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What happens when one speaks the unadulterated Absolute Truth uncompromisingly???

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<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">Final Instructions </TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%">printButton.png</TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%">emailButton.png</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="70%" colSpan=2>Written by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada </TD></TR><TR><TD class=createdate vAlign=top colSpan=2></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>

150.150._home_Domain_vina.cc_www_news_images_stories_2006_December_bhaktisiddhantaprabhupada.jpgOn December 27, several days prior to the setting of the blazing sun of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya, Om Vishnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur, he spoke to an gathering of his closest disciples, at which time he said the following words:


"I have disturbed many people because I felt myself obliged to speak the unadulterated truth. I have told everyone to worship Hari without hypocrisy and because of this some people have perhaps considered me to be their enemy. So I have caused many people anxiety by telling them to give up other desires and hypocrisy and to sincerely serve Krishna. Some day they will be able to understand what I was getting at.

"All of you please preach the message of Rupa and Raghunath with great enthusiasm. The ultimate object of our desires is to become specks of dust at the lotus feet of the followers of Rupa Goswami. Remain united in following the asraya-vigraha in order to satisfy the transcendental senses of the one, non-dual supreme truth. Make your way through this impermanent, transitory life in whatever way you can, keeping the goal of worshiping the Lord foremost in your minds. Don't abandon this goal, even in the face of hundreds of dangers, insults, or persecutions. Don't lose your spirit if you see that the majority of people cannot accept the principle of selfless service to the Supreme Lord.

quotes_top.gif Don't lose your spirit if you see that the majority of people cannot accept the principle of selfless service to the Supreme Lord. quotes_bottom.gif





Never abandon your bhajana, hearing and chanting Krishna-katha, the be-all and end-all of your devotional life. Please always chant the name of the Lord, being humbler than a blade of grass and more tolerant than the tree.

"This body is like the aging cow which in ancient times was meant to be offered up in sacrifice. Only we desire to offer the body to Krishna in the sacrifice of the Holy Name established by Sri Krishna Chaitanya and his associates. We do not seek to become heroes performing great works or religious deeds; our true being and our identity is that of a speck of dust at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Prabhu, life after life. The stream which flows from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur will never be dammed up. Remember this and vow to double your efforts to fulfill Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's desires. Amongst you are many capable and worthy individuals. We seek nothing for ourselves; our only motto is:

Taking grass between my teeth, I pray repeatedly that I may become a speck of dust at Sri Rupa Goswami's lotus feet, birth after birth. (Raghunath Das Goswami, Muktacarita.)

"While living in the world, we encounter many difficulties; but there is no need for us to be bewildered by these difficulties -- nor need we make any effort to remove them. What is necessary for us, while we are still here, is to learn what will remain after we have removed all those difficulties -- what will be the nature of our eternal life. There are so many things which we want or don't want, but we have to come to terms with this duality of attractions and repulsions. The more we distance ourselves from Krishna's lotus feet, the more these things will draw us in. We can only begin to comprehend the exquisite taste of service to Krishna's lotus feet after transcending these worldly attractions and repulsions and being attracted by his holy name. The doctrines of Krishna-bhakti seem startling at first, perhaps even perplexing. Knowingly or unknowingly, every human being is struggling to eliminate the adventitious elements in life which interfere with his direct experience of eternal fulfillment. Our only obligation is to go beyond duality and to enter the world of that eternal fulfillment.

"We have no attachment for anyone in this world, nor any hostility. Whatever arrangements we make in this world last but a moment, while the need to search out the supreme fulfillment is equally unavoidable for everyone. May all of you work united and in harmony toward the same goal: to earn the right to serve the root asraya-vigraha. May the current of ideas propagated by Rupa Goswami flow throughout the world. May we never under any circumstances become indifferent to the seven-tongued sacrificial flame of the Holy Name. If our attraction to it remains ever-increasing, we will achieve all perfection. Remain faithful to Rupa Goswami's followers and preach Rupa and Raghunath's teachings enthusiastically and fearlessly."






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Remember this and vow to double your efforts to fulfill Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's desires

May I inquire as to what ‘desires’ … and please quote and not guess …


Remain united in following the asraya-vigraha in order to satisfy the transcendental senses of the one, non-dual supreme truth.
Does this mean God is not of each ‘element’ or does this mean there is only one truth for the globe?


Don't lose your spirit if you see that the majority of people cannot accept the principle of selfless service to the Supreme Lord.
I won’t, thank you, but please I beg any of true compassion must all be observant to all versus selfish.


What is necessary for us, while we are still here, is to learn what will remain after we have removed all those difficulties -- what will be the nature of our eternal life.
Well the nature of our eternal life has been shrouded in literature throughout and it is our duty to learn so to know how this works empirically and within today’s literature the fact of our ‘eternal life’ actually, physically works, is what I bring.


There are so many things which we want or don't want, but we have to come to terms with this duality of attractions and repulsions
but still the definitions are not understood as the ‘duality of attraction and repulsions’ and can be stated in 2 methods, either of physical applicability or of reasoned or instinctive rational.

Physical is exactly suggesting how mass and energy associate and that is my job or to understand how all species were instinctive and it is our consciousness that allows us to overcome the beast of instinct by choice.


Knowingly or unknowingly, every human being is struggling to eliminate the adventitious elements in life which interfere with his direct experience of eternal fulfillment.
Or basically as a conscious species we are all trying to overcome our instinctive nature. For example; a amn could be attracted to another women as an instinct to breed but since already married, “I should not.” Our fulfillment is to the thoughtful commitment, which to harm is quite damaging (harming the wife’s heart) to any eternal existence.



Our only obligation is to go beyond duality and to enter the world of that eternal fulfillment.
To try and become compassionate rather than instinctive as of the natural world; Love transcends.


To unravel the words of the truly humble has been a gift since being a boy, I honor them with knowing, “if they only had the words.”

So I do understand the Guru and as stated it has been the lifelong pursuit to learn just as required.

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