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Why is Saturn So Important ? 11/25/06 from Mark Kincaid

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Why is Saturn





Was reflecting on Saturn today and thought it might be good to

describe exactly why the Knowledge and Wisdom of Saturn is so

important.  Saturn, after all, represents

balance.  Saturn is happy in Capricorn & Aquarius,

but,….is described as being Exalted! In the sign of Libra….

the sign of ‘balance’.


Saturn, therefore is the Planet responsible for telling us how well

we’re doing in terms of our Balance!


If we’re silent, well rested, still, happy and even, then

everything seems fine.  But, the minute that we get

tired, loose our composure, settled feeling then suddenly

‘everything’ seems wrong.  We’re

anxious, easily upset, lethargic, worried, and tend to see the World, ...

‘Have Empty’.


Know that expression:  “Half Full, half

Empty!”  It means we see life through the eyes,

through the lens, filter of our Moonish glasses. 

Actually through our total Astrological lens. 

So, we see the World,  we experience the World in

exact proportion to how we’re feeling inside.


If we’re tired, upset, irritable, or out of balance; then

that’s the lens through which we’re seeing and experiencing

our World, and life.  Therefore, Astrology can help

us.  Astrology can help us solve the ‘real’

problems of life; which are NOT, out there, but here, inside, in our own

Mind’s and Body’s, in our own Astrology!


The moment we first, ‘Identify’ the Astrological

experience we’re going through; and then take some steps to balance,

correct or heal that malefic Planet that’s the real cause; then any

problem can be solved!


Take Saturn’s situation.  Saturn represents

‘balance’ and yet, no one teaches us about

balance.  We don’t study the importance of rest

and certainly don’t get taught how to get back into

balance.  Instead we end up blaming the

‘outer’ for what’s really going on inside.


We’re experiencing losses, grief, hardships, anxieties and

suffering and we think, “Oh, why is this

happening?”  Maybe we even hear about Astrology or

even Saturn and we think:  “Ah, now, I know the

culprit.  It’s Saturn!” 

Saturn is causing me my grief!   And, how

long am I in Saturn Maha dasa for?


19 years!  Oh, my!  

That’s right.  It’s way too long to

continue suffering if that’s why we’re really going through

what we’re going through. 


The real solution, however, is not that Saturn is causing us our

problems.  In fact, Saturn is only

“Mirroring” our problems.  Life, our

Astrology, all the details in our life; in fact, only mirror

us!  Life mirrors us, and the actions or karmas that

we’ve set in motion.


The Planets, including Saturn are only mirroring back to us, what

action, good or bad; that we’ve created from our past. 

This is one of the reasons why Astrology is so powerful for us, is

because it has the possibility of helping us discover those patterns so we

can understand ourselves better!


Saturn's Signs…



So, why is it so important that we understand Saturn? 

Because, it’s one of the most important of Planets and its

nature and true symbolisms are so poorly understood today. 

This is because we live in a stressful age.  We

live in a time, when the fast pace of life is stressing all of us

out.  To keep up, we think we have to be so

busy.  We therefore, don’t get enough rest, and

then fatigue and tiredness begin to build up.


Saturn is important because it takes only 1 or 2 days of NOT

getting enough rest and boom, we’re stressed, irritable, upset, out

of wack, and generally feeling miserable.  We keep this

up, and fatigue and tiredness become deeper.  Then

stress results.   And stress means that, which is

NOT being unwound.   Then, when stress starts

building up dis-ease and disease are next.


Falling sick for example is 85% of the time due to the build up of

stress and fatigue.  It’s known today that stress

is responsible for the majority of all diseases or sickness! 

Therefore, to discover how we’re creating our ill-health or

lack of balance, through mis-interpreting Saturn is a very crucial aspect

of Astrology.


Saturn’s Signs:







Like every Planet, Saturn too has two sides.  It

has a positive and negative side.  The positive side or

“signs” include restfulness, patience, calmness, stillness,

happiness, feeling in the flow, and doing the right thing at the right



Saturn, ‘strong’ people report all kinds of amazing

experiences of finding themselves at the right place at the right

time.  They get what can be called “nature

support”.  They think of someone and suddenly they

appear.  Desires get fulfilled easily and

naturally.  In fact all of life seems to flow more

easily for those lucky Saturn benefic people!


