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Demigods, ISKCON, etc.

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Namaste learned friends,


Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point made by a friend and some other related spiritual matters. Please bear with my non-coherence here. I am writing after a long time and want to cover a few different things.


Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting each other during Sunday-Tuesday. This is a good time for sadhana.


* * *


Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address one specific point.


> >But what I really have question is, that by

> >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds are nullified.

> >

> >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and violent death.


Let me respectfully state that you have a very limited view on what beings are out there and what they are experiencing.


If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet with perfect swaram for 8 hours continuously, do you think no beings are affected by it?


First of all, even going by material subjects such as modern science, there are millions or billions of beings (microbodies) within our physical bodies.


Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and accept spiritual experience as a pramaana, the entire universe and all gods are within. Rishis taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all the beings exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of course, our sleepy self-awareness is limited to bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence we do not perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to actually experience that various lokas and devas are within oneself. Unfortunately, it cannot be experienced by everybody, because waking up one's sleepy self-awareness and purifying it is difficult, and hence science will not accept it.


Whether you accept that the entire universe is within or not, the bottomline is that there are so many beings within us. They are affected by our thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and energies (at the subtle level) produced by those thoughts.


Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of so many beings that are within us! It may be mind-boggling to think of this, but it is so true. Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates specific energy patterns in various energy centers and channels of the body. So, of course, they have the potential to "remedy some beings' suffering" (suffering of millions of beings that live within us).


Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration is not just of particles at sthoola sareera (gross) level, but at sookshma sareera and kaarana sareera level also. The vibration produced by the physical sound (vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth (sthoola sareera) is only the gross aspect of the sabda. The subtle vibrations produced by imagery in the mind and thoughts are as important (if not more important). Out of the four divisions of sabda, vaikhari is the least important. Madhyama, Pasyanti and Para are increasingly important.


When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a few times, such a harmonious blend of the vibrations is produced at various levels (sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras) that paraa level of sabda is so strong that strong vibrations are created by it in the mahaakaarana sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to the mantra!


* * *


> >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.


If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be one did something wrong. May be one did not put enough water. May be there wasn't enough sunlight.. May be one did not wait enough time. You cannot conclude that this seed does not give a plant.


If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may be you were imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic mantra. Second of all, try to perfect the intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your conscious and sub-conscious energies on the mantra or deity and produce the correct vibrations at all levels..


If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do produce tremendous results.. Even a fool like me who knows not much has seen the power of these Vedic mantras.


Another thing:


The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may sometimes be something you have not expected! She (or He, if you prefer) knows what should be given when. We are like small children who don't know what is good for us and bad for us and She is like the mother of children. Sometimes, a child may not like what mother gives or does, but mother knows the best.


When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may forcefully put her finger at the base of the tongue and provoke a vomiting. The child may hate this act, but this may make his suffering less after one final suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic remedies sometimes bring one big trouble (like the vomiting) and much relief later. Also, one bad karma may be blocking a lot of good karmas and the planet may have to force the fructification of the bad karma before many good karmas fructify.


In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for navagrahas (especially Mars) using Vedic mantras, there was immediate suffering for a few days before really good results. In fact, I try to not even distinguish between the two and try to consider both as Her blessings. They really are. As astrologers, we keep recommending remedies to people who are materially inclined and want temporary relief (so-called) from temporary troubles (so-called). But, it is also a good idea to increase devotion and sthita-pragnyata that makes people not distinguish between pleasure and sadness.


* * *


Regarding one supreme God:


The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it fills the entire universe, known as Brahmanda (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest). Brahman alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman alone is unlimited and beyond attributes. Each manifestation of Brahman is limited and has attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Indra, Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_ manifestations of Brahman with various attributes. Though they are all limied, a rishi can see the unlimited Brahman in all of them.


A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that exists is actually Brahman only. When he worships Vishnu, he actually sees Vishnu not as a limited manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman and hence lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond attributes and that everything and every deity is a different manifestation of Vishnu only. For example, Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah sa harih". Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi, he actually sees Ganapathi not as a limied manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman and hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond attributes and that everything and every deity is a different manifestation of Ganapathi only. For example, Ganapathi Atharva Seersham says "tvam brahma tvam vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with respect to various deities. It is not that rishis are lying. It is that they are in such exalted state that they see Brahman in whichever deity they are contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi state can see Brahman in everything.


* * *


That one God who manifestaed differently is the unmanifested supreme potentiality. He/She/It has no attributes (which come with only a specific manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When the final goal of a journey has no description, one may describe it based on the path taken in the journey. Similarly, those who worshipped Vishnu and finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe Brahman as Narayana and attribute some of Vishnu's gunas to Brahman, though Brahman has no gunas. Those who worshipped Shiva and finally reached Brahman through Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and attribute some of Shiva's gunas to Brahman though Brahman has no gunas.


All the fights about the superiority of deities that occurred in the past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE and Brahman alone is. Whether you reach Brahman through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman you reach is identical. So worship whichever deity you are attracted to. Try to reach Him/Her. If you are so inclined and believe in the One source of all divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through whichever deity you worship. The paths are many, but the final goal is the same. Ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa vadanti.


All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths to Brahman. Allah is not different from Brahman, but the path taught by some Islamic teachers to Allah may be different from some paths Hindus know to Brahman.


The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have experimented and given some easy paths. If you don't want it easy and want to take a difficult path also, that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want an easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic mantras.


* * *


I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio and a 25-page manual on my webpage (link below). This is a simple procedure that takes less than an hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do a one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my own experience that a daily homam is great for spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni burning in sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and energy flow has obstructions, then most other sadhanas you may be doing will not yield much result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in increasing bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing obstructions to energy flow. If one is already a realized soul like Buddha, homam may be unnecessary. But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a very effective method. Just like with any sadhana, regularity increases effect in homam too. I encourage people interested in the Vedic path to make a small homam (one hour or half hour or atleast 15 min) a part of their daily spiritual sadhana. After doing it for a few months, you will realize that it will make all your other sadhanas (such as japam) much more effective.


Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if you find mistakes in what I am teaching. Instead of teaching a complicated procedure that turns people off, I believe in simplifying it so that people benefit from it. Moreover, I have retained most important steps and this is an almost authentic Vedic agnimukham.


Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based homas cannot be performed by everybody and hence recommend Tantrik homas. I am inspired by Saint Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the right to recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda in front of arrogant scholars who forbade him from reciting Veda. I like the Vedic method and hence teach it to every interested person. May those who disagree with me ignore me.


* * *


I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not reading any of these . If you need my attention, please send a private mail. But, unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to read and reply to mails and I get a lot of mails. My sincere apologies if I am unable to help you. Please don't take offense. Even if I cannot help you directly, I will be praying to Mother to somehow give direction to everybody who sought direction from me and failed to get a response from me.


May the light of Brahman shine within,



Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Sanjay,


> Sahasra namaskara -


> This is indeed an interesting thread, and I too

> was taken aback by the "Curse Sanjay Rath"

> subject title of it. I had been away for some

> time, but just caught this today. Anyway, I

> would like a bit of clarification on the

> following that you wrote, and would be grateful for your elaboration:


> You wrote:


> >God and demi-god is a concept developed for some

> >cult thinking and htere are no demi-gods. There

> >isnonly one God and men call that one by many

> >names which is man's weakness, and not that of god.


> To my knowledge, as learned from my guru, God is

> indeed one but manifested variously. For the

> sake of some very important universal functions,

> some of the jivas play important roles, such as

> Brahma in creation, Indra in protection,

> etc. These jivas are described in the

> Bhagavad-gita as "Devas," and are definitely a

> distinction that God, Sri Krsna makes

> Himself. Do you recall the verse from

> Bhagavad-gita, "Devan deva-yajo yanti, mad bhakta

> yanti mam api," or "Those who worship the devas

> (demigods) go to the planets of the demigods

> (after death), whereas those who worship Me, come

> to Me."? So the concept of God and demigod

> (almighty, and His empowered parts and parcels)

> is not something of a cult thinking, but rather

> that of the Lord Himself. But you know this,

> don't you, and am I not preaching to the choir here?


> So far as many names of God, yes there are

> infinite names, and these are mentioned in

> various scriptures to describe but a minute

> fraction of His immense potencies and Lilas. Why

> is the awareness of various names of God

> indicative of man's weakness? Further, in ISKCON

> the infinite names of God as described in various

> scriptures are known, recited, and worshipped,

> yet indeed the distinction between God and

> demigod is taught as well. Where did you get the

> idea that ISKCON devotees only knew or worshipped one or two names of God?


> >Why do you hate ISKCON? I have heard one elder

> >sadhu telling that God sends you to be born in

> >the lands of those you fight against, in the

> >religion of those you hate, in the houses of

> >those who have a debt to repay to you!!! I am

> >sure you don't want to be reborn as an ISKCON

> >member nor as a buddhist. So my humble

> >submission is that you should love ISKCON and

> >love Buddhists, then you can stay away from them forever!!!


> If I had the chance to take birth a million times

> as a member of ISKCON, I would think myself as

> the most fortunate person, as ISKCON was the

> creation of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> Swami Prabhupada, perhaps the greatest saint to

> walk the face of the earth in the 20th

> century. Believe me when I say this: had he not

> come with his tireless effort to implant Sanatana

> dharma and Vedic knowledge within the minds of

> all those outside of India, then it is doubtful

> that anyone outside of India would even have

> heard of the Vedas, what to speak of Jyotish. So

> far as the misgivings or transgressions of some

> of my godbrothers are concerned, each and every

> one of them will be accountable for the results

> of their actions. Those who follow the teachings

> of the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara strictly, will

> attain the highest moksa, and there is no doubt

> about this. So instead of elaborating on the

> sins of some fallen disciples, and making this

> the epitaph of the society called ISKCON, maybe

> spend a little time to learn the history of the

> great good that the ISKCON devotees did in the

> period during Prabhupada's existence on this earth.


> But I agree that Silva, the gentleman who started

> this thread, wreaks with a bit of hate, wouldn't

> you agree? In that regard the message of oneness

> and acceptance is a very good and healing one.


> My best to you,

> With warm regards,

> Robert




> >One final thing - what have I done to you to get

> >the subject of this mail as ' - Curse Sanjay Rath'?

> >Best wishes and warm regards,

> >Sanjay Rath

> >

> >Personal: <http://srath.com/blog/>WebPages â—Â

> ><http://srath.com/blog/>Rath’s Rhapsody

> >SJC WebPages: <http://.org/>Sri

> >Jagannath Center â— <http://sjcerc.com/>SJCERC â— <http://jiva.us/>JIVA

> >Publications: <http://thejyotishdigest.com/>The

> >Jyotish Digest â—Â

> ><http://sagittariuspublications.com/>Sagittarius Publications

> >----

> >

> >

> >

> >----------

> >sohamsa

> >[sohamsa] On Behalf Of silva graduate

> >Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:19 AM

> >sohamsa

> >Re: Fwd: RE: Trouble from

> >Sons - Curse Sanjay Rath :Confidential

> >

> >This is rather a confidendial matter and I

> >request this email be shared only with Sanjayji and you.

> >

> >I see that SJC is ISKCON similar line of

> >thought, that means holds Sri Krsna as Supreme God.

> >

> >However, Veda ( samhita potions only genuine )

> >do not proclaim this view. Abhay Charan De and

> >his followers always call the other Deities as

> >demi-gods but this is only ISKCON point of view

> >following ISKCON translation of Gita. Gita is

> >purana, not shaastra, so it cannot surpass the

> >Vedas which is the source of all knowledge.

> >

> >I myself understand some Upaya are very

> >scienfitic and logical. All entities are under

> >Navagraha ( at leaset in our Solar Systm ).

> >So, if some people have Shani dosha, it is

> >understandable that they must feed crows or

> >serve old or homeless, black dogs, etc, since

> >all entities are united in energy level ( Unified Field Theory ).

> >

> >But what I really have question is, that by

> >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds are nullified.

> >

> >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and violent death.

> >

> >How, by supplicating deities which do not have

> >any authority to bend the Law of CAUSE AND

> >EFFECT which even God cannot do, mitigate our sufffering.

> >

> >In other words, if we repent and do great works

> >to help and heal all beings around us, our life

> >become worthy and necessary for the existence.

> >

> >But many selfish men such as some fool who ask

> >for a mantra for beauty which is abslultely

> >childish ( in this forum ), believes by mumbling

> >quasi Sanskrit words ( Sanskrit is very accurate

> >language and must be enunciated properly

> >) advocates Navagraha mantras and other

> >concocted works of post Mahabharata Hinduims.

> >

> >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.

> >

> >My Tamil Brahmin friend ( real brahmin by birth

> >and qualification and the works of charity )

> >also know many mantras and tested, but popular

> >Navagraha tantrik mantras did not work ).

> >

> >I find, that the puja by proxy advocated by

> >HIndus and Buddhists, Roman catholics have

> >fundamentally selfish. One's own tapas is the

> >key to lessen the karmic retribution, not some

> >paid pujari who have no interest nor compassion

> >for unknown men who send money from somewhere.

> >

> >I believe there are genuine Upaya. The best of

> >all is to help children, women, animals and handicapped.

> >

> >But theere is no such remedies chanting mantras

> >or going on to some mountain in India...not in

> >the Vedas, BPHS and other ancient works of sages.

> >

> >I think Kali yuga, we all seek easy remediy.

