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Where can I turn to for spiritual shelter? Nama Prabhu, Sri Guru, Srimad Bhagavata,..

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Krsna Prabhu,

Even tho every person on the planet may appear less than perfect, still the Lord recommends taking shelter of His devotee Acharayam mam vijaniyam.

Of course that can be deciphered in so many ways according to the individuals faith. If we see fault or inconsistency in a potential spiritual master it doesn't always stand that this is the case, as what we see may be a product of our own conditioned suspicion.

Srila Sridara Maharaj would say, "Suspicion leads to suspention". The lack is generally far more in us than the acharya. The faulty vision is in the seer, that doesn't mean we embrace any 3 dollar bill parading as the guru. But we may not know who is best for us from our present position, but does that mean we give up the whole quest. Maybe you should ask yourself how much you have truly endeavoured to approach any of the prospective acharya's available. Because it is a part of the process recomended, to make a personal connection to a guru, it may well appear daunting but most disciples I've known have always felt the better for it. Trust Krsna that this arrangment truly helps us become who we are even tho we may not tranform into our eternal internal swarup immediately it's a big step in the right direction. Not that, oh no Iv'e really blown it.

I remember Srila Govinda Maharaj saying that those who approach him for initiation are of two types.... emotional and devotional, some are swept up in just wanting a guru because it's the groovy thing to do and all these others are doing it, and then when they've taken, geez I don't feel any different, Ithought the sky was going to open up and Krsna would appear on his chariot and take me on a gi\uided tour of His kingdom. And then there are those who genuinely want to be devotees who come to do any service they can, like a full time job. That is they don't come to take, but to give their life, unconditionally.


As was Srila Prabhupad 's approach to his guru the only question he asked was, "How can I serve you?"


Am i afraid of committment? Like the step into marriage. Will I choose the wrong partner? Try and have some confidence in what your heart is telling you, then check it with sastra, and if it still all comes up doubtful or unsatisfactory then maybe you arn't ready to take that step at present.

But don't be dissappointed or discouraged there are many here among us who try to simply follow the good shelter of the instructions given by many reputable gaurdians.

My guess is that you are already taking some shelter in your sincere enquiry, most people don't even make it that far.

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That's an interesting question. I know for me before I came into contact with Prabhupada I was in such terrible pain and misery that I could care less how or where I got the answers but I needed them. Now that I have read Prabhupada's books I feel I have benefitted quite a bit from them and I do feel much less anxiety. Just from reading his books I feel that I have an idea of what his personality was like and I find him to be quite a gentleman worthy of the praise and admiration of which he is given.

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