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Kashyap Sutras 1-4

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Dear devotes,

Kashyap Sutras are a mine of true knowledge. More we think on these, more we learn about life divine!

What we have learnt so far indicates that we, ourselves are cause of our Luck or Destiny and no one else. Not even God, for he is always just and gives what one deserves to go forward on his chosen spiritual path. It also means that we cannot blame any one else or circumstances etc. for what is happening to us in life. So seeing faults in others is a no, no affair. As Shree Maa says instead of seeing other¢s faults, better see your own shortcomings!

Another corollary is that anything which has a beginning must necessarily have an end for any unfinished thing must create all that is needed to finish what is started. Therefore only Brahman (God) is without any end for it has no beginning. He alone is eternal and changeless and therefore real; all else is unreal including the world as we see it.

Knowing all that, is good, but how to translate it in our daily life is the most important part of knowledge. There is where Sadhana (religious practices) like daily Puja (worship), Havan ( worship at fire), Japa (Repeatation of Lord¢s name), Sankirtan (Joint singing of Lord¢s praises) Satsang (Keeping company with holy persons like this via internet) Meditation, Pranayam (learning how to control Prana-Life force), Study & Discussion, Nishkam Karma (Selfless work without worrying about its result) are needed. By doing some or all of these as may be possible, one¢s inner self gets purified; and mind is able to see and understand finer aspects of spiritual life and develops taste and finally love for the Sadhana. Indeed mind then becomes one¢s own guide.

Sri Krishna has said in Bhagawad Gita that one who has started on this spiritual path is a Mahatma, since he is on the right path and will eventually reach the ¡Right¢ end- Parmatama without a doubt. Right ¡means¢ determine the right ¡end¢. Once the Goal is fixed, all attention is directed to proper means!

Sutra 3 states that ultimate aim of life is victory over death. What is death? And death of what? In universe nothing ever gets destroyed; for sum total of all matter and energy is always the same. There is however change occurring all the time. So other word for death is transformation. If we are really convinced that God is in everything and everything is God and God is changeless and eternal, then basis for fear of this apparent transformation must disappear, since it does not make a difference. Once this thought becomes our very own we have achieved victory over death and it ceases to frighten us. Looking at it from different angle what has a beginning must necessarily end. Therefore any thing/moment that is born must end in death. Overcoming this fear of death in my opinion is victory over it?

In one of Sri Ramakrishna¢s parable he says a parrot is trained to say,

¡ SitaRam¢ and ¡RadheShyam¢. Parrot repeats it whenever any one passes him. But when cat catches his throat, he forgets God¢s name and only cries. Such is the case of most of us. Question now is how to remedy this. Answer is: Do what you please but achieve this stage of mind where you are able to see God within you first and then in everything outside. And every devotee is moving towards it with his relentless effort and Grace of God and Guru.

Sutra 4 says by satisfying desire we get either knowledge or ignorance, that is we either move forward towards God or our progress is stopped or even reversed. Hence one has to be very careful in doing actions which are needed to satisfy a desire. We now have criteria to choose our actions. Despite all the knowledge given by sages after their Sadhana and realization, man rarely learns from it. Otherwise the world would be already free from all the ills. But this is not meant to be in the scheme of Lord¢s game. Every one has to learn from his experience, the hard way. Those who trust the sages have quicker progress. Triggers, provided by sages, push them ahead. Guru does provide all the guidance and benefit of his experience, but disciple has to absorb it and make it his own with his personal effort and eventually even excel his Guru. (Indeed he alone is a true disciple.)

I think ¡Self- chosen Mantra¢ rarely has its full effect, because of lack of full faith in it. A stray doubt in the choice of alternate possible words for the Mantra limits its efficacy; however Mantra given by Guru has tremendous effect, because of disciple¢s full faith in his Guru.

May Lord bless us.

Chetan Merani

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I hadn't heard that before: self-chosen mantras lack full efficasy

because we later turn around to doubt our earlier choices. You taught me

something new.


So, the ego, so full of hubris, is nevertheless-and alternately-pray to

self doubt. Maybe the ego is not such a powerful enemy after all; maybe

it is more like the wizzard of Oz, "full of sound and fury", but unable

to bear close examination.


Maybe the ego is more like a little child, lost in The Mother's Lotus

Wilderness, just trying, so earnestly, to make sense of the Senseless.


