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The so called development

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Hari OM:


One statistic says that in 1950, on the average people used to spend 1% of their income towards water and 0% towards air.


Todady they spend about 5% towards water and 0.5% towards air (oxygen bars are becoming necessary in many parts of the world which should be attended atleast once in a month to prevent diseases)


Almost 80% of natural water resources had already been polluted beyond consumption or closed. Air is getting fast polluted beyond consumption.


i think in another 50 years you should have a double phd willing to work for 16 hours a day to afford to breathe, drink water and eat (of course it would be another thing that computers would be so advanced that your home computer will talk to some vendor computer and order oxygen cylinders just in time depening on consumption, usuability or based on any other such nonsense words, but the point is if you go out without your oxygen cylinder you will get disease surely)


People would be fighting for "quotas" of oxygen cylinder saying how much good/poor their groups were and the need for more oxygen cylinder for them.

Political leaders , who may not need oxygen cylinders since their office/house/cars will be centrally oxygenated, will call the most violent groups first to "resolve" the problems.


And the funniest of all, some members will be posting in Audarya message boards "See without science where will be the oxygen cylinders and how you will breath? so science is very essential for breathing"


Hopefully Krishna would be very merciful with me to take away before those posts start appearing.

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The other night I was reading letters from my grandmother who has since passed on. She was born in 1897. She wrote that back in the day had policeman on every block with a big nightstick. And no pollution, was a beautiful city with two clean rivers running through it. No smog.


Now that city is one the most crime-ridden cities in the United States. It is very dangerous to even go there, in certain areas certainly. She was not describing the rich neighborhoods above, she was describing where the immigrants lived who came over on third class steamship via Ellis Island.


And now that city also is so polluted and certainly you cannot swim in river.

How did this horrible thing come about? Although I know that they are aout there helping, sometimes it seems as if the only time I regularly see law enforcement officers these days is they are arresting some homeless persons. There is a law against homelessness even though 8000 people are homeless in this city and its metro area.


How did it happen that things went from a policeman on every block with a nightstick to homes constantly being vandalized even the very best of neighborhoods? And only 6-7 patrol officers seems like for an entire city, very busily giving out parking tickets and arresting the homeless. What kind of a sick world do we live in anyway? Surely we must be living in hell on earth.


So what can be done? London used to be very polluted then laws were changed; it used to be so full of grime and soot as bad as Northeast China now is or the brown cloud of pollution that is over India visible in satellite pictures. We can do something because pollution can be reversed, in the same way that it was in London as well as Nashua River in New England.


Be the change you want to see in the world -- Gandhi

I am just one person but I can do a small thing. I will not fail to do the small things that I can do. -- Helen Keller

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