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Relationships between man and woman-what is our goal?

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Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your


Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

the relationship is history.


The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this



Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

college plans.

Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

career you would desire to commit to.

Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve


All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

reach that goal.

Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

the goal.

These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

support them with our prayers and actions.


Jai Maa Jai Swami














, "inspectionconnection108"

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste


> Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> page 223


> Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> but where is the peace?


> Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> relationships is overpopulation.

> People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> them spiritual wisdom.

> Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> most people do not understand their purpose.


> To be continued..........


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar


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Thank you Vish for this post!

It's an answer to prayer.

I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17 year old.

He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the injustices put apon them.

Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.

Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective than we do & that there is no bad unless he makes it so. To learn from this lesson what he cld so that his next choice would be better. Of course our discusion was longer & their were tears & I love you's & he seems to be better. He cut his hair to that new Gerber baby look thing going on now and wants a piercing but says he's just trying to get a rise from me & lovingly laughes. I say he's just testing the waters myself. I'm trying to show him love and acceptance & continue teaching Gods ways as gently as possible. He enjoys lessoning to my husband & I having discussions with each other about God, our practice and how to come closer to understanding of it all. He's got very deep opinions about all this but they only come up when he sees a wrong (in his mind) being done. He's very angry like most his age group, about decitfulness, hipocrites and liers and such. All this is in their lyrics.

All that may sound great to the outside world that he hates these evil things but he shows no love only hate. I know he feels it but I thind he hide it so as not to be hurt. He concentrates on the evil rather than reaching out with love I guess this is normal for this age. They haven't had enough experience yet.. It's hard enough for an adult to understand that the bad guy has problems too & needs help. Everything is just black and white to him.

I'm afraid of the arrows he is shutting into the future, the experiences that he will have to have to get to some understanding of all of it.

But I realize I can not protect him from everything. Guess that's another subject that we need to discuss. I want so much to help him on his path.

There is also a selfish agenda on my part. He is the last of my 4 children and I'd like to get it right eventualy so I want have to do it over again.(that's selfish I know) Just trying to be truthful here. No other way to get help.

I've tried to give him a healthy base to stand on but some how I missed something.

Probly in my living example. It's easy to tlk but to wlk the tlk is the challenge.

I have always answered his questions the best I could and we have hd lots of discussions of life & God & goals but he can't get a grip on a goal. He feels he's not good at anything and says to us that he realizes that he is just not willing to put forward the effort it takes to get to anything he desires. I atibute that to my on fault in raising him & not letting him do things for himself so he cld see that he could. He's alway been a no you do it kid & obviously I feed it by doing for him. That's being corrected. He does most all himself now. Up in morning, breakfast, cleaning ( just doesnt do his room) but does his dishes and what ever he makes outside his room.

We use to go over the Seven Spiritual Laws by Deepak Chopra at breakfast and then discuss it at supper until he said it got boring he was just doing the same thing over & over, We do it a while then stop and then go back to it, not being consistant.

Consistancy is a definate problem for me.

Anyway my questions are many but to keep it short (yea right) basicly wanted advice on any prayers, mantras such I cld do for him. Know I need to pray for Consistancy in self.

Learned that just from writing this.


This email you posted gives me new ideas so will start there & hope to hear from anyone here on advice for mothering in a better manner. I know it may seem to late at 17 to ask for it but I thought I was doing ok not great but keep seeking to do best and then he started public school and it got crazyer.

Thanks for lessoning



inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 > wrote:



Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your


Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

the relationship is history.


The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this



Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

college plans.

Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

career you would desire to commit to.

Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve


All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

reach that goal.

Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

the goal.

These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

support them with our prayers and actions.


Jai Maa Jai Swami






, "inspectionconnection108"

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste


> Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> page 223


> Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> but where is the peace?


> Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> relationships is overpopulation.

> People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> them spiritual wisdom.

> Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> most people do not understand their purpose.


> To be continued..........


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar










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Namaste Debra and all brothers and sisters:


Continuing on with excepts from: "Before Becoming This", from Devi

Mandir books.

