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Our experience for sadhaks doing Gurusewa

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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

By distributing the magazine sadhaks are doing fine job.

Our group has some experiences to share and some thoughts

on doing various actvities associated with spreading the

message of practically useful knowlwdge of tantra,mantra

and yantra. "Practically useful" is the most important

aspect of this knowledge as it separates us from other

spiritual organisation which emphasise on quoting from

religious scriptures extensively without any clear

direction of experiencing those written things

practically in our lives. Religious missionaries

may be using money, material benefits etc. to spread

their "stamp" and one may say that they are doing "practically

useful " things for the benifit of people.

In a sadhana shivir we came across a sadhak,

with Guru Shawl around him, who asked us "what is the

going rate for this diksha" (Is diksha kaa aajkal

kya rate chal raha hai). He asked this question when

other sadhkas were standing in que to take diksha slip.

The manner and the tone in which he asked the question

left us shocked. We could hardly say that there is no

price for diksha. Some sadhaks might think that he should

have been strogly told to mind his mannerism and conduct

as a sadhak. Taking sadhna lightly as a joke or a cheap

market commodity is a common problem.

This incident and many other disturbing experiences has left

us thinking about this whole mentality of casualness among sadhaks.

What to say about non-sadhaks?

We do not have any explanation for this. Only thing which

we have been able to understand is that Gurudev called

all of us "siddhashram sadhak parivar" for some reason only.

If only some capable and devoted sadhaks were doing sadhnas

in some secluded place then this problem would not have

arisen. In that case the drawback would have been quite

severe as millions of other people like us would have been left

from taking bath in the divine Ganges of knowledge.

So when benefits are so high then we should be prepared to

put all our effort in doing sadhnas and other actvities associated

with spreading this divine knowledge. In the process we will

come across these obstacles and many much more difficult obstacles.

When we are looking for extra-ordinary results then the effort

should be of that proportion only.

Even if we do not do anything then also we are going to face

unsurmountable problems, then why not firmly stick to this

path of sadhna only.

We have to work in the direction defined by Gurudev. The

advantage of being part of sadhak parivar is that we

get prepared to face the real life challenges.

We can not be diplomatic when it is clearly required that

we should take a stand against all odds. If someone is showing disrespect

to our knowledge which we acquired from our gurudev then we

have to speak up firmly and unambiguosly .Just in the manner we

expect our Gurudev to stand with us in troubled time. Suppose

if Gurudev give us diplomatic assurance when we are caught in

deep trouble and facing threat from our enemies. will we like that?

Just in the same fashion we are expected to defend gurudev's

knowledge without any ambiguity or false show of concern in a

diplomatic manner. It is realy very difficult to do.

we will learn this only when we do sadhna or obey Gurudev's order

and face challanges while doing these activities.

It is very easy to feel disgusted and move away from

siddhashram sadhak parivar. What has happened with a

former disciple of Gurudev in Bhopal is an example of this.

We tell you about our personal experience. Our Group of few sadhaks made few people

to the MTYV magazine, some of those

rs sold MTYV issues along with old newspapers as trash.

It was really pianful and excruciatingly torturous for us.

We learnt that we should be carefully looking for the persons eager to learn

something new and value it also. we learnt from our misatke

of just offloading MTYV magazine everywhere to derive the

mental kick of doing Guru Sewa.

We changed the manner and started distributing these magazines

in temples, where the probabality is higher of finding

persons interested in sadhna and respecting sadhnas.Apart from this

decided to give subsciption to only those persons who themselves ask

for this with good intrest.

Still some refinements need to be made, because

there is no perfect formula. Every sadhak has to workout

on his own experience.

Help from gurudev comes and we slowly learn a better way of doing

Guru sewa and get rid of our shortcomings which we would have never got rid off

if we had just stopped putting any effort in doing these actvities.

We feel that we made a correct decision of choosing a devoted sadhak from this group

to distribute pamphlets.

we do not need to stop , because we know that we will be successful.

Actually it is the blessings and power of Gurudev which carried

out this whole work and will do so in future. More firmly we believe in this

statement more success we will get. As long as success is eluding us it means we

do not belive frmly what we have said above.

This is our own test.

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram




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Sharma ji

Jai Gurudev

Pl. tell me clearly about the incident as u mentioned "What has happened with a

former disciple of Gurudev in Bhopal is an example of this."

