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Dear Hemantji


I am again reproducing my earlier response (dated 18th Nov 2006) to the

opinion of one member Mr Metin Ozenbas who expressed in view about

Budha-aditya Yoga. My intention is to bring to the notice of all members

about the rules governing such yoga and it also equally applicable to

you as you have expressed your view.


In your recent post (dated 26th Sun Nov 2006) you have expressed the

following three views:


1. Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and request

verification from seniors

2. Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals here are

without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to become a

mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take that

offer up.

3. Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided. Insulting

anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters



Answers to opinion


1. If you yourself frame as "student" for "most" cases then what is

your status in other cases - a mentor? or "senior"?

2. If you want to make me realise by defending the forum members

about their "status" and me to be a mentor it is your concern not mine.

In this regard may I ask you, what is your status as per answer 1 above?

3. If you feel my technical answer to Budha-aditya yoga(or for that

matter any topic that I have posted) as "derogatory tone" and feel it as

"chiding" it is your mistake - my experience with my guru is he used to

go even to the extent of beating if I was away from the right path. In

this regard I expect not only you, any member of this forum to take the

cream of rules mentioned in authoritative texts. Moreover, why should I

quote the secretes if I have some wrong intentions as you have



Coming to your post just before this one where you have expressed


1. "Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from being


2. May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your

humility about your knowledge be greater."


Answer to:


1. Is it possible for a "student" to identify or judge a Guru?

2. From statement 2 above, it seems that you want to give a "shapa"

or curse to me? Let me remind that your name "Hemant" meaning one of the

six seasons comprising the two solar months margasira + paushya. This

season is ruled by Deva Guru and starts whenever sayana sun enters

Dhanus called Dhanurayanam which falls 21st Nov to 21st Jan i.e., the

present post falls exactly in Hemant ritu. As lord of this ritu is Deva

Guru who is currently combusted along with Asura-Guru Sukra. As per

vedic rites, it is more auspicious for a brahmana (self realised soul -

athato brahma jijnasa) to offer prayers to a diety when is weak. Please

reasses your karma in this regard, you can do that by erecting a query

chart i.e., the moment you sent your post which is 26th Nov 2006

18-18hrs, lagna lord weak shadbal, combusted and 2nd, 5th lord budha in

roga/runa sthana. If you are interested to know my reaction then : "A

avaman is a sanman while a sanman is avaman"

3. The above 1 and 2 are only for you, but as you have posted openly

addressing to all members(except Shri Vrajleelaji), I am giving my

opinion as learnt from my guru regarding "Guru-Shisya" relationship as

some other member of this forum (RR) have also expressed regarding


For the given two entities "Vidya" and "Guru", correspondingly there

arises four combinations each representing four kinds of Shiyas(in the

ascending order of greatness)


1. Adhama Shisya - He is the one who neither cares for Guru or Vidya

2. Shisya - He is the one who only cares for Vidya but not Guru -

example Karna. Karna approached Parusurama to master shastra but not

cared for guru

3. Uttama Shisya - He is the one who prefers Guru over Vidya -

example Ekalavya. Ekalavya is only interested to be a shisya of


4. Uttamottama Shisya - He is the one who loves both Vidya and Guru -

example Arjuna, who even excelled his guru with divine's help


If any one review my posts (other than client's queries) will surely

agree my committment to the propagation of subject. I would have

aprreciated in the first instance if "students" like Hemant base their

aruguments on finer technical aspects of a "yoga" which is different

from "Sameta" and "Samagama" which are very basics rather than aruging

on higher aspects like Guru/Shisya etc.


Now coming to the subject of Budha-aditya yoga straight away, there are

three kinds of yoga within a sign


1. Yuti: A faster planet when tries to catch a slower planet and if

placed within 12 degrees range then such astronomical movement is called

Yuti or conjunction. This is unidirectional in nature

2. Samagama: Whenever any two planets (obviously one of them will be

slower and other faster) placed in a sign and move in opposite

direction, then such astronomical movement is called Samagama. This

samagama is different with Moon, where Kujaadi pancha grahas are behind

Moon within 12 degrees but situated in south to Moon will cause subha

samagama while situated to north to Moon will cause asubha samagama.

