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On the Supramental Consciousness

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After reading the Mandukya Upanishad and some of Aurobindo's, "The

Life Divine," is Turiya the Supramental without "the descent?" Also,

can you help me on understanding what Sri Aurobindo states on his

road map of Integral Yoga:


1. Man must begin by detaching from his surface personality, time,

space, ego and selfishness.


2. Man must disengage from the constructive consciousness of the mind

and its divided awareness.


3. Man must discover his psychic center which is the secret entrance

to the ascending grades of higher consciousness.


4. Man must climb back to and station himself in the Supramental

consciousness where he will rediscover the Oneness of Existence.


5. Man must act from a poise of consciousness that permits him to

live in Status and Extension simultaneously.


6. Man must act from that center as a point of self-conscious

manifestation to transform life on earth to that of heaven on earth --

God in manifestation.


I have been meditating quite often, generally in the Raja, Bhakti,

and Jnana methods. So hopefully, that would help me in my ascent.


Peace be with all of you.

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, "theseraphicbeing"

<elguapo_marco_2008 wrote:


> After reading the Mandukya Upanishad and some of Aurobindo's, "The

"is Turiya the Supramental without "the descent?"


The first thing to note is that before reading Shri Aurobindo,

one must be expert in Gita, all Upanishadas, Shaivism, Shakta path,

gyan bhakti and karam yoga...now it is very difficult for us to be a

master of all these, we may find hinderances in understanding his

writings. ( I sometimes wonder if Aurobindo came 100s of years

before time!!)


About Turiya let us first see what is Turiya as per Tantra.

Tantra says there are 36 Tattwas (Tattwa=elemental building blocks

of universe) and these 36 Tattwas are grouped into 3 major Groups



1- Shiva Tattwa ( Param shiva + Adi Shakti)


2 - Vidya Tattwa ( Sadashiva+Ishwar+Vidya)


3 - Atam Tattwa (includes 31 elements like ego, maya, avidya etc)


The Turiya in Tantra is called Sakal Tattwa - the sum of all

these Tattwas.


Another thought of Tantra says Universes happen in 1/4th of

Turiya Tattwa and 3/4 remains blissful not connected with the 1/4th



Hence the we can assume, Turiya Tattwa does not descent into

universes fully, but only a part of it.


Turiya Tattwa thus becomes the sum total of all the 3 tattwas which

make the universe plus a big void plus the 3/4th of Turiya which

remains away from creations...


Also the descent is never of the consciousness.... it is the

Shakti which differentiate to lower levels..till solid matter


( I will continue this on weekend)


with my love

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No, I dont think Turiya is same as Supermental. Turiya is the great

beyond, the Sat(Truth)-Chit(Conciousness)-Anand(Bliss) of the Upanishads.


Supermind, or Vigyanmaya Body, is the link between the lower 3

worlds(Physical, Vital or Pranic & Mental) and Sat-Chit-Anand Worlds.


As such Supermind helps us to reach Sacchinanada, & it also divinises

the lower worlds, but it is not necessary. In fact, most Philosophies

in India(before Arvind) gave little value to Vigyan, preferring to

jump straight to Higer levels. The Supermind is only needed if want to

make the lower body Divine.

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Well said. So the Supermind is for the lower bodies and Turiya is THE

Satchitananda. Now, for the yoga part, which had the little

guidelines for Purna yoga:


1. Man must begin by detaching from his surface personality, time,

space, ego and selfishness. I know the "how" on this one to an

extent. Please clarify if this is Nirvana or not.


2. Man must disengage from the constructive consciousness of the

mind and its divided awareness. Is this when one silences the mind

in meditation?


3. Man must discover his psychic center which is the secret entrance

to the ascending grades of higher consciousness. What method is best

for this, Raja Yoga?


4. Man must climb back to and station himself in the Supramental

consciousness where he will rediscover the Oneness of Existence. Is

this medititating by Jnana yoga and on "Aum?" Or is there another



5. Man must act from a poise of consciousness that permits him to

live in Status and Extension simultaneously. Explain on this.


