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Query Reg Past Life Karma 30/11 venus combust PLUS

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Dear RR,


good to see it being read at least


now I had mentioned but u have not highlighted it in same measure other factors, I did not mention them, but said they exist.



.....VENUS COMBUSTION here is primary reason next u have other

combinations which say only 2nd marriage works, kids from it as

well give u happiness.....


MRIDULA TREIVEDI's guru+kuja wrecks marriage she wrote a series in 86 in AM. TOI. and has some good books in English, Hindi.


A NEECHA PLANET AND UCHHA PLANET IN ANY ASSOCIATION with 7th house, 7th lord also.[one side it is yoga if uccha and if neecha avayoga anyway 2 marriages exist].


there r many in HORA RATHNA MALA WHICH I CANT QUOTE unless it is available with others. as i know it is not in circulation some 49 clear cut rules on broken marriages be it plural, separation by law or death, disease whatever. written by Misra Krishna in Telugu some 700 yrs ago, translated by NN Krishna rao in English donated to Sivananda ashram.-NO SALE.


from HRM there r some 4 points where it is a broken marriage.


even if in Chara rasi many more points.


BUT VENUS AS KALATRAKARAKA is combust accentuates any of such fault lines.


if Venus is not as important then why is it also a point of ref in Manglik [sure 25%]


on some porridge In my reply tell me if we can point out aeronautics, IT, Bio-mechanics, bio-medicine etc from our works other than use some basic job profile traits and super-impose them with western works who have also studied vedic works and written them.


Parasara had mentioned in BPHS that in Kali Yuga only UDU dasa [vimshotari works] that is why i included that line other dasa and sure Jaimini is also a separate one.


and u must also see I had taken the risk and given the period before he said anything on the dates so i wasn not fixing an answer or seeing faces in the clouds.


and as always I know u know a lot more and wewcertainly want u also to do some reading, basically ur writing is more explicit, i pref to be just around the question which may not always be helpful, i am writing in 5 groups







Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Kumar ji (and Amit ji)


I would normally not comment on a reading given by a fellow

astrologer, but since this case is potentially being made a benchmark

for VENUS COMBUST and khichri astrology, I would respond to both.

Please understand that Kumarji's scholarship, association with the

indian research association started by Prof. Raman and his numerous

helpful readings given to individuals here and elsewhere are not at

all being questioned. That he is helpful through correct readings and

advice is not being questioned. But only the astrological

explanations and merely that there are alternatives exist.


Kumarji says that the reason for marital breakup was VENUS COMBUST.

Since I also use a value pretty close to Raman ayanamsha, I am

getting also Jupiter dasha mercury bhukti running from may 2005 to

july 2007.


Kumar ji has chosen to blame VENUS COMBUST for the break up but there

was no venus dasha then? On the other hand, interestingly,

debilitated jupiter is placed in 7th house and mercury is also

debilitated in 9th in the star of saturn. Neither saturn nor mercury

have a direct relationship with venus (unless you want to lay the

papakartari line -- since venus is between malefic saturn and malefic

mercury (debilitated) hence ... blah blah blah.


Should we not look at the directly involved planets here? Debilitated

jupiter in 7th (relevant), debilitated bhuktinath in 9th (why was

navamsha used to depict marriage, again..?) and mercury is in double

jeopardy. It is neecha and its dispositor is neecha in the 7th house.

Jupiter has exalted mars with it, but obviously that neechabhanga did

not pan out in this case! And gulika aspects jupiter from the

ascendant and that is no good either.


Now mind you sun and venus are involved too but NOT because of venus

combust :-)


Sun is the lord of 2nd house, family and venus is the karaka for wife

and a happy marriage. Note that both are in the star of mercury which

is debilitated and is disposed by a debilitated jupiter that is

aspecting saturn. Another myth shattered that jupiter's drishti

always helps! Not in this case because the drishti is on taurus a

house ruled by jupiter's enemy in worldly matters (but not spiritual

matter, because both are Teachers and spiritually equals -- even

Jupiter had to send his son katch to Bhargava to learn his sanjivani



There are a lot more obvious and RELATED things that are involved but

if a cursory five second glance can reveal such obvious connections

as opposed to VENUS COMBUST, should we not pay attention to these?


