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Scorpio... in Transit - We discover what Scorpio's all about! 22 Nov

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a Good post,


will try to present these in parts to keep the focus on with some interaction along the way.


well with a few malefics in Vrischika/scorpio and Satn in Leo sure we can expect some reveoltiionary chages in a few places esp where the ROYALTY is still In vouge, then the formoer colonies of them as well. or commonwealth countires where the crown/queen is still the head.

we can expect some violence, bloodhed industrial accidents and earth quakes in some sensitive parts. can expand on the thi slater.


on the positive side many changes as we have seen in Nepal comming to shape take a leap forward. some medicinal improvements can come around too. and sportsmen with scorpoi dominant and well aspected can excell too. Militray operations in West asia with a well fortified scorpio will do well and despots or crude operators there can also be in the news for their gruesome ways also like more exposures of their past crimes. a few CD' s photographs that came exposing them can show up again with fresh cases.





markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com wrote:



Now’s the time of the year when “Nature” flows through

the Constellation or Sign of Scorpio. Of course, the Moon flows

through Scorpio each Month for 2 ½ days but, now, we have a lot of

differnet Planets going through Scorpio as well.

Last month we had a similar situation of many Planets going through

Libra at the same time and the month before all going through Virgo. Each of these months too were good opportunities to

discover what Virgo and Libra are about. Now,

we have a good chance to learn about Scorpio.

Scorpio is one of the 12 Chief Constellations so each one of their

energies and nature are very important to us.

When the Sun or any Planets are in Scorpio in one’s

Astrological chart, then one imbibes some of ‘this’ Scorpio


Therefore, during a time, like now, when the Sun and other Planets

are going through Scorpio, it’s a perfect time to focus on the

beauty and purpose of Scorpio.

Today, November 21st, the Moon’s also in Scorpio

so you might have a slightly more negative few of it, because now the

“stinger” of the Scorpio scorpion is lively. However, tomorrow the Moon will move into

Sagittarius and the more rational and less emotional side of Scorpio will

become more apparent.

This time however, is also a Scorpio time because recently, (last

month) the important Planet Jupiter also moved into Scorpio for its 13

month duration.

For all these reasons therefore we should focus on Scorpio. “For better or Worse”… I never

understood that expression of the commitment of Marriage contract till I

studied Astrology. See, every Sign or energy

in Astrology has a “better or worse” side. And we’re meant to understand the good with

the bad.

Sure, we may wish to emphasize the good, but we should be prepared

to handle the bad. Why?

Because that’s what life’s all about. If I’ve learned anything from watching 18

years of Transits, each day for all these years; it’s that life

flows through ups and downs.

There’s always something going on, some good and some not so

good. Life is like the weather. Some days are clear, others overcast. Sometimes it’s dry and other days it

rains. Some days it’s calm while other

days are stormy. Astrology teaches us which

days will be which, not so much because we hope to someday have an

environment which is always sunny, but so we can learn how to

‘deal’ with life the way it is.

In other words, we want to be happy no matter what the weather

does! Like that we want to be Enlightened,

inside, so no matter what happens on the surface of life; it doesn’t

pull us off our center. Studying and becoming

wise about the positives and negatives of all the different aspects of

Astrology is meant to help us evolve.

If we keep getting confused and put off by Scorpio or Libra or

Virgo energies then this will hold us back and restrict our

evolution. We should want to become wise about

all the various natural energies of life just so we can progress


Scorpio is no exception. Like the Virgo

and Libra combination of Planets over the last 2 months, now all the

Planets are beginning to plunge into Scorpio.

So, the good and the bad of Scorpio will be coming to us



So, that we learn what Scorpio is all about.

We do this 1, 2, 3 years and become Masters of these 12 most basic

Signs of Astrology and we’ll have mastered such a deep part of

life’s purpose! Life exists, flows and

progresses through these 12 Signs or energies; so learning how to handle

them all will benefit your own Psychology and path of


Scorpio has its own unique story!