> >

> >Indeed the qualified Vedic astrologers are vicar

> >of Mahakala; they can discern life and death

> >matter. But how few are those...I think we can count those in our hands.

> >

> >

> >Another fundamental problem for praying to particular deity is this:

> >

> >Navagraha have been entrusted to execute the

> >dispensation of karma. What authority some gods

> >or goddesses have to override Navagraha?

> >

> >Bringing and quoting puranas cannot stand a

> >logical argument. Saiva, Vaishnava, Shakta all

> >have their supreme boooks which were written by

> >their co-religioninsts who proclaims that their god is Supreme.

> >

> >The Vedas ( samhita ) do not proclaim these sectarian ideas.

> >

> >Another matter is, only when one repent so

> >deeply and actively involve wealfare of others,

> >there is real need for Universe to preserve his life even his karma be so evil.

> >

> >What power of curse normal human beings have, be

> >they mothers, fathers, etc, who have no

> >vak-siddhi at all. Pitri tarpana and all other

> >false dogma which teaches we can do something

> >for the dead is contrary to the Vedas ( samhita

> >only. brahmana and other parts do not constitute the Vedas ).

> >

> >If someone can donate money to copulating and

> >glutton pujari of mandir can the dead be escaope

> >from damnation? This is Mayavadi teaching which

> >is most prevalent in buddhist nations.

> >

> >Of all religions, nothing is so devastating to

> >human spirit but the budhism. Mohammedanism is

> >much better than nihilistic philosophy.

> >

> >Sans Dieu, pas spiritualite ( a word of great Quebecois devotee of Krsna )

> >

> >So, what I am finding is, many physically living

> >gurus of well known have some questionable practice..

> >

> >I was greatly attached to a female guru from

> >South India who does Jagadyatra... But her

> >organisation starts more and more online

> >puja,,,done by some pujari far away for money...

> >

> >Whan an American caucasian youth of 30s who is

> >not even svami started conduct navagraha puja

> >and homa ( ganapati homa , etc ) in the Evil

> >Empire, I was devastated... Why this guru who is

> >no doubt Kaliavatar allow her organisation do such buddhistic practicves....

> >

> >Many ISKCON gurus absconded with money and

> >women, abused chuildren...documented facts. So

> >is lier Mukrtananda of SYDA, so is Rajneesh, so

> >is Ravishanker, Maheshi Yogi,,,,all shame of

> >India who desecrated the Aryavarta by their evil ways...

> >

> >In other pantehons stands Bhagavan Ramakrsna,

> >Bhagavan Shiridi Baba, Bhagavan Sathya Sai

> >Baba......and countless unknown but genuine saints of Aryavarta....

> >

> >The sincere ex-Indian born as foreigners is this:

> >

> >how to find a Sadguru and can settle and survive ( economically ) in India...

> >

> >Despite of evil Western and Mohamedan influence,

> >still in India genuine saints lives, and innocent and loving Indians live...

> >

> >So, knowing I have only only 2 and half years

> >before coming Sade Sathi, I must find a Sadguru

> >who is not inudated by foreign devotees ( which

> >makes sadhana impossible since they come to India as tourists ).

> >

> >I must find in colder climate, such as

> >Chandigah, Simla, etc, a sadguru who can

> >really guide me one on one in many Puja-viddhi....

> >

> >But my fear is, as my chart indicates, that may

> >be Lord Saturn is luring me into India so that

> >He can totally annihilate me by ganged up by

> >dacoits attack ( as per my chart ).

> >

> >Death is salvation to me. But I have a sacred

> >Mission to sell my parental property and

> >transfer money to safely India, instead of

> >buddhist relatives and the Evil Government of

> >Evil Empire taking money for themselv.

> >

> >I am the only son, and depite of my huge

> >respects for Indian deities, I still am not

> >married nor have children ( I am in my 40s )

> >

> >I wonder, may be all of Indian lore are Indian

> >hyperbole...But my pbservation of Jyotish and

> >its accuracy tells me that the race who

> >developed this Divine Science cannot be

> >wrong...From a prostitute to multi-millionaire,

> >all ages and all races I ahve interviewed, the

> >charts exactly tells what they are...have been through....

> >

> >So please realise this fact..Silvagraduate

> >surrenders totaaly at the feet of All Vedic

> >deities, Avatars, Rishis, Siddhas, Yogis and

> >Sannyasins, and seeking their help but I am

> >sinking deeply into the nefarious world of desparation...

> >

> >What remedial measures do you or Pandit Sanjayji

> >consider effective, when the Yogakaraka

> >RetrograteShani dev in his own house is directly

> >opposed to by the badhaka lord Sun afflicted atmakaraka Mercury..

> >

> >If I were to go down, I must at least do some

> >good to the world but I cannot do that even for

> >I have to fight so many battles for exitences,

> >and I sense my life is totally useless for me and the world...

> >

> >But whart you say is true,,,All devata and

> >navagraha are within...It is that Maya,s lid is

> >so strong, we cannot really identify what we truly are....SatchitAnanda....

> >

> >I do not know where you are Souravji, but if you

> >were in Aryavarta, God bless! That is the only

> >land, together with the United States, that I

> >found worhty for adoration and loyalty ( I lived

> >all western EU nations and Switzerland but

> >compare to these, India and USA are the only

> >nations that have genuine Greatness )

> >

> >I sometimes see many NRI people who left India

> >and live in west, dress and act as

> >westerners...Why do they want to imitate inferior cultures???

> >

> >WHen the evltuion of souls comes to near end,

> >all beings must turn to Aryavarta...the brahmin

> >nation which rules the world from the beginning until the end of Time..

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Dear Sir!


The article is very good and enlightening. I would like to forward it to

others with your kind permission.


Thanking You for explaining to us, so clearly and elaborately.









vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr



> Namaste learned friends,


> Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point made by a friend and

some other related spiritual matters. Please bear with my non-coherence

here. I am writing after a long time and want to cover a few different



> Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and Sun, Mars and

Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting each other during Sunday-Tuesday.

This is a good time for sadhana.


> * * *


> Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address one specific point.


> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds are


> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and violent



> Let me respectfully state that you have a very limited view on what

beings are out there and what they are experiencing.


> If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet with perfect swaram

for 8 hours continuously, do you think no beings are affected by it?


> First of all, even going by material subjects such as modern science,

there are millions or billions of beings (microbodies) within our

physical bodies.


> Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and accept spiritual

experience as a pramaana, the entire universe and all gods are within.

Rishis taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all the beings

exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of course, our sleepy self-awareness

is limited to bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence we do not

perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to actually experience

that various lokas and devas are within oneself. Unfortunately, it

cannot be experienced by everybody, because waking up one's sleepy

self-awareness and purifying it is difficult, and hence science will not

accept it.


> Whether you accept that the entire universe is within or not, the

bottomline is that there are so many beings within us. They are affected

by our thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and energies (at

the subtle level) produced by those thoughts.


> Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of so many beings

that are within us! It may be mind-boggling to think of this, but it is

so true. Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates specific

energy patterns in various energy centers and channels of the body. So,

of course, they have the potential to "remedy some beings' suffering"

(suffering of millions of beings that live within us).


> Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration is not just of

particles at sthoola sareera (gross) level, but at sookshma sareera and

kaarana sareera level also. The vibration produced by the physical sound

(vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth (sthoola sareera) is only the

gross aspect of the sabda. The subtle vibrations produced by imagery in

the mind and thoughts are as important (if not more important). Out of

the four divisions of sabda, vaikhari is the least important. Madhyama,

Pasyanti and Para are increasingly important.


> When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a few times, such a

harmonious blend of the vibrations is produced at various levels

(sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras) that paraa level of

sabda is so strong that strong vibrations are created by it in the

mahaakaarana sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to the



> * * *


> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.


> If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be one did something

wrong. May be one did not put enough water. May be there wasn't enough

sunlight. May be one did not wait enough time. You cannot conclude that

this seed does not give a plant.


> If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may be you were

imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic mantra. Second of all, try to

perfect the intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your conscious

and sub-conscious energies on the mantra or deity and produce the

correct vibrations at all levels.


> If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do produce tremendous

results. Even a fool like me who knows not much has seen the power of

these Vedic mantras.


> Another thing:


> The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may sometimes be

something you have not expected! She (or He, if you prefer) knows what

should be given when. We are like small children who don't know what is

good for us and bad for us and She is like the mother of children.

Sometimes, a child may not like what mother gives or does, but mother

knows the best.


> When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may forcefully put her

finger at the base of the tongue and provoke a vomiting. The child may

hate this act, but this may make his suffering less after one final

suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic remedies sometimes bring

one big trouble (like the vomiting) and much relief later. Also, one bad

karma may be blocking a lot of good karmas and the planet may have to

force the fructification of the bad karma before many good karmas



> In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for navagrahas (especially

Mars) using Vedic mantras, there was immediate suffering for a few days

before really good results. In fact, I try to not even distinguish

between the two and try to consider both as Her blessings. They really

are. As astrologers, we keep recommending remedies to people who are

materially inclined and want temporary relief (so-called) from temporary

troubles (so-called). But, it is also a good idea to increase devotion

and sthita-pragnyata that makes people not distinguish between pleasure

and sadness.


> * * *


> Regarding one supreme God:


> The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it fills the entire

universe, known as Brahmanda (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest).

Brahman alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman alone is

unlimited and beyond attributes. Each manifestation of Brahman is

limited and has attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Indra,

Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_ manifestations of Brahman

with various attributes. Though they are all limied, a rishi can see the

unlimited Brahman in all of them.


> A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that exists is actually

Brahman only. When he worships Vishnu, he actually sees Vishnu not as a

limited manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman and hence

lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond attributes and that everything

and every deity is a different manifestation of Vishnu only. For

example, Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah sa harih".

Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi, he actually sees Ganapathi

not as a limied manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman and

hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond attributes and that

everything and every deity is a different manifestation of Ganapathi

only. For example, Ganapathi Atharva Seersham says "tvam brahma tvam

vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


> You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with respect to various

deities. It is not that rishis are lying. It is that they are in such

exalted state that they see Brahman in whichever deity they are

contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi state can see Brahman

in everything.


> * * *


> That one God who manifestaed differently is the unmanifested supreme

potentiality. He/She/It has no attributes (which come with only a

specific manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When the final

goal of a journey has no description, one may describe it based on the

path taken in the journey. Similarly, those who worshipped Vishnu and

finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe Brahman as Narayana and

attribute some of Vishnu's gunas to Brahman, though Brahman has no

gunas. Those who worshipped Shiva and finally reached Brahman through

Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and attribute some of Shiva's gunas

to Brahman though Brahman has no gunas.


> All the fights about the superiority of deities that occurred in the

past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE and Brahman alone is. Whether you

reach Brahman through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman you reach is

identical. So worship whichever deity you are attracted to. Try to reach

Him/Her. If you are so inclined and believe in the One source of all

divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through whichever deity you

worship. The paths are many, but the final goal is the same. Ekam sat

vipraa bahudhaa vadanti.


> All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths to Brahman. Allah

is not different from Brahman, but the path taught by some Islamic

teachers to Allah may be different from some paths Hindus know to



> The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have experimented and

given some easy paths. If you don't want it easy and want to take a

difficult path also, that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want an

easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic mantras.


> * * *


> I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio and a 25-page

manual on my webpage (link below). This is a simple procedure that takes

less than an hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do a

one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my own experience that

a daily homam is great for spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni burning in

sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and energy flow has

obstructions, then most other sadhanas you may be doing will not yield

much result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in increasing

bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing obstructions to energy flow. If

one is already a realized soul like Buddha, homam may be unnecessary.

But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a very effective method.

Just like with any sadhana, regularity increases effect in homam too. I

encourage people interested in the Vedic path to make a small homam (one

hour or half hour or atleast 15 min) a part of their daily spiritual

sadhana. After doing it for a few months, you will realize that it will

make all your other sadhanas (such as japam) much more effective.


> Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if you find mistakes

in what I am teaching. Instead of teaching a complicated procedure that

turns people off, I believe in simplifying it so that people benefit

from it. Moreover, I have retained most important steps and this is an

almost authentic Vedic agnimukham.


> Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based homas cannot be

performed by everybody and hence recommend Tantrik homas. I am inspired

by Saint Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the right to

recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda in front of arrogant scholars

who forbade him from reciting Veda. I like the Vedic method and hence

teach it to every interested person. May those who disagree with me

ignore me.


> * * *


> I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not reading any of these

. If you need my attention, please send a private mail. But,

unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to read and reply to

mails and I get a lot of mails. My sincere apologies if I am unable to

help you. Please don't take offense. Even if I cannot help you directly,

I will be praying to Mother to somehow give direction to everybody who

sought direction from me and failed to get a response from me.


> May the light of Brahman shine within,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Sanjay,

> >

> > Sahasra namaskara -

> >

> > This is indeed an interesting thread, and I too

> > was taken aback by the "Curse Sanjay Rath"

> > subject title of it. I had been away for some

> > time, but just caught this today. Anyway, I

> > would like a bit of clarification on the

> > following that you wrote, and would be grateful for your


> >

> > You wrote:

> >

> > >God and demi-god is a concept developed for some

> > >cult thinking and htere are no demi-gods. There

> > >isnonly one God and men call that one by many

> > >names which is man's weakness, and not that of god.

