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Iraamaanusa nooRRanthAthi- 108th verse [Last verse] - Bhagavath, BhAgawatha,

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Dear Sri Madhavakannan,


Words are limitless to appreciate your efforts in providing the

consolidated commentary on iraamanusa nootranthaadhi. Your emails were

concise, lucid and enjoyable. Your deft translation was short that I

could fit it in my daily reading schedule, yet at the same time

interesting that I look forward for the next verse every day. The

format of the email - starting with a teaser text, word by word

meaning and the consolidated vyakyanam serve the purpose very well.

The verse lingers so much in my memory all day that I pull whoever I

could to discuss about it.


I pray that with Acharyan kataaksham, may your likita kaimkaryam

continue for a very long time. I have already started enjoying your

next series on Acharya Vaibhavam.


Azhagiyasingar thiruvadigale charanam!

adyien dasan Gokulakrishnan


Oppiliappan, Madhavakkannan V

<srivaishnavan wrote:


> SrI:

> SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:


> Dearest all


> The limitless wealth Bhagavath, BhAgawatha, Acharya

> kaimkarya is possible only with paripoorNa anugraham

> of Periya PiraaTTi Sri Mahalakshmi.


> That is why Amudhanaar starts of the verses with

> poomannu maadhu porundhiya maarbhan.. Nammazhwar

> performs saranagthi to Dhivya Dampathi.. with his

> wonderful verse,..


> agalagillEn iRaiyum enRu alarmEl mangai uRai maarbhA!

> Pugal onRu illaa adiyEn nin adikkeezh amarndhu

> pugundhEnE".


> Thanks to everyone for the patience and constant

> encouragement.


> EmperumAnAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

> Thiruvaranagtthu amudhanaar ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

> Regards

> Namo Narayana

> dAsanu dAsan

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