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Dear Friend Manovadi Prakash Kandapal! And All Manovadis!




It is horrifying to see how rampant the casteism has caught the Mind.


In the Guise of Vedic astrology, Inhuman-Manusmrithi is pushed,





I am surprised at how much Junk You have acquired and how much illusory

beliefs you have. It is a disease and it is a corrosion acquired through

thousands of your cow-dung philosophy. The way all of you reacted when I

questioned the brahminical word usage and on that pretext, how other

people in Hinduism are exploited, a totally venomous onslaught and

reaction has been displayed. It is because of the caste Brahmins, India

and Hindus are dis-united and again it is because of high caste

domination, lower caste people are converting. India and especially 90

crores of Hindus will never develop, as long as they are suppressed

under the guise of holy-shit called Brahmanism, untouchability etc.


In fact, to prove one's superiority, one needs an imagined lower

category, other wise how will they prove that they are of higher

category even without deserving to be so? So they create always an

opposite to them selves, but infact they are the sides of the same coin.

An Untouchable is as good as , and better as a Brahmin and a Brahmin is

as worse as an Untouchable and even More chandalik than an Untouchable

in reality. Hence birth is in no way, a basis for classification,

however arrogantly the so-called caste-born Brahmins might think. Birth

significance and superiority has gone long ago my friend.




One Learned Friend used to say:








Now the way you people have reacted, I can say hundred percent that

casteism is still rampant in India.






Here you say:


You are welcome to throw questions etc.




But my friend, I am not allowed to answer and my answers are blocked,

your so-called upper caste, 'Brahman' knowledge moderators.... This is

the hypocrisy and superiority domination game always played by almost

all the religions, not only brahminical caste idiots.




Here was my previous reply which was not published:






Oh! Uhh! What an Arrogant Intolerance!.....


What an irrelevant drool....


No doubt Hitler borrowed Swasthika from you upper caste Aryans.


By not allowing any alternative discussions or bold questionings, is it

not obvious that it is (people like)you who want to force your thinking

and conditionings?





RESPECT should not be demanded, it should come out of it's own, through

one's heart. Otherwise it will lead to Slavery. Not for the sake of

getting free advises, some body calls pranams, guruji's, etc.

doesn't mean anything....


I am sure, you are uncomfortable to face the Harsh TRUTH. And I already

made my Points crystal clear, which may seem uncomfortable to some.

Readers are the Judges. You don't have to worry. You did not read it

properly, You are diverting cleverly on the Points raised by me and

creating an Image as if I am attacking or disrespectful to

Dakshinamoorty Guruji, which was never the case. Cunning people like you

will not escape, I can answer, even hundred letters on this subject and

I have made some principled statements only. If you don't like, that's

fine, but don't be a Hitler, by demanding to ban, throwing others etc...

Your intolerance and egoism is quite obvious.


Anyway, You still need to grow up a lot and understand many things. If

you don't know the subject then just keep quite and learn, what is real

astrology. "Not all that is Obvious is True."


I never said any thing or there was anything personal, for what reason

you are getting emotional and attributing some thing non-essential.


I do respect all astrologer brothers on an equal and mutual basis.


It was Never Personal, and I definitely respect the Vedic knowledge and

astrological knowledge of Dakshinamoorthiji, and never questioned his

learning, that's why advanced points and reformative outlooks are

pointed out.


Don't think others don't know anything. I am also a Vedic-Indian



I think You did not understand or not yet mature enough to

understand the things. As time goes by, everything needs reformation and

changes and modifications and some conservatives and vested interested

groups always don't want them. That's the flow of the things, it is

always resisted, thinking they are always right and they only are the

most eligible to protect the masses. But out of repression comes a new

beginning and that will be real answer for people like you. Only Time

will tell and People will know the Truth about themselves. You don't

need to take so much trouble.





........Kabir is a harbinger, a herald of the future, the first flower

that heralds the spring. He is one of the greatest poets of religion. He

is not a theologian, he does not belong to any religion. All religions

belong to him, but he is vast enough to contain all. No particular

religion defines him. He is a Hindu and a Mohammedan and a Christian and

a Jaina and a Buddhist. He's a great beauty, a great poetry, a great

orchestra. Kabir is rare, he is a poor man. In Kabir, for the first time

a poor man is recognized as a man of God. Otherwise it was a monopoly of

kings and princes and rich people.


- The Revolution, Chapter #1


Kabir, THE SONGS OF KABIR. Nothing like it exists in the world. Kabir is

incredibly beautiful. An uneducated man, born a weaver -- to whom nobody

knows -- his mother left him on the bank of the Ganges. He must have

been an illegal child. But it is not enough to just be legal; he was

certainly illegal, but he was born out of love, and love is the real

law. I have also spoken much on Kabir too, so there is no need to add

anything except again and again to say, "Kabir, I love you as I have

never loved any man.


- Books I Have Loved, Chapter #5


Kabir is a nobody, a man of the masses, very poor, very ordinary, with

no education at all, with no culture. And that is his rarity. Why do I

call it his rarity? Because to be ordinary in the world is the most

extraordinary thing. He was very ordinary -- and he remained ordinary.

Kabir is really that normal person that you never come across in life,

with no desire to be special. When he became enlightened, then too he

remained in his ordinary life. He was a weaver; he continued to weave.


----OSHO - Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language, Chapter #1


Every Messiah brings a special message, a unique message. This is

Christ's special message. He simply says, "Thy sins are forgiven." He is

not miserly about it. Unconditionally! There is no condition attached.

He is not saying, "You do this and you do that and then your sins will

be forgiven." No, he says, "They are forgiven. You have loved much. Your

tears have shown your helplessness. I have seen into your heart." And I

also say, that if you are ready, if you pour down your heart, your sins

are forgiven. They are forgiven in your very surrender. Not that I

forgive them, they are forgiven in your very trust; you are free, you

are saved.



Your being is never reflected in the eyes of others. Your being you

have to come to know only in one way -- and that is by closing your eyes

to all the mirrors. You have to enter into your own inward existence, to

face it directly. Nobody can give you any idea of it, what it is. You

can know it, but not from others. It can never be a borrowed knowledge,

it can only be a direct experience, a direct experiencing, immediate.


---osho----The Discipline of Transcendence Vol. 1 #2

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