you're always happy. (You see the shape, then troubles remain.) 10. GELI TYACHI JANA BRAHMA TOCHI JHALA. ANTARI NIVALA PURNA-PANE. Once you understand nothing is true, no worries for you. Inside, your mind is calm and quiet. You are in tune with Brahman; you are blessed! PURNA-PANE DHALA RAH-TO KAISHA RITI. TYACHI AATAN STHI-TI SANGATO ME. When One is completely satisfied, how does He stay? I'll tell you the secret. SANGATO ME TUMHA AIKA MANO-GATA. RAH-TO MURKHA-VATA JAGA-MAJI. With full mind, hear me. He remains as a foolish person. JAGAATA PISHA-CHCHA ANTA-RI SHA-HANA. SADA BRAHMI JANA NIMAGNA TO. Outside, He lives like a mad man, but inside He is always in tune with Self. NIGMAGNA-TO SADA JAISA MAKA-RANDA. ANTAR-BA-HYA BHEDA VEGA-LA-LE. Like the bee, only interested in honey from the flower, He is always thinking of the Self. Inside and outside, only Self. VEGA-LA-LE BHEDA KITI TYA ASATI. HRUD-GATA TYA-CHI GATI NA KALE KAVA-NALA. Nobody can understand Him or what He does or his thinking. NA-KALE KAVA-NALA TYA-CHE HE-CHI VARMA. YOGI JANE VARMA KHUNA TYACHI. Only Yogis, those who understand correctly, know the essence in Him. KHUNA-TYACHI JANE JE TAISE ASATI. TUKA MHANE BHRANTI DUJI-YALA. Only those who have the practice of Reality know the true identity of a Saint. Tuka says for others it is illusion. Saints, by their presence give peace to others. 11. DUJI-YALA BHRANTI BHAVI-KALA SHANTI. SADHU-CHI TI VRUTTI LINA JHALI. To some He's a fool but to those who have love for Reality, they value what He has given and are always quiet. LINA JHALI VRUTTI BRAHMA-TE MILALE. JALA-TA AATA-LE LAVAN JAISE. Just as salt dissolved in water never comes out, same way ego disappears. He melts it. This melting can be in anybody's heart. One should be a melted person. LAVANA JAISE PUN-HA JALA-CHE BA-HERI. YETA NAHI KHA-RE TY-TUNI-YA. Once in water, salt cannot return to solid form. Likewise, the one who understands Reality, He is melted. Thought has become thoughtless. TYA-SARI-KHE TUMHI JANA SADHU-VRUTTI. PUNHA NA MILATI MAYA-JALA. The Saint stays in Brahman. He never goes again in the illusion. MAYA-JALA TYA-NA PUNHA RE BADHE-NA. SATYA SATYA JANA TUKA MHANE. He never bothers with worldly things. Tuka says, "What I tell is the Truth." 12. SWARGA-LOKI-HUNI ALE HE ABHANGA. DHADI-YELE SANG TUMHA-LAGI. These abhangas have come from heaven, especially for you. NITYA-NEME YASI PA-THA-TA PRA-TA-PE. JALA-TILA PAPE JANMAN-TARIN-CHI. By chanting these 12 abhangas (verses) all sins brought forward from past births, will be burned. TAYA MAGHE-PUDHE RAKSHI NARAYANA. MANDILYA NIRVANA UDI GHALI. Narayana will protect you, now and in the future. When you need HIM most1, HE protects you. BUDDHI-CHA PALATA NAA-SELA KUMATI. HO-ILA SAD-BHAKTI YENE PANTHE. Your mind has been changed; wrong thoughts go and HE remains. Then you understand real devotion -- always thinking of Him and not of yourself. SAD-BHAKTI JHALI-YA SAHAJA SAKSHAT-KARA. HO-ILA UDDHARA PURVA-JANCHA. By real devotion you will get every proof of realization. Your ancestors will be uplifted also. SADHA-TILA YENE IHA-PARA-LOKA. SATYA SATYA BHAKA MAZI TUMHA. He acquires this world and the other world. Tukaram says, "This is the only truth and I vouch for it." PAROP-KARA-SATHI SANGITA-LE DEVA. PRASADIKA MEVA GRAHAN KARA. His mind is so charitable, for the genuine good of others He gives with great clarity to everybody and they get this understanding. This is the real prasad. YENE BHAVA-VYATHA JA-ILA TUMACHI. SA-KHYA VITTHALA-CHI AANA MAJA. In this way worldly miseries go away for you and others also. This can happen to you. On the oath of my Master I tell you. TALA AANI KAN-THA DHA-DILI NISHANI. GHYARE OLA-KHONI SAJJANA HO. These are my cymbals He has sent from (heaven) Self. You are That. You should chant my name with love. MAZE DANDA-VATA TUMHA SARVA LOKA. DEHA-SAHITA TUKA VAI-KUNTHA-SHI. I have achieved Reality (gone to Vaikuntha, Lord Krishna's place) by the grace of my Master. With a strong wish, I bow down to you and tell you, you can also achieve what I have achieved. 