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Iam Confused!!!

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Om Shivaya Namaha.


I am really confused and pls donot be offended with my question and

details below, pls clarify me.


In this birth, i have done quiet a few bad things, but now have

started to do good things. I know in this life i will not get MOKSHA.

I am going to be born again.


Being a Hindu and if i have started practising Sadhna and before

Moksha if i die, its going to be a rebirth again. May be not as a

Human again but as anthing, but if in my next human birth is there a

possibility of me following another religion in which rebirth and

karma is not beleived and will i start bashig at our Hinduism? or

still will i be born as Hindu and have a chance of taking steps

towards my Moksha?


In this case why did christianity just 20centuries old, Muslims 16

centuries old came into existance AGAINST our Hinduism which is Old?


I am still confused, even if we assume christianity and muslim birth

is a part of rebirth to learn certain things, will the final birth or

prior to these have to be hindus again the road to Moksha?


Or is it like this, a soul has to suffer / enjoy only one human birth

and take rebirth as something else?


Dear Readers, iam not trying to make any point but iam in a state of

confusion. pls feel free to post your replies.

I am strongly beleiver of Hinduism.


Thanks and best regards


Shivaya Nama Aum.


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It depends on many things. Remember, all religons, even violent ones

that hate everyone, serve some purpose. I person who thinks of God for

even a few minutes is better than one who doesnt think at all. People

who just evolved from animals wont understand Vedant, so for them its

ok to goto Church/Mosque everyday & pray daily etc.


As regards a Hindu Sadhak, his next life depends on the progress in

this life. If he wasnt seriously interested in spirituality, he maybe

born anywhere, in any religon. Remember, you cant fool God by

pretending to be religious.


But he was serious, he will be born in similar circumstances so he can

continue his progress.


In the Gita Krishna said that worship with Form is better than

formless worship. There is a reason for this. Divine beings like

Shiva, Krishna, Durga are not just abstract principals(like Mayawadins

claim), but real Beings who live in the Higher realms & are beyond

Time & Death. So if you are a follower of Shiva, he wont forget you,

even if you forget him.


Every life, he will bring conditions in your life which will turn you

towards Him.


So you have nothing to fear. Your Ishta Devtaa will never forget you,

& force you on the path of God every in every life, till you are Free.

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, "senthil_sym" <senthil_sym



> Om Shivaya Namaha.


> I am really confused and pls donot be offended with my question


> details below, pls clarify me.


> In this birth, i have done quiet a few bad things, but now have

> started to do good things. I know in this life i will not get


> I am going to be born again.


> Being a Hindu and if i have started practising Sadhna and before

> Moksha if i die, its going to be a rebirth again. May be not as a

> Human again but as anthing, but if in my next human birth is there


> possibility of me following another religion in which rebirth and

> karma is not beleived and will i start bashig at our Hinduism? or

> still will i be born as Hindu and have a chance of taking steps

> towards my Moksha?


Well senthil I really was expecting this question from someone.

You know when I started my sadhna long ago...this was the first

question which came to my mind...and lot of my nears and dears who

started sadhna put the same question. Let me not reply to this

question. Let Krishana reply to you. In Gita when Arjuna asks


Arjuna - What happens to those Yogis who start with sincerety, but

due to some materialistic hiderances, leave their way or the one who

starts this Yoga and dies before getting Moksha...what happens to

him?.. has he not lost both physical world and your Loka ?


Shri Krishna - Hey Partha...a Yogi is never at loss either in this

world or in Other/Astral worlds. Unsuccessful Yogis go to good

astral worlds enjoy there, and then take re-birth in the household

of pious people, or rich people and start their Yoga from where they

left it in last birth


Those who did rigorous yoga but missed Moksha take birth in a

household where there are all yogis and thus he remembers his last

birth and re-starts (Gita chapter 6)


Shri Auribindo says in "Synthesis of Yoga" - Those who select God,

must be sure that it is God who selected them First....so God takes

care for our new birth and ensures that we start again from where we





> In this case why did christianity just 20centuries old, Muslims 16

> centuries old came into existance AGAINST our Hinduism which is



> I am still confused, even if we assume christianity and muslim


> is a part of rebirth to learn certain things, will the final birth


> prior to these have to be hindus again the road to Moksha?


