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Sadhna & Dreams (4)

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As i wrote in my earlier post Dreams and sadhna, Dreams do play an

important role in the life of sadhka.


For every person, the old karma are arranged in such a way that

those karma, for which this life has been awarded remain on the

surface to give fruits and other karma which are not yet ripe remain

inactive in the sub-conscious. These inactive portions only surface

when there is sudden change in circumstances and these sanskaras are

needed to act.


However in the life of a sadhka, when Sushumna is trying to open

and when Kundalini starts sending pure energy currents into Sushumna

nadi, the setting of vrittis/sanskaras change. As a natural process,

all the seeds of karma which have to give bad results start surfacing

fast, as if attracted by the pure energy of the kundalini. This

phenomenon is called purification. When these bad vrittis surface up

and are destroyed by the pure energy of kundalini, they disintegrate

giving out harful toxins...thus giving unexplained illness or even

some very common problems like itching of body or indigestion or bad

cold/flu etc. Most of the Hathha yoga exercise contorl these toxins

through yoga asanaas etc.


Now there are some smaller vrittis which have to give small bad

results, they need not produce harmful toxins and are destroyed in

dreams. The mental tension, the fear etc which one was destined to

undergo in real life, is changed into dream and the mind feels these

fears, tensions, sorrows in the dream. Hence each bad dream seen by

a sadhaka is in fact destruction of small real life tragedy. When

sadhana becomes intensified and when kundalini starts sending large

amount of pure energies into the system, even the bigger sanskaras

are destroyed in dreams.


Dreams of the nature of seeing monsters following us, or seeing

ourselves attacked or burnt or injured clearly indicate that such a

bad vritti has been destroyed and it can be taken as a sign of

progress by the sadhaka.


This purification process is not time-bound. The more the

sadhana, the more will be purification. Bad sansakaras from many

other births (which otherwise could have stayed silently) start

surfacing up. This phenomenon is the reason behind many questions as

to why good people suffer more. a sadhaka's whole life goes into

purification and if he is not correctly analyzing them and is

reacting to these purifications, in a wrong way, he would create more

bad sanskaras.


A Bhakta is normally saved from this position, as he takes all

what he is getting as LOve of the divine and does not react towards a

person for his woes. A gyani understands the chemistry of his woes,

and remains unattached. If a guru is present, he would guide the

disciple in this regard and will save him from further woes.


Bad vrittis and negative energies are more powerful always though

shortlived. It is not easy to get rid of them without undergoing

their punishment. As per Hindu philosophy there is no escape from

the punishment. Even Incarnations of god had to undergo this

punishment in human life. But our sadhna can dilute the

results....and seeing bad dreams by a sadhka is in fact a dilution of

such sin, and its reduced punishment.


With my love and good wishes

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