> >

> > To my knowledge, as learned from my guru, God is

> > indeed one but manifested variously. For the

> > sake of some very important universal functions,

> > some of the jivas play important roles, such as

> > Brahma in creation, Indra in protection,

> > etc. These jivas are described in the

> > Bhagavad-gita as "Devas," and are definitely a

> > distinction that God, Sri Krsna makes

> > Himself. Do you recall the verse from

> > Bhagavad-gita, "Devan deva-yajo yanti, mad bhakta

> > yanti mam api," or "Those who worship the devas

> > (demigods) go to the planets of the demigods

> > (after death), whereas those who worship Me, come

> > to Me."? So the concept of God and demigod

> > (almighty, and His empowered parts and parcels)

> > is not something of a cult thinking, but rather

> > that of the Lord Himself. But you know this,

> > don't you, and am I not preaching to the choir here?

> >

> > So far as many names of God, yes there are

> > infinite names, and these are mentioned in

> > various scriptures to describe but a minute

> > fraction of His immense potencies and Lilas. Why

> > is the awareness of various names of God

> > indicative of man's weakness? Further, in ISKCON

> > the infinite names of God as described in various

> > scriptures are known, recited, and worshipped,

> > yet indeed the distinction between God and

> > demigod is taught as well. Where did you get the

> > idea that ISKCON devotees only knew or worshipped one or two names

of God?

> >

> > >Why do you hate ISKCON? I have heard one elder

> > >sadhu telling that God sends you to be born in

> > >the lands of those you fight against, in the

> > >religion of those you hate, in the houses of

> > >those who have a debt to repay to you!!! I am

> > >sure you don't want to be reborn as an ISKCON

> > >member nor as a buddhist. So my humble

> > >submission is that you should love ISKCON and

> > >love Buddhists, then you can stay away from them forever!!!

> >

> > If I had the chance to take birth a million times

> > as a member of ISKCON, I would think myself as

> > the most fortunate person, as ISKCON was the

> > creation of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> > Swami Prabhupada, perhaps the greatest saint to

> > walk the face of the earth in the 20th

> > century. Believe me when I say this: had he not

> > come with his tireless effort to implant Sanatana

> > dharma and Vedic knowledge within the minds of

> > all those outside of India, then it is doubtful

> > that anyone outside of India would even have

> > heard of the Vedas, what to speak of Jyotish. So

> > far as the misgivings or transgressions of some

> > of my godbrothers are concerned, each and every

> > one of them will be accountable for the results

> > of their actions. Those who follow the teachings

> > of the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara strictly, will

> > attain the highest moksa, and there is no doubt

> > about this. So instead of elaborating on the

> > sins of some fallen disciples, and making this

> > the epitaph of the society called ISKCON, maybe

> > spend a little time to learn the history of the

> > great good that the ISKCON devotees did in the

> > period during Prabhupada's existence on this earth.

> >

> > But I agree that Silva, the gentleman who started

> > this thread, wreaks with a bit of hate, wouldn't

> > you agree? In that regard the message of oneness

> > and acceptance is a very good and healing one.

> >

> > My best to you,

> > With warm regards,

> > Robert

> >

> >

> >

> > >One final thing - what have I done to you to get

> > >the subject of this mail as ' - Curse Sanjay Rath'?

> > >Best wishes and warm regards,

> > >Sanjay Rath

> > >

> > >Personal: <http://srath.com/blog/>WebPages ââ€"Â

> > ><http://srath.com/blog/>Rath’s Rhapsody

> > >SJC WebPages: <http://.org/>Sri

> > >Jagannath Center ââ€" <http://sjcerc.com/>SJCERC

ââ€" <http://jiva.us/>JIVA

> > >Publications: <http://thejyotishdigest.com/>The

> > >Jyotish Digest ââ€"Â

> > ><http://sagittariuspublications.com/>Sagittarius Publications

> >


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >----------

> > >sohamsa

> > >[sohamsa] On Behalf Of silva graduate

> > >Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:19 AM

> > >sohamsa

> > >Re: Fwd: RE: Trouble from

> > >Sons - Curse Sanjay Rath :Confidential

> > >

> > >This is rather a confidendial matter and I

> > >request this email be shared only with Sanjayji and you.

> > >

> > >I see that SJC is ISKCON similar line of

> > >thought, that means holds Sri Krsna as Supreme God.

> > >

> > >However, Veda ( samhita potions only genuine )

> > >do not proclaim this view. Abhay Charan De and

> > >his followers always call the other Deities as

> > >demi-gods but this is only ISKCON point of view

> > >following ISKCON translation of Gita. Gita is

> > >purana, not shaastra, so it cannot surpass the

> > >Vedas which is the source of all knowledge.

> > >

> > >I myself understand some Upaya are very

> > >scienfitic and logical. All entities are under

> > >Navagraha ( at leaset in our Solar Systm ).

> > >So, if some people have Shani dosha, it is

> > >understandable that they must feed crows or

> > >serve old or homeless, black dogs, etc, since

> > >all entities are united in energy level ( Unified Field Theory ).

> > >

> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds are


> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and violent


> > >

> > >How, by supplicating deities which do not have

> > >any authority to bend the Law of CAUSE AND

> > >EFFECT which even God cannot do, mitigate our sufffering.

> > >

> > >In other words, if we repent and do great works

> > >to help and heal all beings around us, our life

> > >become worthy and necessary for the existence.

> > >

> > >But many selfish men such as some fool who ask

> > >for a mantra for beauty which is abslultely

> > >childish ( in this forum ), believes by mumbling

> > >quasi Sanskrit words ( Sanskrit is very accurate

> > >language and must be enunciated properly

> > >) advocates Navagraha mantras and other

> > >concocted works of post Mahabharata Hinduims.

> > >

> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.

> > >

> > >My Tamil Brahmin friend ( real brahmin by birth

> > >and qualification and the works of charity )

> > >also know many mantras and tested, but popular

> > >Navagraha tantrik mantras did not work ).

> > >

> > >I find, that the puja by proxy advocated by

> > >HIndus and Buddhists, Roman catholics have

> > >fundamentally selfish. One's own tapas is the

> > >key to lessen the karmic retribution, not some

> > >paid pujari who have no interest nor compassion

> > >for unknown men who send money from somewhere.

> > >

> > >I believe there are genuine Upaya. The best of

> > >all is to help children, women, animals and handicapped.

> > >

> > >But theere is no such remedies chanting mantras

> > >or going on to some mountain in India...not in

> > >the Vedas, BPHS and other ancient works of sages.

> > >

> > >I think Kali yuga, we all seek easy remediy.

> > >

> > >Indeed the qualified Vedic astrologers are vicar

> > >of Mahakala; they can discern life and death

> > >matter. But how few are those...I think we can count those in our


> > >

> > >

> > >Another fundamental problem for praying to particular deity is


> > >

> > >Navagraha have been entrusted to execute the

> > >dispensation of karma. What authority some gods

> > >or goddesses have to override Navagraha?

> > >

> > >Bringing and quoting puranas cannot stand a

> > >logical argument. Saiva, Vaishnava, Shakta all

> > >have their supreme boooks which were written by

> > >their co-religioninsts who proclaims that their god is Supreme.

> > >

> > >The Vedas ( samhita ) do not proclaim these sectarian ideas.

> > >

> > >Another matter is, only when one repent so

> > >deeply and actively involve wealfare of others,

> > >there is real need for Universe to preserve his life even his karma

be so evil.

> > >

> > >What power of curse normal human beings have, be

> > >they mothers, fathers, etc, who have no

> > >vak-siddhi at all. Pitri tarpana and all other

> > >false dogma which teaches we can do something

> > >for the dead is contrary to the Vedas ( samhita

> > >only. brahmana and other parts do not constitute the Vedas ).

> > >

> > >If someone can donate money to copulating and

> > >glutton pujari of mandir can the dead be escaope

> > >from damnation? This is Mayavadi teaching which

> > >is most prevalent in buddhist nations.

> > >

> > >Of all religions, nothing is so devastating to

> > >human spirit but the budhism. Mohammedanism is

> > >much better than nihilistic philosophy.

> > >

> > >Sans Dieu, pas spiritualite ( a word of great Quebecois devotee of

Krsna )

> > >

> > >So, what I am finding is, many physically living

> > >gurus of well known have some questionable practice..

> > >

> > >I was greatly attached to a female guru from

> > >South India who does Jagadyatra... But her

> > >organisation starts more and more online

> > >puja,,,done by some pujari far away for money...

> > >

> > >Whan an American caucasian youth of 30s who is

> > >not even svami started conduct navagraha puja

> > >and homa ( ganapati homa , etc ) in the Evil

> > >Empire, I was devastated... Why this guru who is

> > >no doubt Kaliavatar allow her organisation do such buddhistic


> > >

> > >Many ISKCON gurus absconded with money and

> > >women, abused chuildren...documented facts. So

> > >is lier Mukrtananda of SYDA, so is Rajneesh, so

> > >is Ravishanker, Maheshi Yogi,,,,all shame of

> > >India who desecrated the Aryavarta by their evil ways...

> > >

> > >In other pantehons stands Bhagavan Ramakrsna,

> > >Bhagavan Shiridi Baba, Bhagavan Sathya Sai

> > >Baba......and countless unknown but genuine saints of Aryavarta....

> > >

> > >The sincere ex-Indian born as foreigners is this:

> > >

> > >how to find a Sadguru and can settle and survive ( economically )

in India...

> > >

> > >Despite of evil Western and Mohamedan influence,

> > >still in India genuine saints lives, and innocent and loving

Indians live...

> > >

> > >So, knowing I have only only 2 and half years

> > >before coming Sade Sathi, I must find a Sadguru

> > >who is not inudated by foreign devotees ( which

> > >makes sadhana impossible since they come to India as tourists ).

> > >

> > >I must find in colder climate, such as

> > >Chandigah, Simla, etc, a sadguru who can

> > >really guide me one on one in many Puja-viddhi....

> > >

> > >But my fear is, as my chart indicates, that may

> > >be Lord Saturn is luring me into India so that

> > >He can totally annihilate me by ganged up by

> > >dacoits attack ( as per my chart ).

> > >

> > >Death is salvation to me. But I have a sacred

> > >Mission to sell my parental property and

> > >transfer money to safely India, instead of

> > >buddhist relatives and the Evil Government of

> > >Evil Empire taking money for themselv.

> > >

> > >I am the only son, and depite of my huge

> > >respects for Indian deities, I still am not

> > >married nor have children ( I am in my 40s )

> > >

> > >I wonder, may be all of Indian lore are Indian

> > >hyperbole...But my pbservation of Jyotish and

> > >its accuracy tells me that the race who

> > >developed this Divine Science cannot be

> > >wrong...From a prostitute to multi-millionaire,

> > >all ages and all races I ahve interviewed, the

> > >charts exactly tells what they are...have been through....

> > >

> > >So please realise this fact..Silvagraduate

> > >surrenders totaaly at the feet of All Vedic

> > >deities, Avatars, Rishis, Siddhas, Yogis and

> > >Sannyasins, and seeking their help but I am

> > >sinking deeply into the nefarious world of desparation...

> > >

> > >What remedial measures do you or Pandit Sanjayji

> > >consider effective, when the Yogakaraka

> > >RetrograteShani dev in his own house is directly

> > >opposed to by the badhaka lord Sun afflicted atmakaraka Mercury..

> > >

> > >If I were to go down, I must at least do some

> > >good to the world but I cannot do that even for

> > >I have to fight so many battles for exitences,

> > >and I sense my life is totally useless for me and the world...

> > >

> > >But whart you say is true,,,All devata and

> > >navagraha are within...It is that Maya,s lid is

> > >so strong, we cannot really identify what we truly


> > >

> > >I do not know where you are Souravji, but if you

> > >were in Aryavarta, God bless! That is the only

> > >land, together with the United States, that I

> > >found worhty for adoration and loyalty ( I lived

> > >all western EU nations and Switzerland but

> > >compare to these, India and USA are the only

> > >nations that have genuine Greatness )

> > >

> > >I sometimes see many NRI people who left India

> > >and live in west, dress and act as

> > >westerners...Why do they want to imitate inferior cultures???

> > >

> > >WHen the evltuion of souls comes to near end,

> > >all beings must turn to Aryavarta...the brahmin

> > >nation which rules the world from the beginning until the end of





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Beautiful sharing from your soul, as always, Narasimha!


Best regards and May God always Bless you.






vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr wrote:


> Namaste learned friends,


> Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point made by a friend

and some other related spiritual matters. Please bear with my non-

coherence here. I am writing after a long time and want to cover a

few different things.


> Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and Sun, Mars and

Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting each other during Sunday-

Tuesday. This is a good time for sadhana.


> * * *


> Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address one specific



> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds

are nullified.

> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and

violent death.


> Let me respectfully state that you have a very limited view on what

beings are out there and what they are experiencing.


> If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet with perfect

swaram for 8 hours continuously, do you think no beings are affected

by it?


> First of all, even going by material subjects such as modern

science, there are millions or billions of beings (microbodies)

within our physical bodies.


> Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and accept spiritual

experience as a pramaana, the entire universe and all gods are

within. Rishis taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all

the beings exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of course, our sleepy

self-awareness is limited to bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence

we do not perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to actually

experience that various lokas and devas are within oneself.

Unfortunately, it cannot be experienced by everybody, because waking

up one's sleepy self-awareness and purifying it is difficult, and

hence science will not accept it.