3. Sameta: This is only placement of any two planets within a sign.

Here the two planets will be in a sign but do not fulfil the yuti and

samagama conditions


To conclude:


As per your post, it is inferred two aspects


1. Subject i.e., purely technical part of a yoga

2. Guru/Shisya


As per aspect 1 is concerned, I hope have given enough answer


As per aspect 2 is concerned, I can give you a good account in my future

post - conditioned to response of other members in this regard


Hope you got the point



<metin_ozenbas@ ...> wrote:

>Mr Metin Ozenbas,

May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding Budha-

aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned in

Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

many students like you must know before coming to conclusion based

on own thoughts.

The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than that

of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise, it is

to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the contrary

is true

2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

retrograding is greater, it is to come.

3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

Given these conditions, can you identify

1)faster and slower planets

2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is not

combust" in light of these rules

3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is only

alloted for occurence of any yoga

I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

throw" attitude

Hope you got the point




> Hello,


> 1. sun and budha can not have any distance more than one sign,


> budha is most nearst planet to the sun


> 2. budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is not combust


> greetings


> Metin

vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya wrote:


> Dear All (except Shri Vrajleelaji),


> Most humble apologies for taking the tone as below and request you to

look at my reasons for the same.


> # Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and request

verification from seniors.

> # Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals here are

without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to become a

mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take that

offer up.

> # Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided. Insulting

anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters



> Again, my apologies, for I know I have a long way to go.


> Humble Regards,

> Hemant Desai



> Agnyeya agnyeya wrote:

> Dear Vrajleelaji,


> 1. Request you to see the follow up post.

> 2. Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from being one.


> May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your humility

about your knowledge be greater.


> Most Humble Regards,

> Hemant Desai



> vrajleela vrajleela wrote:

> vedic astrology, "astro_kid_1" agnyeya@

> wrote:

> >Dear members

> I am reproducing my earlier post in this regard for the benefit of

> readers

> May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding Budha-

> aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned in

> Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

> many students like you must know before coming to conclusion based

> on own thoughts.

> The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

> 1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than that

> of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise, it is

> to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

> clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the contrary

> is true

> 2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

> conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

> retrograding is greater, it is to come.

> 3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

> then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

> Given these conditions, can you identify

> 1)faster and slower planets

> 2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is not

> combust" in light of these rules

> 3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is only

> alloted for occurence of any yoga

> I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

> also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

> I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

> Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

> throw" attitude

> Hope you got the point

> Jairadhe


> > Dear All,

> >

> > Let me rephrase that to say that while other planets lose their

> > ability of benefic results while associated with Su, the same

> cannot

> > be said of Me.

> >

> > Humble Regards,

> > Hemant Desai

> >

> > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Hemant

> > >

> > > Could you please provide with the astrological/astronomical

> reason

> > > for budh not get combust with surya.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Sridhar

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sridhar,

> > > >

> > > > For the Budh-Aditya yoga to fructify the distance between

> the

> > 2

> > > must be atleast 10 degrees.

> > > > Also Budh is the only planet which due to its motion is

> always

> > > very near to Surya, hence normally there may be many charts

> where

> > > you see Budh in 12th or in 2nd from Su.

> > > > Also Budh is one planet which does not get combust with Su.

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gurus, please verify.

> > > >

> > > > || Om Krishna Guru ||

> > > > Humble Regards,

> > > > Hemant Desai

> > > >

> > > > ashwin_062k <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > >

> > > > Correction : The distance between surya and budh is 2deg 27

> mts

> > > > and not 1 deg 8 mts as given below.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry for the inconvenience

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Sridhar

> > > > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > > > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > > >

> > > > > I understand that when surya and budh together in a bhava or

> > in

> > > > > mutual 7ths, forms "budha-adhithya" yoga.