And as far as khichdi is concerned, please note that I did not use

Jaimini considerations and only used ONE dasha that Kumar ji also

used and pretty much the same ayanamsha. And this is not a

competition but I must make a point where upper case has been used

polemically <guffaw>


OH And I WOULD NEVER NEVER consider jaimini and parashara or even

multi dashas all recommended by PARASHARA as khichdi :-) Now using

western astrology techniques and I quote:


"mix western works on health, pysco-analysis and some extent on type

of jobs base"


from wise member's message (five lines down) I would not call khichdi

but PRETTY CLOSE TO PORRIDGE! Or as they call it in MP and Rajasthan

== Daliya! Very tasteful, and even nutritious but hardly a gourmet





, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Amit,


> good to see that these have happened in the time I have expected it

to happen if I had seen in earlier could have hinted as well. I only

give credit to our masters still and if ur data is right does show as

it has now, seen in many cases where RAMAN'S AYANAMSA works well I

mix western works on health, pysco-analysis and some extent on type

of jobs base will be vedic still and don't try KITCHIDI of Jaimini,

parasari or multiple dasas to get a reading.


> after a while made a post with so many TYPOS, will correct them here


> and for the rec ur marriage in gu-sa-sk-gu-bud 30-12 to 2-1-04

budha is 7th lord from chandra and in 7th D9. Uccha.

> Fr exp. Gu-bu-sk-ch-ch here role of Budha as 12th lord and in D9 in

8th, in sani star, transit Sani aspecting 9th lord Guru, and

Pitrukaraka Ravi are enoughreasons for it. MUST HAVE BEEN A CARDIA





> amti70 <amti70 wrote:

> Prashant

> Thx a ton for ur analysis..Date of marraige 31st Dec


> Marraige legally ended in April this year though the separation


> around may 05 infact the date u pointed out 23 rd may is the exact

> date .. Father expired on 4th Dec 2005


> Regards

> Amit


> , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Amit,not much u can do on past, present if u say have done well

> GOOD, pl keep the same spirit.

> >

> > where where u married, divorced, loss of Fr etc any events u can

> list pl mention here

> >

> > VENUS COMBUSTION here is primary reason next u have other

> combinations which say only 2nd marriage works, kids from it as


> give u happiness.

> >

> >

> > 23-5-05 to 28-8-07 can be the time ur marriage ended and

otherwise a

> good time professionaly in comparison. probably even loss of


> in same period as Guru Budha irsrunning Budha in Sani star who as

> 8th lord did give some -ve results but in 9th has given some


> to see it successfully.

> >

> > 28-8-07 to 3-8-08 u will have a change of job the next period

is a lot

> good and will do well in all aspects of life, good career,finance,

> conveyances, foreign placement etc.

> > pray to any form of Vishnu all will be fine pref is aditya


> or vishnu sahasranamam.

> >

> >

> >

> > now for the record on Shapas/doshas

> >

> >

> > Childlessness / No Male Issue

> >

> >

> > Adverse Combinations

> >

> >

> > Evils at Birth

> >

> > SA 9-26. Evils to Mother: Malefics in 6th and 12th house


> bring evils to mother.

> >

> > SA 9-53. Evils to Mother : Malefics in the 6th, the 8th, or

> the 4th from the Moon will be adverse for the mother.

> >

> > SA 9-50. Evils to Father: Should the Sun receive an aspect

> from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will


> evils to father.

> >

> > SA 9-51. Evils to Father: Should the Moon receive an aspect

> from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will


> evils to father.

> >

> >

> > Antidotes for Evils

> >

> > SA 10-2. Should one among Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus be in


> angle from ascendant, all evils are destroyed as the Sun


> darkness.

> >

> > SA 10-6. It will prove auspicious for the mother as well as

> the native if Mars joins or is aspected by Jupiter.

> >

> > SA 10-7. If malefics are surrounded by benefics while


> or trines are themselves benefic-occupied evils disappear soon.


> only this, evils will not follow from the houses concerned.

> >

> > note sa=saravali by Kalyana verma

> >

> >

> > good luck.