Shree Maa and Swami are discussing the value of a life goal, finding a

purpose, and relations between man and woman. Page 226


Swami speaking about purpose: Some people dedicate themselves to the

environment, some to world peace, some music, some to art, some to

having a family and raising children.

Maa: Everyone is different. The foremost objective is for them to

give respect to their actions and show respect thru their actions.

Swami: Respect means to have peace and joy and love in your heart; to

love enough to give all your attention to the exclusion of the

wandering mind and selfish desire.


Maa: If a man and wife are acting in a respectful way, whatever act

they are performing gives birth to peace.

Swami: They treat each other with respect, and their communications

are never harsh and always inviting. Other people like to be near

them just because they show that kind of respect to each other. They

nourish each other and those around them. They have a sense of

security which energizes them, and that energy allows them to be

competent and successful. They are able to enlist participation in

their projects. Instead of struggling with life, they are able to

flow with life. Because they have pure motivation, nature supports

them in what they are trying to do. When nature supports them, the

whole community wants to support them.


Maa: People are in relationships that are selfish because nowadays

there are too many distractions. There are so many things we want to

acquire. This grasping creates a lack of balance.

We have manipulated science for our selfish gain, and that is an

indication of potential catastrophe. Only when wisdom and science are

in harmony will we have peace.



Maa: People have to become less selfish. If they will just begin to

surrender their selfishness, their very first attempts will give them

the answer to their questions. That will give them the inspiration to

strive with greater consistency.

As they feel better, they will try to give more.


Swami: The first step in making a change is to do something for

somebody else. That's a wonderful place to start. You could start by

urging yourself to smile at the people you meet and say: "good

morning". Make a change in your life and surrender some selfishness,

and see if you don't feel better.



As parents, it has been clear to my wife and I that we must take care

of ourselves, and be good examples of the highest ideal of perfection.

The old saying is: "actions speak louder than words."

That stated, we do everything we can to practice what we preach. We

know ultimately that our son has his own samskaras,{patterns and

predilictions}, which he has carried over from past lives. Even the

planets have created a path he will follow.

After spending time with Maa and Swami, we have learned techniques

which we can perform which can help our son.

For example: his jyotish chart was read by an astrologer. It

indicated that certain planets were influencing him and creating some

trying situations.

Maa indicated that repeating certain mantras would help. We performed

the mantras, and observed a change.

Swami has stated that prayer is very powerful and worry is a waste of


In my humble opinion, perform puja daily to whatever diety you are

attracted to, and after your puja, pray that God will help your family

and your son. Try chanting / repeating, the murtinjaya {spelling

incorrect} healing mantra of Shiva. Make a commitment to repeat it at

least 108 times a day for a week.

Also, purchase the CD of Maa chanting it, and play it softly, in the

background, 24 / 7. Maa does this at Her home, and She says it

creates a healing and harmonious environment.

Also, pray to Maa and Swami. They hear your prayers and will help.

The more you align yourself with Them, by performing sadhana which

They practice, the more They can help you.


Jai Maa Jai Shiva













, Debra McDaniel <student61754



> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective than

we do & that there is no bad unless he makes it so. To learn from this

lesson what he cld so that his next choice would be better. Of course

our discusion was longer & their were tears & I love you's & he seems

to be better. He cut his hair to that new Gerber baby look thing going

on now and wants a piercing but says he's just trying to get a rise

from me & lovingly laughes. I say he's just testing the waters myself.

I'm trying to show him love and acceptance & continue teaching Gods

ways as gently as possible. He enjoys lessoning to my husband & I

having discussions with each other about God, our practice and how to

come closer to understanding of it all. He's got very deep opinions

about all this but they only come up when he sees a wrong (in his

mind) being done. He's very angry like most his age group, about

decitfulness, hipocrites and liers and such. All this is in their


> All that may sound great to the outside world that he hates these

evil things but he shows no love only hate. I know he feels it but I

thind he hide it so as not to be hurt. He concentrates on the evil

rather than reaching out with love I guess this is normal for this

age. They haven't had enough experience yet.. It's hard enough for an

adult to understand that the bad guy has problems too & needs help.

