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For Brajleelaji : Shall I win the litigation ? 22/11

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recite aditya hrudayam regularly first and then try to go to an out of court setlement and save time and resources.

u r running Sade saat and in peak rasi if this stretches over to the Natal Moon sure will be even worse than now so plan an early exit.


from 25-12-06 to 9-2-09 u will be running thru Guru-ravi to Guru chandra both are in Sun's star and sun is with Budha, ketu and aspected by sani in rasi and in 12th with Sukra inD9 SO WILL ENTAIL A LOT OF EXPENSES, LOSSES, SOME Hospitalisation too, so pl take time and plan an early exit.


I use RAMAN's ayanamsa so dasa, dates will differ, results u can c from the archives even last 15 days of mine.



G B Prashant Kumar


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adityauc <adityauc (AT) (DOT) co.in>

vedic astrology

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:27:44 PM

[vedic astrology] For Brajleelaji : Shall I win the litigation ?


Respected Brajleelaji :

With extreme anxiety I approach u through this message of mine. I

amfighting a legal battle that is expected to end in another year.

Its regarding blocked money since 1990 ( JUP -SATN ), when I believe

that interaction of 6th and 8th lords caused the problem.Now that I

have fought the legal battle for a long stretch of 15 years ( though

not continuously) what are my chances of winning the lawsuit and

getting back my money ? If I win : When ? Any remedies. My life is

hinged on ur kind answer.

DOB : 19.9.1956, Place : Kolkata ( Calcutta).05. 03AM.

Asc : Leo with Jupiter. 2nd : Merc ® with Sun, 4th : Sat and Rah,

7th : Moon and Mars ®. 10th : Ketu. 12th : Venus.

Mercury Major and Saturn anthra in Vimsottari started a couple of

months ago.Regards









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