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Who is Tat Savitur in the Gayatri mantra?

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Sridhar Maharaja:



Savitur generally means surya, the sun. And the sun means, figuratively, that which shows or illuminates; that by which we can see. The three gross and subtle strata within this world are shown to us by a particular thing, savitur. What is that? The soul. Actually, the world is not shown to us by the sun, but by the soul. What really gives us perception and allows us to see gross things? It is not actually the sun that helps us see; we see with the help of the soul. This is found in Bhagavad-gita (yatha prakasayaty ekah krtsnam lokam imam ravih). The soul reveals this world to us just as the sun does. The sun can show color to our eyes, the ear can reveal the sound world, and the hand can reveal the touch world. But really in the center is the soul. It is the soul who gives light to this world, who gives us an understanding of the environment, the world of perception. All perception is possible only because of the soul. Here, the word savitur, which generally means sun, can only mean soul, for the soul, like the sun, shows us everything.
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you should ask your guru that question.


you mean his diksha guru or his siksha guru?


Can a siksha guru give the answer also?

Or, is the diksha guru the only guru you that can supply the answer?


Maybe he has accepted Sridhar Maharaja as his siksha guru and has now gotten the most qualified answer?

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IMO he should first ask the guru that gave him the mantra - that is how the system is supposed to work. later - if needed - he can broaden his understanding by seeking suitable siksha from others.


how do you know that his guru gave him the mantra?

that mantra can be found anywhere; the internet, books and common people in India can find the Gayatri mantra without getting it from a guru.


Maybe he is just a curious person and not even duly initiated into the mantra?



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from the Vaidic version it would be.


From the Bhagavat Paramahansa commentary, no.

What you vatos smoking holmes? You cabrons think bhagavat school is non vedik eh? Just say no to drugs!


yo check it vedabase.net/sb/5/7/13


And so'ham from the upanishads is for surya narayan. That is Narayan with the red mustache in't it? Bet ya'll don't know where that is said.


Do your homework!!!

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