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Still amazed after all these years

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Letter PAMHO:12759839 (112 lines)

Shyamasundara (das) ACBSP (Vedic Astrologer) (USA)

20-Dec-06 12:45 (07:45 -0500)

Cc: Slovenian Forum [7791] (sender: Urukrama (das) RNS (Ljubljana -


Bcc: (Arcana) Deity Worship [6426]

Bcc: Vedic Astrology (Symposium hosted by Shyamasundara Das) [1744]

Bcc: Yadu-srestha (das) PVS (TP Perth - AU) [14636]

Bcc: Astrology

Still amazed after all these years


Dear Maharajas, Prabhus and Matajis,


Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Bhakti-vijna-vinasa Narasimhadeva Bhagavan ki jaya!


The following text explains why jyotish still amazes me after all these

years. A few months ago I was approached by an Indian man living in Canada

to do a compatibility with a contemplated girl. Here is my answer to him:




Dear R,


Hare Krsna!


Regarding your contemplated alliance with P. I do not think it

would be in your best interest to marry her. In the end you would

regret it. There are indicators suggesting that whom ever she marries

would suffer and others that suggest that she would dominate over you.

You may not see that now but gradually it would manifest. As you

become weaker she becomes stronger. It also suggests that you are

physically attracted to each other but that that would not be enough

to sustain the relationship. It suggests that the two of you are

somehow bound to each other and that you may go through with the

marriage anyway. However as I said earlier it also suggest that you

would regret such a decision. Now you decide what you want to do.


I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I hope that this has been a

help to you.


Yours in the service of Sri-Sri Radha-Govinda


Shyamasundara Dasa






Here was his interesting answer:





Dear Shyamasundara Dasa,


Thank-you for your analysis of my compatibility with P. You are very

accurate! Unfortunately, I have asked for your services too late. P and I

were married about 1.5 years ago, and this turmoil & suffering that you are

referring to is happening now.

At the time of marriage, my family and I did not consult the greatest

astrologer (I realize that now!!).


Everything you have said is true. Perhaps I was meant to go through this

suffering, since, as you said, it appears that we are bound. I am a simple,

caring, quiet person, and I can't believe this is happening to me! I am

just wondering if you see any evidence of divorce, or if there is anything I

could do to rectify the situation (ie. avoid divorce)? Currently, her

biggest problem is getting along with my family (parents & siblings), and

she loses her temper over this constantly. Her parents have tried some

prayers (early this year) from a Pandit they know in India, but it doesn't

appear that anything has helped.


Please help,





I suggested that he have some remedial measures done, he agreed and I gave

him a prescription that included having soming vaisnava yajna performed.

That was last May; it took him a while to do the needful. On December 7th,

2006 he wrote back to tell me that things had improved. I asked him for

details and was astounded when he wrote the following:



"Sure, here is my account of my experience:


My wife and I have been married for almost 2 years and after the first 3

months, things have been horrible.


My wife did not get along with my parents or siblings at all, and, if

anything, would work to create problems with them! She would constantly

create issues with them, swear at them, and behave completely like a spoiled



Fortunately, I had consulted you, and through your recommended prayers, we

have all finally found peace! It took about a month after the prayers were

completed for things to improve, but now my wife gets along with everyone in

my family once more. She has even apologized to everyone in my family for

her behaviour! Now she is busy buying presents for everyone to show them

that she truly means them no harm. Also, she wants my parents to move in

with us now, and also wishes to help my sister pay for her wedding! This is

in stark contrast to the behaviour of my wife before the prayers!

Thank-you for all your help Shyamasundara -- you were definitely worth the





Even though I have been doing jyotish for a very long time (started in 1977)

I am still amazed how it works. It is one of the reasons why mechanistic

science holds no charms over me or why I can not buy into the material

secular world view that has unfortunately seduced so many devotees in the

West, especially those involved in academia. There is much more to this

world than material science and acedemia can explain.


Your humble servant


Shyamasundara Dasa




PS. For more information about remedial measures see:


(Text PAMHO:12759839) -----


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