Maybe if we simple watched it, as a hunter stalks game, or as a mother

carefully watches her child at play (as Kaliananda and Vishweshar

suggest) with a certain degree of compasionate love-or at least humorous

sympathy-we could learn a lot about the the mysterious ego.


In the West, we have not done much self observation (so far). We have

been too busy watching the object, rather than the subject. We have not

had a religion of the subject, nor an adaquate science of the subject

either, for that matter. (Pun intended.)


Maybe it is time to do so now. Before all those awful "others" destroy

our beautiful world.


And, at some point in our observation, someone may even ask, "Just Who

is doing all this watching anyway?"













, Chetan Merani <cvmerani wrote:


> Dear devotes,

> Kashyap Sutras are a mine of true knowledge. More we think on these,

more we learn about life divine!

> What we have learnt so far indicates that we, ourselves are cause of

our Luck or Destiny and no one else. Not even God, for he is always just

and gives what one deserves to go forward on his chosen spiritual path.

It also means that we cannot blame any one else or circumstances etc.

for what is happening to us in life. So seeing faults in others is a no,

no affair. As Shree Maa says instead of seeing other¢s faults, better

see your own shortcomings!

> Another corollary is that anything which has a beginning must

necessarily have an end for any unfinished thing must create all that is

needed to finish what is started. Therefore only Brahman (God) is

without any end for it has no beginning. He alone is eternal and

changeless and therefore real; all else is unreal including the world as

we see it.

> Knowing all that, is good, but how to translate it in our daily life

is the most important part of knowledge. There is where Sadhana

(religious practices) like daily Puja (worship), Havan ( worship at

fire), Japa (Repeatation of Lord¢s name), Sankirtan (Joint singing of

Lord¢s praises) Satsang (Keeping company with holy persons like this

via internet) Meditation, Pranayam (learning how to control Prana-Life

force), Study & Discussion, Nishkam Karma (Selfless work without

worrying about its result) are needed. By doing some or all of these as

may be possible, one¢s inner self gets purified; and mind is able to

see and understand finer aspects of spiritual life and develops taste

and finally love for the Sadhana. Indeed mind then becomes one¢s own


> Sri Krishna has said in Bhagawad Gita that one who has started on this

spiritual path is a Mahatma, since he is on the right path and will

eventually reach the ¡Right¢ end- Parmatama without a doubt. Right

¡means¢ determine the right ¡end¢. Once the Goal is fixed,

all attention is directed to proper means!

> Sutra 3 states that ultimate aim of life is victory over death. What

is death? And death of what? In universe nothing ever gets destroyed;

for sum total of all matter and energy is always the same. There is

however change occurring all the time. So other word for death is

transformation. If we are really convinced that God is in everything and

everything is God and God is changeless and eternal, then basis for fear

of this apparent transformation must disappear, since it does not make a

difference. Once this thought becomes our very own we have achieved

victory over death and it ceases to frighten us. Looking at it from

different angle what has a beginning must necessarily end. Therefore any

thing/moment that is born must end in death. Overcoming this fear of

death in my opinion is victory over it?

> In one of Sri Ramakrishna¢s parable he says a parrot is trained to


> ¡ SitaRam¢ and ¡RadheShyam¢. Parrot repeats it whenever

any one passes him. But when cat catches his throat, he forgets God¢s

name and only cries. Such is the case of most of us. Question now is how

to remedy this. Answer is: Do what you please but achieve this stage of

mind where you are able to see God within you first and then in

everything outside. And every devotee is moving towards it with his

relentless effort and Grace of God and Guru.

> Sutra 4 says by satisfying desire we get either knowledge or

ignorance, that is we either move forward towards God or our progress is

stopped or even reversed. Hence one has to be very careful in doing

actions which are needed to satisfy a desire. We now have criteria to

choose our actions. Despite all the knowledge given by sages after their

Sadhana and realization, man rarely learns from it. Otherwise the world

would be already free from all the ills. But this is not meant to be in

the scheme of Lord¢s game. Every one has to learn from his

experience, the hard way. Those who trust the sages have quicker

progress. Triggers, provided by sages, push them ahead. Guru does

provide all the guidance and benefit of his experience, but disciple has

to absorb it and make it his own with his personal effort and eventually

even excel his Guru. (Indeed he alone is a true disciple.)