> >

> >

> > amti70 <amti70@> wrote:

> > Respected Gurus

> >

> > Can u kindly shed some light on the past birth karma of

> > the native and also if he or the family is carrying

> > any Shapa(especially Bramhachari shapa),pitru dosha,Stri dosha


> > suggest remedies to that effect.Life in this birth

> > has been very topsy turvy, although survived almost all the

> > calamities which include major accidents,Fathers abnormal

> > death ,Divorce and alot of mental trauma.How ever the native is

> still

> > very much strong and stable.The very purpose of

> > this query is to know if the shapa or doshas are leading to


> > horrible events and if so is there any remedy so that

> > the same can be fixed over a period of time.

> >

> > DOB - 16/4/1973

> > TOB - 14:08

> > POB - Mumbai

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Amit









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Believe me dear Kumar ji, I always try very hard to read and

understand what you write sincerely, despite our mutual challenges to

write/express and read/understand!


Try as I might, and I sincerely tried, believe me Kumar ji,


In this chart, while some may try to make Venus the scapegoat for

daring to get too close to Sun and get its face burned -- I just

cannot accept that to be a significant factor considering the many

other things about 7 and 2 being *burnt* otherwise if pyrotechnics is

going to be the significant jyotish technicality in this discussion!


If the dasha fits and the bhukti too, I say, why look elsewhere no

matter who wants you to, modern or ancient!


And as far as I have seen, ancients have not been a problem in

Jyotish, generally moderns have been!









, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Dear RR,


> good to see it being read at least


> now I had mentioned but u have not highlighted it in same measure

other factors, I did not mention them, but said they exist.



> ....VENUS COMBUSTION here is primary reason next u have other

> combinations which say only 2nd marriage works, kids from it as

> well give u happiness.....


> MRIDULA TREIVEDI's guru+kuja wrecks marriage she wrote a series in

86 in AM. TOI. and has some good books in English, Hindi.



7th lord also.[one side it is yoga if uccha and if neecha avayoga

anyway 2 marriages exist].


> there r many in HORA RATHNA MALA WHICH I CANT QUOTE unless it is

available with others. as i know it is not in circulation some 49

clear cut rules on broken marriages be it plural, separation by law

or death, disease whatever. written by Misra Krishna in Telugu some

700 yrs ago, translated by NN Krishna rao in English donated to

Sivananda ashram.-NO SALE.


> from HRM there r some 4 points where it is a broken marriage.


> even if in Chara rasi many more points.


> BUT VENUS AS KALATRAKARAKA is combust accentuates any of such fault



> if Venus is not as important then why is it also a point of ref in

Manglik [sure 25%]


> on some porridge In my reply tell me if we can point out

aeronautics, IT, Bio-mechanics, bio-medicine etc from our works other

than use some basic job profile traits and super-impose them with

western works who have also studied vedic works and written them.


> Parasara had mentioned in BPHS that in Kali Yuga only UDU dasa

[vimshotari works] that is why i included that line other dasa and

sure Jaimini is also a separate one.


> and u must also see I had taken the risk and given the period

before he said anything on the dates so i wasn not fixing an answer

or seeing faces in the clouds.


> and as always I know u know a lot more and wewcertainly want u also

to do some reading, basically ur writing is more explicit, i pref to

be just around the question which may not always be helpful, i am

writing in 5 groups


> regards


> Prashant



> Rohiniranjan <jyotish_vani

wrote: Dear Kumar ji (and Amit ji)


> I would normally not comment on a reading given by a fellow

> astrologer, but since this case is potentially being made a


> for VENUS COMBUST and khichri astrology, I would respond to both.

> Please understand that Kumarji's scholarship, association with the

> indian research association started by Prof. Raman and his


> helpful readings given to individuals here and elsewhere are not


> all being questioned. That he is helpful through correct readings


> advice is not being questioned. But only the astrological

> explanations and merely that there are alternatives exist.


> Kumarji says that the reason for marital breakup was VENUS


> Since I also use a value pretty close to Raman ayanamsha, I am

> getting also Jupiter dasha mercury bhukti running from may 2005 to

> july 2007.


> Kumar ji has chosen to blame VENUS COMBUST for the break up but


> was no venus dasha then? On the other hand, interestingly,

> debilitated jupiter is placed in 7th house and mercury is also

> debilitated in 9th in the star of saturn. Neither saturn nor


> have a direct relationship with venus (unless you want to lay the

> papakartari line -- since venus is between malefic saturn and


> mercury (debilitated) hence ... blah blah blah.


> Should we not look at the directly involved planets here?