> Whether you accept that the entire universe is within or not, the

bottomline is that there are so many beings within us. They are

affected by our thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and

energies (at the subtle level) produced by those thoughts.


> Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of so many beings

that are within us! It may be mind-boggling to think of this, but it

is so true. Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates

specific energy patterns in various energy centers and channels of

the body. So, of course, they have the potential to "remedy some

beings' suffering" (suffering of millions of beings that live within



> Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration is not just of

particles at sthoola sareera (gross) level, but at sookshma sareera

and kaarana sareera level also. The vibration produced by the

physical sound (vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth (sthoola

sareera) is only the gross aspect of the sabda. The subtle vibrations

produced by imagery in the mind and thoughts are as important (if not

more important). Out of the four divisions of sabda, vaikhari is the

least important. Madhyama, Pasyanti and Para are increasingly



> When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a few times, such

a harmonious blend of the vibrations is produced at various levels

(sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras) that paraa level of

sabda is so strong that strong vibrations are created by it in the

mahaakaarana sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to the



> * * *


> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.


> If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be one did

something wrong. May be one did not put enough water. May be there

wasn't enough sunlight. May be one did not wait enough time. You

cannot conclude that this seed does not give a plant.


> If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may be you were

imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic mantra. Second of all, try to

perfect the intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your conscious

and sub-conscious energies on the mantra or deity and produce the

correct vibrations at all levels.


> If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do produce tremendous

results. Even a fool like me who knows not much has seen the power of

these Vedic mantras.


> Another thing:


> The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may sometimes be

something you have not expected! She (or He, if you prefer) knows

what should be given when. We are like small children who don't know

what is good for us and bad for us and She is like the mother of

children. Sometimes, a child may not like what mother gives or does,

but mother knows the best.


> When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may forcefully put

her finger at the base of the tongue and provoke a vomiting. The

child may hate this act, but this may make his suffering less after

one final suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic remedies

sometimes bring one big trouble (like the vomiting) and much relief

later. Also, one bad karma may be blocking a lot of good karmas and

the planet may have to force the fructification of the bad karma

before many good karmas fructify.


> In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for navagrahas (especially

Mars) using Vedic mantras, there was immediate suffering for a few

days before really good results. In fact, I try to not even

distinguish between the two and try to consider both as Her

blessings. They really are. As astrologers, we keep recommending

remedies to people who are materially inclined and want temporary

relief (so-called) from temporary troubles (so-called). But, it is

also a good idea to increase devotion and sthita-pragnyata that makes

people not distinguish between pleasure and sadness.


> * * *


> Regarding one supreme God:


> The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it fills the entire

universe, known as Brahmanda (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest).

Brahman alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman alone is

unlimited and beyond attributes. Each manifestation of Brahman is

limited and has attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Indra,

Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_ manifestations of Brahman

with various attributes. Though they are all limied, a rishi can see

the unlimited Brahman in all of them.


> A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that exists is

actually Brahman only. When he worships Vishnu, he actually sees

Vishnu not as a limited manifestation with certain attributes but as

Brahman and hence lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond attributes

and that everything and every deity is a different manifestation of

Vishnu only. For example, Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah

sa harih". Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi, he actually

sees Ganapathi not as a limied manifestation with certain attributes

but as Brahman and hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond

attributes and that everything and every deity is a different

manifestation of Ganapathi only. For example, Ganapathi Atharva

Seersham says "tvam brahma tvam vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


> You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with respect to

various deities. It is not that rishis are lying. It is that they are

in such exalted state that they see Brahman in whichever deity they

are contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi state can see

Brahman in everything.


> * * *


> That one God who manifestaed differently is the unmanifested

supreme potentiality. He/She/It has no attributes (which come with

only a specific manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When

the final goal of a journey has no description, one may describe it

based on the path taken in the journey. Similarly, those who

worshipped Vishnu and finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe

Brahman as Narayana and attribute some of Vishnu's gunas to Brahman,

though Brahman has no gunas. Those who worshipped Shiva and finally

reached Brahman through Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and

attribute some of Shiva's gunas to Brahman though Brahman has no



> All the fights about the superiority of deities that occurred in

the past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE and Brahman alone is.

Whether you reach Brahman through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman

you reach is identical. So worship whichever deity you are attracted

to. Try to reach Him/Her. If you are so inclined and believe in the

One source of all divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through

whichever deity you worship. The paths are many, but the final goal

is the same. Ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa vadanti.


> All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths to Brahman.

Allah is not different from Brahman, but the path taught by some

Islamic teachers to Allah may be different from some paths Hindus

know to Brahman.


> The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have experimented and

given some easy paths. If you don't want it easy and want to take a

difficult path also, that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want

an easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic mantras.


> * * *


> I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio and a 25-page

manual on my webpage (link below). This is a simple procedure that

takes less than an hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do

a one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my own experience

that a daily homam is great for spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni

burning in sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and energy

flow has obstructions, then most other sadhanas you may be doing will

not yield much result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in

increasing bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing obstructions to

energy flow. If one is already a realized soul like Buddha, homam may

be unnecessary. But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a

very effective method. Just like with any sadhana, regularity

increases effect in homam too. I encourage people interested in the

Vedic path to make a small homam (one hour or half hour or atleast 15

min) a part of their daily spiritual sadhana. After doing it for a

few months, you will realize that it will make all your other

sadhanas (such as japam) much more effective.


> Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if you find

mistakes in what I am teaching. Instead of teaching a complicated

procedure that turns people off, I believe in simplifying it so that

people benefit from it. Moreover, I have retained most important

steps and this is an almost authentic Vedic agnimukham.


> Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based homas cannot be

performed by everybody and hence recommend Tantrik homas. I am

inspired by Saint Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the

right to recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda in front of

arrogant scholars who forbade him from reciting Veda. I like the

Vedic method and hence teach it to every interested person. May those

who disagree with me ignore me.


> * * *


> I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not reading any of

these . If you need my attention, please send a private

mail. But, unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to read

and reply to mails and I get a lot of mails. My sincere apologies if

I am unable to help you. Please don't take offense. Even if I cannot

help you directly, I will be praying to Mother to somehow give

direction to everybody who sought direction from me and failed to get

a response from me.


> May the light of Brahman shine within,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Sanjay,

> >

> > Sahasra namaskara -

> >

> > This is indeed an interesting thread, and I too

> > was taken aback by the "Curse Sanjay Rath"

> > subject title of it. I had been away for some

> > time, but just caught this today. Anyway, I

> > would like a bit of clarification on the

> > following that you wrote, and would be grateful for your


> >

> > You wrote:

> >

> > >God and demi-god is a concept developed for some

> > >cult thinking and htere are no demi-gods. There

> > >isnonly one God and men call that one by many

> > >names which is man's weakness, and not that of god.

> >

> > To my knowledge, as learned from my guru, God is

> > indeed one but manifested variously. For the

> > sake of some very important universal functions,

> > some of the jivas play important roles, such as

> > Brahma in creation, Indra in protection,

> > etc. These jivas are described in the

> > Bhagavad-gita as "Devas," and are definitely a

> > distinction that God, Sri Krsna makes

> > Himself. Do you recall the verse from

> > Bhagavad-gita, "Devan deva-yajo yanti, mad bhakta

> > yanti mam api," or "Those who worship the devas

> > (demigods) go to the planets of the demigods

> > (after death), whereas those who worship Me, come

> > to Me."? So the concept of God and demigod

> > (almighty, and His empowered parts and parcels)

> > is not something of a cult thinking, but rather

> > that of the Lord Himself. But you know this,

> > don't you, and am I not preaching to the choir here?

> >

> > So far as many names of God, yes there are

> > infinite names, and these are mentioned in

> > various scriptures to describe but a minute

> > fraction of His immense potencies and Lilas. Why

> > is the awareness of various names of God

> > indicative of man's weakness? Further, in ISKCON

> > the infinite names of God as described in various

> > scriptures are known, recited, and worshipped,

> > yet indeed the distinction between God and

> > demigod is taught as well. Where did you get the

> > idea that ISKCON devotees only knew or worshipped one or two

names of God?

> >

> > >Why do you hate ISKCON? I have heard one elder

> > >sadhu telling that God sends you to be born in

> > >the lands of those you fight against, in the

> > >religion of those you hate, in the houses of

> > >those who have a debt to repay to you!!! I am

> > >sure you don't want to be reborn as an ISKCON

> > >member nor as a buddhist. So my humble

> > >submission is that you should love ISKCON and

> > >love Buddhists, then you can stay away from them forever!!!

> >

> > If I had the chance to take birth a million times

> > as a member of ISKCON, I would think myself as

> > the most fortunate person, as ISKCON was the

> > creation of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> > Swami Prabhupada, perhaps the greatest saint to

> > walk the face of the earth in the 20th

> > century. Believe me when I say this: had he not

> > come with his tireless effort to implant Sanatana

> > dharma and Vedic knowledge within the minds of

> > all those outside of India, then it is doubtful

> > that anyone outside of India would even have

> > heard of the Vedas, what to speak of Jyotish. So

> > far as the misgivings or transgressions of some

> > of my godbrothers are concerned, each and every

> > one of them will be accountable for the results

> > of their actions. Those who follow the teachings

> > of the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara strictly, will

> > attain the highest moksa, and there is no doubt

> > about this. So instead of elaborating on the

> > sins of some fallen disciples, and making this

> > the epitaph of the society called ISKCON, maybe

> > spend a little time to learn the history of the

> > great good that the ISKCON devotees did in the

> > period during Prabhupada's existence on this earth.

> >

> > But I agree that Silva, the gentleman who started

> > this thread, wreaks with a bit of hate, wouldn't

> > you agree? In that regard the message of oneness

> > and acceptance is a very good and healing one.

> >

> > My best to you,

> > With warm regards,

> > Robert

> >

> >

> >

> > >One final thing - what have I done to you to get

> > >the subject of this mail as ' - Curse Sanjay Rath'?

> > >Best wishes and warm regards,

> > >Sanjay Rath

> > >--------------------------------


> > >Personal: <http://srath.com/blog/>WebPages ââ€"Â

> > ><http://srath.com/blog/>Rath’s Rhapsody

> > >SJC WebPages: <http://.org/>Sri

> > >Jagannath Center ââ€" <http://sjcerc.com/>SJCERC ââ€"Â


> > >Publications: <http://thejyotishdigest.com/>The

> > >Jyotish Digest ââ€"Â

> > ><http://sagittariuspublications.com/>Sagittarius Publications

> > >--------------------------------


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >----------

> > >sohamsa

> > >[sohamsa] On Behalf Of silva graduate

> > >Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:19 AM

> > >sohamsa

> > >Re: Fwd: RE: Trouble from

> > >Sons - Curse Sanjay Rath :Confidential

> > >

> > >This is rather a confidendial matter and I

> > >request this email be shared only with Sanjayji and you.

> > >

> > >I see that SJC is ISKCON similar line of

> > >thought, that means holds Sri Krsna as Supreme God.

> > >

> > >However, Veda ( samhita potions only genuine )

> > >do not proclaim this view. Abhay Charan De and

> > >his followers always call the other Deities as

> > >demi-gods but this is only ISKCON point of view

> > >following ISKCON translation of Gita. Gita is

> > >purana, not shaastra, so it cannot surpass the

> > >Vedas which is the source of all knowledge.

> > >

> > >I myself understand some Upaya are very

> > >scienfitic and logical. All entities are under

> > >Navagraha ( at leaset in our Solar Systm ).

> > >So, if some people have Shani dosha, it is

> > >understandable that they must feed crows or

> > >serve old or homeless, black dogs, etc, since

> > >all entities are united in energy level ( Unified Field Theory ).

> > >

> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our past eveil deeds

are nullified.

> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere poverty and

violent death.

> > >

> > >How, by supplicating deities which do not have

> > >any authority to bend the Law of CAUSE AND

> > >EFFECT which even God cannot do, mitigate our sufffering.

> > >

> > >In other words, if we repent and do great works

> > >to help and heal all beings around us, our life

> > >become worthy and necessary for the existence.

> > >

> > >But many selfish men such as some fool who ask

> > >for a mantra for beauty which is abslultely

> > >childish ( in this forum ), believes by mumbling

> > >quasi Sanskrit words ( Sanskrit is very accurate

> > >language and must be enunciated properly

> > >) advocates Navagraha mantras and other

> > >concocted works of post Mahabharata Hinduims.

> > >

> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing happened.

> > >

> > >My Tamil Brahmin friend ( real brahmin by birth

> > >and qualification and the works of charity )

> > >also know many mantras and tested, but popular

> > >Navagraha tantrik mantras did not work ).

> > >

> > >I find, that the puja by proxy advocated by

> > >HIndus and Buddhists, Roman catholics have

> > >fundamentally selfish. One's own tapas is the

> > >key to lessen the karmic retribution, not some

> > >paid pujari who have no interest nor compassion

> > >for unknown men who send money from somewhere.

> > >

> > >I believe there are genuine Upaya. The best of

> > >all is to help children, women, animals and handicapped.

> > >

> > >But theere is no such remedies chanting mantras

> > >or going on to some mountain in India...not in

> > >the Vedas, BPHS and other ancient works of sages.

> > >

> > >I think Kali yuga, we all seek easy remediy.

> > >

> > >Indeed the qualified Vedic astrologers are vicar

> > >of Mahakala; they can discern life and death

> > >matter. But how few are those...I think we can count those in

our hands.