> Or is it like this, a soul has to suffer / enjoy only one human


> and take rebirth as something else?




In gita again Shri Krishna reveals -" Yam Yam vaapi....bhavita



What ever you think at the last moment of life..just before

death..you will see the same


So the christian thinking of Jesus will see him after

death...muslim will see Mohammed after death and hindus may see

Krishna, Shiva, Hanuman,Ganesh,Durga after death. But these are

differrent forms of same Heaven (astral level)


The concecpt of Moksha is unique in Hinduism, and most of the Hindus

even dont know it. Most of the hindus are bhakta who believe in

deities like christians muslims or jews do.


That is why the masses who believe in some heaven/hell after life

go to such astral levels...come back and mother Nature as per their

mental evolution give them a body.


As for getting into a family of non-hindus...Romand Rolland, Mother

(aurobindo's disciple) and many other christians were born in strict

catholic families, but became great saints of hinduism.


Even in our Group here, there are examples where people of other

religions turned towards hinduism and made good progress...some

examples in this group are


Jaya Kesava Dasa - born Catholic but turned to Hare Krishna


Aum Agni Devi - born in strict Greek catholic...but master in Tantra


Imtiyaz - born a muslim but progressed in Buddhism


Devi Bhakta - born a christian but perfected in Shakta Path


Adreamgoddess - born as Bahai (perhaps) and turned to Tantra


MrTarun - born as strict catholic but turned to Hare Krishna


Nora- born as muslim but turned to immense sadhna in Shakta path


Tatwamasi - born in a communist family..but slowly turning to Vedanta


I myself was an atheist till 1992 and suddenly overnight..i was

forced to believe in God and in Hinduism.


So we should not really worry... god will take care of our next

birth if we are sincere to him


And please feel free to flout any of the posts if you are not

satified...we are very mature here and welcome constructive criticism


with my love

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> In this case why did christianity just 20centuries old, Muslims 16

> centuries old came into existance AGAINST our Hinduism which is Old?


> I am still confused, even if we assume christianity and muslim birth

> is a part of rebirth to learn certain things, will the final birth

>or >prior to these have to be hindus again the road to Moksha?


I think the Progession graph is like this(NOTE: Offensive to

Communists, PC people, so turn away now if you are one of these):


Animal->Muslim->Christian->Sikh/Bahai etc->Buddhist->Hindu->Moksha.


Of course you can move back as well.......but dont worry, you have

reached the end of the chain, & unless you seriously mess up, only way

is forward.

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> What ever you think at the last moment of life..just before

> death..you will see the same


I have a question about this point. So if you dont think about God all

your life, but only think about God at death time, will you goto God?

There is even a story in the Puranas where a non-religious person, who

had named his son Vishnu, when he was dying, called out "Help me

Vishnu" for his son, but the real Vishnu came, & took him to heaven.


Now the man was proably calling his son Vishnu to teach him somehting

illegal like how to mix dropsy oil with normal oil & cheat people. So

is the real Vishnu so stupid that he was fooled into thinking the man

was calling him, even though he was calling his son? Or is the story

made up for lazy people, who think that just by naming their children

after Gods they will goto heaven?

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, radha_sharma_99 <no_reply wrote:


> I have a question about this point. So if you dont think about God all


you are perhaps talking about Ajamil Brahmin, whose son's name was

Narayan and he called his name and vishnu came to his rescue. Well I

dont believe in this crap. In one of my older posts, i had flouted

this point, which raged some Vaishnaviites.


The Truth is that at the time of Death, moments before the last

breath, no one can remember a thing which he never cared the whole life.

Most of the materialistic people, think about the children, wife, nears

and dears or property. The strongest Sanskaar made during the life

time, comes up during the death.


Some may speak god's name out of fear of death, but it does not have

any value....as we cant fool God. It is if someone has really

worshipped God with full heart, only he will remember God...with love

at the last moments.


