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Vedic Remedy Group meditation being practiced today

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Dear Friends: 


Interesting article I received today re. an Ancient Vedic practice

that's being practiced today, called Patanjali's Yoga Sutras or Sidhis.


It's a great example of how 'life' can be influenced by Vedic

remedies.  In this same way, we can adopt many of the Vedic

technologies to apply to the diagnosis of ourselves as seen from our



Our charts may be able to see our Benefic

Strengths and Malefic weaknesses; then all of the rest of Vedic Science

can be used to heal, balance and even transform our Malefics, also into



For years now, coming out of a meditation and

Ayurvedic background I have used many of these Vedic procedures in my

prescriptions for remedies and remedial measures.



when I first started studying Jyotish over 19 years ago now, all the books

I read would have 195 pages on the Understanding of the Jyotish and only 5

pages at the end; as if tacked on as an after thought.



back then I thought that was a bit strange and imbalanced.



Quickly I realized it should be more 50/50%.


When we have

our charts read or even study our charts, we should spend somewhere around

50% of our time figuring out that our charts fit us.



as soon as we discover where our Malefics are we can then shift, into a

Remedial Meausres mode and put all our attention on Remedies.



As it turns out the real purpose of Jyotish is a self-development of the



The Malefics in our charts, though they've

already been known as the source of all our problems, can now be looked at

as those areas that we need to improve.


This is already

being done in such fields as Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation, by the way.


When someone goes to an Ayurvedic physician they feel your

pulse and upon determining which doshas are out of balance; ie. through a

perception of one's Vata, Pitta, and Kapha tendencies, then they

immediately begin prescribing concrete things to do to bring the mind and

the body in balance.


The key to health for Ayurveda is

balance.  When the Physiology is balanced then it's able to be more

resistant to stress, viruses, bacteria and disease.



teaches physical postures to alleviate stress and tension which is good

for the body and also for mental and emotional stress.  Popularity in

physical Yoga has blossomed over the last 20 years such that there are

many yoga centers in each major city throught the World.



Finally, Meditation has become even more popular as Vedic meditation has

swept its way around the world.  Many millions of people today in the

'West' meditate to alleviate stress, and develop such things as greater

creativity, mental clarity and even unfold the person's latent unused

human potential.


Today, in the last 35 years over 600

scientific studies have been conducted on meditationinvesting and

validating positive benefits upon every area of human life.



Meditation has been shown to alleviate physical stress.


has been shown to strength the human nervous system, thereby creating

greater health.


Mediation has been found to develop mental abilities, clarity of

mind, greater decision makings and overall creativity all improve.


Meditation has also been found to improve emotional problems, worry,

anxieties, phobias of all kinds, unease, dis-ease and even depression.


Studies have recently been ordered by the US Government to the

tune of millions of dollars, in one instance to investigate the role of

meditation in alleviating stress in highly susceptible black



So, with so many recent successes in the field

of Vedic Knowledge why is it that Jyotish is still used in a very static,

passive and even fatallistic way?


This too is going to

change as people begin to realize that Jyotish too has a great potential

and power to help improve life by developing or strengthening the weaker,

undeveloped or imbalanced, so-called Malefic planets in anyone's chart.


In the future I believe Jyotish will become known as Vedic

Psychology.  Where Ayurveda  primarily

treats the body and what it eats and how it works with the environment and

rhythms of nature; Jyotish has really the potential to influence the mind



Of course Jyotish includes the body as well as the

mind; but Jyotish has the ability to see into our hearts and minds and

know how to help any individual evolve themselves to their natural higher

level of being.


Why did we come to this Earth, if it wasn't

to evolve? 


We didn't come here to only live the

fatalistic consequences of our actions.


We've come here to

evolve, to become better human beings and as we do this, our lives and

karmas will improve.


Unfortunately the brillance of this

Vedic Knowledge has been somewhat lost and ineffective for a number of



If it hadn't Indian life would be supreme in the

World.  Indians, too, though they have access to this amazing

knowledge, don't realize the great diamond they have in the rough.



Also, such things as Meditation and even subtle Vedic technologies

as Vedic recitations or Yaguas have become less effective as the source of

real power in human life, or consciousness has become inert.



For many centuries it became thought that it was very difficult to

meditate and it took great control and concentration to bring the wild

monkey mind into submission.


The great insight of meditation

in the last 50 years, especially through the auspices of his Holiness

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has personally revised and enlivened the power and

utility of this great Vedic field of Meditation.


In his now

World famous Transcendental Meditation technique, practiced by over 6

million world wide; individuals have all begun to experience that the mind

can be easily expanded by a natural and effortless form of meditation.


This technique represents a major revival in the entire field

of meditation and consciousness expansion.   As a result, much

interest has been stirred in all the other branches of Vedic Wisdom as



Ayurveda, Yaguas, Yoga and now Jyotish are some of the

most exciting other fields that are becoming available as well.


In this new light, Jyotish too can be utilized for all kinds of

practical reasons to improve and develop human life.



course, the old view that Jyotish was about our fate and pre-determined

realities is going to have to be left behind.


But, it's

already happening.  Jyotish is going to the West, and Western

tendencies for self-development and self-transformation are beginning to

go to the East.   Easterns though they've grown up in a passive,

fatalistic mind set, are quickly moving into opening themselves to the

wonderful hope and optimism of the West.


This is why I

created "Nature's Astrology" to help point the way of the

possibility of bringing together the Best of both the West and the East

into a new and exciting Astrology which is going to permanently change and

improve our World.


