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Paper Vs. Electronic

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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram



This discussion about the medium of MTYV monthly by post

or e-mail should not bea reason for diagreement.

In the process, the basic matter goes un -noticed.


26 years ago when Gurudev started the publication of MTYV,

then it was first monthly of its kind. Many practioners

of tantra criticised this effort of Gurudev, saying that

this knowledge is not meant to be revealed publicly.

Gurudev's reason for this was very clear and Firm.

Gurudev said that the main reason for fear and hatred towards

tantra is the secrecy associated with its practices. Gurudev

were determined to remove this viel of secrecy surrounding

mantra, tantra, yantra and they did it successfully.

Today there are so many magazines in this category and we

in siddhashram sadhak parivar are proud to be associated with

the first and original.


Publication was a medium choosen by Gurudev when they deemed it

fit to do so. Publication through cyber media(www.siddhashram.org)

exists for last so many years.

Tommorrow if Gurudev take some other decision about

the format and distribution of magazine, that will be need

based as per their own assessment.

Sadhaks should not make it an issue among themselves.



There are other things which need to be taken care of.

Every issue published of MTYV issuse costs more than issue price

to the Gurudham . The price of MTYV has not increased in over 10

years time by now. costs associated with publishing has increased

considerably in this time span. Those who are not associated with

siddhashram sadhak parivar will look at this just as a lie or just

a deception of figures. At least we expect that sadhaks associated

with Siddhashram sadhak parivar will appreciate this fact. No

commercial advertisements are published in the magazine. It is

d by thousands of households and its readership is in

lakhs. This does not include the issues sold over the counter.

Even if its price is doubled then also it will find as many readers,

but the point is not about commercial gains. Gurudham makes its own

contribution just in the same way a temple offers free food to

devotees. Some may say it is just a publicity stunt of

temples, some may say that even if temple does not offer free food

people will make arrangements for their survival. It is just the way

people look at an act. Gurudham is not asking anyone to change their

religion or faith. Sadhnas are very much scientific and whosoever

wants to use them for his/her advantage will do so

on own choice.


All of must feel highly with proud respect about above facts.

We are of the opinion that more than the medium of dissemination it

is the value which we give to the information is more important.

As we had said earlier that flipping through the pages of one

issue of MTYV just takes five minutes, if we grasp that

knowledge then that single issue it is enough to give totality to

our life.

Similary if we see the website, the complete knowledge provided

there in such a descriptive manner is equal to one year subsription

of MTYV or even much more than that. Magazines do not speak and here

we have mantras in the voice of Gurudev in audio section. Just

imagine how much is at the disposal of those using cyber media, much

more than even having a magazine in hands. we got to

see pictures of Diwali Shivir even without going to Gurudham.

Again what is important is the value which a reader gives

to this knowledge. A person surfing to many websites develops an

approach of casualness about the knowledge and information he

recieves if he is not focussed about what he wants.

Let us see how much use we have made use of existing knowledge to us


Cyber media.


- how many sadhnas of those listed on website we have done as per

the procedures given there?

- how many important sadhna articles we have with us in our sdahna

place(including that made of parad)

among those whose information is given on website?

- How many books we have with us out of those listed on website and

how much time we spend on reading them everyday?

- How many Cassettes we have among those listed on the website anad

do we spend some time listening to them everyday?

_ Are we able to follow the duties of disciple and the manner in

which he is adviced to progress on the path of

sadhan( These are also given on website)


This is just a simple checklist for us, it can be much longer if we

are capable of understanding anything more than this.


Therefore we need to make proper utilisation of knowledge already

with us. Suggestions and criticisms come in dozens,

without any practical contribution from anyone about removing those



We would request to all sadhaks to continue their actvities in

whatever way they were doing to spread the light of this

knowledge as per resources and means avilable with them. Even if the

electronic version of this magazine comes it will not reduce the

value of your contribution in distributing magazines published on

paper. No need to fall in the trap of Paper Vs. Electronic at least

in this context.

Similarly those dependent on Cyber media has so much at their

disposal that even a lifetime is less for assimilating all that

without the blessings of Guru. Sadhnas are very scientfic and rules

are same for everyone.



Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

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