> jupiter in 7th (relevant), debilitated bhuktinath in 9th (why was

> navamsha used to depict marriage, again..?) and mercury is in


> jeopardy. It is neecha and its dispositor is neecha in the 7th


> Jupiter has exalted mars with it, but obviously that neechabhanga


> not pan out in this case! And gulika aspects jupiter from the

> ascendant and that is no good either.


> Now mind you sun and venus are involved too but NOT because of


> combust :-)


> Sun is the lord of 2nd house, family and venus is the karaka for


> and a happy marriage. Note that both are in the star of mercury


> is debilitated and is disposed by a debilitated jupiter that is

> aspecting saturn. Another myth shattered that jupiter's drishti

> always helps! Not in this case because the drishti is on taurus a

> house ruled by jupiter's enemy in worldly matters (but not


> matter, because both are Teachers and spiritually equals -- even

> Jupiter had to send his son katch to Bhargava to learn his


> vidya!).


> There are a lot more obvious and RELATED things that are involved


> if a cursory five second glance can reveal such obvious


> as opposed to VENUS COMBUST, should we not pay attention to these?


> And as far as khichdi is concerned, please note that I did not use

> Jaimini considerations and only used ONE dasha that Kumar ji also

> used and pretty much the same ayanamsha. And this is not a

> competition but I must make a point where upper case has been used

> polemically <guffaw>


> OH And I WOULD NEVER NEVER consider jaimini and parashara or even

> multi dashas all recommended by PARASHARA as khichdi :-) Now using

> western astrology techniques and I quote:


> "mix western works on health, pysco-analysis and some extent on


> of jobs base"


> from wise member's message (five lines down) I would not call


> but PRETTY CLOSE TO PORRIDGE! Or as they call it in MP and


> == Daliya! Very tasteful, and even nutritious but hardly a gourmet

> meal!


> RR


> , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Amit,

> >

> > good to see that these have happened in the time I have expected


> to happen if I had seen in earlier could have hinted as well. I


> give credit to our masters still and if ur data is right does show


> it has now, seen in many cases where RAMAN'S AYANAMSA works well I

> mix western works on health, pysco-analysis and some extent on


> of jobs base will be vedic still and don't try KITCHIDI of


> parasari or multiple dasas to get a reading.

> >

> > after a while made a post with so many TYPOS, will correct them


> >

> > and for the rec ur marriage in gu-sa-sk-gu-bud 30-12 to 2-1-04

> budha is 7th lord from chandra and in 7th D9. Uccha.

> > Fr exp. Gu-bu-sk-ch-ch here role of Budha as 12th lord and in D9


> 8th, in sani star, transit Sani aspecting 9th lord Guru, and

> Pitrukaraka Ravi are enoughreasons for it. MUST HAVE BEEN A CARDIA


> >

> >

> >

> > amti70 <amti70@> wrote:

> > Prashant

> > Thx a ton for ur analysis..Date of marraige 31st Dec

> 2003..

> > Marraige legally ended in April this year though the separation

> began

> > around may 05 infact the date u pointed out 23 rd may is the


> > date .. Father expired on 4th Dec 2005

> >

> > Regards

> > Amit

> >

> > , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Amit,not much u can do on past, present if u say have done


> > GOOD, pl keep the same spirit.

> > >

> > > where where u married, divorced, loss of Fr etc any events u


> > list pl mention here

> > >

> > > VENUS COMBUSTION here is primary reason next u have other

> > combinations which say only 2nd marriage works, kids from it as

> well

> > give u happiness.

> > >

> > >

> > > 23-5-05 to 28-8-07 can be the time ur marriage ended and

> otherwise a

> > good time professionaly in comparison. probably even loss of

> father

> > in same period as Guru Budha irsrunning Budha in Sani star who


> > 8th lord did give some -ve results but in 9th has given some

> strength

> > to see it successfully.

> > >

> > > 28-8-07 to 3-8-08 u will have a change of job the next


> is a lot

> > good and will do well in all aspects of life, good


> > conveyances, foreign placement etc.

> > > pray to any form of Vishnu all will be fine pref is aditya

> hrudayam

> > or vishnu sahasranamam.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > now for the record on Shapas/doshas

> > >

> > >

> > > Childlessness / No Male Issue

> > >

> > >

> > > Adverse Combinations

> > >

> > >

> > > Evils at Birth

> > >

> > > SA 9-26. Evils to Mother: Malefics in 6th and 12th house

> will

> > bring evils to mother.