> > >

> > >

> > >Another fundamental problem for praying to particular deity is


> > >

> > >Navagraha have been entrusted to execute the

> > >dispensation of karma. What authority some gods

> > >or goddesses have to override Navagraha?

> > >

> > >Bringing and quoting puranas cannot stand a

> > >logical argument. Saiva, Vaishnava, Shakta all

> > >have their supreme boooks which were written by

> > >their co-religioninsts who proclaims that their god is Supreme.

> > >

> > >The Vedas ( samhita ) do not proclaim these sectarian ideas.

> > >

> > >Another matter is, only when one repent so

> > >deeply and actively involve wealfare of others,

> > >there is real need for Universe to preserve his life even his

karma be so evil.

> > >

> > >What power of curse normal human beings have, be

> > >they mothers, fathers, etc, who have no

> > >vak-siddhi at all. Pitri tarpana and all other

> > >false dogma which teaches we can do something

> > >for the dead is contrary to the Vedas ( samhita

> > >only. brahmana and other parts do not constitute the Vedas ).

> > >

> > >If someone can donate money to copulating and

> > >glutton pujari of mandir can the dead be escaope

> > >from damnation? This is Mayavadi teaching which

> > >is most prevalent in buddhist nations.

> > >

> > >Of all religions, nothing is so devastating to

> > >human spirit but the budhism. Mohammedanism is

> > >much better than nihilistic philosophy.

> > >

> > >Sans Dieu, pas spiritualite ( a word of great Quebecois devotee

of Krsna )

> > >

> > >So, what I am finding is, many physically living

> > >gurus of well known have some questionable practice..

> > >

> > >I was greatly attached to a female guru from

> > >South India who does Jagadyatra... But her

> > >organisation starts more and more online

> > >puja,,,done by some pujari far away for money...

> > >

> > >Whan an American caucasian youth of 30s who is

> > >not even svami started conduct navagraha puja

> > >and homa ( ganapati homa , etc ) in the Evil

> > >Empire, I was devastated... Why this guru who is

> > >no doubt Kaliavatar allow her organisation do such buddhistic


> > >

> > >Many ISKCON gurus absconded with money and

> > >women, abused chuildren...documented facts. So

> > >is lier Mukrtananda of SYDA, so is Rajneesh, so

> > >is Ravishanker, Maheshi Yogi,,,,all shame of

> > >India who desecrated the Aryavarta by their evil ways...

> > >

> > >In other pantehons stands Bhagavan Ramakrsna,

> > >Bhagavan Shiridi Baba, Bhagavan Sathya Sai

> > >Baba......and countless unknown but genuine saints of


> > >

> > >The sincere ex-Indian born as foreigners is this:

> > >

> > >how to find a Sadguru and can settle and survive (

economically ) in India...

> > >

> > >Despite of evil Western and Mohamedan influence,

> > >still in India genuine saints lives, and innocent and loving

Indians live...

> > >

> > >So, knowing I have only only 2 and half years

> > >before coming Sade Sathi, I must find a Sadguru

> > >who is not inudated by foreign devotees ( which

> > >makes sadhana impossible since they come to India as tourists ).

> > >

> > >I must find in colder climate, such as

> > >Chandigah, Simla, etc, a sadguru who can

> > >really guide me one on one in many Puja-viddhi....

> > >

> > >But my fear is, as my chart indicates, that may

> > >be Lord Saturn is luring me into India so that

> > >He can totally annihilate me by ganged up by

> > >dacoits attack ( as per my chart ).

> > >

> > >Death is salvation to me. But I have a sacred

> > >Mission to sell my parental property and

> > >transfer money to safely India, instead of

> > >buddhist relatives and the Evil Government of

> > >Evil Empire taking money for themselv.

> > >

> > >I am the only son, and depite of my huge

> > >respects for Indian deities, I still am not

> > >married nor have children ( I am in my 40s )

> > >

> > >I wonder, may be all of Indian lore are Indian

> > >hyperbole...But my pbservation of Jyotish and

> > >its accuracy tells me that the race who

> > >developed this Divine Science cannot be

> > >wrong...From a prostitute to multi-millionaire,

> > >all ages and all races I ahve interviewed, the

> > >charts exactly tells what they are...have been through....

> > >

> > >So please realise this fact..Silvagraduate

> > >surrenders totaaly at the feet of All Vedic

> > >deities, Avatars, Rishis, Siddhas, Yogis and

> > >Sannyasins, and seeking their help but I am

> > >sinking deeply into the nefarious world of desparation...

> > >

> > >What remedial measures do you or Pandit Sanjayji

> > >consider effective, when the Yogakaraka

> > >RetrograteShani dev in his own house is directly

> > >opposed to by the badhaka lord Sun afflicted atmakaraka Mercury..

> > >

> > >If I were to go down, I must at least do some

> > >good to the world but I cannot do that even for

> > >I have to fight so many battles for exitences,

> > >and I sense my life is totally useless for me and the world...

> > >

> > >But whart you say is true,,,All devata and

> > >navagraha are within...It is that Maya,s lid is

> > >so strong, we cannot really identify what we truly


> > >

> > >I do not know where you are Souravji, but if you

> > >were in Aryavarta, God bless! That is the only

> > >land, together with the United States, that I

> > >found worhty for adoration and loyalty ( I lived

> > >all western EU nations and Switzerland but

> > >compare to these, India and USA are the only

> > >nations that have genuine Greatness )

> > >

> > >I sometimes see many NRI people who left India

> > >and live in west, dress and act as

> > >westerners...Why do they want to imitate inferior cultures???

> > >

> > >WHen the evltuion of souls comes to near end,

> > >all beings must turn to Aryavarta...the brahmin

> > >nation which rules the world from the beginning until the end of





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Om shri Gurave namah:

Respected P.V.R.Narasimha,

thanks for the detailled, email on the form. I shall

like to put some doubts for the same before you. So

far as I know that the mantra one recites, should not

begin with the alphabat which belong to the sign of

6th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope.

(2) "om" pranava belong the mantra or not.

(3) Is there any division of mantra that one can

recite without initiation or all mantra should be

initiated by some Guru?

(4)So far as my thinking goes, one should not accept

any human being as his/her spiritual Guru as human

being is fallable at any time of life. So Guru Govind

Singh, the sikha guru, advised his community to accept

Gurugranth Sahib as Guru of sikha community. Sh.

Hedgavar, founder of RSS, advised RSS to accept "flag"

as the Guru of RSS.

(5)According to classic mantra shashtras, Guru should

examine the mantra before initiation from Koorma

chakra etc.

(6) once you yourself advise not to recite Gayatri

mantra with Om "Bhoor Bhava swah" with out initiation.

If any one want to recite Gayatri manta without

initiation it should start from "tat savitu

varneyam..." But gayatri parivar has no objection.

I do not want to have Guru as human being.I want to

recite mantra for spiritual advancement and also to

solve my problems. Please guide if possible.

--- "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


> Namaste learned friends,


> Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point

> made by a friend and some other related spiritual

> matters. Please bear with my non-coherence here. I

> am writing after a long time and want to cover a few

> different things.


> Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and

> Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting

> each other during Sunday-Tuesday. This is a good

> time for sadhana.


> * * *


> Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address

> one specific point.


> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our

> past eveil deeds are nullified.

> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere

> poverty and violent death.


> Let me respectfully state that you have a very

> limited view on what beings are out there and what

> they are experiencing.


> If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet

> with perfect swaram for 8 hours continuously, do you

> think no beings are affected by it?


> First of all, even going by material subjects such

> as modern science, there are millions or billions of

> beings (microbodies) within our physical bodies.


> Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and

> accept spiritual experience as a pramaana, the

> entire universe and all gods are within. Rishis

> taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all

> the beings exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of

> course, our sleepy self-awareness is limited to

> bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence we do not

> perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to

> actually experience that various lokas and devas are

> within oneself. Unfortunately, it cannot be

> experienced by everybody, because waking up one's

> sleepy self-awareness and purifying it is difficult,

> and hence science will not accept it.


> Whether you accept that the entire universe is

> within or not, the bottomline is that there are so

> many beings within us. They are affected by our

> thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and

> energies (at the subtle level) produced by those

> thoughts.


> Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of

> so many beings that are within us! It may be

> mind-boggling to think of this, but it is so true.

> Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates

> specific energy patterns in various energy centers

> and channels of the body. So, of course, they have

> the potential to "remedy some beings' suffering"

> (suffering of millions of beings that live within

> us).


> Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration

> is not just of particles at sthoola sareera (gross)

> level, but at sookshma sareera and kaarana sareera

> level also. The vibration produced by the physical

> sound (vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth

> (sthoola sareera) is only the gross aspect of the

> sabda. The subtle vibrations produced by imagery in

> the mind and thoughts are as important (if not more

> important). Out of the four divisions of sabda,

> vaikhari is the least important. Madhyama, Pasyanti

> and Para are increasingly important.


> When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a

> few times, such a harmonious blend of the vibrations

> is produced at various levels

> (sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras)

> that paraa level of sabda is so strong that strong

> vibrations are created by it in the mahaakaarana

> sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to

> the mantra!


> * * *


> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing

> happened.


> If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be

> one did something wrong. May be one did not put

> enough water. May be there wasn't enough sunlight.

> May be one did not wait enough time. You cannot

> conclude that this seed does not give a plant.


> If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may

> be you were imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic

> mantra. Second of all, try to perfect the

> intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your

> conscious and sub-conscious energies on the mantra

> or deity and produce the correct vibrations at all

> levels.


> If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do

> produce tremendous results. Even a fool like me who

> knows not much has seen the power of these Vedic

> mantras.


> Another thing:


> The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may

> sometimes be something you have not expected! She

> (or He, if you prefer) knows what should be given

> when. We are like small children who don't know what

> is good for us and bad for us and She is like the

> mother of children. Sometimes, a child may not like

> what mother gives or does, but mother knows the

> best.


> When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may

> forcefully put her finger at the base of the tongue

> and provoke a vomiting. The child may hate this act,

> but this may make his suffering less after one final

> suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic

> remedies sometimes bring one big trouble (like the

> vomiting) and much relief later. Also, one bad karma

> may be blocking a lot of good karmas and the planet

> may have to force the fructification of the bad

> karma before many good karmas fructify.


> In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for

> navagrahas (especially Mars) using Vedic mantras,

> there was immediate suffering for a few days before

> really good results. In fact, I try to not even

> distinguish between the two and try to consider both

> as Her blessings. They really are. As astrologers,

> we keep recommending remedies to people who are

> materially inclined and want temporary relief

> (so-called) from temporary troubles (so-called).

> But, it is also a good idea to increase devotion and

> sthita-pragnyata that makes people not distinguish

> between pleasure and sadness.


> * * *


> Regarding one supreme God:


> The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it

> fills the entire universe, known as Brahmanda

> (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest). Brahman

> alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman

> alone is unlimited and beyond attributes. Each

> manifestation of Brahman is limited and has

> attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva,

> Indra, Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_

> manifestations of Brahman with various attributes.

> Though they are all limied, a rishi can see the

> unlimited Brahman in all of them.


> A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that

> exists is actually Brahman only. When he worships

> Vishnu, he actually sees Vishnu not as a limited

> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

> and hence lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond

> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

> different manifestation of Vishnu only. For example,

> Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah sa

> harih". Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi,

> he actually sees Ganapathi not as a limied

> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

> and hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond

> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

> different manifestation of Ganapathi only. For

> example, Ganapathi Atharva Seersham says "tvam

> brahma tvam vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


> You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with

> respect to various deities. It is not that rishis

> are lying. It is that they are in such exalted state

> that they see Brahman in whichever deity they are

> contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi

> state can see Brahman in everything.


> * * *


> That one God who manifestaed differently is the

> unmanifested supreme potentiality. He/She/It has no

> attributes (which come with only a specific

> manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When

> the final goal of a journey has no description, one

> may describe it based on the path taken in the

> journey. Similarly, those who worshipped Vishnu and

> finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe

> Brahman as Narayana and attribute some of Vishnu's

> gunas to Brahman, though Brahman has no gunas. Those

> who worshipped Shiva and finally reached Brahman

> through Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and

> attribute some of Shiva's gunas to Brahman though

> Brahman has no gunas.


> All the fights about the superiority of deities that

> occurred in the past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE

> and Brahman alone is. Whether you reach Brahman

> through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman you

> reach is identical. So worship whichever deity you

> are attracted to. Try to reach Him/Her. If you are

> so inclined and believe in the One source of all

> divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through

> whichever deity you worship. The paths are many, but

> the final goal is the same. Ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa

> vadanti.


> All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths

> to Brahman. Allah is not different from Brahman, but

> the path taught by some Islamic teachers to Allah

> may be different from some paths Hindus know to

> Brahman.


> The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have

> experimented and given some easy paths. If you don't

> want it easy and want to take a difficult path also,

> that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want an

> easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic

> mantras.


> * * *


> I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio

> and a 25-page manual on my webpage (link below).

> This is a simple procedure that takes less than an

> hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do a

> one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my

> own experience that a daily homam is great for

> spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni burning in

> sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and

> energy flow has obstructions, then most other

> sadhanas you may be doing will not yield much

> result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in

> increasing bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing

> obstructions to energy flow. If one is already a

> realized soul like Buddha, homam may be unnecessary.