> > > > >

> > > > > I also read that combustion occurs when any planet in a

> direct

> > > > > motion passes the surya from behind at certain degrees,

> except

> > > for

> > > > > sukr who gets combust in "retograde" motion and rahu, ketu

> > > doesn't

> > > > > get combust rather eclipse the surya.

> > > > >

> > > > > My query: I have a chart in which the distance between surya

> > and

> > > > > budha is 1 deg 8 mts. I presume here, the Budh is getting

> > > combust

> > > > > and is inactive or unable to perform. In this case, still

> this

> > > > Yoga

> > > > > is formed !! or am i missing some basic principle here.

> > > > >

> > > > > Would apprecaite if you could enlighten me.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > > Sridhar

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Agnyeya@ Planet Earth

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers

> India

> > > > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger

> > > Version 8. Get it NOW

> > > >

> > > >

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Dear Vrajleelaji,


Please see my replies below marked by ----



After my replies,


I do not believe in using harsh words. The point I am making here is

a need for restrained criticism. "Praise in Public and Critise in

Private" is a dictum I revere, since crossing that line usually

results in unfruitful exchanges like these.


Sadly you remind me of a phrase ('Bhanya pan Ganya nahin').

Translated it means an individual who is educated but not learned.


And do refrain from using the term '.... like you.....'. It sounds


It it is indeed about me, then speak to me specifically about it. If

its about many people, please use an appropriate term to address the



And further I would request you to NEVER comment on entire



If this post still does not satisfy you, i would request you to

leave it at that, since neither you nor i are absolute.


Humble Regards,

Hemant Desai




vedic astrology, "vrajleela" <vrajleela





> Dear Hemantji


> I am again reproducing my earlier response (dated 18th Nov 2006)

to the

> opinion of one member Mr Metin Ozenbas who expressed in view about

> Budha-aditya Yoga. My intention is to bring to the notice of all


> about the rules governing such yoga and it also equally applicable


> you as you have expressed your view.


> In your recent post (dated 26th Sun Nov 2006) you have expressed


> following three views:


> 1. Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and


> verification from seniors

> 2. Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals

here are

> without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to

become a

> mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take


> offer up.

> 3. Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided.


> anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters

> resentment


> Answers to opinion


> 1. If you yourself frame as "student" for "most" cases then

what is

> your status in other cases - a mentor? or "senior"?

> 2. If you want to make me realise by defending the forum


> about their "status" and me to be a mentor it is your concern not


> In this regard may I ask you, what is your status as per answer 1


> 3. If you feel my technical answer to Budha-aditya yoga(or for


> matter any topic that I have posted) as "derogatory tone" and feel

it as

> "chiding" it is your mistake - my experience with my guru is he

used to

> go even to the extent of beating if I was away from the right

path. In

> this regard I expect not only you, any member of this forum to

take the

> cream of rules mentioned in authoritative texts. Moreover, why

should I

> quote the secretes if I have some wrong intentions as you have

> expressed??



You missed the point in 1. It mentioned that I am a learner. You

are playing merely on words here, which in the process is

diminishing your respect created by your knowledge.


Your experience with your Guru, was NOT necessarily completely

right. (and again I am saddened that you missed the essence, where I

am pointing to your communication.)


My posts clearly indicated that while the educating posts were

appreciated the language and the tone of multiple posts from your

end left a lot to be desired.



> Coming to your post just before this one where you have expressed


> 1. "Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from


> one.

> 2. May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your

> humility about your knowledge be greater."



My answers to below:

1. Yes to both.

2. Interesting point, this "Shapa". I have been an advent of NOT

giving shapas to many people in my entire life as I believe it is

one of the biggest hurdles towards Moksha, it ties the giver and the

receiver. And in more simple and modern terms it generates too much

negative energy.


> Answer to:




> 1. Is it possible for a "student" to identify or judge a Guru?

> 2. From statement 2 above, it seems that you want to give

a "shapa"

> or curse to me? Let me remind that your name "Hemant" meaning one

of the

> six seasons comprising the two solar months margasira + paushya.