Everything is just black and white to him.


> I'm afraid of the arrows he is shutting into the future, the

experiences that he will have to have to get to some understanding of

all of it.

> But I realize I can not protect him from everything. Guess that's

another subject that we need to discuss. I want so much to help him on

his path.


> There is also a selfish agenda on my part. He is the last of my 4

children and I'd like to get it right eventualy so I want have to do

it over again.(that's selfish I know) Just trying to be truthful here.

No other way to get help.


> I've tried to give him a healthy base to stand on but some how I

missed something.

> Probly in my living example. It's easy to tlk but to wlk the tlk

is the challenge.

> I have always answered his questions the best I could and we have

hd lots of discussions of life & God & goals but he can't get a grip

on a goal. He feels he's not good at anything and says to us that he

realizes that he is just not willing to put forward the effort it

takes to get to anything he desires. I atibute that to my on fault in

raising him & not letting him do things for himself so he cld see that

he could. He's alway been a no you do it kid & obviously I feed it by

doing for him. That's being corrected. He does most all himself now.

Up in morning, breakfast, cleaning ( just doesnt do his room) but

does his dishes and what ever he makes outside his room.


> We use to go over the Seven Spiritual Laws by Deepak Chopra at

breakfast and then discuss it at supper until he said it got boring he

was just doing the same thing over & over, We do it a while then stop

and then go back to it, not being consistant.

> Consistancy is a definate problem for me.


> Anyway my questions are many but to keep it short (yea right)

basicly wanted advice on any prayers, mantras such I cld do for him.

Know I need to pray for Consistancy in self.

> Learned that just from writing this.




> This email you posted gives me new ideas so will start there &

hope to hear from anyone here on advice for mothering in a better

manner. I know it may seem to late at 17 to ask for it but I thought I

was doing ok not great but keep seeking to do best and then he started

public school and it got crazyer.


> Thanks for lessoning

> Debi



> inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste


> Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

> here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

> woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

> Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


> Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

> purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

> our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

> different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your

> purpose.

> Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

> Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

> one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

> to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


> Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

> relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

> where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

> and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

> And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

> purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

> moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

> partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

> and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

> lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

> the relationship is history.


> The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

> committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this

> world?"


> Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

> discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

> college plans.

> Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

> what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

> career you would desire to commit to.

> Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

> with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

> breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

> Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

> and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

> only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve

> it.

> All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

> family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

> He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

> years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

> reach that goal.

> Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

> wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

> we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

> the goal.

> These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

> improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

> committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

> In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

> world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

> support them with our prayers and actions.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar


> , "inspectionconnection108"

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> > page 223

> >

> > Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> > instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> > but where is the peace?

> >

> > Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> > not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> > their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> > Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> > ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> > of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> > relationships is overpopulation.

> > People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> > purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> > them spiritual wisdom.

> > Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> > most people do not understand their purpose.

> >

> > To be continued..........

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >











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Hi Debi,


As far as a mantra is concerned, I think Gayatri would be a good

choice. Gayatri is so many things, but it is at its base a prayer for

the light of wisdom. Saying it for another, as a blessing, is a way of

giving wisdom to that person.


Jai Maa!





, Debra McDaniel <student61754



> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective than

we do & that there is no bad unless he makes it so. To learn from this

lesson what he cld so that his next choice would be better. Of course

our discusion was longer & their were tears & I love you's & he seems

to be better. He cut his hair to that new Gerber baby look thing going

on now and wants a piercing but says he's just trying to get a rise

from me & lovingly laughes. I say he's just testing the waters myself.

I'm trying to show him love and acceptance & continue teaching Gods

ways as gently as possible. He enjoys lessoning to my husband & I

having discussions with each other about God, our practice and how to

come closer to understanding of it all. He's got very deep opinions

about all this but they only come up when he sees a wrong (in his

mind) being done. He's very angry like most his age group, about

decitfulness, hipocrites and liers and such. All this is in their


> All that may sound great to the outside world that he hates these

evil things but he shows no love only hate. I know he feels it but I

thind he hide it so as not to be hurt. He concentrates on the evil

rather than reaching out with love I guess this is normal for this

age. They haven't had enough experience yet.. It's hard enough for an

adult to understand that the bad guy has problems too & needs help.