13. SATYA SATYA JANA TRIVA-CHA NEMA HA. ANU-BHAVA PAHA PADO-PADI. Saint says with conviction, God is with Him. He's responsible. You will experience that which I've said is the Truth. With every action, remember This. This is the last wish of Tukaram. He has bowed down to us, so we should realize. PADO-PADI PAHA SHRI-MUKHA CHANGA-LE. PRA-TYAK-SHA PA-ULE VITHOBA-CHI. If you do this you'll see Vithoba and how He is protecting you every now and then. In everybody, see HIS face. In that way you can bow down to HIM. VITHOBA-CHI BHETI HARELA BA CHINTA. TUMHA-LAGI AATAN SAANGITA-LE. By meeting HIM, your worries cease. For you, I have given this real understanding. SANGITA-LE KHARE VISHVA-CHIYA HITA. ABHANGA VACHITI JE KA NARA. For the good wish of the whole world, I give understanding to all. Whoever reads this and acts accordingly is a real devotee and will have the experience. TE NARA PA-THA-NI JIVAN-MUKTA-ZALE. PUNHA NAHI AALE SAMSARA-SHI. If you sing these twelve abhangas you will be Realized in the body free from all bondage, never to return to the world again. SAMSARA OODA-LA SAN-DEHA PHITA-LA. PURNA TOCHI ZALA TUKA MHANE. No doubts remain. The cycle of birth/death vanishes. You are complete; you've attained Reality. 14.*2 CHARA KOTI EKA LAK-SHA-CHA SHE-VATA. CHAU-TIS SA-HA-SRA SPA-STA SAANGITA-LE. (4) and (34) In 4 bodies there resides one Self covered by 34 (3 attributes + 4 bodies) 'coverings'. SAANGITA-LE HE TUKA KATHO-NIYA GELA. BARA ABHANGA-LA SODU NAKA. In reciting these 12 abhangas (verses) you get to know what Tukaram says.3 SODU NAKA TUMHA SAANGIT-LE VARMA. BHAVA-PASHI KARME CHUKA-TILA. Don't leave these twelve abhangas!! The essence is in them. Then after understanding, any actions you do, you won't be responsible for the fruits of those actions. You are beyond actions. Everything now is for Totality. CHUKA-TI YA-TA-YA-TI VITHOBA-CHI AANA. KARA HE PATHANA JIVE-BHAVE. You won't take birth again; this is my oath. But you must whole-heartedly read these abhangas again and again with mind, intellect and heart to understand the real meaning. Make them more precious than your life. JIVE-BHAVE KARITA HO-ILA DARSHANA. PRA-TYAK-SHA SAGUNA TUKA MHANE. By reading them again and again, if you consider HIM better than your life, you will have darshan of Vithoba in manifest form. This is bound to happen! 15. VEDACHE ABHANGA KELE SHRUTI-PARA. DVA-DASHA SA-HA-SRA SAMHITE-CHE. What is described in the Vedas and scriptures, was put in these 12 abhangas, translated for you in Marathi. (12 = the 1 unmanifest + 2 , Ishwara/ Maya or Parush/Prakriti.) NI-GHANT NI-RUKT AANI BRAHMA-SUTRA. AVATAR SA-HA-SRA OOPA-GRANTHA. The essence of what has been said in dictionary, Do's and Don'ts of the Brahma Sutra, other texts and their sub-texts, is said in my (Tukaram) abhangas. ABHANGA HE KOTI BHAKTI-PARA JHALE. GNYANA-PARA KELE TITU-KECHI. My verses contain the secret about devotion as well as wisdom in praise of the Lord. PAN-CHA-HATTARA LAKSHA VAIRA-GYA VAR-NILE. NAAMA TE GAAILE TITU-KECHI. Seventy five are "aimed" at understanding dispassion/renunciation. 75 means 7&5. 