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Kind Attention RAFALJI : Delayed Marriage

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astro_tellerkerala <astro_tellerkerala (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

om krishna guru om





DASA(if u r using vimshottarri)


I dont think marriage is deneid in this horoscope and no pravrjya yogas

there maleific influence on karaka and 7th house and lord and karaka and

lord ill placed are and may be the delyaing factors along with brahmin

shapa ,kalatra shapa is there ,as karaka is influenced by sat(rasi

drishti) and rahu(both rasi and graha drishti)---gurujans pls answer


also marriage is possible frm 6 th jan2007 on wards as dk is infleunced

by gochara sani and jup also lagna and 7th house axis and again it is

happen frm vivaha mangala karaka mangal (nadi priciples) ,no influence

of rahu on these places for future min 3 years .But vimshottarri dasa

will be jup-ketu both placed in 8 th hose (deergha mangalya stan).So

initialy some udjustment problems may happen and things should improve

after child birth.Proper matching and remedies neccessary as rafalji

will re look into this matter.


As for as proffession things will take major turn in jup-sun period ,now

jup is promising but deneid for one or other reason may b guru brhmna

shapa ,propitatiate guru


rafalji pls correct me


yours astrologicaly


sunil nair (proffessionalvedic astrologer and laxmi upasak)


om shreem mahalaxmai namah


for offline discussions and contact





vedic astrology, "Rafal Gendarz"

<starsuponme wrote:


> hraum namah adityaya

> Dear Akash,


> Ninth lord is in maranakaraka sthana. In seventh from Moon is


> Seventh lord from Shukra is with neecha graha..and in neecha-amsa

which is twelfth lord

> so there are few flaws while the most important and what we must cure

is brahmana-saapa.

> As Lord is wellplaced in sign where lord is exalted in Lagna we advise

Hanuman ji with friday's fasting from sunrise to sunset. As Ra MD is

going on and its in MKS to karyabhava in D9 its hard to marry so this

mantra+fasting should be done.


> Regards

> Rafal Gendarz



> -

> Akash

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, November 23, 2006 7:57 AM

> [vedic astrology] Delayed Marriage



> Respected Astrolgers ,

> Can anyone be kind enough to explain as to why the marriage of the

Girl (Details below) is delayed . Will she get married and when ? Is it

sun in 7th house or saturn causing delay ? Also her career is not taking

off properly inspite of having good educational background .


> Best regards,

> Akash


> Date of Birth: 26-03-1976 Time of Birth: 16 : 45 Place of Birth:

Digboi Country: India Latitude: 27° 22' N Longitude: 95° 34' E



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