Sometimes even those whom we hated too much, become our attention at

the time of death...


I saw the truth of this when I had a near death experience(NDE) in

1990, while i drowned into Siene river in Paris... I just saw face of

my little daughter and thought about her while i was drowning... I

forgot everything else...no god, no wife or parents.


I have had another NDE during 2000 when I saw exactly how death

comes, how our sense organs behave and how we think at the time of



Death is different for different people. Most of the common herd

just feel themselves going fast into a black deep tunnel...and then

they lose consciousness...and wake up only in the next birth


Those who are little advanced on spiritual scale... remain

consious, and see their whole life as a film played reverse. In some

moments they see their whole life, its lessons, its problems...and the

strongest Vritti which they nourished throughout the life, becomes

their center of attention...which also decides their next move whethe

it to heaven, hell or next birth


I remember one of our neighbour old lady was dying, and people

around her gathered and her son was pouring Gangajal in her mouth and

asked her to utter Ram Ram... The old woman who had never worshipped

god in her life... was just shaking her head..she tried to speak Ram-

Ram, but could not...and died horribly eyes popping out and mouth open!


So those Puranic stories of bad people, just uttering the name of

his son, which is same name of God..and god comes to help is Crap and

has no relation to the truth.


with my love

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>"I have had another NDE during 2000 when I saw exactly how death

>comes, how our sense organs behave and how we think at the time of



>Death is different for different people. Most of the common herd

>just feel themselves going fast into a black deep tunnel...and then

>they lose consciousness. ..and wake up only in the next birth"


can you please explane this part a bit more.


Also is the next birth you are talking of(Most of the common herd) is it the next physical birth on earth or

birth in different relms (upper or lower) .





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I think the Puranic stories were meant for ordinary folk, to explain

them complicated things in simple language.


The Vedas were written in Esoteric Sanskrit, which meant few could

understand them. So fraud Pandits were exploiting people by claiming

they had to do complicated rituals to goto heaven.


So the authors of the Puranas simplified the concepts of Vedas &

Upanishads. So Indra, God of Divine Mind who rains showers of

knowledge, became just an ordinary demi-god of rain. Varun, God of

Vastness, became demi-god of Sea.


The Puranas also invented their own symbology, which is different to

one given in the Vedas. Some old concepts like the Cow of knowledge

were lost. Some, like Agni were kept but given a different status.


The problem arises, I think, when people argue the knowledge in

Puranas in superior to that of Vedas/Upanishads. The Puranic stories

are simplifications of the Truth, but to say they are the Truth is


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  • 4 weeks later...

My Dear Ka Baba,Please Accept my Most Humbel Obiesance!All Glories To Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!Al;l glories to the Lovers of Krsna! Mainly the Gopies!

I know When You Believe in something strongly,I would never Want to be on your bad Side )

I thought If I could Explian The Way the Story of Ajamila,Was Told to me ,You might Think It Different!

I was Told that When the Visnudutiuies came to Stop the YamadutiesFrom Taking Aljamila To Visnueloka They did not give Ajamila liberation,Or even entance into Krsna Loka!They told Him sayingh Naryaina,Made them Come there Imeadiatly!They then told him,(as was Was toldto me,Thar Now He has A 2nd Chance,and I think They Gave Him,2 months cometo Purification,Him Chanting Krsna's Holy Name,Being Pure,Then Only Did After he had Pure Love of visnue ,did

they Come Back ,To Diliver Him,Back To Visnu,Or Godhead!So he had To Take up,The Real Bramins Life,Being totally Pure,So Then He could Love Visnu.Really,So He had A choich,To be a Devotee or Karmi!Then Only did they take Him Back?After he Became pure,He was Totaly Krsna Consciousness!This is The Way ,Srila Prabhupada

Has Told

Us,Seems More Truthful!Just tringto Repeat My Gurus Words,Like a Postman Delivers the Mesaage,Unchanged!

Hope You are Doing Well,Missing You alwaysYour Servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa










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