> season is ruled by Deva Guru and starts whenever sayana sun enters

> Dhanus called Dhanurayanam which falls 21st Nov to 21st Jan i.e.,


> present post falls exactly in Hemant ritu. As lord of this ritu is


> Guru who is currently combusted along with Asura-Guru Sukra. As per

> vedic rites, it is more auspicious for a brahmana (self realised

soul -

> athato brahma jijnasa) to offer prayers to a diety when is weak.


> reasses your karma in this regard, you can do that by erecting a


> chart i.e., the moment you sent your post which is 26th Nov 2006

> 18-18hrs, lagna lord weak shadbal, combusted and 2nd, 5th lord

budha in

> roga/runa sthana. If you are interested to know my reaction

then : "A

> avaman is a sanman while a sanman is avaman"

> 3. The above 1 and 2 are only for you, but as you have posted


> addressing to all members(except Shri Vrajleelaji), I am giving my

> opinion as learnt from my guru regarding "Guru-Shisya"

relationship as

> some other member of this forum (RR) have also expressed regarding


> For the given two entities "Vidya" and "Guru", correspondingly


> arises four combinations each representing four kinds of Shiyas(in


> ascending order of greatness)


> 1. Adhama Shisya - He is the one who neither cares for Guru or


> 2. Shisya - He is the one who only cares for Vidya but not

Guru -

> example Karna. Karna approached Parusurama to master shastra but


> cared for guru

> 3. Uttama Shisya - He is the one who prefers Guru over Vidya -

> example Ekalavya. Ekalavya is only interested to be a shisya of

> Dronaacharya

> 4. Uttamottama Shisya - He is the one who loves both Vidya and

Guru -

> example Arjuna, who even excelled his guru with divine's help


> If any one review my posts (other than client's queries) will


> agree my committment to the propagation of subject. I would have

> aprreciated in the first instance if "students" like Hemant base


> aruguments on finer technical aspects of a "yoga" which is


> from "Sameta" and "Samagama" which are very basics rather than


> on higher aspects like Guru/Shisya etc.


> Now coming to the subject of Budha-aditya yoga straight away,

there are

> three kinds of yoga within a sign


> 1. Yuti: A faster planet when tries to catch a slower planet

and if

> placed within 12 degrees range then such astronomical movement is


> Yuti or conjunction. This is unidirectional in nature

> 2. Samagama: Whenever any two planets (obviously one of them

will be

> slower and other faster) placed in a sign and move in opposite

> direction, then such astronomical movement is called Samagama. This

> samagama is different with Moon, where Kujaadi pancha grahas are


> Moon within 12 degrees but situated in south to Moon will cause


> samagama while situated to north to Moon will cause asubha


> 3. Sameta: This is only placement of any two planets within a


> Here the two planets will be in a sign but do not fulfil the yuti


> samagama conditions


> To conclude:


> As per your post, it is inferred two aspects


> 1. Subject i.e., purely technical part of a yoga

> 2. Guru/Shisya


> As per aspect 1 is concerned, I hope have given enough answer


> As per aspect 2 is concerned, I can give you a good account in my


> post - conditioned to response of other members in this regard


> Hope you got the point


> Jairadhe

> <metin_ozenbas@ ...> wrote:

> >Mr Metin Ozenbas,

> May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding


> aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned in

> Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

> many students like you must know before coming to conclusion based

> on own thoughts.

> The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

> 1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than


> of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise, it


> to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

> clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the


> is true

> 2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

> conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

> retrograding is greater, it is to come.

> 3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

> then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

> Given these conditions, can you identify

> 1)faster and slower planets

> 2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is


> combust" in light of these rules

> 3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is only

> alloted for occurence of any yoga

> I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

> also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

> I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

> Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

> throw" attitude

> Hope you got the point

> Jairadhe


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > 1. sun and budha can not have any distance more than one sign,

> because

> > budha is most nearst planet to the sun

> >

> > 2. budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is not combust

> >

> > greetings

> >

> > Metin

> vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All (except Shri Vrajleelaji),

> >

> > Most humble apologies for taking the tone as below and request

you to

> look at my reasons for the same.