Everything is just black and white to him.


> I'm afraid of the arrows he is shutting into the future, the

experiences that he will have to have to get to some understanding of

all of it.

> But I realize I can not protect him from everything. Guess that's

another subject that we need to discuss. I want so much to help him on

his path.


> There is also a selfish agenda on my part. He is the last of my 4

children and I'd like to get it right eventualy so I want have to do

it over again.(that's selfish I know) Just trying to be truthful here.

No other way to get help.


> I've tried to give him a healthy base to stand on but some how I

missed something.

> Probly in my living example. It's easy to tlk but to wlk the tlk

is the challenge.

> I have always answered his questions the best I could and we have

hd lots of discussions of life & God & goals but he can't get a grip

on a goal. He feels he's not good at anything and says to us that he

realizes that he is just not willing to put forward the effort it

takes to get to anything he desires. I atibute that to my on fault in

raising him & not letting him do things for himself so he cld see that

he could. He's alway been a no you do it kid & obviously I feed it by

doing for him. That's being corrected. He does most all himself now.

Up in morning, breakfast, cleaning ( just doesnt do his room) but

does his dishes and what ever he makes outside his room.


> We use to go over the Seven Spiritual Laws by Deepak Chopra at

breakfast and then discuss it at supper until he said it got boring he

was just doing the same thing over & over, We do it a while then stop

and then go back to it, not being consistant.

> Consistancy is a definate problem for me.


> Anyway my questions are many but to keep it short (yea right)

basicly wanted advice on any prayers, mantras such I cld do for him.

Know I need to pray for Consistancy in self.

> Learned that just from writing this.




> This email you posted gives me new ideas so will start there &

hope to hear from anyone here on advice for mothering in a better

manner. I know it may seem to late at 17 to ask for it but I thought I

was doing ok not great but keep seeking to do best and then he started

public school and it got crazyer.


> Thanks for lessoning

> Debi



> inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste


> Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

> here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

> woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

> Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


> Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

> purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

> our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

> different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your

> purpose.

> Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

> Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

> one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

> to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


> Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

> relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

> where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

> and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

> And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

> purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

> moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

> partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

> and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

> lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

> the relationship is history.


> The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

> committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this

> world?"


> Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

> discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

> college plans.

> Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

> what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

> career you would desire to commit to.

> Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

> with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

> breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

> Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

> and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

> only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve

> it.

> All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

> family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

> He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

> years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

> reach that goal.

> Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

> wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

> we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

> the goal.

> These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

> improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

> committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

> In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

> world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

> support them with our prayers and actions.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar


> , "inspectionconnection108"

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> > page 223

> >

> > Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> > instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> > but where is the peace?

> >

> > Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> > not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> > their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> > Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> > ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> > of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> > relationships is overpopulation.

> > People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> > purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> > them spiritual wisdom.

> > Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> > most people do not understand their purpose.

> >

> > To be continued..........

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >











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Thank you Chris!


Chris Kirner <chriskirner1956 > wrote: Hi Debi,


As far as a mantra is concerned, I think Gayatri would be a good

choice. Gayatri is so many things, but it is at its base a prayer for

the light of wisdom. Saying it for another, as a blessing, is a way of

giving wisdom to that person.


Jai Maa!



, Debra McDaniel <student61754



> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective than

we do & that there is no bad unless he makes it so. To learn from this

lesson what he cld so that his next choice would be better. Of course

our discusion was longer & their were tears & I love you's & he seems

to be better. He cut his hair to that new Gerber baby look thing going

on now and wants a piercing but says he's just trying to get a rise

from me & lovingly laughes. I say he's just testing the waters myself.

