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Notes on various matters.



Diti and Preston



Preston, excellent. Bravo. You bring out things opposite what I said, and

yet, both are right. Why? Because the opposite is always present. This world

is in balance, so there is always both sides to everything present. For

example, take ³fame². It makes everyone know you, and yet, it puts you into

walls away from everyone because you cannot possibly go amongst them, or

their desire for survival, which they see in you, will shred you, as you are

only human. So the hardest people to get close to, are ³famous² people.. God

is a really good example. Being incredibly famous and wealthy, he has to

hide completely. Still, people revert to ³prayer² to reach him. They just

want to reach him somehow or another, to get a piece of that strong 10th

house he hasn given himself. God¹s hint to his fans: Do like me, and give

it to yourself. You do it.






Thanks for not numbing



My life has been shifting much lately. For the past 3 to 4 years I have

been engulfed in the world of total depression. I have had many medications

(going back to 94 when really I started to lose my taste for the currently

manifest situation in the world of Gaudiya Vaisnavism (Hare Krishna,

Orthodox/Fundamentalist Vaisnava Hinduism) and as well my marriage which was

rooted in it. All that I have done with Jyotish, all of it, was done SINCE

that time, within the period of depression, except very recently.


Lately, I have been successful in giving up all meds, prescribed by doctors,

as well as by myself. I have very developed opinions now about marijuana

and alchohol, along with depression and it¹s modern medications and the many

tricks and tips bandied about to cure this problematic disease. I am

thinking of writing an overview, a more complete exposé, about this all.






Extra awareness, hold the lust



Along with meds and drugs, I¹ve also given lust it¹s pink slip, as this was

the real cause of MY depression, along with my childhood and all the

confusion that came from having no parenting while young (in my summary and

generalized opinion, mom and dad, in the beyond). I have come to see how

our society makes it very easy for youths, especially males, to think a

certain way about woman, which is totally wrong. I have finally come to

understand woman enough to realize that advertising, models, strippers,

whores, bikinis, photography of womans bodies for lusting and advertising,

all these things, are VERY wrong if you want peace of mind as a male, and

fairness, goodness, and EVERYTHING if you are a woman. Male lust for the

female body is a deeply rooted mistake that goes back to primordial time,

like alchohol is too. It¹s just a huge mistake that is deeply embedded in

our society.




What¹s this mean in Jyotish?



If my chart and life are in your study, then I offer this at this time as

regards my changes of late:


See that Saturn afflicts my Moon. Yet as lord of 10th and 11th is it not

the giver of my desires and my success and rise? Yes, it does rule over

those parts. Duality is always working hard for us.


So my Saturn Dasha has ended recently, and given way to Mercury. This is

VERY different for me. Why?


Well, notice that I have been in 2 Dashas since VERY young, both of which

are in the 9th house. Jupiter and Saturn are in the 9th, and they have

consecutive dashas in Jyotish. So these two have ruled my life, from the

house of religion, father, travel, higher education, God, etc. for a total

of 35 years. When Jupiter started, I immediately lost my father to mental

disease. My life since 11 years old, has in a sense, been simply dealing

with this event, and all that it lead to. Never having a father, even

before that, is demonstrated in my chart by Saturn seated in the 9th. It¹s

aspect on the Moon, and ownership of the Moon, in both Rashi and Navamsa,

spells the case for depression. Notice that the Moon for Aries is MORE

representing the mother than any other Lagna as it lords the 4th house along

with being the normal karaka for mother. So this tells us that the event at

11 yrs old also afflicts my mother. Of course, when she hospitalized him,

she was agreeing to raise 11 kids alone. We suffered, she suffered, but it

was inevitable. You cannot raise a schizophrenic 6 ft tall German-American

military officer with PTSD AND 11 kids alone. So she chose just raising the

kids. Her life is one of hard choices. She deserves a book, a memorial,

Sainthood. Hi mom.