7= the 5 elements+mind+intellect and 5 is sense objects3.5. Conquering these, brings renunciation. And same number is sung for the Lord. SAATHA LAKSHA KELA BODHA YA JAGASI. VAR-NILE ROOPA-SI TITU-KECHI. Sixty are aimed at describing the form of God. With understanding, then 5 sense objects & ignorance (equaling 6) becomes nothing but zero=6 0, repeatedly described in verses. TEESA LAKSH KELI DEVA-SI KARUNA. KARMA-KANDA JANA EKA LAKSHA. My ritual is to pray to the Lord, and I should be without attributes (Sattva, Raja, Tama should be zero=30) You are the only real aim to reach. DVA-DASH-SA-HA-SRA SVAT-MA-NU-BHAVI. EVAM JANA SARVA SANKHYA AISI. Twelve look to self-realization. Now I realize that You are only one and my past assumption that I existed as an individual (1+ 2) has dissolved in You. AISE HE ABHANGA ZALE-SE BHU-TALI. PANCHA ANTA-RALI PATRI-KECHI. These abhangas have been conceived on earth and are as valuable as the 5 elements which make up this earth. CHAU-TISA SA-HA-SRA LAKSH EK KOTI PANCHA. SANGO-NIYA SAACH GELA TUKA. (34 and 5)The only Truth says Tukaram is Self, residing in the house/body which has 3 attributes and 4 subtle bodies. This Self is veiled by 5 coverings.3.75Once you understand, this is the only Truth. (In this verse Vitthala is speaking to Tukaram.) SA-GUNA HE BRAHMA VITTHALA-CHI BOLE. AIKA PA VAHILE TUKA-RAMA. Sagun (manifest) and nirgun (unmanifest) are One. Whatever you see and perceive is ME, Vitthala. This understanding came to Tukaram. TUKA-RAMA TU-VA KELE JE ABHANGA. KARITI KA JAGI NITYA PAATHA. Those who recite these abhangas everyday with understanding will become That. JAGI PAATHA KARITA AVA-DI SAD-BHAVE. VIPATTI NA HOYA TYA PRA-NYA-SI Those who recite with love and devotion will stay on the spiritual path. No troubles will remain for them. PRA-NYA-CHE KALYANA HO-ILA BA PAHE. BHAVE VACHITA HE NITYA-NEME. If they read these abhangas with love they will be uplifted and always happy. NAME SANKA-STASI KARI AK-RA PAATHA. VI-GHNA TYAN-CHE SPA-STA DURA HOYA. Whenever there is danger or problems be strong enough to recite these abhangas with a firm mind and difficulties will be overcome. DURA HOYA VI-GHNA VITTALA MHANE TUKAYA. SHEVA-TI NIJA-THAYA NE-IN-ME. Vitthala says to Tukaram, "I will not only make them free of problems but I will take them to my own place." the original understanding that I am HE. GURU CHARANI THE-VITI BHAVA. AAPE-AAPA BHETE DEVA (5) Those who have ardent faith in Master and what He says, automatically God is with them. They become HE. MHANU-NI GURU-SI BHAJAVE. ROOPA DHYANA-SI AANA-VE (5) Always worship the Master and keep in mind "I am HE." Only He can show the right path. DEVA GURU-PASHI AAHE.(2) VARAM-VARA SANGU KAYE (2) Master has God in his pocket. How many times do I have to tell you! TUKA MHANE GURU-BHAJA-NI. (2) DEVA BHETE JA-NI VA-NI (2) If you worship your Master and accept what He says then you may be in the jungle or in worldly life, still You are HE. --- dhyanasaraswati <dhyanasaraswati > wrote: > Here it is : > > Here is my personal favorite > > JihvE !keerthaya Kesavam muraripum chEtO: bhaja > Sreedharam > paaNI dvandva! Samarchaya achyutha kathaa: > srOtradvaya! Tvam sruNu / > KrishNam lOkaya Lochana dvaya! HarEr gachcha > angriyugam aalayam > Jigra! GraaNa mukunda paada thuLaseem moordhan nama > adhOkshajam // > > Oh! My tongue! Always recite Kesava's name. > Oh! My mind! Always contemplate on Muraari > Oh! My hands! Always offer worship to Sreedhara > Oh! My ears! Always listen to the stories of > Achyutha > Oh! My eyes! Always see KrishNa everywhere > Oh! My nose! Always smell the fragrance of the holy > basil at the > feet of Mukunda > Oh! My head! Always bow to Lord Vishnu (adhOkshaja) > Sponsored Link Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $310k for $999/mo. Calculate new payment! