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The great sages of India - 3 Pulastya Brahma

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The great Sages of India – No 3-Shri Pulastya Maharishi

Sometimes between my principle of just writing only a page each time in a simple and shortest possible manner and the desired description which runs into volumes, I get confused. I too consider myself very fortunate to have uttered the names of the Great Sages of Indian Origin, my eye brows up, my pen runs fast to write more and more of those fathers, fore fathers with a highest degree of gratitude, for, they remained themselves dedicated to the cause and well being of the Society. My life, even if I live for a hundred years and write the history of each sage a day, only a negligible percentage of sages of Indian Origin can be brought to the information of all of you.

The great Brahma – Pulastya Maharishi was bon at the instance of Brahma to increase the generations. Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanatkumara – refused to accept family life... He created Swayambhuva Manu and Sataroopa who gave birth to the ruling community. The eleven Rudraas generated from the fore head did not accept family life. Thereafter, Atri and Kratu were born out of Eyes; Aruni from Nose; Angirasa from face; Bhrugu from the right part of the body; Daksha from the left part; Naarada from Neck; and Pulastya from right ear, Pulaha from left ear. This way the Nine Brahmaas took birth. At that time Kardama Prajapathi decided to offer his nine daughters to the Nine Brahmaas and offered Havirbhuvu to Pulastya Brahma. They gave birth to Agastya and lived only for a while and then again reborn.

Sometime later Pulastya Brahma started living in the Ashram of Trunabindu. Due to the continuous disturbances caused by the young ladies in the ashram, Pulastya Brahma gave a curse that which ever lady enters his ashram shall become instantly pregnant. Incidentally the daughter of Trinabindu entered that zone and became pregnant. At the request of Trinabindu, Pulastya Brahma married her and granted her a boon of becoming father of a great scholar. Thus Visravasu was born who in turn married Devavarni and gave birth to Kubera and through Kaikasi; he gave birth to Raavana, Kumbhakarna, Vibhishana and Surpanakha.

Ravanaa was defeated by Kartaveeryaarjuna and he was jailed. Knowing this Pulastya Brahma instructed Kaartaveeryaarjuna to release his grand son

Vasista and Viswamitra were opposite personalities. Viswamitra killed all the sons of Vasista and one among the dead is the great sage Sakti. His wife was pregnant and gave birth to the great sage Parasara. This great sage, on knowing the Taamasa Guna of the Demons, performed Satra Yaaga and killed many such demons. His grand father Vasista requested him to stop all the killing and work for the peace of the globe, this sage turned out to remain calm. At the same time, he was also blessed by his great grand father Pulastya Brahma.

During dwapara Yuga, when Bhishma was performing Adhyayana Vrata, Pulastya Brahma appeared before him and blessed him. He specified that his mere appearance is a boon and requested Bhishma to take any boon from him. Thus Bhishma requested for the necessity of Yaatra and Teerthas in the Holy County.

We are fortunate, the information relating to various places and the results after the darshan of such places, has come out of the mouth of Pulastya Brahma, Bhishma being instrumental for this. He said that Pushkar Teertha is emporer of all Teerthaas. Jambumarga, Tandulikaashram, Agastya Saras are capable of granting the result of Shri Aswamedhayaagam; Kanvaashram, Dharmaaranyam grant us release from all sins; a bath in Narmada, Dakshina Sindhu, Charmanvati gives results of Agnistomam; Vasistaashram, Pingala Teertha, Prabhasa Teertha, Saraswathi Sagar Sangam, Pindaaraka Teertha in Dwaravathi City are capable of granting immense strength; Worshipping of Lord Shiva in Sanku Karneswara is capable of granting the result of ten Shri Aswamedhayaagaas; Sakra Kumari , Sri Kunjaram, Vimalam, Malaharam, Devika, Rudra Teertham, Vinasanam, Sasa Roopa Pushkaram, Rudra Koti are of all greatness; when only Kurushetra is capable of grarnting all powers. Aswini Teertham, Soma Teertham,

Raama Hradam , Prudhudakam are capable of granting brahma loka .

He said that those who are non capable of maintaining fast; the one who abuses the boons of the creator like using undesirable words with the tongue, seeing undesirable matters through the eyes and so on and ultimately HE DESCRIBED HOW BEST A BOON OF LIFE BE CONVERTED INTO A REAL BOON AND HOW IT TURNS OUT INTO A HELL WHEN ABUSED. Pulastya Brahma is a Dharma Sasta and his works are well noted as Pulastya Smruthi and incidentally this part is not available. He said that at the time of offering oblations, donating of vegetable and honey grants peace to the departed souls and the main text to a certain extent is available in Mitaakshara. Gnana and Karma are the two wings of a human being in case any one is interested to fly to new spheres, and this is the greatness of Pulastya Brahma. He is Smruthi Karta, Brahma, Mahaarishi, Sarvagna, and worshipped by all Divine Forces.

We are fortunate to have been born on such a holy Land where Thousands and Lakhs of Mahaarishis lived for the welfare of the society and they lived and gave up their lives only and only for such a noble cause How many of the Teerthaas we could see, we could hear and we have visited – life is short, don’t you agree..

I shall come back with the history of another sage soon.


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