> I think ¡Self- chosen Mantra¢ rarely has its full effect,

because of lack of full faith in it. A stray doubt in the choice of

alternate possible words for the Mantra limits its efficacy; however

Mantra given by Guru has tremendous effect, because of disciple¢s

full faith in his Guru.

> May Lord bless us.

> Chetan Merani


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Another very fine post, Chetan!


May we all learn to see Her in every stick and pebble, and every

being. The earth is full of murtis just waiting for a scented flower.


Jai Maa!




, Chetan Merani <cvmerani wrote:


> Dear devotes,

> Kashyap Sutras are a mine of true knowledge. More we think on these,

more we learn about life divine!

> What we have learnt so far indicates that we, ourselves are cause of

our Luck or Destiny and no one else. Not even God, for he is always

just and gives what one deserves to go forward on his chosen spiritual

path. It also means that we cannot blame any one else or circumstances

etc. for what is happening to us in life. So seeing faults in others

is a no, no affair. As Shree Maa says instead of seeing other¢s

faults, better see your own shortcomings!

> Another corollary is that anything which has a beginning must

necessarily have an end for any unfinished thing must create all that

is needed to finish what is started. Therefore only Brahman (God) is

without any end for it has no beginning. He alone is eternal and

changeless and therefore real; all else is unreal including the world

as we see it.

> Knowing all that, is good, but how to translate it in our daily life

is the most important part of knowledge. There is where Sadhana

(religious practices) like daily Puja (worship), Havan ( worship at

fire), Japa (Repeatation of Lord¢s name), Sankirtan (Joint singing of

Lord¢s praises) Satsang (Keeping company with holy persons like this

via internet) Meditation, Pranayam (learning how to control Prana-Life

force), Study & Discussion, Nishkam Karma (Selfless work without

worrying about its result) are needed. By doing some or all of these

as may be possible, one¢s inner self gets purified; and mind is able

to see and understand finer aspects of spiritual life and develops

taste and finally love for the Sadhana. Indeed mind then becomes one¢s

own guide.

> Sri Krishna has said in Bhagawad Gita that one who has started on

this spiritual path is a Mahatma, since he is on the right path and

will eventually reach the ¡Right¢ end- Parmatama without a doubt.

Right ¡means¢ determine the right ¡end¢. Once the Goal is fixed, all

attention is directed to proper means!

> Sutra 3 states that ultimate aim of life is victory over death. What

is death? And death of what? In universe nothing ever gets destroyed;

for sum total of all matter and energy is always the same. There is

however change occurring all the time. So other word for death is

transformation. If we are really convinced that God is in everything

and everything is God and God is changeless and eternal, then basis

for fear of this apparent transformation must disappear, since it does

not make a difference. Once this thought becomes our very own we have

achieved victory over death and it ceases to frighten us. Looking at

it from different angle what has a beginning must necessarily end.

Therefore any thing/moment that is born must end in death. Overcoming

this fear of death in my opinion is victory over it?

> In one of Sri Ramakrishna¢s parable he says a parrot is trained to say,

> ¡ SitaRam¢ and ¡RadheShyam¢. Parrot repeats it whenever any one

passes him. But when cat catches his throat, he forgets God¢s name and

only cries. Such is the case of most of us. Question now is how to

remedy this. Answer is: Do what you please but achieve this stage of

mind where you are able to see God within you first and then in

everything outside. And every devotee is moving towards it with his

relentless effort and Grace of God and Guru.

> Sutra 4 says by satisfying desire we get either knowledge or

ignorance, that is we either move forward towards God or our progress

is stopped or even reversed. Hence one has to be very careful in doing

actions which are needed to satisfy a desire. We now have criteria to

choose our actions. Despite all the knowledge given by sages after

their Sadhana and realization, man rarely learns from it. Otherwise

the world would be already free from all the ills. But this is not

meant to be in the scheme of Lord¢s game. Every one has to learn from

his experience, the hard way. Those who trust the sages have quicker

progress. Triggers, provided by sages, push them ahead. Guru does

provide all the guidance and benefit of his experience, but disciple

has to absorb it and make it his own with his personal effort and

eventually even excel his Guru. (Indeed he alone is a true disciple.)

> I think ¡Self- chosen Mantra¢ rarely has its full effect, because

of lack of full faith in it. A stray doubt in the choice of alternate

possible words for the Mantra limits its efficacy; however Mantra

given by Guru has tremendous effect, because of disciple¢s full faith

in his Guru.

> May Lord bless us.

> Chetan Merani


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