Scorpio is about “Convictions”.

It’s about “beliefs”, and “ideals” as

well. Those people with 1 or more planets in

Scorpio have a stronger sense of what they believe in and

convictions. As a result they make great

crusaders and people who care about life, the environment and causes.

Therefore “good”, positive and balanced Scorpio energy

will stand up for causes and what is right and needed in life. However, this energy also has a down side to

it. Because Scorpio is ruled by Mars it has

the Mars aggressiveness to it. This of course,

is good for crusaders but the same energy that’s good for crusading

can also be tiring, exhausting or inappropriate in other


For example, that Scorpio tenacity may be important for standing up

against the forces of darkness but sometimes that same energy becomes so

dominant that it rules one’s personal life as well.

The biggest challenge for all Scorpios is that they don’t

project their intense Scorpio ness onto others.

Those who are doing wrong do need to be exposed, but that same

energy which stings the criminals and ‘wrong’ doers also is a

tad too intense for one’s family and friends.

In other words, that energy may be important and good in certain

circumstances but tiring and problematic in others.

Jyotish or Astrology, on the other hand, has these amazing rules to

help us know when our ‘Scorpio’ is being appropriate or out of


In this article we will cover the main symbolisms of each Planet in

Scorpio and we’ll get a chance this month to verify whether these

ideas seem true and accurate in our individual lives.

What is your Rising


So, figure out what your Rising sign is?

This will then, determine where your #8 Scorpio is in your

chart. So, if you have a #1 Aries in your

1st House then your #8 or Scorpio will be in your

8th House. Though if you have

Scorpio in your first house, then the #8 will be there in your first


Then, once you’ve determined which House has your Scorpio,

then you’ll know what area of the life will all these up-coming

Transits of Scorpio being playing out their story.


First we’ll go into the symbolism of each Planet in Scorpio

and then you’ll have to make the link to which House is this drama

going on.

Let’s take the present Transit of the Moon in Scorpio. Especially because this is the worse Scorpio

planetary configuration it may be the most notable right now!

Moon’s unhappy in Scorpio because the Moon and Scorpio are so

opposed or different then each other.

Therefore when a person has Moon in Scorpio in their charts or are

experiencing Moon in Scorpio ‘there’ all kinds of negative

emotional situations are predicted.

The primary problem with Moon in Scorpio is the sweet, kind hearted

nature of the Moon is found in the angry, resentful and unforgiving nature

of Mars’ Scorpio. People with Moon in

Scorpio in their charts have very distinct problems with forgiveness,

resentment and anger.

And the worst part is that they will tend to blame you for their

perspective. Like Virgos, Scorpios tend to see

the problems that you are doing. They see what

you should be doing much in the same way that a Virgo sees the fault that

someone is doing.

Scorpios’ story however has to do with what is right and

just. They look out into the World to try and

know what is more just and true. That’s

why they’re so good at being crusaders because their

“standard” or ideal is so high.

However, when Moon is in Scorpio or any Planets are imbalanced

there, they tend to project onto you impossible standards, they even they

can’t live up to.

This is where the Scorpio stinger comes in.

When someone is doing something “wrong” in life;

stealing a purse or lieing in a contract, the Scorpio stinger is there to

punish. So, Scorpio may be a good attribute to

have for a prosecutator or judge, but may be an unforgiving energy to have

in an inter-personal relationship.

So, if the Judge is correct in stinging a criminal for violating

the law again, a personal friend deserves slightly more forgiveness if

they aren’t living up to what we know is right.

I tell Scorpios then, your perception may be correct. But, you’re not really meant to be the

prosecutator or judge of others. This is why

the Bible says: “Judge not, lest yee be

judged.” In other words, also let God

bring the consequences of people’s actions. Because for each action that is performed we will be

starting another strain of karmic consequences.

