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lakshmihrdhayam-slokas-65to 81

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65.vijnAnavrddhim hrdhaye kuru Sreeh


soubhAgyavrddhim hrdhaye kuruSreeh


dhayAsuvrshtim kuruthAm ma yi Sreeh


suvarNavrshtim kuru mE karE Sreeh


Lakshmi you make the knoledge grow in my mind and make my mind grow with

soubhagya.Have abundant flow of mercy in me and shower gold in my



66.na mAm thyajEthAh Srithakalpavalli




na mAm thyajETHA bhavasuprsannE


grhE kaLathrEshu cha puthravargE


You who are like the celestial wish-giving tree to those who surrender

to you do not forsake me, you are like chinthamani and kamadhenu to your

devotees(both give what ever is desired). Be well pleased and do not

leave me nor my wives and children.




Om,am,Am,eem, aim, aim


67.AdhyAdhi mAyE thvam ajAndabeejam


thvamEva sAkAranirAkrtheethvam




chithram charithram thava dhEvi vishNOh


You are the first ever maya and you are the seed of the cosmic egg. You

are the form and formless. The groups of Brahma and Siva and others are

supported by you.the actions of you and the Lord Vishnu are wonderful



68.brahmarudhrAdhayO dhevAh vEdhAschApi na Saknuyuh


mahimAbnam thavasthOthum mandhOham SaknuyAm kaTham


Even Brahma,Rudra and other devas and the vedas are not capabel of

describing your glory. How can I with my limited intellect do so!


69.amba thvam vathsavakyani sookthAsookthAni yAni cha


thAni sveekrthya sarvajne dhayAluthvEna sAdharam


Oh mother, who is omnescient, accept my words good or not as the speech

of your child with care and mercy.


70.bhavantham SaraNam gathvA krthArTHAssyuh purAthanAh


ithi samchinthya mansA thvAm aham aranam vrajE


I surrender to you after deep thought seeing that my forefathers

attained the fruit of their desire.


71.ananthA nithya sukhinah thvadhbhakthAh thvathparAyaNAh


ithi vEdhapramANAth hi dhEvi thvAm SaraNam vrajE


Those who take refuge in you and devoted to you are infinite.Thus says

the veda and hence i surrender to you.


72.thava prathijna madhbhakthA na naSyantheethyapi kvachith


ithi sanchinthya sanchnthya prANAn sanDHArayAmyaham


Only thinking of your promise that your devotees will never be

destroyed i maintain my life.


73.thvaDHeenasthvaham mAthah thvathkrpA mayi vidhyathE


yAvathsampoorNa kAmA syAm thAvaddhEhi dhayAniDHE


I belong to you Oh Mother, and you have mercy on me. Give me that much

with which I will get all my desires fulfilled.


74.kshaNamAthram na SaknOmi jeevithum thvathkrpAm vinA


na hi jeevanthi jalajAh jalam thyakthvA jalASrayAh


I will not be able to live even one moment without your grace.The

lotuses which water-born will not exist withot water.


75.yaTHA hi puhravAthsalyAth jananee prasthuthasthanee


vathsam thvaritham Agathya sampreenayathi vathsalA


76.yadhi syAth thava puthrOham mAthA thvam yadhi mAmakee


dhayApayODHarasthanyasuDHAbhiraBHIshincha mAm


As a mother secreting milk out of love for her child comes quickly and

pleases her child like that you should also shower your milk of mercy on

me if it is true that I am your offspring (because you are the mothe rof

the universe.)


77.mrgyO na guNalESopi mayi dhOshaikamandhirE


pAmsoonAm vrshtibindhoonAmdhOshANAm cha na mE mathih


As the dust particles and the raindrops are countless, so are my faults

and I am the abode of faults where you cannot find one good quality.


78.pApinAm aham EkAgrah dhayAloonAm thvam agraneeh


dhayneyo madhanyosthi thava ko athra jagatthraye


I am the foremost among sinners and you are the first among the

merciful. whoever can be more desrving for your mercy than me in all the

three worlds.


79. viDHinAham na srshtaschEth na syAth thava dhayAluthA


Amayo va na srshtaschEth AoushaDHasya vrTHOdhyah


If I were not created (as a sinner) there will be no need for you to be

merciful. If not for the existence of disease there need be no medicine.


80. kripa madhagrajA kim thE aham kim vA thadhagrajah


vichArya dhEhi mE vittham thava dhEvi dhayAnidhE


Consider whether your mercy was birn before me or I was born before it

and give me wealth as you are the ocean of mercy.(which shows that your

mercy was there before me)


81. MathA pithA thvam guru madhgathiSreeh


thvamEva sanjeevanahEthubhoothA


anyam na manyE jagadhEka nAthE


thvamEva sarvam mamadhEvi sathyam


You are my mother, father, guru and refuge.You are the reason for my

living.Youare everything to me, being the Goddess of all the world and

this is the absolute truth.

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