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Nice Article on Rahu Kaal

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by Radha @ 2005-11-10 - 04:58:46


..... by V K Shridhar


Vedic electional astrology has no reference of Rahu Kaal,. Yet it is feared

the most in elections resulting colossal waste of time. Its duration on

weekdays is incorrectly conveyed by newspapers & Indian ephemerides.


In Indian astrology the most misused & misguided is certainly “Rahu Kaal”.

It is specific 1/8th daytime part of the weekdays which is assumed to be

ruled by Rahu – the Lunar Node. It is not effective during nighttime.


In southern part of India it is assumed to be highly malefic that people

residing in that part do not initiate any activity even it may be most

trifling, what to talk about the important life activity. They do not

initiate any activity during this period, & wait for its expiry. Thus

colossal time is wasted in this superstition.


Most of the news papers published in southern India do mention duration

covered by Rahu Kaal along with Yamghanta Kaal, on the top of their front

page for guidance of their readers. The people do follow the said time

blindly without knowing about the same - this is opined as the worst

misguidance by the astrologers to their followers.


Three aspects of Hindu / Vedic astrology the most exploited / misused are :


a) Marriage compatibility (matching of horoscopes of prospective couple)


b) Kaal Sarp Yoga – its interpretation in nativity and its propitiation, &


c) Rahu Kaal (Rahu Kaalam) in electional astrology.


On examination of compatibility in marriage of aspirant couples, exponents

have dilated in lengths in their treatises. Yet of late astrologers have

infused an element called “ Kuja Dosha”- (affliction due to Mars; on which

there are divergent opinions). However, this is not the topic under

discussion in this paper. Those readers who desire to study the subject in

length may refer to author’s book titled “ Hindu Electional Astrology”. They

may also log on to website “ http://www.besttime-astrology.com“, & can have

free down load of 52 pages of the book, dilating on “Matching of horoscopes”.


Regarding “Kaal Sarp Yoga” there has been illuminating discussions on the

subject now-a-days on the Indian TV channels. Shri K N Rao, an authority on

Indian Astrology & author of over three dozen books on Indian astrology, has

made laudable efforts in dispelling doubts of the millions of the innocent

believers of Indian astrology, that there is no reference of the so called

“Kaal Sarp Yoga” in treatises on the subject. Of late some astrologers have

culled out this yoga from remote references in the treatises. He has

explicitly pointed out that there is no authoritative treatise / book on

Indian / Vedic astrology having made a reference to this yoga, & one may not

fear if he is having this Yoga in his horoscope. Despite this some

astrologers have been propagating ill effects of this Yoga perhaps to seek

huge sum of money for its propitiation.


Such a debate not only dispels doubts in the minds of innocent followers of

astrology but renders applaudable service to the mankind, as myths &

superstitions / mischievousness propagated by exploiters / novices are

brought to the light; & astrology which has withstood test of time, is saved

from disrepute.


Any how, the said Kaal Sarp Yoga has been found having indirect reference in

our electional treatises like Narpatijacharya, Jyotirvidhabharnam,

Samarsaar, - where it has been referred that the planets in 13 asterisms

(from the asterism occupied by Rahu, to Ketu) yet to be transited by Rahu,

in His retrograde motion, as in “Mrit Paksha” (dead side), & when both the

luminaries are in the said Mrit Pakhsa, yield adverse results in war, travel

& litigation & the like elections. When luminaries loose their efficacy

being in the said Mrit Pakhsa, then, why not when all the planets in the

said Paksha should loose their potency – can be an argument in its favour.

But please note the said aspect has been referred to in the electional

astrology, & not in interpretation of nativity.


In Indian astrology, nativity, horary & electional are separate subjects, &

have separate treatises on each subject & distinct exponents on each

subject. And not like western astrology where electional astrology is

basically derived from horary astrology.


The third, aspect, Rahu Kaal, is the most misunderstood aspect in the

electional astrology. How many millions of hours are wasted in fear of the

time covered by this electional aspect every day is rather beyond

imagination. The author has found on numerous occasions that followers of

this myth withhold initiation of ceremonies, writing letters, start

meetings, travel, purchase / sale etc etc; you name anything. Rather one

enters into state of no action during this duration.




Length of Rahu Kaal (as being followed) is 1/8th part (Yamardha) of daytime

length. Daytime at the specific place of consideration is length of time

from local Sunrise to Sunset. On different weekdays different portions of

the daytime are allocated to Rahu Kaal. 2nd Yamardha on Monday, 3rd on

Satrurday, 4th on Friday, 5th on Wednesday, 6th on Thursday, 7th on Tuesday,

& 8th (last) on Sunday are called Rahu Kaal.


2nd Yamardha on Monday means that after expiry of the first 1/8th part of

the daytime, after the local Sunrise, Rahu Kaal starts, & ends at expiry of

the second 1/8th part of the local daytime.