Un-fair?  No, just their good karma. 

So, what about the rest of us, who don’t find ourselves,

being so lucky?






For those who Saturn is found acting malefically this is because we

were not ‘born’ with a strong or ‘good’ or

balanced, or benefic Saturn.  In our case, the negative

Signs of Saturn may include:
















Disease and





Sound bad?  Not meant to be. 

It’s just important that we learn the Signs of all the

Planets.  What Saturn is trying to show us is

“we’re out of tune with him!”  Or,

we’re out of tune with life.  The proof of this is

“Start doing the Opposite of what you’ve been doing! And see

if you don’t feel better.


Experiencing ‘tiredness’?  Stop, what

you’ve been doing, and get more rest.  And keep

doing this until the tiredness goes away!  Once you

realize that Saturn is rest and rejuvenation, it’s a tremendous boon

in life!


The negative signs are there only to tell us how we’re



Mars Signs also serve the same purpose though their meanings are

different.  Mars’ positive signs include energy,

dynamism, enthusiasm, courage, fighting for what is right and standing up

for ourselves.


The negative Signs of Mars include lack of energy, lethargy,

pessimism, fear, or lack of courage, and NOT standing up for ourselves or

what is right!


Therefore the first rule of thumb in Astrology is to find out

whether you’re experiencing the positive or negative signs of any of

the Planets.


Now, that you know Saturn’s signs, you can easily determine

if you’re experiencing the positive or negative side of



Therefore, since most people do experience the Saturn negative

side, then you need to realize, “Oh, I’m out of tune with my

Saturn.  Therefore I should learn how to become more

in-tune with my Saturn!”


The sign then, that you’re getting more in-tune will be any

and all negatives of Saturn go away!  So, if

you’re experiencing that Saturn tiredness, then as you gain rest,

the tiredness goes away.


Just like what happens when you’re rushing around at your

house and trying to get to a very important meeting and you keep banging

yourself, stubbing your toe, hitting your elbow on the door frame,

slipping and falling.  All these of course are good,

negative or malefic Mars signs.


You ‘hear’ this, and stop, take a deep breath, and then

begin again with the idea not to push so fast, and all those symptoms of

malefic functioning Mars will stop!


Negative feedbacks in life are Astrological signs that we’re

acting out of tune!  We take the steps to adjust and

immediately life will become better!  It’s

guaranteed.  It’s in the design! 

God created the Universe this way.  We can either

continue straining against almighty God or the Universe, or we can learn

to work with Nature.


As it turns out this entire creation has been created for

us!  We’re the lucky ones whom God created an

entire Universe just so we could evolve in it!  But, at

this time, in this age, so few understand how the laws of nature

work.  Therefore we’re violating these laws

whether consciously or not.


Astrology is profound, however, because it understands these laws

and even knows when we’re out of tune and when we’re

balanced.  So, learn these Astrological symbolisms and

adjust.  Adjust; find the better way of doing things and

find if all the negatives of any of the Planets don’t go

away!  Now, and forever!


They say Saturn is the most unkind, merciless Planet. 

I certainly had a similar experience when I was

younger.  But, the very moment I began to understand

Saturn, his negatives started going away.  This is

because Saturn is a mirror of us.  The moment I began to

act more in-tune with Life, was the very moment Saturn started being

kinder to me!


Saturn, therefore, can be the most wonderful and life supporting

Planet.  We only have to understand its signs and learn

to act in-tune.  These laws of Nature are here for our

benefit, protection, and our quick pace of progress and

evolution.  No one teaches us, unfortunately about all

this so we succeed or fail in direct proportion to how many benefices we

have and how much we mis-understand our malefics.


Those people, however, who ‘get’ their Malefics, even

if they don’t understand Astrology will start changing their



Here’s hopeing that we all continue to grow in this Knowledge

and Wisdom of Life.  Life is Astrological, so its

language can be extremely helpful!



Jai Guru!



Mark Kincaid
















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