> >

> > # Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and request

> verification from seniors.

> > # Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals here


> without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to

become a

> mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take


> offer up.

> > # Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided.


> anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters

> resentment.

> >

> > Again, my apologies, for I know I have a long way to go.

> >

> > Humble Regards,

> > Hemant Desai

> >

> >

> > Agnyeya agnyeya@ wrote:

> > Dear Vrajleelaji,

> >

> > 1. Request you to see the follow up post.

> > 2. Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from being


> >

> > May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your


> about your knowledge be greater.

> >

> > Most Humble Regards,

> > Hemant Desai

> >

> >

> > vrajleela vrajleela@ wrote:

> > vedic astrology, "astro_kid_1" agnyeya@

> > wrote:

> > >Dear members

> > I am reproducing my earlier post in this regard for the benefit


> > readers

> > May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding


> > aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned


> > Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

> > many students like you must know before coming to conclusion


> > on own thoughts.

> > The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

> > 1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than


> > of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise,

it is

> > to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

> > clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the


> > is true

> > 2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

> > conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

> > retrograding is greater, it is to come.

> > 3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

> > then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

> > Given these conditions, can you identify

> > 1)faster and slower planets

> > 2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is


> > combust" in light of these rules

> > 3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is


> > alloted for occurence of any yoga

> > I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

> > also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

> > I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

> > Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

> > throw" attitude

> > Hope you got the point

> > Jairadhe

> >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Let me rephrase that to say that while other planets lose their

> > > ability of benefic results while associated with Su, the same

> > cannot

> > > be said of Me.

> > >

> > > Humble Regards,

> > > Hemant Desai

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hemant

> > > >

> > > > Could you please provide with the astrological/astronomical

> > reason

> > > > for budh not get combust with surya.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Sridhar

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya@>


> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sridhar,

> > > > >

> > > > > For the Budh-Aditya yoga to fructify the distance between

> > the

> > > 2

> > > > must be atleast 10 degrees.

> > > > > Also Budh is the only planet which due to its motion is

> > always

> > > > very near to Surya, hence normally there may be many charts

> > where

> > > > you see Budh in 12th or in 2nd from Su.

> > > > > Also Budh is one planet which does not get combust with Su.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Gurus, please verify.

> > > > >

> > > > > || Om Krishna Guru ||

> > > > > Humble Regards,

> > > > > Hemant Desai

> > > > >

> > > > > ashwin_062k <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > > >

> > > > > Correction : The distance between surya and budh is 2deg 27

> > mts

> > > > > and not 1 deg 8 mts as given below.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry for the inconvenience

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > > Sridhar

> > > > > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > > > > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I understand that when surya and budh together in a

bhava or

> > > in

> > > > > > mutual 7ths, forms "budha-adhithya" yoga.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I also read that combustion occurs when any planet in a

> > direct

> > > > > > motion passes the surya from behind at certain degrees,

> > except

> > > > for

> > > > > > sukr who gets combust in "retograde" motion and rahu,


> > > > doesn't

> > > > > > get combust rather eclipse the surya.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My query: I have a chart in which the distance between


> > > and

> > > > > > budha is 1 deg 8 mts. I presume here, the Budh is getting

> > > > combust

> > > > > > and is inactive or unable to perform. In this case, still

> > this

> > > > > Yoga

> > > > > > is formed !! or am i missing some basic principle here.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Would apprecaite if you could enlighten me.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards

> > > > > > Sridhar

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Agnyeya@ Planet Earth

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers

> > India

> > > > > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger

> > > > Version 8. Get it NOW

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Dear astro_kid

Oh Really?

Phele pado bad mein sanskar ke baath kar - kyun ke tum to "kid" ho

Phele jnan bad mein yog ya bhakti

Karna ne tujhe bahut yaad kar raha he - javo sadhaana kar ke muft mein dedo



astro_kid_1 <agnyeya > wrote:

Dear Vrajleelaji,


Please see my replies below marked by ----


After my replies,


I do not believe in using harsh words. The point I am making here is

a need for restrained criticism. "Praise in Public and Critise in

Private" is a dictum I revere, since crossing that line usually

results in unfruitful exchanges like these.