Now that I have been released from my 9th house dashas, I can breathe

better, being more away from that whole situation, separated by years, not



Mercury rules, for Aries ascendant, the 3rd and 6th houses. These are ³bad

houses² so to speak. Disease and loss of Mother for example. My mercury is

combust, totally, burnt to ashes, by the Sun. This means my fifth lord, the

Sun, the greatest purifier, is cleaning these things up in me, and being as

they are in the second, means I will speak about this; the process of ending

disease and emotional pain. Yes, I will.


Is this confusing? Ok, I can simplify. When a kid is constantly faced with

grim reality far too early, he may learn to find peace and happiness in the

sense, in drugs, in escapism, in alchohol, etc. This was all true for me.

The dashas that show parental affliction are over. A dasha of purification

of diet, speaking, teeth, etc., is now happening for me. True, my teeth got

pretty bad in the last dasha, and now I am slowly fixing them. True, my

diet has changed lately for the far better. You know, medications taken

orally are also food, just very specific food. So this dasha switch could

be described in my case as ³a far better second house² because since they

get to now be the speakers, my sun and mercury, well, they now get to stand

up for the second house, make it better, improve it, which totally changes

my life. I could write so much about all this, and I will most likely. This

is a start. Any questions, post.


It¹s commonly known that converts are the best proponents. I am converted

lately to being inimical to lust and pot, two things which were always my

best friends, so to speak, or my travelling companions in life¹s journey.

Now I have retired them by careful knowledge and deliberation, then precise

action of thought and speech.


Please note, that these things, like germs, have their place in life¹s

complexity. As organic entities we are subject to the rules of elimination

of weak, and survival of fittest. These things, amongst many things, help

to sort and eliminate weak elements. I have been very weak. Pot, alchohol,

feeling needy, these are actually self destructive things. Many people are

engaged in slow suicide, because they feel very bad always, and they are

responding to the impulses of self destruction, by numbing themselves away

and out of the group that will survive. I am no longer in the group of

persons who are numbing and self destructing.





Dog Meet



A German Shepherd/Wolf mix dog recently saved his very old owners from death

in snow, by digging a tunnel and dragging them to safety in their home, from

the shed where they were trapped in snow, certain to die. The dog thought

it all up on his own, and did the work. He dug a hole through the snow,

under fallen trees even, and literally dragged them through this more than

20ft long tunnel to safety in their home. They did not ask him to, they did

not command him, it never occurred to them, or myself, that a dog would have

such brains, such determination, such vision, but apparently, they can.





En Gulfed



This is a live feed from my intuition, which, in my opinion, is somewhat

worth listening to.


What¹s going on in the Muslim world is growing pains. Behind the scenes, the

real power leaders are working with Bush and his men, and like European

leaders. On both sides is compassion and understanding for the other, but

also, it is known who must go, and I mean go, as in the big go, crossing the

rainbow bridge. People in the House of Saud, powerful clerics, and mostly,

the real pundits that each side actually listen to, all of these, are

actually in more sync, more contact, and more sharing and planning than is

being talked about. It will all be revealed in some years in tell all books

by key players. The most highly educated Muslims and Westerners are in much

more sync than is generally understood. Like I said, it¹s a time of 180¹s.

Right now Bush is trying to gracefully reverse course due to the quickly

changing situation over there, which is a lot due to the speed of learning

going on over there, and here, from the internet. The internet is the wire

which is transferring the information faster and better than EVER before in

world history.


In roman times, there were no phones, no wires, not much of anything we now

know. In Europe, a ³road² was simply a horse or carriage trail through the

forest. That¹s it. There was NOTHING else for moving information. You had

to send a runner, a fast horse and rider, or something. Wherever roads met,

there folks would literally post tidbits of information on trees and other

posts at the intersection.


In Latin, tri is 3 and via is road. TRIVIA means ³3 roads² which happens at

every intersection.


Trivia actually meant ³news² back then.


You cannot even quantify the different in transfer rate between the internet

and this old system.