Bala jee


ajay sharma <sharva_ajay (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

By distributing the magazine sadhaks are doing fine job.

Our group has some experiences to share and some thoughts

on doing various actvities associated with spreading the

message of practically useful knowlwdge of tantra,mantra

and yantra. "Practically useful" is the most important

aspect of this knowledge as it separates us from other

spiritual organisation which emphasise on quoting from

religious scriptures extensively without any clear

direction of experiencing those written things

practically in our lives. Religious missionaries

may be using money, material benefits etc. to spread

their "stamp" and one may say that they are doing "practically

useful " things for the benifit of people.

In a sadhana shivir we came across a sadhak,

with Guru Shawl around him, who asked us "what is the

going rate for this diksha" (Is diksha kaa aajkal

kya rate chal raha hai). He asked this question when

other sadhkas were standing in que to take diksha slip.

The manner and the tone in which he asked the question

left us shocked. We could hardly say that there is no

price for diksha. Some sadhaks might think that he should

have been strogly told to mind his mannerism and conduct

as a sadhak. Taking sadhna lightly as a joke or a cheap

market commodity is a common problem.

This incident and many other disturbing experiences has left

us thinking about this whole mentality of casualness among sadhaks.

What to say about non-sadhaks?

We do not have any explanation for this. Only thing which

we have been able to understand is that Gurudev called

all of us "siddhashram sadhak parivar" for some reason only.

If only some capable and devoted sadhaks were doing sadhnas

in some secluded place then this problem would not have

arisen. In that case the drawback would have been quite

severe as millions of other people like us would have been left

from taking bath in the divine Ganges of knowledge.

So when benefits are so high then we should be prepared to

put all our effort in doing sadhnas and other actvities associated

with spreading this divine knowledge. In the process we will

come across these obstacles and many much more difficult obstacles.

When we are looking for extra-ordinary results then the effort

should be of that proportion only.

Even if we do not do anything then also we are going to face

unsurmountable problems, then why not firmly stick to this

path of sadhna only.

We have to work in the direction defined by Gurudev. The

advantage of being part of sadhak parivar is that we

get prepared to face the real life challenges.

We can not be diplomatic when it is clearly required that

we should take a stand against all odds. If someone is showing disrespect

to our knowledge which we acquired from our gurudev then we

have to speak up firmly and unambiguosly .Just in the manner we

expect our Gurudev to stand with us in troubled time. Suppose

if Gurudev give us diplomatic assurance when we are caught in

deep trouble and facing threat from our enemies. will we like that?

Just in the same fashion we are expected to defend gurudev's

knowledge without any ambiguity or false show of concern in a

diplomatic manner. It is realy very difficult to do.

we will learn this only when we do sadhna or obey Gurudev's order

and face challanges while doing these activities.

It is very easy to feel disgusted and move away from

siddhashram sadhak parivar. What has happened with a

former disciple of Gurudev in Bhopal is an example of this.

We tell you about our personal experience. Our Group of few sadhaks made few people

to the MTYV magazine, some of those

rs sold MTYV issues along with old newspapers as trash.

It was really pianful and excruciatingly torturous for us.

We learnt that we should be carefully looking for the persons eager to learn

something new and value it also. we learnt from our misatke

of just offloading MTYV magazine everywhere to derive the

mental kick of doing Guru Sewa.

We changed the manner and started distributing these magazines

in temples, where the probabality is higher of finding

persons interested in sadhna and respecting sadhnas.Apart from this

decided to give subsciption to only those persons who themselves ask

for this with good intrest.

Still some refinements need to be made, because

there is no perfect formula. Every sadhak has to workout

on his own experience.

Help from gurudev comes and we slowly learn a better way of doing

Guru sewa and get rid of our shortcomings which we would have never got rid off

if we had just stopped putting any effort in doing these actvities.

We feel that we made a correct decision of choosing a devoted sadhak from this group

to distribute pamphlets.

we do not need to stop , because we know that we will be successful.

Actually it is the blessings and power of Gurudev which carried

out this whole work and will do so in future. More firmly we believe in this

statement more success we will get. As long as success is eluding us it means we

do not belive frmly what we have said above.

This is our own test.

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram



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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram


You may be knowing about that therefore we will

not take the name. Those who do not know the

name would be better off not knwoing about

such individuals.