Sadly you remind me of a phrase ('Bhanya pan Ganya nahin').

Translated it means an individual who is educated but not learned.


And do refrain from using the term '.... like you.....'. It sounds


It it is indeed about me, then speak to me specifically about it. If

its about many people, please use an appropriate term to address the



And further I would request you to NEVER comment on entire



If this post still does not satisfy you, i would request you to

leave it at that, since neither you nor i are absolute.


Humble Regards,

Hemant Desai


vedic astrology, "vrajleela" <vrajleela





> Dear Hemantji


> I am again reproducing my earlier response (dated 18th Nov 2006)

to the

> opinion of one member Mr Metin Ozenbas who expressed in view about

> Budha-aditya Yoga. My intention is to bring to the notice of all


> about the rules governing such yoga and it also equally applicable


> you as you have expressed your view.


> In your recent post (dated 26th Sun Nov 2006) you have expressed


> following three views:


> 1. Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and


> verification from seniors

> 2. Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals

here are

> without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to

become a

> mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take


> offer up.

> 3. Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided.


> anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters

> resentment


> Answers to opinion


> 1. If you yourself frame as "student" for "most" cases then

what is

> your status in other cases - a mentor? or "senior"?

> 2. If you want to make me realise by defending the forum


> about their "status" and me to be a mentor it is your concern not


> In this regard may I ask you, what is your status as per answer 1


> 3. If you feel my technical answer to Budha-aditya yoga(or for


> matter any topic that I have posted) as "derogatory tone" and feel

it as

> "chiding" it is your mistake - my experience with my guru is he

used to

> go even to the extent of beating if I was away from the right

path. In

> this regard I expect not only you, any member of this forum to

take the

> cream of rules mentioned in authoritative texts. Moreover, why

should I

> quote the secretes if I have some wrong intentions as you have

> expressed??



You missed the point in 1. It mentioned that I am a learner. You

are playing merely on words here, which in the process is

diminishing your respect created by your knowledge.


Your experience with your Guru, was NOT necessarily completely

right. (and again I am saddened that you missed the essence, where I

am pointing to your communication.)


My posts clearly indicated that while the educating posts were

appreciated the language and the tone of multiple posts from your

end left a lot to be desired.



> Coming to your post just before this one where you have expressed


> 1. "Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from


> one.

> 2. May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your

> humility about your knowledge be greater."



My answers to below:

1. Yes to both.

2. Interesting point, this "Shapa". I have been an advent of NOT

giving shapas to many people in my entire life as I believe it is

one of the biggest hurdles towards Moksha, it ties the giver and the

receiver. And in more simple and modern terms it generates too much

negative energy.


> Answer to:



> 1. Is it possible for a "student" to identify or judge a Guru?

> 2. From statement 2 above, it seems that you want to give

a "shapa"

> or curse to me? Let me remind that your name "Hemant" meaning one

of the

> six seasons comprising the two solar months margasira + paushya.


> season is ruled by Deva Guru and starts whenever sayana sun enters

> Dhanus called Dhanurayanam which falls 21st Nov to 21st Jan i.e.,


> present post falls exactly in Hemant ritu. As lord of this ritu is


> Guru who is currently combusted along with Asura-Guru Sukra. As per

> vedic rites, it is more auspicious for a brahmana (self realised

soul -

> athato brahma jijnasa) to offer prayers to a diety when is weak.