Much of the Muslim world has been, even in recent decades, not that much

more advanced than Europe 2000 years ago. This is still true in all rural

parts of old countries like India, China, Africa and Muslim lands. However,

now, with cheap cell phones and internet (which is also on the phones now),

you can get news around really really fast. Unfortunately, the inflamatory

stuff that marginalized people share with each other leads to terrorism and

war. I don¹t blame them, rather, being half REALLY Irish, I totally



But the fact is, ignorance doesn¹t win, doesn¹t last. What lasts is

knowledge, enlightenment, illumination, and science. Islam, Judaeism, and

Christianity, and Hinduism, the old religions, they will undergo upgrades,

all of them, and fade, in the future times. They are parts of our past, the

religions themselves, being so full of motivations from really old times.


This is why my beloved Celts are so reduced from 2000 years ago from being

dominant across all of Europe, to the fringe edges of Ireland, Scotland,

England, France and Spain, or in other words, the Westernmost edge of

Europe, and there, they are fading into modernism slowly. The first to

leave ignorance are the intelligent, the educated, which is why various

Celtic leaders gave up and moved to Rome 2000 years ago, and which is why

Islam will ultimately lose any quest to conquer the world. No religion will

be able ever again to convert the world. It just won¹t happen. What¹s

coming now is a totally different way of seeing life, which is much more

scientific. America is the catalyst for this, as Rome was before.


Jesus actually represented Pagan elements, fighting for their lives under

Rome. The equivalent today is Pat Robertson, and other grossly misled

persons who parade as great leaders of spirit, but are actually nothing but

persons caught in that whirlpool known as ³standing up for religion² against

modernization. I know this paralell will bother some, but think about it,

Rome was for illumination, science, and thus in a sense, for ³truth².


But religions are not for truth and honesty, but for their agendas, which

are usually aggrandizing the main leaders, and engulfing all others in

suppression and servitude. Others become ³great devotees² of the ³great

leader² in order to get some of that glory, and nothing more. I mean, would

any of us know Pat Robertson if he didn¹t have Jesus to use as his excuse to

speak to us from the TV set and his stupid 700 Club show?


Religion is not of the future, it¹s of the past. It¹s a pseudo science used

to make sense of that we don¹t understand.


If you study Bin Ladens life, you see the same thing. His agenda changes in

terms of how to take action, because it¹s not WHAT HE DOES that he cares

about, but only that he becomes very famous as the guy who takes on all

things that HE THINKS are opposed to Islam in HIS UNDERSTANDING of what

Islam is. He¹s a Pat Robertson of the middle East. That is why it is true,

that if Fascism takes over America, it will be wrapped in the flag and

touted as a Christian movement.


But that is not going to happen. When America starts to fall apart, it will

self destruct from within. It will not rise unified, because it is not

unified. We do not have ³one thing² here like Muslim countries have their

dear Islam to banner under. No, we are not all Christians here...no way.

We are so diverse, that when things fall apart, we¹ll be like Rome when it

fell, it will just dissapear and mutate into other new countries, many

countries, like Europe. Europe was once one country, long ago, now it is

many countries, which used to be large tribal areas. History repeats









Richard Edward Wurst

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Geez, Rick, you seldom write much to the list anymore

but when you do WHAM! what great stuff! I for one am

glad to have you back sharing stuff and explaining it



I agree on the opposites you mention, such as the

intimacy and distance of fame. I've got this kick

going right now about the good and bad sides of both

Good and Bad, so I'm into that opposites thing.


THANK YOU too for the astrology lesson using your life

as example. So much of what sometimes gets discussed

astrologically on this list is so over my head that I

really, really enjoy when something comes along

explained such that I understand it. It embibes me

with the desire to study astrology more, and with the

feeling that there is a plan a sense to all that

happens to us or all that we engage ourselves in.


I'm so very, very happy for you on your personal

growth and your reawakening. That is SO GREAT, for you

especially, but also that it inspires others like

myself to let go of those numbing, self destructing

things we/I still endulge in here and there. Thank you

for that.







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