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yantras worn on the body

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Dear Friend


Namaskar and thank you for your message........you are most

fortunate to be able to have the Guru Rudraksha to

wear........common Mantra for any of the Holy Rudraksha is Aum Namah

Shivaya.........further the MahaMrityunjaya Mantra is mentioned in

Holy Books as another.......suggesting you see the Mantras mentioned

on our Rudra Center Website for each of the Holy Rudraksha by going

on internet to www..com and clicking on

Rudraksha.....also if in the US the Shiva Purana can be found at

www.Natarajbooks.com and one of the books in this set has Bija

Mantras for One Mukh to Fourteen Mukhi


Hope this helps a little


Wishing you and Family the Best


Rudra Center India and America


DharmaDev Arya


, Shankar Ganesh

<wellmaxtex wrote:


> Dear sir


> I get 5 muki rudraksha in my native place


> when I wear this rudraksha and what is the manthra


> kindly send me the details at the earliest


> thanks and regards




> rudracenter <no_reply> wrote:

> Dear Michael Ji


> Namaskar and thank you for your message.......dont know why you


> want to hang a 5" yantra on body and yes it most likely would be

> cumberson however if you want to do this you can make a metal


> for the yantra and string on silver chain......or you could go to


> Rudra Center website at www..com and look at our


> Lockets that are from 1" to a 2" in size and are more the size the

> Priests in the Temple would wear..........In fact with the smaller

> sizes you can wear a couple at the same time and they would wear


> comfortably


> hope this helps


> Wishing you and Family the Best


> Rudra Center America


> DharmaDev Arya


> , "Michael"

> <spiritmed@> wrote:

> >

> > In some of the descriptions, it says that some yamtras can be


> > onthe body. But how does one hang a 5x5 yantra on the body? eg.


> > isn't it cumbersome?

> >

> > jai gurur

> >








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