But, if I have a kind of relationship

with someone where they want me to help them either with their

imperfections or ideals then find we can offer our guidance. Scorpio’s however, tend to jump in there even

if it’s not really their business. This

is where the ‘Scorpion’ gets him/herself in trouble.

Because it’s so automatic like the Virgo’s

criticalness, the Scorpio stinger is just found stinging us. I also tell Scorpios to let people know they have

such high standards. Most people who come into

contact with Scorpios at some time or another come across that Scorpio

stinger and it comes out of seeming nowhere.

This is because the Sign of Scorpio is so private and


It rules the subtle, mysterious 8th House in Astrology

and is therefore unseen and unmanifest. I tell

Scorpio’s “Let people know who you are and what you believe

in.” That way, if they want to be your

friend they’ll know what high standards you hold.

However, Scorpio also needs to learn that just because they have

that ability to strive for what is good and just, everyone else, within

reason has the right to go more slowly in that direction. Virgo’s too have this problem where they,

themselves, want to be perfect and naturally see the imperfections of

themselves and others.

Virgo’s also have the challenge because they’re not

often able to solve their own imperfections so instead of figuring that

out, they focus on being critical upon others.

Scorpio’s have the same challenge.

They often can’t figure out how to be more ideal themselves

so instead of focusing their intense Scorpio “glasses” upon

themselves often times they find it easier to project that intensity on


The other main difficult and challenge for Scorpio is that the

intense energy of Scorpio so innocently pervades the fine feeling

level. They “are” that way, and

don’t even realize the dilemma.


The Solution: however, is more simple then you might imagine. The solution is to “Be” that unique

Scorpio energy only don’t be too wild about it.

Be that 1/12th of the Zodiac, be that which strives to

be ideal, true and just; just don’t be too tyrannical about


All the Planets



Now, let’s look at all the Planets that are going through

Scorpio now or soon and reflect on their particular flavors for right and


We’ve already talked about Moon in Scorpio. It is the most troublesome and complex and

confusing especially if you have it. Because

the Moon is the finer feeling level, when it’s in that angry or

resentful Scorpio perspective one just feels one is right and others

better correct themselves.

All the people I’ve talked to with Moon in Scorpio’s

are first confused and dismayed by their Moon’s. After awhile however, they begin to sense that yes

indeed they are very hard on not only others, but themselves. So, learning to lighten up for a Scorpio is really

a chance for liberation.

Moon in Scorpio’s are meant to be happy and not so irritable,

upset or resentful. It doesn’t do any

good anyway. The Universe is going to continue

being populated by people at all levels of evolution and life. That intense irritableness of Scorpio for the Moon

is meant to be changed.

Like the Moon in Virgo, when the Moon discovers it can and is

supposed to be of almost any other kind of emotional flavor, then it finds

the real purpose of its life.

For me, having the Moon in Virgo at the time of birth, I know what

it means to discover that one’s Moon is supposed to be better. Initially it seemed quite unfathomable how I might

transform my Virgo.

Then, I remembered something my Guru said once. “We shouldn’t seek Perfection in

the Relative. Perfection only exists in the

Absolute.” As I thought about this I

realized this was a great wisdom for Virgo. If

Virgo is not meant to be sought in the relative World, and in fact is only

a virtue of the Absolute, perfect unbounded Consciousness, spirit or God,

then what is Virgo for?

At that point I realized this 1/12th of the Zodiac

seeking perfection is to help us yearn and move towards Perfection. But, not finding it here in life, then, we try to

find it in the World. That’s where you

find Virgo’s who are so tenacious to be critical and judgmental

because their Virgo sense is so developed.

Scorpio has a similar problem. I think

then, that Scorpio too is really looking for something so true, ideal and

perfect, like justice that ‘it’ can only be found in the

spiritual realm. “After all,

…” my Guru said,

“everything is perfect anyway.”

And that was the final stroke of perfectionism too. Stop seeking perfection in the relative, like

keeping everything neat, in a row, and instead learn that perfection only

exists inside.

