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Lakshmihrdhayam-slokas 37 to 64

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37.sreedharE mahAlakshmi thvanthasTham mahAniDHim


Seegram uddhrthya purathah pradharSaya samarpaya


Mahalakshmi who has all the wealth, extract all the great treasures in

you soon and show them in front of me and give them to me.


38.vasunDHarE sreevasudhE vasudhOgDHri krpAmayi


thvathkukshigatha sarvasvam Seeghram mE sampradharsayE


You, who wears all bounty and give them, making them flow,who is full of

mercy, bestow all riches that is within you.


39.vishNupriyE rathnagarbhE samasthaphaladhe SivE


thvadgarbhagatha hEmAdheen sampradharSaya dharSaya


You who is dear to Lord vishnu, who has all the precious gems inside

you, who gives all and auspicious, exhibit the gold and other treasures

inside you to me.


40.rasAthalagathE lakshmi SeeghramAgaccha mE purah


na jAnE paramam roopam mAtharmE sampradharsaya


Lakshmi who is in the underworld come quickly in front of me. I do not

know your form and you show it to me.


41.Avirbhava manOvEgAth SeeghramAgaccha mE purah


mA vathsa bhairihEthyukthva kAmam gouriva raksha mam


Appear before me coming quickly as fast as the mind travels and reassure

me like a kamadhenu, saying, "do not fear, my child " and protect me.


42. dhevi Seeghram samAgaccha DHaraNee garBha samsTHithE


mAthah thvadhbrthyabrthyOham mrgayE thvAm kuthoohalAth


Devi come soon, you who dwell inside the earth. i am the servant of your

servant oh mother and I am looking for you with eagerness.


43. utthishTa jAgrhi mayi samutthishTa sujAgrhi


akshayyAn hEmakalaSAn suvarNEna supoorithAm


44. nikshEpAn mE samAkrshya samuddhrthya samagrathah


samunnathAnanA bhoothvA samyagdhEhi DharAthalAth


Rise up, wake up towards me well and show me the gold vessels full of

gold taken out from the earth and give them to me with pleasure.


45. mathsannidhim samAgaccha madhAhitha krpArasA


praseedha SrEyaSAm dOgDhree laksmeermE nayanAgrathah


Lakshmi, come in front of me, with in my eyesight, with mercy on me. Be

pleased oh giver of prosperity.


46. athra upaviSya lakshmi thvam sTHirA bhava hiraNmayee


susTHirA bhava sampreethyA prasannA varadhAbhava


Oh Lakshmi of golden hue, be seated here and be steady.Be pleased and

generous with love and stay here firmly.


47.Aneethamsthu thavayA dhEvi niDHeen vai sampradharSaya


adhya kshanEna sahasA dhathvA samraksha mAm sadhA


Oh Devi, show the treasures brought by you well and giving them me soon

at this moment and protect me well always.


48.mayi thishTa thaTHA nithyam yathEndhrAdhishu thishTasi


abhayam kuru mE dhEvi mahAlakshmi namOsthuthE


Oh Devi , stay in me always as you stay with the Indra and the other

devas. Give refuge to me Devi, salutatons to you Mahalakshmi.


49.samAgaccha mahAlakshmiSuddha jAmboonadha sthithE


praseedha purathah sThithva praNatham mAm vilOkaya


Mahalakshmi, who is in the pure gold, be pleased and stand in front me

and look at me who is bowing down to you.


50.lakshmeerbhuvangathA bhAsi yathra yathra hiraNmayee


thathra thathra sTHithvAthvam mE thava roopam pradharsaya


Wherever on earth you shine with your golden form you show me yourself

there as manifest therein.


51.kreedanthee bahuDHA bhoomou paripoorNa krpAmayi


mama moorDHni thE hastham avilambinam arpaya


Playing on earth in different ways are you full of mercy. Place your

hand on my head without delay.


52.PhalabhAgyOdhayE lakshmi samasthapuravasinee


praseedha mE mahalakshmi paripoorNamanO raThE


Lakshmi, who gives the good results and good fortune, who resides in all

places of residence and who has infallible wish, be pleased with me.


53.AyOdhyAdhishu sarvEshu nagarEshu samAsTHithE


vaibhavairviviDhairyukthE samAgaccha mudhAnvithE


You are found to stay in all flourishing towns like Ayodhya and the

resort of all riches. You come to me with pleasure.


54.samAgaccha samagaccha mamAgrE bhava susThira


karuNArasa nishpandhanEthradhvayavilAsinee


Oh Devi, you have a pair eyes filled with mercy .Come, come, stay

infront of me fimly.


55. sanniDHathsva mahalakshmi thvathpANim mamamasthakE


karuNAsuDHayA mAm thvam abhishichya sTHiram kuru


Oh Mahalakshmi place your hand on my head and dreench me with the nectar

of your mercy and make me steady.


56.sarvarAjagrhe lakshmi samagaccha balAnvithE


sTHIthvASu purathO mEadhya prasAdhEnAbhayam kuru


Lakshmidevi, you powerfully reside in all royal houses.Grace me and

give me refuge by staying before me.


57.sAdharam masthakE hastham mamathvam krpayA arpaya


sarvarAjasTHithe lakshmi thvathkalA mayi thishTathu


Oh Lakshmi place your hand on my head with mercy and love.Let your kala

which is in all kings, be with me.


58.AdhyAdhisreemahAlakshmi vishnuvAmAnkasamsTHithE


prathyaksham kuru mE roopam raksha mam saraNA gatham


You yourself are Adhilakshmi and others (ashtlakshmis)and you are

seated on the left knee of the Lord Vishnu. Appear before me and protect

me who has surrendered to you.


59.praseedha mE mahalakshmisupraseedha mahASivE


achlAbhava supreethA susTHirA bhava madhgrhE


Be pleased with me Mahalakshmi, being well pleased stay on my house firm

and steady with pleasure.


60.yAvath thishTanthi vEdhAscha yAvacchandhra dhuvakarou


yAvath vishnuscha yAvatthvam thAvath kuru krpAm mayi.


As long as the vedas and the sun and the moon exist, and as long as

Lord Vishnu and you are there, you show mercy on me.


61.chAndhree kalA yaTHA suklE varDhathe sA dhinE dhine


thaTHA dhayA the mayyEva varDHathAm abhivarDhathAm


Just as the parts of the moon grows steadily in Suklapaksha , so too may

your grace grow in me more and more.


62.yaTHA vaikunTa nagarE yaTHA vai ksheerasAgarE


thaTHA madgbhavanE thishTa sThiram sreevishNUnA saha


Stay in my house permanently with Lord Vishnu as you are in the milky

ocean and Vaikunta.


63.yOginAm hrdhayE nithyam yaTHA thishTasi vishNuna


thaTHA madhbhavanE thishTA sTHira sree vishNunA saha


Just as you stay ever in the hearts of the yogis with Lord Vishnu ,

stay also in my house with Him.


64.nArayaNasya hrdhayE bhavathee yaTHA AsthE


nArAyaNOpi thava hrdhkamalE yaTHAsthE


nArAyaNasthvamapi nithyavibhoothaTHaiva


thou thishTathAm hrdhi mamApidhayAnvithou sreeh


As you are in the heart of Narayana and He in the lotus of your heart

and thus both of you lord over all, may you two be in my heart also

with full of mercy.

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