> reasses your karma in this regard, you can do that by erecting a


> chart i.e., the moment you sent your post which is 26th Nov 2006

> 18-18hrs, lagna lord weak shadbal, combusted and 2nd, 5th lord

budha in

> roga/runa sthana. If you are interested to know my reaction

then : "A

> avaman is a sanman while a sanman is avaman"

> 3. The above 1 and 2 are only for you, but as you have posted


> addressing to all members(except Shri Vrajleelaji), I am giving my

> opinion as learnt from my guru regarding "Guru-Shisya"

relationship as

> some other member of this forum (RR) have also expressed regarding


> For the given two entities "Vidya" and "Guru", correspondingly


> arises four combinations each representing four kinds of Shiyas(in


> ascending order of greatness)


> 1. Adhama Shisya - He is the one who neither cares for Guru or


> 2. Shisya - He is the one who only cares for Vidya but not

Guru -

> example Karna. Karna approached Parusurama to master shastra but


> cared for guru

> 3. Uttama Shisya - He is the one who prefers Guru over Vidya -

> example Ekalavya. Ekalavya is only interested to be a shisya of

> Dronaacharya

> 4. Uttamottama Shisya - He is the one who loves both Vidya and

Guru -

> example Arjuna, who even excelled his guru with divine's help


> If any one review my posts (other than client's queries) will


> agree my committment to the propagation of subject. I would have

> aprreciated in the first instance if "students" like Hemant base


> aruguments on finer technical aspects of a "yoga" which is


> from "Sameta" and "Samagama" which are very basics rather than


> on higher aspects like Guru/Shisya etc.


> Now coming to the subject of Budha-aditya yoga straight away,

there are

> three kinds of yoga within a sign


> 1. Yuti: A faster planet when tries to catch a slower planet

and if

> placed within 12 degrees range then such astronomical movement is


> Yuti or conjunction. This is unidirectional in nature

> 2. Samagama: Whenever any two planets (obviously one of them

will be

> slower and other faster) placed in a sign and move in opposite

> direction, then such astronomical movement is called Samagama. This

> samagama is different with Moon, where Kujaadi pancha grahas are


> Moon within 12 degrees but situated in south to Moon will cause


> samagama while situated to north to Moon will cause asubha


> 3. Sameta: This is only placement of any two planets within a


> Here the two planets will be in a sign but do not fulfil the yuti


> samagama conditions


> To conclude:


> As per your post, it is inferred two aspects


> 1. Subject i.e., purely technical part of a yoga

> 2. Guru/Shisya


> As per aspect 1 is concerned, I hope have given enough answer


> As per aspect 2 is concerned, I can give you a good account in my


> post - conditioned to response of other members in this regard


> Hope you got the point


> Jairadhe

> <metin_ozenbas@ ...> wrote:

> >Mr Metin Ozenbas,

> May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding


> aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned in

> Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

> many students like you must know before coming to conclusion based

> on own thoughts.

> The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

> 1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than


> of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise, it


> to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

> clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the


> is true

> 2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

> conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

> retrograding is greater, it is to come.

> 3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

> then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

> Given these conditions, can you identify

> 1)faster and slower planets

> 2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is


> combust" in light of these rules

> 3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is only

> alloted for occurence of any yoga

> I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

> also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

> I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

> Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

> throw" attitude

> Hope you got the point

> Jairadhe


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > 1. sun and budha can not have any distance more than one sign,

> because

> > budha is most nearst planet to the sun

> >

> > 2. budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is not combust

> >

> > greetings

> >

> > Metin

> vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All (except Shri Vrajleelaji),

> >

> > Most humble apologies for taking the tone as below and request

you to

> look at my reasons for the same.

> >

> > # Most, if not all, my posts mention I am a student and request

> verification from seniors.

> > # Shri Vrajleelaji should appreciate that many individuals here


> without a guru/guide and instead of chiding them, an offer to

become a

> mentor would be greatly appreciated and I am sure many will take


> offer up.

> > # Derogatory tones in discussion forums should be avoided.


> anyone does not help in an individuals learning. It only fosters

> resentment.

> >

> > Again, my apologies, for I know I have a long way to go.

> >

> > Humble Regards,

> > Hemant Desai

> >

> >

> > Agnyeya agnyeya@ wrote:

> > Dear Vrajleelaji,

> >

> > 1. Request you to see the follow up post.

> > 2. Am sure that you are NOT a guru and are a long way from being


> >

> > May your journey towards knowledge be less eventful and your


> about your knowledge be greater.