6. Man must act from that center as a point of self-conscious

manifestation to transform life on earth to that of heaven on earth -

God in manifestation. I guess this is to actualise the Supermind and

to go from there.


I am not familiar with Tantra. So if any parts require Tantra, add

further to it.

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> 4. Man must climb back to and station himself in the Supramental

> consciousness where he will rediscover the Oneness of Existence. Is

> this medititating by Jnana yoga and on "Aum?" Or is there another

> meaning?


> 5. Man must act from a poise of consciousness that permits him to

> live in Status and Extension simultaneously. Explain on this.


> 6. Man must act from that center as a point of self-conscious

> manifestation to transform life on earth to that of heaven on earth -

> God in manifestation. I guess this is to actualise the Supermind and

> to go from there.


seraphic, these are practical points which you will only understand

once your mind expands, & you can feel the higher planes.

Understanding these things intellecutally will be of little help.

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, "theseraphicbeing"

<elguapo_marco_2008 wrote:



> 1. Man must begin by detaching from his surface personality, time,

> space, ego and selfishness. I know the "how" on this one to an

> extent. Please clarify if this is Nirvana or not.



Yes when one is completely detached from surface personality and

all the karma permanently.... this can be called Nirvana . But

Nirvana is not the real Moksha as told by Shri Aurobindo. It is a

step higher than the Slokya Mukti of Bhakta, and a step lower than

the final stage. such detachment normally happens in Samadhi too,

but that can not be called Nirvana... It becomes Nirvana when One

becomes detached for ever...like Buddha


As per Tantra, there is a big void between the Brahm and ParamSiva

(the first differentiation of Brham).


This void is without any karma, any shakti, any memory, any bliss or

any name and form. Budha reached here and hence called it Nirvana.




> 2. Man must disengage from the constructive consciousness of the

> mind and its divided awareness. Is this when one silences the mind

> in meditation?



Yes that is true. Silencing the mind means, stopping the

Vrittis (thought waves) from arising and agitating the mind


> 3. Man must discover his psychic center which is the secret

entrance to the ascending grades of higher consciousness. What method

>is best > for this, Raja Yoga?



Awakening the Kundalini and taking her to the Sahasradhara chakra is

the only way to achieve this ...how we do it depends on us...if we do

it by Bhakti, Karma, Yoga or Tantra.




> 4. Man must climb back to and station himself in the Supramental

> consciousness where he will rediscover the Oneness of Existence.

> is this medititating by Jnana yoga and on "Aum?" Or is there

> another meaning?



This is the final stage of Moksha normally defined by hindus. In

it we are one with the Ishwara Tattwa and see the oneness of universe

in us.... This can be achieved by any method



> 5. Man must act from a poise of consciousness that permits him to

> live in Status and Extension simultaneously. Explain on this.


It actually means we are simultaneously awakened in all...

Ishwara, Brahm and Jiva form of existence. We are in body, and are

well aware of the body but simultaneiously we are aware of our

Ishwara and Brhma roopa. This is called Purna Sthiti...and till now

Shri Krishna is the only one, who was in this stage.... Incompletely

though many attained this stage like Janak, Jad-bharat, paramhansa etc




> 6. Man must act from that center as a point of self-conscious

> manifestation to transform life on earth to that of heaven on

earth -

> God in manifestation. I guess this is to actualise the Supermind


> to go from there.




This is the final aim of purna yoga of shri Aurobindo. Though

it looks like impossible now, but it is possible as per Shri

Aurbindo....who says after knowing the Supreme when we come back to

body consciousness, we would start working as a center of God in this

universe, all our deeds being the deeds of God.

> -------------------------

> I am not familiar with Tantra. So if any parts require Tantra, add

> further to it.


shanracer has explained Tantra well. In fact Tantra is the way

which Shri Aurobindo is explaining as Purna Yoga, of course without

the Vaam Marga rituals


with Love



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