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Disagreeing with me in this group is not prohibited! - In response to Dennis

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1] Dennis wrote : "Also, in your group description II understood,

probably out of my foolishness, that disagreeing with you in this

group is not prohibited nor I have to accept your beliefs fully to

be here, right?"


Nora :" You are wrong again! And Your understanding of us and this

group again is distorted. I suggest you really read again in our

About Us. Tell me which part says that I am against anybody who is

against my belief. This tells me that you never really read what

I've written. I shall list it out for you [ these are my own words

Dennis, written by me personally]


My response to Z-MenMan : You are entited to your own believe. If

you want to believe Lord Krishna is supreme, so he is Supreme to

you. A Shivite told me once, why he considers Shiva is supreme

because Shiva is never born unlike Krishna, or Visnu or DEVI etc.

And so it seems.... Every body wants to believe their devata are

supreme and above others.


Now my response to you : I do not question the so call godliness

status of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Ammachi devotee too like to

believe Ammachi is a God to them. Heck! if you all wants to believe

she is a God, go ahead. I have no problem with that.


I believe you have misunderstood my exchange with Z-manmen



Let me retract the whole exchange to prove my point to you:

z-men man : Foremost, Visnu or Sri Krishna is not a devotee of

Goddess Devi. Visnu have three energies which is known as yogamaya

shakti,mahamaya sakti and the marginal energy. By his yogamaya sakti

he creates the spiritual world and through his mahamaya sakti this

material world is created and through his marginal energy the

jivatma (all living beings come into existence) is created.Mahamaya

is Goddess Devi(Durga) who is delegated by Visnu to be the

supertiendent of this world. She works for Visnu.


My response : But you see, we are shaktas. To us, DEVI is the boss

here. In the LalitopAkhyAna : Shiva born out of Devi. Visnu

worshipped DEVI as he is the seer of the first Khanda of the

PaNcadasAkari. See Saundarya lahari 5.


z-men man reacted by saying "We take knowledge from shastras. We

the imperfect human being with imperfect senses cannot determine who

is the "BOSS" whimsically especially when the subject matter is of

divine in nature.In Brahma Samhita, Lord Brahama's prayers

is "Isvara Parama Krsna Sachiananda Vigraha, Ananda adhir Govinda,

Sarva Karana karanam" .Here Lord Brahama the creator is establishing

the Supremacy of Krsna beyond any reasonable doubts.Likewise, in

Garuda Purana, Skanda Purana, Upanishads all of them establish the

Supremacy of Krsna. Even that is very difficult to comprehend than a

simple look at the forms of the Gods will convince you.Take for

example Lord Shiva, Lord Brahama, Goddess Devi etc they all hold

japa mala for chanting. Who are they chanting or meditating upon?

Who are they praying to.If they are Supreme than there is no need to

mediatate on that someone.But do you see Lord Krishan holding a japa

mala? Never at all."


Did you see what he is doing. He also like you have misinterprete

the whole message by me altogether.


What's my response : Of course we take knowledge from the sastra.

You think we create all this from our own fantasy. You are entited

to your own believe. If you want to believe Lord Krishna is supreme,

so he is Supreme to you. A Shivite told me once, why he considers

Shiva is supreme because Shiva is never born unlike Krishna, or

Visnu or DEVI etc. And so it seems.... Every body wants to believe

their devata are supreme and above others.


And I reminded him again : You are in a shakta group. To us

imperfect fool as you may like to say, shakti is the boss. If you

can't accept this then its too bad. Then all I can say is that you

are in a wrong group. We did not invite you in here. You come on

your own accord. If you do not agree with our statement then you

should know what to do.


And I encourage him to read our statement of purpose [ you can read

this too in our homepage at About Us: http://www.shaktisadhana.org ]

And let me extract the main point of the statement of purpose :

One of the primary purposes of this Group is to counterbalance this

incorrect perception by providing accurate, detailed and truthful

information about Shaktism. In fact, almost all spiritual systems

are expected to fetch siddhis. Shaktas are simply supposed to get

them easier and faster. In Shaktism also, the basic concept is

merger with the absolute even while living in the world, without

renunciation. In fact it is said this is the ONLY path that offers

both Bhukti (worldly happiness) and Mukti (spirtual liberation).

Our goal is to encourage open debate and discussion of Shaktism,

whether positive or negative, in the belief that the best cure for

ignorance, misunderstanding, and -- above all -- misinformation, is

a frank discourse between people who truly love Devi, and have

chosen to approach the Ultimate Divine through Her myriad forms.

Moreover, and fundamentally, we want to provide the tools necessary

for those who want not merely to discuss Shaktism, but to actually

PRACTICE it in a manner appropriate to their circumstances and



What I like you to do Dennis is to read this whole statement again

and do tell us what do you understand by it. I am sure many are keen

to what you actually understand.


And this is a message from one of our reat Shakta teacher Sri

Amritananda Natha Saraswati: "Make information available. Let people

take it or leave it, think it is true or false. All that matters is:

Are you convinced that this is the way? Let people judge you as they

think fit. Tell them 'Come here if you like. Don't come if you

don't like. Only try to see for yourself. Don't blindly accept what

others say.'" You see these are not my words. Words of a Shakta


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