> > >

> > > SA 9-53. Evils to Mother : Malefics in the 6th, the 8th,


> > the 4th from the Moon will be adverse for the mother.

> > >

> > > SA 9-50. Evils to Father: Should the Sun receive an


> > from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will

> cause

> > evils to father.

> > >

> > > SA 9-51. Evils to Father: Should the Moon receive an


> > from one or more malefics or be hemmed between them, this will

> cause

> > evils to father.

> > >

> > >

> > > Antidotes for Evils

> > >

> > > SA 10-2. Should one among Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus be


> an

> > angle from ascendant, all evils are destroyed as the Sun

> eliminates

> > darkness.

> > >

> > > SA 10-6. It will prove auspicious for the mother as well


> > the native if Mars joins or is aspected by Jupiter.

> > >

> > > SA 10-7. If malefics are surrounded by benefics while

> angles

> > or trines are themselves benefic-occupied evils disappear soon.

> Not

> > only this, evils will not follow from the houses concerned.

> > >

> > > note sa=saravali by Kalyana verma

> > >

> > >

> > > good luck.

> > >

> > >

> > > amti70 <amti70@> wrote:

> > > Respected Gurus

> > >

> > > Can u kindly shed some light on the past birth karma of

> > > the native and also if he or the family is carrying

> > > any Shapa(especially Bramhachari shapa),pitru dosha,Stri


> and

> > > suggest remedies to that effect.Life in this birth

> > > has been very topsy turvy, although survived almost all the

> > > calamities which include major accidents,Fathers abnormal

> > > death ,Divorce and alot of mental trauma.How ever the native


> > still

> > > very much strong and stable.The very purpose of

> > > this query is to know if the shapa or doshas are leading to

> such

> > > horrible events and if so is there any remedy so that

> > > the same can be fixed over a period of time.

> > >

> > > DOB - 16/4/1973

> > > TOB - 14:08

> > > POB - Mumbai

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Amit









> Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail beta.



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dear Sri Prashant kumar,

I am really amazed with ur knowledge and ur access to

books which were written 700yrs back. We have to bow

our heads to those great people who have written these

books when there would'nt have been broken marriages

or divorce as we witness today.

thanks for sharing ur knowledge to the members of this












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i have a few times named some rare works, like Bhavaphala bodhini in Kannada Karma vipaka [one that gives u a snapshot of ur past life] in Sanskrit sloka sand Kannada translation, Jataka Marthanda the Telugu version Vavidla press many r over 200-300 yrs old works just as printing became popular in India.I have hardly scratched any surface I must say to what is available in our ancient works.

some works of V subramanya shastry are also v good translations of Jataka parijata, jataka tatwa, jataka desha marga, uttara kalmrutha, sanketha nidhi

brihat jataka, brihat samhita he along with M Ramakrishna Bhatt a Sanskrit prof did a few works early last century. [M R Bhatts works are still sold by MLBD Gupta]. others by Krishnia shetty & sons Avenue road Bangalore.



but ICAS current president has many great Sanskrit, Hindi volumes Justice N kapoor. i was amazed seeing how from BPHS of Varanasi [may be venkateswara press] he can pin point the profession by 10th lord in D10 EACH amsa HAS A NAME for a planet in it which denotes the profession itself, justice kapoor is a highly gifted man and RAMAN'S worthy successor but less known in the world.




we can say what the author had said was plural marriages and broken ones, surely no word divorce will be there but separated, deserted/forsaken etc will be there. these words are done into English by NNK so he has adapted it to our times.


some good style he has used even in 60's was `affairs with maid servant the line u may find in works of R Santhanam will read as affairs with Secretaries, co workers some later writes have used.

where elephants, horses etc are used is substituted by conveyances or luxurious vehicles etc. depends if elephant or horses were used originally.

meeting VIP's is sued when original work can mean king or royals.





K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: dear Sri Prashant kumar,

I am really amazed with ur knowledge and ur access to

books which were written 700yrs back. We have to bow

our heads to those great people who have written these

books when there would'nt have been broken marriages

or divorce as we witness today.

thanks for sharing ur knowledge to the members of this







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