We will just tell here about the reasons which that sadhak(inculding

his associates) mentioned for dissociating themselves from Gurudham



Gurudev had organised a shivir in Bhopal for which gurudev,

selected few sadhaks to take the responsiblity in making

arrangements. Gurudev has their own yardsticks for assigning


Some older sadhaks were left out of this main group. These

older sadhaks got offended. They were not

mature enough as desciples and they decided not to contribute

towards making arrangement for the shivir. They let their personal

egos to undermine the love and respect of Guru.


Therefore these comparatively newer sadhaks faced difficulty

in making arrangements, but somehow they managed to do

it without the assitance of older sadhaks.[ This incident must

have reduced their faith in siddhashram sadhak parivar, as we


in our previous mail- We just want to say that it is very easy for

all of us to get frustrated

and develop irrational beliefs ]


Newer sadhaks earned the love and affection of Gurudev.

Events took a turn when Gurudev Nikhil left for siddhashram these

newer sadhaks

organised a shivir at Bhopal with Gurudev Trimurti.

Newer sadhaks expected some special acclaim for themsleves

and wanted themselves to be seen as more than equal in

siddhashram sadhak parivar.

These newer sadhaks got afflicted with the same weakness like

their older counterparts. They themsleves started expecting

rewards for their Gurusewa based on their own judgement.

Asking for rewards of one's own choice in return of service

can not be called selfless service. Many sadhaks got

extraordinary success but not on their own terms & conditions.

Whosoever was considered competent by Gurudev got whatever he


but on Gurudev's terms. No one can put preconditions before


is the first rule of doing sadhnas.


They forgot that Guru is not merely a body but also

a manifestation of enlightened divine knowledge.They forgot what

Gurudev Nikhil

had said them before leaving for siddhashram.

When they considered Gurudev Trimurti just as physical body like

anyone else, their downfall was in the coming.


They got the final blow when they themselves started giving dikshas

and dissociated themselves from Gurudham Jodhpur. They

started deriving many meanings of Gurudev Nikhil's love and

affection for them. Gurudev love all of their disciples,

therefore to encourage them they ask them to spread this divine

knowledge for the benifit of others also.

This is an example of a disciple deriving his own meaning

of Gurudev's words and declaring himself as the someone

who has been given Gurupada.


This is not a new thing. Even in earlier era in history, in the

ashrams of Rishis

it happened many times. When a Rishi wanted to appoint a

comptetent successor for his ashram he used his own method to

test the devotion of his disciples. Those who did not get the

succession got angry with that Rishi and used to leave ashrams. As

we all know histoy only remembers competent and devoted disciples,

not those who backstabbed their own Guru.



When this is common problem then it means a disciple need to be


about the thoughts crossing his mind, the way his mind visualise



Of course results are bound to come, but when and in what form

should be

left to Guru. This is the best method in making progress

in the path of karma. If we look at this principle of karma

from a psoitive point of view, then their is no stonger motivation


in this world for doing one's duty.


If we look at this principle from neagtive point of view then this

is called

"oriental pessimism", a difintion given to out Karma principle

by western people.

It is our choice which way to look at it.


Ordinarily it is very natural for humans to get frustrated

when things are not going in the manner they want. No one

has ever been able to win over this weakness without the help

of Guru.

"When a person can achieve extraordinary success on the basis

of will power,determination and courage in world around us,

the magnitude of success in the field of sadhna & tantra is

beyond comprehension of ordinary human imagination" These are

words an accomplished Tantrik published in MTYV.



Therefore we feel that sooner or later we will be confronted with the

problems which some former disciples faced and could not stand upto

them. We want to save ourselves from meeting similar fate.

Gurudev willing then we would like to perform actvities

as directed by Gurudev for whole of our life. With Gurudev's blessing

it will a useful effort.

All these aspects of success,failure, reward, recognition

has spoiled many sadhaks, our only worry is how to keep

ourselves from going down in the same line.


There are many devoted sadhaks who wre working in their own way.

Many of them have successfully got over these obstacles

by Gurudev's blessings. They have done so much for siddhashram

sadhak parivar

and continuing it without biting the bait of public acclaim and self


They have done much more work than us and continuing it with same






Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram





















, balajee sahay <bjs0012003



> Sharma ji

> Jai Gurudev


> Pl. tell me clearly about the incident as u mentioned "What has

happened with a

> former disciple of Gurudev in Bhopal is an example of this."