I'm trying to show him love and acceptance & continue teaching Gods

ways as gently as possible. He enjoys lessoning to my husband & I

having discussions with each other about God, our practice and how to

come closer to understanding of it all. He's got very deep opinions

about all this but they only come up when he sees a wrong (in his

mind) being done. He's very angry like most his age group, about

decitfulness, hipocrites and liers and such. All this is in their


> All that may sound great to the outside world that he hates these

evil things but he shows no love only hate. I know he feels it but I

thind he hide it so as not to be hurt. He concentrates on the evil

rather than reaching out with love I guess this is normal for this

age. They haven't had enough experience yet.. It's hard enough for an

adult to understand that the bad guy has problems too & needs help.

Everything is just black and white to him.


> I'm afraid of the arrows he is shutting into the future, the

experiences that he will have to have to get to some understanding of

all of it.

> But I realize I can not protect him from everything. Guess that's

another subject that we need to discuss. I want so much to help him on

his path.


> There is also a selfish agenda on my part. He is the last of my 4

children and I'd like to get it right eventualy so I want have to do

it over again.(that's selfish I know) Just trying to be truthful here.

No other way to get help.


> I've tried to give him a healthy base to stand on but some how I

missed something.

> Probly in my living example. It's easy to tlk but to wlk the tlk

is the challenge.

> I have always answered his questions the best I could and we have

hd lots of discussions of life & God & goals but he can't get a grip

on a goal. He feels he's not good at anything and says to us that he

realizes that he is just not willing to put forward the effort it

takes to get to anything he desires. I atibute that to my on fault in

raising him & not letting him do things for himself so he cld see that

he could. He's alway been a no you do it kid & obviously I feed it by

doing for him. That's being corrected. He does most all himself now.

Up in morning, breakfast, cleaning ( just doesnt do his room) but

does his dishes and what ever he makes outside his room.


> We use to go over the Seven Spiritual Laws by Deepak Chopra at

breakfast and then discuss it at supper until he said it got boring he

was just doing the same thing over & over, We do it a while then stop

and then go back to it, not being consistant.

> Consistancy is a definate problem for me.


> Anyway my questions are many but to keep it short (yea right)

basicly wanted advice on any prayers, mantras such I cld do for him.

Know I need to pray for Consistancy in self.

> Learned that just from writing this.




> This email you posted gives me new ideas so will start there &

hope to hear from anyone here on advice for mothering in a better

manner. I know it may seem to late at 17 to ask for it but I thought I

was doing ok not great but keep seeking to do best and then he started

public school and it got crazyer.


> Thanks for lessoning

> Debi



> inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste


> Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

> here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

> woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

> Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


> Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

> purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

> our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

> different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your

> purpose.

> Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

> Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

> one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

> to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


> Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

> relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

> where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

> and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

> And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

> purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

> moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

> partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

> and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

> lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

> the relationship is history.


> The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

> committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this

> world?"


> Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

> discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

> college plans.

> Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

> what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

> career you would desire to commit to.

> Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

> with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

> breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

> Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

> and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

> only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve

> it.

> All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

> family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

> He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

> years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

> reach that goal.

> Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

> wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

> we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

> the goal.

> These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

> improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

> committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

> In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

> world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

> support them with our prayers and actions.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar


> , "inspectionconnection108"

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> > page 223

> >

> > Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> > instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> > but where is the peace?

> >

> > Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> > not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> > their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> > Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> > ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> > of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> > relationships is overpopulation.

> > People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> > purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> > them spiritual wisdom.

> > Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> > most people do not understand their purpose.

> >

> > To be continued..........

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >



















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Thank you Vish!


inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 > wrote: Namaste Debra and all brothers and sisters:


Continuing on with excepts from: "Before Becoming This", from Devi

Mandir books.

Shree Maa and Swami are discussing the value of a life goal, finding a

purpose, and relations between man and woman. Page 226


Swami speaking about purpose: Some people dedicate themselves to the

environment, some to world peace, some music, some to art, some to

having a family and raising children.

Maa: Everyone is different. The foremost objective is for them to

give respect to their actions and show respect thru their actions.