Thus if duration of daytime is 12 hours on a specific day at specific

locality, & local Sunrise time is at 6.00 S.T. & the Sunset time is 18.00

S.T; duration of the daytime shall be 12 hours. Thus on different weekdays

the Rahu Kaal shall be prevailing as following :


Monday : from 07.30 to 09.00 S.T

Saturday : from 09.00 to 10.30 S.T

Friday : from 10.30 to 12.00 S.T

Wednesday : from 12.00 to 13.30 S.T

Thursday : from 13.30 to 15.00 S.T

Tuesday : from 15.00 to 16.30 S.T

Sunday : from 16.30 to 18.00 S.T


The above system is followed by the newspapers & duration of the Rahu Kaal

is published for guidance of the users. Local ephemrides also refer the





The advisors do take fixed duration of the Rahu Kaal as 1 hour & 30 minutes

irrespective of the daytime length. They do not calculate this time based on

local daytime length. Thus error creeps in & people are misguided. Why

proportional length of the daytime length is to be taken, is argued as below



a) In all the malefic durations due to Gulika, Kulika, Mandi, Muhurt, Vish

Ghati etc. with reference to weekdays; calculations are based on length of



b) Rahu Kaal does not have any effect after the local Sunset time; it is

primarily a phenomenon during daytime (even if one has to assume its adverse



c) If duration of daytime on a specific place & weekday is less than 12

hours then, the Rahu Kaal shall extend beyond the local Sunset time. Kindly

note that malefic durations of an element of an a daytime nowhere ingresses

into nighttime, as their effect ceases to exist after the Sunset; &

different set of malefic durations prevail after the Sunset time.


d) Each of the seven planets have their own Upagrahas (sub planets). Kaal,

Paridhi, Kantaka (Dhooma), Ardhayama, Yamaghanta, Kodanda & Gulika are

Upagrahas of planets counted from the Sun to Saturn. They rule different

parts of Yamardhas (1/8th part) of daytime & nighttime. Classical books on

electional astrology give their ruling durations during daytime & nighttime.

Further during nighttime different Upgrahas rule & during daytime different

Upgrahas rule. None of these durations during daytime ingresses nighttime.




>From the above arguments its clear that the present mode of reckoning Rahu

Kaal needs amendment & proportional time based on length of local daytime

should be considered, if one has to consider Rahu Kaal.


Example: Rahu Kaal on a Friday having length of daytime as 11h 20m at a

place where the Sun rise is at 05h 20m S.T. shall be:

Duration of the Rahu Kaal=(11h 20m) ÷ 8 = 1h 25m

(1/8th part of the day )

Staring moment = (Sun rise time)+

of Rahu Kaal (time of expired Yamardhas )

= (05h 20m) + {(11h 20m) × (4 –1)÷ 8}

= (05h 20m)+ ( 4h 15m ) = 09h 35m S.T.

Ending moment = (09h 35m )+(1h 25m)= 11h 00m S.T.


Thus Rahu Kaal shall prevail from 09.35 S.T. to 11.00 S.T. & not from 09.50

to 11.20 S.T.

(as advised in local newspapers & almanacs).




In the electional treatises each of the seven planets viz. the Sun to Saturn

have their Upgrahas (sub planets), & have been allocated their durations

during daytime & nighttime separately. But Paat & Upketu which are Upagrahas

of Rahu & Ketu (Lunar Nodes) respectively, are not allocated any time during

daytime or nighttime. Then why Rahu Kaal – a malefic duration has been

subsequently felt to be inducted in electional astrology – which has no

reference in treatises.


Mandi & Gulika, both are sons of Saturn & are considered as highly malefic,

& their maleficence is compared to that of the Saturn. They are given due

importance in natal, horary & electional astrology. Their rising times are

considered as highly malefic. Electional treatises do recognise them. Their

durations are different from the duration given to Rahu Kaal. They are

effective during daytime as well as during nighttime also, but the new

element of Rahu Kaal is effective during daytime only – with ruling

durations distinct from Mandi & Gulika.


Rahu is given significant importance in the elections of travel, war,

litigations, & the like activities. But they are considered in altogether

different mode like Jeeva & Mrit Paksha (positions of luminaries in between

Rahu & Ketu), Maas Rahu (directions ruled based on Lunar month), Pathik Rahu

(dispositions of the luminaries in four sets of asterisms), Khanda Rahu

(residence of Rahu in different directions based on the Tithi – Lunar day),

Vaar Rahu (directions ruled by Rahu on different weekdays), Yamardha Rahu

(directions ruled by Rahu during daytime & nighttime), & Muhurt Rahu

(directions ruled by Rahu during different Muhurtas). But nowhere reference

of Rahu Kaal has been found in the treatises.


>From the above, readers shall draw their own conclusions as to how much

misguidance has been provided to them by induction of so called Rahu Kaal.

Why to fear from such an element. Why to stop routine & special activities

during its currency; & If some self styled innovative astrologers have to be

followed then, why not follow its proportional length during daytime.


Aspirants may seek malefic time in election somewhere else & not as

attribution of Rahu Kaal.




Those aspirants still desire to follow Rahu Kaal, but want to know the exact

duration on a specific weekday may log on to website


On the home page they may click

“ Elections for you – your Muhurtas”

Thereafter may click to any of the cities mentioned there viz, Delhi ,

Mumbai, Kotkatta, Hyderabad , Banglore.


Thereafter fill in local time of the Sunrise & Sunset against the desired

weekday, ignoring entry against under the date


They shall automatically get starting & ending moments of Rahu Kaal for that



In addition to Rahu Kaal they shall also get starting & ending moments of

Yamghanyta Kaal, Abhijin Muhurt & Gulika Kaal.


If they fill in dates & corresponding Sunrise & Sunset timings on various

dates , they can take a printout for their records, & can plan their

elections / activities accordingly.


The data has been fed for some specific dates & weekdays, which can be used

profitably for any other place, but aspirants shall have to fill in local

Sunrise & Sunset timings against the desired weekday.


N.B. Anybody may freely print this article on his website or in his news

letter provided this courtesy notice and the author name & URL remain


URL http://www.besttime-astrolgy.com.







Regards ,




A. K. Ghurye

Mobile : 9820 489 416 Phone : 2685 5496 email : hmm_aha



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