> But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a

> very effective method. Just like with any sadhana,

> regularity increases effect in homam too. I

> encourage people interested in the Vedic path to

> make a small homam (one hour or half hour or atleast

> 15 min) a part of their daily spiritual sadhana.

> After doing it for a few months, you will realize

> that it will make all your other sadhanas (such as

> japam) much more effective.


> Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if

> you find mistakes in what I am teaching. Instead of

> teaching a complicated procedure that turns people

> off, I believe in simplifying it so that people

> benefit from it. Moreover, I have retained most

> important steps and this is an almost authentic

> Vedic agnimukham.


> Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based

> homas cannot be performed by everybody and hence

> recommend Tantrik homas. I am inspired by Saint

> Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the

> right to recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda

> in front of arrogant scholars who forbade him from

> reciting Veda. I like the Vedic method and hence

> teach it to every interested person. May those who

> disagree with me ignore me.


> * * *


> I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not

> reading any of these . If you need my

> attention, please send a private mail. But,

> unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to

> read and reply to mails and I get a lot of mails. My

> sincere apologies if I am unable to help you. Please

> don't take offense. Even if I cannot help you

> directly, I will be praying to Mother to somehow

> give direction to everybody who sought direction

> from me and failed to get a response from me.


> May the light of Brahman shine within,

> Narasimha



> Homam manual and audio:

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3):

> http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows):

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website:

> http://www.SriJagannath.org




> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Sanjay,

> >

> > Sahasra namaskara -

> >

> > This is indeed an interesting thread, and I too

> > was taken aback by the "Curse Sanjay Rath"

> > subject title of it. I had been away for some

> > time, but just caught this today. Anyway, I

> > would like a bit of clarification on the

> > following that you wrote, and would be grateful

> for your elaboration:

> >

> > You wrote:

> >

> > >God and demi-god is a concept developed for some

> > >cult thinking and htere are no demi-gods. There

> > >isnonly one God and men call that one by many

> > >names which is man's weakness, and not that of

> god.

> >

> > To my knowledge, as learned from my guru, God is

> > indeed one but manifested variously. For the

> > sake of some very important universal functions,

> > some of the jivas play important roles, such as

> > Brahma in creation, Indra in protection,

> > etc. These jivas are described in the

> > Bhagavad-gita as "Devas," and are definitely a

> > distinction that God, Sri Krsna makes

> > Himself. Do you recall the verse from

> > Bhagavad-gita, "Devan deva-yajo yanti, mad bhakta

> > yanti mam api," or "Those who worship the devas

> > (demigods) go to the planets of the demigods

> > (after death), whereas those who worship Me, come

> > to Me."? So the concept of God and demigod

> > (almighty, and His empowered parts and parcels)

> > is not something of a cult thinking, but rather

> > that of the Lord Himself. But you know this,

> > don't you, and am I not preaching to the choir

> here?

> >

> > So far as many names of God, yes there are

> > infinite names, and these are mentioned in

> > various scriptures to describe but a minute

> > fraction of His immense potencies and Lilas. Why

> > is the awareness of various names of God

> > indicative of man's weakness? Further, in ISKCON

> > the infinite names of God as described in various

> > scriptures are known, recited, and worshipped,

> > yet indeed the distinction between God and

> > demigod is taught as well. Where did you get the

> > idea that ISKCON devotees only knew or worshipped

> one or two names of God?

> >

> > >Why do you hate ISKCON? I have heard one elder

> > >sadhu telling that God sends you to be born in

> > >the lands of those you fight against, in the

> > >religion of those you hate, in the houses of

> > >those who have a debt to repay to you!!! I am

> > >sure you don't want to be reborn as an ISKCON

> > >member nor as a buddhist. So my humble

> > >submission is that you should love ISKCON and

> > >love Buddhists, then you can stay away from them

> forever!!!

> >

> > If I had the chance to take birth a million times

> > as a member of ISKCON, I would think myself as

> > the most fortunate person, as ISKCON was the

> > creation of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> > Swami Prabhupada, perhaps the greatest saint to

> > walk the face of the earth in the 20th

> > century. Believe me when I say this: had he not

> > come with his tireless effort to implant Sanatana

> > dharma and Vedic knowledge within the minds of

> > all those outside of India, then it is doubtful

> > that anyone outside of India would even have

> > heard of the Vedas, what to speak of Jyotish. So

> > far as the misgivings or transgressions of some

> > of my godbrothers are concerned, each and every

> > one of them will be accountable for the results

> > of their actions. Those who follow the teachings

> > of the Gaudiya Vaishnava parampara strictly, will

> > attain the highest moksa, and there is no doubt

> > about this. So instead of elaborating on the

> > sins of some fallen disciples, and making this

> > the epitaph of the society called ISKCON, maybe

> > spend a little time to learn the history of the

> > great good that the ISKCON devotees did in the

> > period during Prabhupada's existence on this

> earth.

> >

> > But I agree that Silva, the gentleman who started

> > this thread, wreaks with a bit of hate, wouldn't

> > you agree? In that regard the message of oneness

> > and acceptance is a very good and healing one.

> >

> > My best to you,

> > With warm regards,

> > Robert

> >

> >

> >

> > >One final thing - what have I done to you to get

> > >the subject of this mail as ' - Curse Sanjay

> Rath'?

> > >Best wishes and warm regards,

> > >Sanjay Rath

> >



> > >Personal: <http://srath.com/blog/>WebPages

> â—Â

> > ><http://srath.com/blog/>Rath’s Rhapsody

> > >SJC WebPages: <http://.org/>Sri

> > >Jagannath Center â—Â

> <http://sjcerc.com/>SJCERC â—Â

> <http://jiva.us/>JIVA

> > >Publications: <http://thejyotishdigest.com/>The

> > >Jyotish Digest â—Â

> > ><http://sagittariuspublications.com/>Sagittarius

> Publications

> >



> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >----------

> > >sohamsa

> > >[sohamsa] On Behalf Of

> silva graduate

> > >Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:19 AM

> > >sohamsa

> > >Re: Fwd: RE: Trouble from

> > >Sons - Curse Sanjay Rath :Confidential

> > >

> > >This is rather a confidendial matter and I

> > >request this email be shared only with Sanjayji

> and you.

> > >

> > >I see that SJC is ISKCON similar line of

> > >thought, that means holds Sri Krsna as Supreme

> God.

> > >

> > >However, Veda ( samhita potions only genuine )

> > >do not proclaim this view. Abhay Charan De and

> > >his followers always call the other Deities as

> > >demi-gods but this is only ISKCON point of view

> > >following ISKCON translation of Gita. Gita is

> > >purana, not shaastra, so it cannot surpass the

> > >Vedas which is the source of all knowledge.

> > >

> > >I myself understand some Upaya are very

> > >scienfitic and logical. All entities are under

> > >Navagraha ( at leaset in our Solar Systm ).

> > >So, if some people have Shani dosha, it is

> > >understandable that they must feed crows or

> > >serve old or homeless, black dogs, etc, since

> > >all entities are united in energy level ( Unified

> Field Theory ).

> > >

> > >But what I really have question is, that by

> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our

> past eveil deeds are nullified.

> > >

> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere

> poverty and violent death.

> > >

> > >How, by supplicating deities which do not have

> > >any authority to bend the Law of CAUSE AND

> > >EFFECT which even God cannot do, mitigate our

> sufffering.

> > >

> > >In other words, if we repent and do great works

> > >to help and heal all beings around us, our life

> > >become worthy and necessary for the existence.

> > >

> > >But many selfish men such as some fool who ask

> > >for a mantra for beauty which is abslultely

> > >childish ( in this forum ), believes by mumbling

> > >quasi Sanskrit words ( Sanskrit is very accurate

> > >language and must be enunciated properly

> > >) advocates Navagraha mantras and other

> > >concocted works of post Mahabharata Hinduims.

> > >

> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing

> happened.

> > >

> > >My Tamil Brahmin friend ( real brahmin by birth

> > >and qualification and the works of charity )

> > >also know many mantras and tested, but popular

> > >Navagraha tantrik mantras did not work ).

> > >

> > >I find, that the puja by proxy advocated by

> > >HIndus and Buddhists, Roman catholics have

> > >fundamentally selfish. One's own tapas is the

> > >key to lessen the karmic retribution, not some

> > >paid pujari who have no interest nor compassion

> > >for unknown men who send money from somewhere.

> > >

> > >I believe there are genuine Upaya. The best of

> > >all is to help children, women, animals and

> handicapped.

> > >

> > >But theere is no such remedies chanting mantras

> > >or going on to some mountain in India...not in

> > >the Vedas, BPHS and other ancient works of sages.

> > >

> > >I think Kali yuga, we all seek easy remediy.

> > >

> > >Indeed the qualified Vedic astrologers are vicar

> > >of Mahakala; they can discern life and death

> > >matter. But how few are those...I think we can

> count those in our hands.

> > >

> > >

> > >Another fundamental problem for praying to

> particular deity is this:

> > >

> > >Navagraha have been entrusted to execute the

> > >dispensation of karma. What authority some gods

> > >or goddesses have to override Navagraha?

> > >

> > >Bringing and quoting puranas cannot stand a

> > >logical argument. Saiva, Vaishnava, Shakta all

> > >have their supreme boooks which were written by

> > >their co-religioninsts who proclaims that their

> god is Supreme.

> > >

> > >The Vedas ( samhita ) do not proclaim these

> sectarian ideas.

> > >

> > >Another matter is, only when one repent so

> > >deeply and actively involve wealfare of others,

> > >there is real need for Universe to preserve his

> life even his karma be so evil.

> > >

> > >What power of curse normal human beings have, be

> > >they mothers, fathers, etc, who have no

> > >vak-siddhi at all. Pitri tarpana and all other

> > >false dogma which teaches we can do something

> > >for the dead is contrary to the Vedas ( samhita

> > >only. brahmana and other parts do not constitute

> the Vedas ).

> > >

> > >If someone can donate money to copulating and

> > >glutton pujari of mandir can the dead be escaope

> > >from damnation? This is Mayavadi teaching which

> > >is most prevalent in buddhist nations.

> > >

> > >Of all religions, nothing is so devastating to

> > >human spirit but the budhism. Mohammedanism is

> > >much better than nihilistic philosophy.

> > >

> > >Sans Dieu, pas spiritualite ( a word of great

> Quebecois devotee of Krsna )

> > >

> > >So, what I am finding is, many physically living

> > >gurus of well known have some questionable

> practice..

> > >

> > >I was greatly attached to a female guru from

> > >South India who does Jagadyatra... But her

> > >organisation starts more and more online

> > >puja,,,done by some pujari far away for money...

> > >

> > >Whan an American caucasian youth of 30s who is

> > >not even svami started conduct navagraha puja

> > >and homa ( ganapati homa , etc ) in the Evil

> > >Empire, I was devastated... Why this guru who is

> > >no doubt Kaliavatar allow her organisation do

> such buddhistic practicves...

> > >

> > >Many ISKCON gurus absconded with money and

> > >women, abused chuildren...documented facts. So

> > >is lier Mukrtananda of SYDA, so is Rajneesh, so

> > >is Ravishanker, Maheshi Yogi,,,,all shame of

> > >India who desecrated the Aryavarta by their evil

> ways...

> > >

> > >In other pantehons stands Bhagavan Ramakrsna,

> > >Bhagavan Shiridi Baba, Bhagavan Sathya Sai

> > >Baba......and countless unknown but genuine

> saints of Aryavarta....

> > >

> > >The sincere ex-Indian born as foreigners is this:

> > >

> > >how to find a Sadguru and can settle and survive

> ( economically ) in India...

> > >

> > >Despite of evil Western and Mohamedan influence,

> > >still in India genuine saints lives, and innocent

> and loving Indians live...

> > >

> > >So, knowing I have only only 2 and half years

> > >before coming Sade Sathi, I must find a Sadguru

> > >who is not inudated by foreign devotees ( which

> > >makes sadhana impossible since they come to India

> as tourists ).

> > >

> > >I must find in colder climate, such as

> > >Chandigah, Simla, etc, a sadguru who can

> > >really guide me one on one in many

> Puja-viddhi....

> > >

> > >But my fear is, as my chart indicates, that may

> > >be Lord Saturn is luring me into India so that

> > >He can totally annihilate me by ganged up by

> > >dacoits attack ( as per my chart ).

> > >

> > >Death is salvation to me. But I have a sacred

> > >Mission to sell my parental property and

> > >transfer money to safely India, instead of

> > >buddhist relatives and the Evil Government of

> > >Evil Empire taking money for themselv.

> > >

> > >I am the only son, and depite of my huge

> > >respects for Indian deities, I still am not

> > >married nor have children ( I am in my 40s )

> > >

> > >I wonder, may be all of Indian lore are Indian

> > >hyperbole...But my pbservation of Jyotish and

> > >its accuracy tells me that the race who

> > >developed this Divine Science cannot be

> > >wrong...From a prostitute to multi-millionaire,

> > >all ages and all races I ahve interviewed, the

> > >charts exactly tells what they are...have been

> through....

> > >

> > >So please realise this fact..Silvagraduate

> > >surrenders totaaly at the feet of All Vedic

> > >deities, Avatars, Rishis, Siddhas, Yogis and

> > >Sannyasins, and seeking their help but I am

> > >sinking deeply into the nefarious world of

> desparation...

> > >

> > >What remedial measures do you or Pandit Sanjayji

> > >consider effective, when the Yogakaraka

> > >RetrograteShani dev in his own house is directly

> > >opposed to by the badhaka lord Sun afflicted

> atmakaraka Mercury..