Swami: Respect means to have peace and joy and love in your heart; to

love enough to give all your attention to the exclusion of the

wandering mind and selfish desire.


Maa: If a man and wife are acting in a respectful way, whatever act

they are performing gives birth to peace.

Swami: They treat each other with respect, and their communications

are never harsh and always inviting. Other people like to be near

them just because they show that kind of respect to each other. They

nourish each other and those around them. They have a sense of

security which energizes them, and that energy allows them to be

competent and successful. They are able to enlist participation in

their projects. Instead of struggling with life, they are able to

flow with life. Because they have pure motivation, nature supports

them in what they are trying to do. When nature supports them, the

whole community wants to support them.


Maa: People are in relationships that are selfish because nowadays

there are too many distractions. There are so many things we want to

acquire. This grasping creates a lack of balance.

We have manipulated science for our selfish gain, and that is an

indication of potential catastrophe. Only when wisdom and science are

in harmony will we have peace.


Maa: People have to become less selfish. If they will just begin to

surrender their selfishness, their very first attempts will give them

the answer to their questions. That will give them the inspiration to

strive with greater consistency.

As they feel better, they will try to give more.


Swami: The first step in making a change is to do something for

somebody else. That's a wonderful place to start. You could start by

urging yourself to smile at the people you meet and say: "good

morning". Make a change in your life and surrender some selfishness,

and see if you don't feel better.


As parents, it has been clear to my wife and I that we must take care

of ourselves, and be good examples of the highest ideal of perfection.

The old saying is: "actions speak louder than words."

That stated, we do everything we can to practice what we preach. We

know ultimately that our son has his own samskaras,{patterns and

predilictions}, which he has carried over from past lives. Even the

planets have created a path he will follow.

After spending time with Maa and Swami, we have learned techniques

which we can perform which can help our son.

For example: his jyotish chart was read by an astrologer. It

indicated that certain planets were influencing him and creating some

trying situations.

Maa indicated that repeating certain mantras would help. We performed

the mantras, and observed a change.

Swami has stated that prayer is very powerful and worry is a waste of


In my humble opinion, perform puja daily to whatever diety you are

attracted to, and after your puja, pray that God will help your family

and your son. Try chanting / repeating, the murtinjaya {spelling

incorrect} healing mantra of Shiva. Make a commitment to repeat it at

least 108 times a day for a week.

Also, purchase the CD of Maa chanting it, and play it softly, in the

background, 24 / 7. Maa does this at Her home, and She says it

creates a healing and harmonious environment.

Also, pray to Maa and Swami. They hear your prayers and will help.

The more you align yourself with Them, by performing sadhana which

They practice, the more They can help you.


Jai Maa Jai Shiva






, Debra McDaniel <student61754



> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective than

we do & that there is no bad unless he makes it so. To learn from this

lesson what he cld so that his next choice would be better. Of course

our discusion was longer & their were tears & I love you's & he seems

to be better. He cut his hair to that new Gerber baby look thing going

on now and wants a piercing but says he's just trying to get a rise

from me & lovingly laughes. I say he's just testing the waters myself.

I'm trying to show him love and acceptance & continue teaching Gods

ways as gently as possible. He enjoys lessoning to my husband & I

having discussions with each other about God, our practice and how to

come closer to understanding of it all. He's got very deep opinions

about all this but they only come up when he sees a wrong (in his

mind) being done. He's very angry like most his age group, about

decitfulness, hipocrites and liers and such. All this is in their


> All that may sound great to the outside world that he hates these

evil things but he shows no love only hate. I know he feels it but I

thind he hide it so as not to be hurt. He concentrates on the evil

rather than reaching out with love I guess this is normal for this

age. They haven't had enough experience yet.. It's hard enough for an

adult to understand that the bad guy has problems too & needs help.

Everything is just black and white to him.


> I'm afraid of the arrows he is shutting into the future, the

experiences that he will have to have to get to some understanding of

all of it.

> But I realize I can not protect him from everything. Guess that's

another subject that we need to discuss. I want so much to help him on

his path.