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Namashkar Shyam-ji : With two 'maharastrian' bahus (daughter-in-laws) in my extended family, i have culltivated a liking for everything Maharastrian - The cuisine ,( my favorite dish is Sonth Panak.) and the Maharastrian saree (pathani) and of course the abhanghs of Saints Namdeo and Tukaram ! In the spring of 2006 , when i was attending my nephew's marriage to this lovely young lady from Kolhapur , Maharashtra , i wanted to go to Saint Tukaram's birthplace but due to time constraint i could not do so! Thanx therefore for all these spiritual gems from Tukaram Maharaj! All his abhangs reflect a lot of 'vairagyam; and disenchantment with worldly and material life! Understandable , is it not ? He suffered a lot in his life having lost his parents in early childhood and siblings and his first wife as well! Reminds me of Bhatruhari's life -before enlightenment, King Bhatruhari wrote 'Sringara shatakam' and after enlightenment Bhartuhari wrote 'Vairagya shatakam' . On another note , let me ask you this - did Tukaram-ji complete the 1000 abhangs left incomplete by Namdeo? Shyam-ji , i would love to post the 53 verses of Mukunda Mala but many good translations are available on the net! i do not like to make a web page out of a web page! Here are the links This is lieral translation written in a bhava of total bhakti by Srila prabhupada! No vedantic interporetation ! It would be more interesting if one can take each verse and then discuss different perspectives on it ! Maureshji comment on the 'grammar'on one verse is quite refreshing ! Anyway , i need no excuse to praise my lord and master Mukunda , here is one just for your reading pleasure! Ma draksham kshina-punyan kshanam api bhavato bhakti-hinan padabje Ma srausham sravya-bandham tava charitam apasyanyad akhyana-jatam Ma smarsham madhava tvam api bhuvana-pathe chetasapahnuvanan Ma bhuvam tvat-saparya-vyatikara-rahito janma-janmantare api 24 Let not my glances fall on those, Who do not have devotion to your feet, Let not me hear any other thing, Except the stories of your exploits, Let not me think of those, Who do not think of thee, Madhava, And let not me become unable, To serve you even in a menial way, Birth after birth. (translation by our member P.R. RAMACHANDER) YES! a True Vaishnava never asks for 'Liberation' or moksha from the cycle of births and deaths - rather He wants to be born and reborn again so he can always remember the lotus feet of the lord and serve him birth after birth! This is exactly the bhava of Kunti devi also! She never wanted to forget her 'krishna' so much so she prayed to him that 'O Krishna! It IS human tendency to forget the lord when one has no sorrow! Let me never forget thee." May be Lord krishna gave her one sorrow after another so Kunti devi can remember Him! On frivolous note , it is good to remember the lord in good times and bad! Hari Aum! Dhyanasaraswati-ji for those beautiful verses > from mukundamala stotra. > Please post more of these as you have some time. > > Here are another set of Tukaram abhangs (from the way > of the bird website) > > Each verse is a priceless gem..... > > 1. > > JANMA-CHE TE MULA PAHILE SHODUNA. DU-HU-KHASI KARANA > JANMA GHYAVA. > > The root cause of birth, gunas/attributes, is nothing > but misery. When you take a body, duality comes. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 advaitin, Shyam <shyam_md wrote: > > Here are another set of Tukaram abhangs (from the way > of the bird website) > There is a multilingual site on Tukarama, at: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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