As it turns out this potential or reality

already exists in Nature's Astrology.  Out there in nature, Astrology

is already perfect.  It's just here on this Earth that we forget

sometimes how perfect nature is.


Nature, already is living

Astrology.  We live in an Astrological Unviverse, we always have and

though we're presently in a scientific age it too is an Astrological



Always even in the future the Universe will be

Astrological.  This is because what Astrological means, is inherent

meaning to an Astronomical universe.  In other words there's inherent

symbolic meaning for each one of us. 


Each one of us

is living a personal and highly important Astrological life that the

language of Astrology can help us with!


Each one of us is

living a life of Astrological forces, human but Astrological nature,

Astrological qualiites and characteristics and many, many Astrological

realities, issues and  relevant



Astrology is a perfect language to help us

decipher, understand and then smoothly and quickly progress through this

Astrological World and Universe.


We're Astrological beings

living in an Astrological World.


What could be more fitting

to that, then a wonderful language of Astrology.


Once we

have our Astrological nature and condition read; then we can utilize any

of the expanding technologies of Vedic Science to bring balance, healing

and self-development to our entire Astrology.


For many years

now I've told people:  "Meditation is the #1 Vedic remedy that

everyone should use to help balance and transform any malefic



Like that today, we're in the middle of one

of the greatest demonstrations of Vedic Knowledge in the Advanced

Meditation practice of what's called the Sidhis.



after the great Indian Sage Patanjali who was thought to live about 2000

years ago, the present day practice of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is also

becoming very famous.


See the article below about a present

day, on going program that's happening right now!






Mark Kincaid






Nature's Astrology


markkincaid (AT) (DOT) com




Mark Kincaid



From the TM

Friends at:




See #3 below for good story about present day practice of

Patanjali’s Sidhis, Yoga Sutras.





Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Higher States of Consciousness,

Enlightenment, Peace

Messages In

This Digest (3 Messages)



News! Nov 30, 2006 Maryanne Lee-Hartman



Associated Press story on Invincible America Assembly Maryanne



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Good News! Nov 30, 2006

Posted by: "Maryanne Lee-Hartman" maryanneleetm




Dec 2, 2006 10:18 pm (PST)


For presumed peace, from



Hindu Translate This Article



30 November 2006


On 30 November 2006

The Hindu reported: 2,000 Indian Vedic Pandits are gradually reaching

Vedic City,

Iowa to collectively practise

Transcendental Meditation for an invincible . It is a joy for Global Good

News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the

life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to

the field of world-peace.


The Hindu, a prominent Indian

English daily, reprinted an Associated Press article which has been

appearing in publications of record all over the world in the past few

days. The article quoted Ed Malloy, the mayor of

Fairfield as saying, ' I

believe that the influence is true and that it is a technology that is



The article says that the collective practice of

TM has the overpowering effect of creating peace and coherence. This level

of coherence has been the catalyst in improving the economic performance

of the country, reducing crimes and conflicts and promoting 'positive



According to John Hagelin, President, US Peace

Government and the organizer of the assembly called Invincible America,

there are positive signs in all the areas in the US ever since 'the number

of daily meditators in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield reached about

2000 in July 23, the Dow Jones stock Industrial Index has hit record

levels, the S&P reached a high, and the Nasdaq climbed to a five year



He further added that once all of the 2,000 Vedic

pandits reach , the Dow would further jump to 15,000 and the oil prices

would go below $45 a barrel and the crime rate would drop by 20 per cent

along with significant reduction in tensions in and . Every day Global

Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the

world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law

based—Total Knowledge

based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to

every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a

lasting state of world peace.

Copyright © 2006 Global

Good News(sm) Service.


Maryanne Lee-Hartman



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in this topic (1)


Today's Associated Press story on Invincible America Assembly


Posted by: "Maryanne Lee-Hartman" maryanneleetm




Dec 2, 2006 10:25 pm (PST)



Fw: Today's Associated

Press story on Invincible America Assembly





Von: Ken Chawkin

Datum: 28.11.2006 19:11:12





It's interesting to note that after having achieved

1730 in Monday



program, the AP story the Des

Moines reporter David Pitt wrote on our


Invincible America

Assembly was released early this morning. It is




picked up around the world with the main title: Organizers Say




Brings Peace. Major papers like the Washington

Post, LA Times, Newsday,



News, International

Herald Tribune in , the list goes on. Just




Transcendental Meditation and you'll see over 20 reports and growing. I


included some links below.





will let us know if his longer version will run in

Iowa later



That will have more content and the name of our university. He




MUM 3 times but it got edited out.

They actually cut his article in

half and



things around for national distribution. It's still a good






Will send the

Iowa version once it's





All glory to Guru Dev, and

Maharishi's tireless efforts to enlighten us




with his Vedic Knowledge and Technologies to create permanent world














Here are some of the links to the





International Herald Tribune, France:

Practitioners of Transcendental


Meditation head to Iowa in

hopes of spreading peace, prosperity








The Guardian Unlimited,







The Washington Post








The Houston Chronicle






Forbes, NY






The Los Angeles Times













ace,0,6910469. story?coll=sns-ap-nation-headlines












Ken Chawkin



Relations Office


Direct Line: 641-470-1314



641-472-7000, ext. 5028


F: 641-470-1311



kchawkin (AT) mum (DOT) ________



Maryanne Lee-Hartman


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