Then, after learning that, I discovered, the messy nature of the

relative also is perfect in a very real way.

So, also a Scorpio can contemplate the ideal perfect justice of the

Universe. Then, their Scorpio radar and sense

has the best chance of being fulfilled.

However, then, their Scorpio sense will not be so intense to up

seat the shopping cart and spill everything upon the ground.

Now, let’s see how the other various Planets do in


We’ve already talked about the Moon.

Now, let’s talk about the Sun.

When the Sun’s in Scorpio, the person very soul, or I, self

or ego has that deep Scorpio flavor. They may

not be as emotional as the Moon in Scorpio person, but they still have a

strong Scorpio streak. Therefore the same

rules and ideas pertaining to Scorpio apply to the Sun/Scorpio person


Sun in Scorpio

My dad didn’t have the Moon in Virgo like me, but he did have

his Sun in Virgo. And, he had no idea how hard

he was on himself, his children or others. He

was a critical perfectionist! Thank God he

also had an Exalted Moon in Taurus. At least

that mellowed his intense Virgo ness.

So, the lesson of Sun in Scorpio until December 15th

will be an ideal time to reflect upon the good and the bad of

Scorpio. Sun in Scorpio types live this as

their deepest soul energy. If any of you have

the Sun in Scorpio, maybe right into to us to tell us what it feels like

to have that!

Venus in


Venus is also in Scorpio right now. So,

the expressive heart is in that unforgiving, Scorpio energy right

now. This will appear to be quite different

then the last few weeks when Venus was in the very right and true Libra

energy. Last month the expressive heart was

full and vibrant in that caring and giving nature of Libra.

Now, Venus has moved into Scorpio, where souls being born now will

have that Scorpio ness pervading their expressive Venus hearts. Venus in Scorpio people often times are thought to

be fairly cold or unexpressive. This of

course, is because their affectionate Venus part of them is stuck in that

Scorpio mysteriousness.

The solution for Venus in Scorpio, I tell people is to let people

hear how you feel about your heart and feelings.

They deserve to know and don’t expect that they would know

without you telling them. Scorpio needs to

bring it’s realities out of the subtle, and mysterious realm into

the light of day.

Jupiter in


Jupiter has been in Scorpio since the end of October and will

continue going through this energy for 13 months!

Jupiter too has a unique perspective of Scorpio ness. Jupiter, itself, represents the spiritual or

religious sense and when it’s in Scorpio the person tends to have a

self-righteous ness associated with their Spirituality.

I met another Jupiter in Scorpio student this summer who was living

completely this value. Though they also had

their Mars in Scorpio too, still their really believed what they thought

was right, was really right for everyone else.

And if you didn’t agree with him then you were the


What might the positive value of Jupiter in Scorpio be? It might be a good opportunity to grow in the

Knowledge and Wisdom of Scorpio. It certainly

isn’t a time to feel fixated or attached to your views on what is

right, ideal or true.

Also, this Planetary Transit like many others, is there to show us

what the karma of such placements will be like.

So, we can watch our own spiritual sense over this next year and

see if we get more rigid and narrow minded about what we believe or

whether we grow in intensity about what we believe in a good


These are all the Planets that are presently in Scorpio. Soon, we’ll find even Mercury and Mars join

the Scorpio soup! So, we’ll continue

another day on what these energies will be like to.


4th 2006

I’m looking forward to this day because all these planets

will be in Scorpio on this day!






Now, that’s going to be an intense Scorpio day!

Let’s also focus, end on the good of Scorpio.

Scorpio seeks that which is just, right and true.

Scorpio seeks to know and to aspire to live truthfulness,

righteousness and justice.

Let Scorpio lead the way in righteousness and help us find what is

ideal in life.

Jai Guru!


Mark Kincaid


Nature's Astrology



markkincaid (AT) natuersastrology (DOT) com

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