> > >

> > >If I were to go down, I must at least do some

> > >good to the world but I cannot do that even for

> > >I have to fight so many battles for exitences,

> > >and I sense my life is totally useless for me and

> the world...

> > >

> > >But whart you say is true,,,All devata and

> > >navagraha are within...It is that Maya,s lid is

> > >so strong, we cannot really identify what we

> truly are....SatchitAnanda...

> > >

> > >I do not know where you are Souravji, but if you

> > >were in Aryavarta, God bless! That is the only

> > >land, together with the United States, that I

> > >found worhty for adoration and loyalty ( I lived

> > >all western EU nations and Switzerland but

> > >compare to these, India and USA are the only

> > >nations that have genuine Greatness )

> > >

> > >I sometimes see many NRI people who left India

> > >and live in west, dress and act as

> > >westerners...Why do they want to imitate inferior

> cultures???

> > >

> > >WHen the evltuion of souls comes to near end,

> > >all beings must turn to Aryavarta...the brahmin

> > >nation which rules the world from the beginning

> until the end of Time..



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Dear Sir,


(1) When you are using mantras for lower purposes such as gaining wealth,

success, control, putting down an enemy etc, you need to care about so many

rules. If all you care about is self-illumination and self-knowledge, you

pick any Vedic mantra and just do it. No matter what the starting letter is.

No matter what various rules say.


All you need to do is to submit yourself to one deity (any!) and to the

wisdom of rishis and make one mantra your own. Live and breathe that mantra.

The mantra will eventually do its magic.


Suppose you need water and want to dig a well. Instead of digging a little

in 100 places, you choose one place and keep digging.


(2) In some mantras, Om is part of the mantra. In some mantras, it is the

container of the mantra. Again, don't be bogged down by the technicalities.


(3) For each Vedic mantra, there is a rishi. For example, maharshi

Vishwamitra revealed the Savitri Gayatri mantra to the world. Why not think

of him as your guru and use his mantra? IMHO, you can use any Vedic mantra

without a guru. Just remember the rishi of the mantra with reverence before



(6) I say "Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah" once at the beginning and not in each

repetition of the mantra. In each repetition of the mantra, I say "Om", then

the mantra "tatsavitur...prachodayat" and then "Om" again. This finishes one

repetition. This is what Swami Vivekananda taught in a book (and my guru

too). Why not think of Swami Vivekananda as your guru and use this way?


May the light of Brahman shine within,



Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




"S.C. Kursija" <sckursija >

<vedic astrology>

Cc: "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>; "R.dakshinamoorthi"

<dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:18 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Demigods, ISKCON, etc.



> Om shri Gurave namah:

> Respected P.V.R.Narasimha,

> thanks for the detailled, email on the form. I shall

> like to put some doubts for the same before you. So

> far as I know that the mantra one recites, should not

> begin with the alphabat which belong to the sign of

> 6th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope.

> (2) "om" pranava belong the mantra or not.

> (3) Is there any division of mantra that one can

> recite without initiation or all mantra should be

> initiated by some Guru?

> (4)So far as my thinking goes, one should not accept

> any human being as his/her spiritual Guru as human

> being is fallable at any time of life. So Guru Govind

> Singh, the sikha guru, advised his community to accept

> Gurugranth Sahib as Guru of sikha community. Sh.

> Hedgavar, founder of RSS, advised RSS to accept "flag"

> as the Guru of RSS.

> (5)According to classic mantra shashtras, Guru should

> examine the mantra before initiation from Koorma

> chakra etc.

> (6) once you yourself advise not to recite Gayatri

> mantra with Om "Bhoor Bhava swah" with out initiation.

> If any one want to recite Gayatri manta without

> initiation it should start from "tat savitu

> varneyam..." But gayatri parivar has no objection.

> I do not want to have Guru as human being.I want to

> recite mantra for spiritual advancement and also to

> solve my problems. Please guide if possible.

> --- "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


>> Namaste learned friends,


>> Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point

>> made by a friend and some other related spiritual

>> matters. Please bear with my non-coherence here. I

>> am writing after a long time and want to cover a few

>> different things.


>> Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and

>> Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting

>> each other during Sunday-Tuesday. This is a good

>> time for sadhana.


>> * * *


>> Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address

>> one specific point.


>> > >But what I really have question is, that by

>> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

>> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

>> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our

>> past eveil deeds are nullified.

>> > >

>> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

>> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

>> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

>> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere

>> poverty and violent death.


>> Let me respectfully state that you have a very

>> limited view on what beings are out there and what

>> they are experiencing.


>> If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet

>> with perfect swaram for 8 hours continuously, do you

>> think no beings are affected by it?


>> First of all, even going by material subjects such

>> as modern science, there are millions or billions of

>> beings (microbodies) within our physical bodies.


>> Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and

>> accept spiritual experience as a pramaana, the

>> entire universe and all gods are within. Rishis

>> taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all

>> the beings exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of

>> course, our sleepy self-awareness is limited to

>> bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence we do not

>> perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to

>> actually experience that various lokas and devas are

>> within oneself. Unfortunately, it cannot be

>> experienced by everybody, because waking up one's

>> sleepy self-awareness and purifying it is difficult,

>> and hence science will not accept it.


>> Whether you accept that the entire universe is

>> within or not, the bottomline is that there are so

>> many beings within us. They are affected by our

>> thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and

>> energies (at the subtle level) produced by those

>> thoughts.


>> Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of

>> so many beings that are within us! It may be

>> mind-boggling to think of this, but it is so true.

>> Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates

>> specific energy patterns in various energy centers

>> and channels of the body. So, of course, they have

>> the potential to "remedy some beings' suffering"

>> (suffering of millions of beings that live within

>> us).


>> Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration

>> is not just of particles at sthoola sareera (gross)

>> level, but at sookshma sareera and kaarana sareera

>> level also. The vibration produced by the physical

>> sound (vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth

>> (sthoola sareera) is only the gross aspect of the

>> sabda. The subtle vibrations produced by imagery in

>> the mind and thoughts are as important (if not more

>> important). Out of the four divisions of sabda,

>> vaikhari is the least important. Madhyama, Pasyanti

>> and Para are increasingly important.


>> When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a

>> few times, such a harmonious blend of the vibrations

>> is produced at various levels

>> (sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras)

>> that paraa level of sabda is so strong that strong

>> vibrations are created by it in the mahaakaarana

>> sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to

>> the mantra!


>> * * *


>> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

>> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

>> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing

>> happened.


>> If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be

>> one did something wrong. May be one did not put

>> enough water. May be there wasn't enough sunlight.

>> May be one did not wait enough time. You cannot

>> conclude that this seed does not give a plant.


>> If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may

>> be you were imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic

>> mantra. Second of all, try to perfect the

>> intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your

>> conscious and sub-conscious energies on the mantra

>> or deity and produce the correct vibrations at all

>> levels.


>> If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do

>> produce tremendous results. Even a fool like me who

>> knows not much has seen the power of these Vedic

>> mantras.


>> Another thing:


>> The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may

>> sometimes be something you have not expected! She

>> (or He, if you prefer) knows what should be given

>> when. We are like small children who don't know what

>> is good for us and bad for us and She is like the

>> mother of children. Sometimes, a child may not like

>> what mother gives or does, but mother knows the

>> best.


>> When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may

>> forcefully put her finger at the base of the tongue

>> and provoke a vomiting. The child may hate this act,

>> but this may make his suffering less after one final

>> suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic

>> remedies sometimes bring one big trouble (like the

>> vomiting) and much relief later. Also, one bad karma

>> may be blocking a lot of good karmas and the planet

>> may have to force the fructification of the bad

>> karma before many good karmas fructify.


>> In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for

>> navagrahas (especially Mars) using Vedic mantras,

>> there was immediate suffering for a few days before

>> really good results. In fact, I try to not even

>> distinguish between the two and try to consider both

>> as Her blessings. They really are. As astrologers,

>> we keep recommending remedies to people who are

>> materially inclined and want temporary relief

>> (so-called) from temporary troubles (so-called).

>> But, it is also a good idea to increase devotion and

>> sthita-pragnyata that makes people not distinguish

>> between pleasure and sadness.


>> * * *


>> Regarding one supreme God:


>> The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it

>> fills the entire universe, known as Brahmanda

>> (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest). Brahman

>> alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman

>> alone is unlimited and beyond attributes. Each

>> manifestation of Brahman is limited and has

>> attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva,

>> Indra, Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_

>> manifestations of Brahman with various attributes.

>> Though they are all limied, a rishi can see the

>> unlimited Brahman in all of them.


>> A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that

>> exists is actually Brahman only. When he worships

>> Vishnu, he actually sees Vishnu not as a limited

>> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

>> and hence lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond

>> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

>> different manifestation of Vishnu only. For example,

>> Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah sa

>> harih". Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi,

>> he actually sees Ganapathi not as a limied

>> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

>> and hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond

>> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

>> different manifestation of Ganapathi only. For

>> example, Ganapathi Atharva Seersham says "tvam

>> brahma tvam vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


>> You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with

>> respect to various deities. It is not that rishis

>> are lying. It is that they are in such exalted state

>> that they see Brahman in whichever deity they are

>> contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi

>> state can see Brahman in everything.


>> * * *


>> That one God who manifestaed differently is the

>> unmanifested supreme potentiality. He/She/It has no

>> attributes (which come with only a specific

>> manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When

>> the final goal of a journey has no description, one

>> may describe it based on the path taken in the

>> journey. Similarly, those who worshipped Vishnu and

>> finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe

>> Brahman as Narayana and attribute some of Vishnu's

>> gunas to Brahman, though Brahman has no gunas. Those

>> who worshipped Shiva and finally reached Brahman

>> through Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and

>> attribute some of Shiva's gunas to Brahman though

>> Brahman has no gunas.


>> All the fights about the superiority of deities that

>> occurred in the past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE

>> and Brahman alone is. Whether you reach Brahman

>> through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman you

>> reach is identical. So worship whichever deity you

>> are attracted to. Try to reach Him/Her. If you are

>> so inclined and believe in the One source of all

>> divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through

>> whichever deity you worship. The paths are many, but

>> the final goal is the same. Ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa

>> vadanti.


>> All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths

>> to Brahman. Allah is not different from Brahman, but

>> the path taught by some Islamic teachers to Allah

>> may be different from some paths Hindus know to

>> Brahman.


>> The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have

>> experimented and given some easy paths. If you don't

>> want it easy and want to take a difficult path also,

>> that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want an

>> easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic

>> mantras.


>> * * *


>> I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio

>> and a 25-page manual on my webpage (link below).

>> This is a simple procedure that takes less than an

>> hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do a

>> one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my

>> own experience that a daily homam is great for

>> spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni burning in

>> sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and

>> energy flow has obstructions, then most other

>> sadhanas you may be doing will not yield much

>> result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in

>> increasing bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing

>> obstructions to energy flow. If one is already a

>> realized soul like Buddha, homam may be unnecessary.

>> But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a

>> very effective method. Just like with any sadhana,

>> regularity increases effect in homam too. I

>> encourage people interested in the Vedic path to

>> make a small homam (one hour or half hour or atleast

>> 15 min) a part of their daily spiritual sadhana.

>> After doing it for a few months, you will realize

>> that it will make all your other sadhanas (such as

>> japam) much more effective.


>> Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if

>> you find mistakes in what I am teaching. Instead of

>> teaching a complicated procedure that turns people

>> off, I believe in simplifying it so that people

>> benefit from it. Moreover, I have retained most

>> important steps and this is an almost authentic

>> Vedic agnimukham.


>> Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based

>> homas cannot be performed by everybody and hence

>> recommend Tantrik homas. I am inspired by Saint

>> Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the

>> right to recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda

>> in front of arrogant scholars who forbade him from

>> reciting Veda. I like the Vedic method and hence

>> teach it to every interested person. May those who

>> disagree with me ignore me.


>> * * *


>> I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not

>> reading any of these . If you need my

>> attention, please send a private mail. But,

>> unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to

>> read and reply to mails and I get a lot of mails. My

>> sincere apologies if I am unable to help you. Please

>> don't take offense. Even if I cannot help you

>> directly, I will be praying to Mother to somehow

>> give direction to everybody who sought direction

>> from me and failed to get a response from me.


>> May the light of Brahman shine within,

>> Narasimha

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Dear Shri Narasimha ji,

Please clarify if there is also a short closing for the Savitur Gayatri mantra, as below:


Short Closing:

bhûr bhuvas suvar om







Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

S.C. Kursija ; vedic astrology

Cc: R.dakshinamoorthi

Saturday, December 02, 2006 6:07 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Demigods, ISKCON, etc.



Dear Sir,


(1) When you are using mantras for lower purposes such as gaining wealth,

success, control, putting down an enemy etc, you need to care about so many

rules. If all you care about is self-illumination and self-knowledge, you

pick any Vedic mantra and just do it. No matter what the starting letter is.

No matter what various rules say.


All you need to do is to submit yourself to one deity (any!) and to the

wisdom of rishis and make one mantra your own. Live and breathe that mantra.

The mantra will eventually do its magic.


Suppose you need water and want to dig a well. Instead of digging a little

in 100 places, you choose one place and keep digging.


(2) In some mantras, Om is part of the mantra. In some mantras, it is the

container of the mantra. Again, don't be bogged down by the technicalities.