> >

> > Most Humble Regards,

> > Hemant Desai

> >

> >

> > vrajleela vrajleela@ wrote:

> > vedic astrology, "astro_kid_1" agnyeya@

> > wrote:

> > >Dear members

> > I am reproducing my earlier post in this regard for the benefit


> > readers

> > May I know what made you to come to such conclusions regarding


> > aditya yoga as your answers do not stand to the rules mentioned


> > Hindu Astronomy and Astrology. I feel that these are basics that

> > many students like you must know before coming to conclusion


> > on own thoughts.

> > The rules for find any union of planets called yuti or yoga are:

> > 1)When the longitude of the swift-moving planet is greater than


> > of the slow one, the conjunction (samyoga) is past; otherwise,

it is

> > to come; this is the case when the two are moving eastward i.e.,

> > clockwise; if, however, they are retrograding (vakrin), the


> > is true

> > 2)When the longitude of the one moving eastward is greater, the

> > conjunction (samagama)is past; but when that of the one that is

> > retrograding is greater, it is to come.

> > 3)When the distance between the two planets is < or = 12 degrees

> > then the question of yoga arises otherwise not

> > Given these conditions, can you identify

> > 1)faster and slower planets

> > 2)Reassess your statement "budha-adhitya yoga occurs if budha is


> > combust" in light of these rules

> > 3)Can you tell the reason for specific degrees i.e., why 12 is


> > alloted for occurence of any yoga

> > I have a very feeble hope that you can answer these questions and

> > also suggest you to verify your budha-aditya yoga if present.

> > I feel strongly that you should first check your basics of Hindu

> > Astronomy and later Astrology and it is not as easy as "read and

> > throw" attitude

> > Hope you got the point

> > Jairadhe

> >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Let me rephrase that to say that while other planets lose their

> > > ability of benefic results while associated with Su, the same

> > cannot

> > > be said of Me.

> > >

> > > Humble Regards,

> > > Hemant Desai

> > >

> > > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hemant

> > > >

> > > > Could you please provide with the astrological/astronomical

> > reason

> > > > for budh not get combust with surya.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > > Sridhar

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology, Agnyeya <agnyeya@>


> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sridhar,

> > > > >

> > > > > For the Budh-Aditya yoga to fructify the distance between

> > the

> > > 2

> > > > must be atleast 10 degrees.

> > > > > Also Budh is the only planet which due to its motion is

> > always

> > > > very near to Surya, hence normally there may be many charts

> > where

> > > > you see Budh in 12th or in 2nd from Su.

> > > > > Also Budh is one planet which does not get combust with Su.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Gurus, please verify.

> > > > >

> > > > > || Om Krishna Guru ||

> > > > > Humble Regards,

> > > > > Hemant Desai

> > > > >

> > > > > ashwin_062k <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > > >

> > > > > Correction : The distance between surya and budh is 2deg 27

> > mts

> > > > > and not 1 deg 8 mts as given below.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry for the inconvenience

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > > Sridhar

> > > > > vedic astrology, "ashwin_062k"

> > > > > <ashwin_062k@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Gurujans

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I understand that when surya and budh together in a

bhava or

> > > in

> > > > > > mutual 7ths, forms "budha-adhithya" yoga.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I also read that combustion occurs when any planet in a

> > direct

> > > > > > motion passes the surya from behind at certain degrees,

> > except

> > > > for

> > > > > > sukr who gets combust in "retograde" motion and rahu,


> > > > doesn't

> > > > > > get combust rather eclipse the surya.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My query: I have a chart in which the distance between


> > > and

> > > > > > budha is 1 deg 8 mts. I presume here, the Budh is getting

> > > > combust

> > > > > > and is inactive or unable to perform. In this case, still

> > this

> > > > > Yoga

> > > > > > is formed !! or am i missing some basic principle here.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Would apprecaite if you could enlighten me.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards

> > > > > > Sridhar

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Agnyeya@ Planet Earth

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Find out what India is talking about on - Answers

> > India

> > > > > Send FREE SMS to your friend's mobile from Messenger

> > > > Version 8. Get it NOW

> > > > >

> > > > >

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