> Bala jee


> ajay sharma <sharva_ajay wrote:

> Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram


> By distributing the magazine sadhaks are doing fine job.

> Our group has some experiences to share and some thoughts

> on doing various actvities associated with spreading the

> message of practically useful knowlwdge of tantra,mantra

> and yantra. "Practically useful" is the most important

> aspect of this knowledge as it separates us from other

> spiritual organisation which emphasise on quoting from

> religious scriptures extensively without any clear

> direction of experiencing those written things

> practically in our lives. Religious missionaries

> may be using money, material benefits etc. to spread

> their "stamp" and one may say that they are doing "practically

> useful " things for the benifit of people.


> In a sadhana shivir we came across a sadhak,

> with Guru Shawl around him, who asked us "what is the

> going rate for this diksha" (Is diksha kaa aajkal

> kya rate chal raha hai). He asked this question when

> other sadhkas were standing in que to take diksha slip.

> The manner and the tone in which he asked the question

> left us shocked. We could hardly say that there is no

> price for diksha. Some sadhaks might think that he should

> have been strogly told to mind his mannerism and conduct

> as a sadhak. Taking sadhna lightly as a joke or a cheap

> market commodity is a common problem.

> This incident and many other disturbing experiences has left

> us thinking about this whole mentality of casualness among sadhaks.

> What to say about non-sadhaks?

> We do not have any explanation for this. Only thing which

> we have been able to understand is that Gurudev called

> all of us "siddhashram sadhak parivar" for some reason only.

> If only some capable and devoted sadhaks were doing sadhnas

> in some secluded place then this problem would not have

> arisen. In that case the drawback would have been quite

> severe as millions of other people like us would have been left

> from taking bath in the divine Ganges of knowledge.

> So when benefits are so high then we should be prepared to

> put all our effort in doing sadhnas and other actvities associated

> with spreading this divine knowledge. In the process we will

> come across these obstacles and many much more difficult obstacles.

> When we are looking for extra-ordinary results then the effort

> should be of that proportion only.

> Even if we do not do anything then also we are going to face

> unsurmountable problems, then why not firmly stick to this

> path of sadhna only.

> We have to work in the direction defined by Gurudev. The

> advantage of being part of sadhak parivar is that we

> get prepared to face the real life challenges.

> We can not be diplomatic when it is clearly required that

> we should take a stand against all odds. If someone is showing


> to our knowledge which we acquired from our gurudev then we

> have to speak up firmly and unambiguosly .Just in the manner we

> expect our Gurudev to stand with us in troubled time. Suppose

> if Gurudev give us diplomatic assurance when we are caught in

> deep trouble and facing threat from our enemies. will we like that?

> Just in the same fashion we are expected to defend gurudev's

> knowledge without any ambiguity or false show of concern in a

> diplomatic manner. It is realy very difficult to do.


> we will learn this only when we do sadhna or obey Gurudev's order

> and face challanges while doing these activities.

> It is very easy to feel disgusted and move away from

> siddhashram sadhak parivar. What has happened with a

> former disciple of Gurudev in Bhopal is an example of this.

> We tell you about our personal experience. Our Group of few

sadhaks made few people

> to the MTYV magazine, some of those

> rs sold MTYV issues along with old newspapers as trash.

> It was really pianful and excruciatingly torturous for us.

> We learnt that we should be carefully looking for the persons

eager to learn

> something new and value it also. we learnt from our misatke

> of just offloading MTYV magazine everywhere to derive the

> mental kick of doing Guru Sewa.

> We changed the manner and started distributing these magazines

> in temples, where the probabality is higher of finding

> persons interested in sadhna and respecting sadhnas.Apart from


> decided to give subsciption to only those persons who themselves


> for this with good intrest.

> Still some refinements need to be made, because

> there is no perfect formula. Every sadhak has to workout

> on his own experience.

> Help from gurudev comes and we slowly learn a better way of doing

> Guru sewa and get rid of our shortcomings which we would have

never got rid off

> if we had just stopped putting any effort in doing these actvities.

> We feel that we made a correct decision of choosing a devoted

sadhak from this group

> to distribute pamphlets.

> we do not need to stop , because we know that we will be


> Actually it is the blessings and power of Gurudev which carried

> out this whole work and will do so in future. More firmly we

believe in this

> statement more success we will get. As long as success is eluding

us it means we

> do not belive frmly what we have said above.

> This is our own test.

> Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram








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