(3) For each Vedic mantra, there is a rishi. For example, maharshi

Vishwamitra revealed the Savitri Gayatri mantra to the world. Why not think

of him as your guru and use his mantra? IMHO, you can use any Vedic mantra

without a guru. Just remember the rishi of the mantra with reverence before



(6) I say "Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah" once at the beginning and not in each

repetition of the mantra. In each repetition of the mantra, I say "Om", then

the mantra "tatsavitur...prachodayat" and then "Om" again. This finishes one

repetition. This is what Swami Vivekananda taught in a book (and my guru

too). Why not think of Swami Vivekananda as your guru and use this way?


May the light of Brahman shine within,



Homam manual and audio: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




"S.C. Kursija" <sckursija >

<vedic astrology>

Cc: "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>; "R.dakshinamoorthi"

<dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:18 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Demigods, ISKCON, etc.


> Om shri Gurave namah:

> Respected P.V.R.Narasimha,

> thanks for the detailled, email on the form. I shall

> like to put some doubts for the same before you. So

> far as I know that the mantra one recites, should not

> begin with the alphabat which belong to the sign of

> 6th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope.

> (2) "om" pranava belong the mantra or not.

> (3) Is there any division of mantra that one can

> recite without initiation or all mantra should be

> initiated by some Guru?

> (4)So far as my thinking goes, one should not accept

> any human being as his/her spiritual Guru as human

> being is fallable at any time of life. So Guru Govind

> Singh, the sikha guru, advised his community to accept

> Gurugranth Sahib as Guru of sikha community. Sh.

> Hedgavar, founder of RSS, advised RSS to accept "flag"

> as the Guru of RSS.

> (5)According to classic mantra shashtras, Guru should

> examine the mantra before initiation from Koorma

> chakra etc.

> (6) once you yourself advise not to recite Gayatri

> mantra with Om "Bhoor Bhava swah" with out initiation.

> If any one want to recite Gayatri manta without

> initiation it should start from "tat savitu

> varneyam..." But gayatri parivar has no objection.

> I do not want to have Guru as human being.I want to

> recite mantra for spiritual advancement and also to

> solve my problems. Please guide if possible.

> --- "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:


>> Namaste learned friends,


>> Let me give my 2 cents of ramblings on one point

>> made by a friend and some other related spiritual

>> matters. Please bear with my non-coherence here. I

>> am writing after a long time and want to cover a few

>> different things.


>> Before I forget, one small point. Moon in Taurus and

>> Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio will be aspecting

>> each other during Sunday-Tuesday. This is a good

>> time for sadhana.


>> * * *


>> Before I go on a rambling spree, I need to address

>> one specific point.


>> > >But what I really have question is, that by

>> > >chanting Navagraha mantra or going up the

>> > >mountain in bear foot, which actually do not

>> > >remedy any beings' suffering, that somehow our

>> past eveil deeds are nullified.

>> > >

>> > >This common theorem propagated by Hindu

>> > >astrologers have not answer the Law of Cause and

>> > >Effect. Suppose someone killes others for money.

>> > >Then in next or immidiate life, he must suffere

>> poverty and violent death.


>> Let me respectfully state that you have a very

>> limited view on what beings are out there and what

>> they are experiencing.


>> If I mentally chant the Vedic mantra of a planet

>> with perfect swaram for 8 hours continuously, do you

>> think no beings are affected by it?


>> First of all, even going by material subjects such

>> as modern science, there are millions or billions of

>> beings (microbodies) within our physical bodies.


>> Secondly, if you go beyond material subjects and

>> accept spiritual experience as a pramaana, the

>> entire universe and all gods are within. Rishis

>> taught that all the worlds, all the deities and all

>> the beings exist within one's sushumna nadi. Of

>> course, our sleepy self-awareness is limited to

>> bhooloka (moolaadhaara chakra) and hence we do not

>> perceive all this normally. But, it is possible to

>> actually experience that various lokas and devas are

>> within oneself. Unfortunately, it cannot be

>> experienced by everybody, because waking up one's

>> sleepy self-awareness and purifying it is difficult,

>> and hence science will not accept it.


>> Whether you accept that the entire universe is

>> within or not, the bottomline is that there are so

>> many beings within us. They are affected by our

>> thoughts and the chemicals (at the gross level) and

>> energies (at the subtle level) produced by those

>> thoughts.


>> Each thought and action of ours changes the lives of

>> so many beings that are within us! It may be

>> mind-boggling to think of this, but it is so true.

>> Vedic mantras are special and chanting them creates

>> specific energy patterns in various energy centers

>> and channels of the body. So, of course, they have

>> the potential to "remedy some beings' suffering"

>> (suffering of millions of beings that live within

>> us).


>> Mantra involves sound or vibration. This vibration

>> is not just of particles at sthoola sareera (gross)

>> level, but at sookshma sareera and kaarana sareera

>> level also. The vibration produced by the physical

>> sound (vaikhari) coming out of physical mouth

>> (sthoola sareera) is only the gross aspect of the

>> sabda. The subtle vibrations produced by imagery in

>> the mind and thoughts are as important (if not more

>> important). Out of the four divisions of sabda,

>> vaikhari is the least important. Madhyama, Pasyanti

>> and Para are increasingly important.


>> When a great maharshi chants a Vedic mantra even a

>> few times, such a harmonious blend of the vibrations

>> is produced at various levels

>> (sthoola/sookshma/kaarana/mahaakaarana sareeras)

>> that paraa level of sabda is so strong that strong

>> vibrations are created by it in the mahaakaarana

>> sareera. Thus, the entire universe can vibrate to

>> the mantra!


>> * * *


>> > >I for example chanted certain Navagraha mantra

>> > >from morning to sunset without food, drink and

>> > >toilet, compleated the numbers required, Nothing

>> happened.


>> If one sowed a seed and a plant did not come, may be

>> one did something wrong. May be one did not put

>> enough water. May be there wasn't enough sunlight.

>> May be one did not wait enough time. You cannot

>> conclude that this seed does not give a plant.


>> If you read a graha mantra and nothing happened, may

>> be you were imperfect. First of all, try a Vedic

>> mantra. Second of all, try to perfect the

>> intonation. Third of all, try to focus all your

>> conscious and sub-conscious energies on the mantra

>> or deity and produce the correct vibrations at all

>> levels.


>> If you succeed even 1% in that, Vedic mantras do

>> produce tremendous results. Even a fool like me who

>> knows not much has seen the power of these Vedic

>> mantras.


>> Another thing:


>> The results of properly chanted Vedic mantras may

>> sometimes be something you have not expected! She

>> (or He, if you prefer) knows what should be given

>> when. We are like small children who don't know what

>> is good for us and bad for us and She is like the

>> mother of children. Sometimes, a child may not like

>> what mother gives or does, but mother knows the

>> best.


>> When a small baby has an upset stomach, mother may

>> forcefully put her finger at the base of the tongue

>> and provoke a vomiting. The child may hate this act,

>> but this may make his suffering less after one final

>> suffering. Similarly, some properly done Vedic

>> remedies sometimes bring one big trouble (like the

>> vomiting) and much relief later. Also, one bad karma

>> may be blocking a lot of good karmas and the planet

>> may have to force the fructification of the bad

>> karma before many good karmas fructify.


>> In fact, whenever I did intense sadhana for

>> navagrahas (especially Mars) using Vedic mantras,

>> there was immediate suffering for a few days before

>> really good results. In fact, I try to not even

>> distinguish between the two and try to consider both

>> as Her blessings. They really are. As astrologers,

>> we keep recommending remedies to people who are

>> materially inclined and want temporary relief

>> (so-called) from temporary troubles (so-called).

>> But, it is also a good idea to increase devotion and

>> sthita-pragnyata that makes people not distinguish

>> between pleasure and sadness.


>> * * *


>> Regarding one supreme God:


>> The potential to manifest (Brahman) is ONE and it

>> fills the entire universe, known as Brahmanda

>> (anda=egg, i.e. potential to manifest). Brahman

>> alone exists, Brahman alone is supreme and Brahman

>> alone is unlimited and beyond attributes. Each

>> manifestation of Brahman is limited and has

>> attributes (gunas etc). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva,

>> Indra, Agni, Vaayu etc are all different _limited_

>> manifestations of Brahman with various attributes.

>> Though they are all limied, a rishi can see the

>> unlimited Brahman in all of them.


>> A rishi is capable of _seeing_ that everything that

>> exists is actually Brahman only. When he worships

>> Vishnu, he actually sees Vishnu not as a limited

>> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

>> and hence lauds that Vishnu is supreme and beyond

>> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

>> different manifestation of Vishnu only. For example,

>> Narayana Sooktam says "sa brahma sa shivah sa

>> harih". Similarly, when a rishi worships Ganapathi,

>> he actually sees Ganapathi not as a limied

>> manifestation with certain attributes but as Brahman

>> and hence lauds that Ganapathi is supreme and beyond

>> attributes and that everything and every deity is a

>> different manifestation of Ganapathi only. For

>> example, Ganapathi Atharva Seersham says "tvam

>> brahma tvam vishnus-tvam rudras-tvam...".


>> You see similar assertions in Vedic literature with

>> respect to various deities. It is not that rishis

>> are lying. It is that they are in such exalted state

>> that they see Brahman in whichever deity they are

>> contemplating. In fact, a rishi in sahaja samadhi

>> state can see Brahman in everything.


>> * * *


>> That one God who manifestaed differently is the

>> unmanifested supreme potentiality. He/She/It has no

>> attributes (which come with only a specific

>> manifestation) and normally known as Brahman. When

>> the final goal of a journey has no description, one

>> may describe it based on the path taken in the

>> journey. Similarly, those who worshipped Vishnu and

>> finally reached Brahman through Vishnu describe

>> Brahman as Narayana and attribute some of Vishnu's

>> gunas to Brahman, though Brahman has no gunas. Those

>> who worshipped Shiva and finally reached Brahman

>> through Shiva describe Brahman as Sadashiva and

>> attribute some of Shiva's gunas to Brahman though

>> Brahman has no gunas.


>> All the fights about the superiority of deities that

>> occurred in the past are meaningless. Brahman is ONE

>> and Brahman alone is. Whether you reach Brahman

>> through Vishnu or Shiva or whoever, Brahman you

>> reach is identical. So worship whichever deity you

>> are attracted to. Try to reach Him/Her. If you are

>> so inclined and believe in the One source of all

>> divinity (Brahman), try to reach Brahman through

>> whichever deity you worship. The paths are many, but

>> the final goal is the same. Ekam sat vipraa bahudhaa

>> vadanti.


>> All religions and spiritual paths offer valid paths

>> to Brahman. Allah is not different from Brahman, but

>> the path taught by some Islamic teachers to Allah

>> may be different from some paths Hindus know to

>> Brahman.


>> The advantage of aarsha dharma is that rishis have

>> experimented and given some easy paths. If you don't

>> want it easy and want to take a difficult path also,

>> that is fine and good in a way. But, if you want an

>> easy path, try to follow rishis and use some Vedic

>> mantras.


>> * * *


>> I have recently uploaded Mahaganapathi Homam audio

>> and a 25-page manual on my webpage (link below).

>> This is a simple procedure that takes less than an

>> hour and do-able on a daily or weekly basis. I do a

>> one-hour homam everyday and can tell you based on my

>> own experience that a daily homam is great for

>> spiritual sadhana. When bhootaagni burning in

>> sookshma sareera is weak, nadis have impurities and

>> energy flow has obstructions, then most other

>> sadhanas you may be doing will not yield much

>> result. Homam as a sadhana is a very effective in

>> increasing bhootaagni, purifying nadis and removing

>> obstructions to energy flow. If one is already a

>> realized soul like Buddha, homam may be unnecessary.

>> But, for the confused souls of Kali Yuga, it is a

>> very effective method. Just like with any sadhana,

>> regularity increases effect in homam too. I

>> encourage people interested in the Vedic path to

>> make a small homam (one hour or half hour or atleast

>> 15 min) a part of their daily spiritual sadhana.

>> After doing it for a few months, you will realize

>> that it will make all your other sadhanas (such as

>> japam) much more effective.


>> Those of you who are more learned must forgive me if

>> you find mistakes in what I am teaching. Instead of

>> teaching a complicated procedure that turns people

>> off, I believe in simplifying it so that people

>> benefit from it. Moreover, I have retained most

>> important steps and this is an almost authentic

>> Vedic agnimukham.


>> Some people believe that Vedic agnimukham based

>> homas cannot be performed by everybody and hence

>> recommend Tantrik homas. I am inspired by Saint

>> Gnyaanadeva, who asserted that each being has the

>> right to recite Veda and made a buffalo recite Veda

>> in front of arrogant scholars who forbade him from

>> reciting Veda. I like the Vedic method and hence

>> teach it to every interested person. May those who

>> disagree with me ignore me.


>> * * *


>> I will be off from the lists again. BTW, I am not

>> reading any of these . If you need my

>> attention, please send a private mail. But,

>> unfortunately, I am getting only 10 min everyday to

>> read and reply to mails and I get a lot of mails. My

>> sincere apologies if I am unable to help you. Please

>> don't take offense. Even if I cannot help you

>> directly, I will be praying to Mother to somehow

>> give direction to everybody who sought direction

>> from me and failed to get a response from me.


>> May the light of Brahman shine within,

>> Narasimha

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