> There is also a selfish agenda on my part. He is the last of my 4

children and I'd like to get it right eventualy so I want have to do

it over again.(that's selfish I know) Just trying to be truthful here.

No other way to get help.


> I've tried to give him a healthy base to stand on but some how I

missed something.

> Probly in my living example. It's easy to tlk but to wlk the tlk

is the challenge.

> I have always answered his questions the best I could and we have

hd lots of discussions of life & God & goals but he can't get a grip

on a goal. He feels he's not good at anything and says to us that he

realizes that he is just not willing to put forward the effort it

takes to get to anything he desires. I atibute that to my on fault in

raising him & not letting him do things for himself so he cld see that

he could. He's alway been a no you do it kid & obviously I feed it by

doing for him. That's being corrected. He does most all himself now.

Up in morning, breakfast, cleaning ( just doesnt do his room) but

does his dishes and what ever he makes outside his room.


> We use to go over the Seven Spiritual Laws by Deepak Chopra at

breakfast and then discuss it at supper until he said it got boring he

was just doing the same thing over & over, We do it a while then stop

and then go back to it, not being consistant.

> Consistancy is a definate problem for me.


> Anyway my questions are many but to keep it short (yea right)

basicly wanted advice on any prayers, mantras such I cld do for him.

Know I need to pray for Consistancy in self.

> Learned that just from writing this.




> This email you posted gives me new ideas so will start there &

hope to hear from anyone here on advice for mothering in a better

manner. I know it may seem to late at 17 to ask for it but I thought I

was doing ok not great but keep seeking to do best and then he started

public school and it got crazyer.


> Thanks for lessoning

> Debi



> inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste


> Shree Maa talking about one's purpose in life, their reason for being

> here on Earth, especially relating to relationships between a man and

> woman. Taken from the Devi Mandir book: " Before Becoming This"

> Continued from 12-19-06, see previous post.


> Maa: But very few people have God's grace to truly understand their

> purpose in life. Swamiji and I were born with the grace to understand

> our purpose, even though the other people in our families were very

> different from us. It's a real problem if you don't understand your

> purpose.

> Swami: I suggest that a person without a purpose better find one.

> Without a purpose, it is difficult to have a meaningful life. How can

> one accomplish anything if you don't know what your goal is? We need

> to find a goal in life that would be worthy of our committment.


> Certainly our goal in life wouldn't be to have a transient

> relationship with someone who doesn't have a purpose either. That's

> where most of us make a mistake. We don't have a purpose of our own

> and we feel empty and look for another person to give us fulfillment.

> And they don't have purpose either. Then we have 2 people without a

> purpose, trying to give each other's life meaning. We know the honey

> moon period does not last. It's hard enough when you have a

> partnership with common goals. But if you don't have common goals,

> and the purpose of your relationship is just to assuage your

> lonliness, then as soon as your needs are no longer being fulfilled,

> the relationship is history.


> The best thing to do is to stop and think, "What would be a

> committment worthy of my dedication? What do I want to give to this

> world?"


> Tonight, my hight school senior son, my wife, and I met with Swami to

> discuss my son's future. Specifically we discussed his goals and

> college plans.

> Dear reader, imagine yourself again at 17 years old, trying to decide

> what to do with your life, where to go to college, what to study, what

> career you would desire to commit to.

> Well, Swami had a practical, wise, and thought provoking discussion

> with us. And, at the end of it, my son was totally amazed at the

> breadth, and at the same time, focused, thougths Swami presented to us.

> Swami's vision of a life well lived means giving more than you take,

> and being efficient in every action, and going forward into action

> only when one has a clear vision of the goal, and the means to achieve

> it.

> All life to Swami is puja: action to bring merit: to God, to one's

> family and ancestors, and to one's Guru.

> He charged my son to dream really big, to see his life when he is 40

> years old, to envison every detail of his life. Then, make a plan to

> reach that goal.

> Dear reader, take the time to imagine, along with me, what each of us

> wants to give to this world, how to leave it a better place than when

> we began, and then, once the vision is clear, make a plan to achieve

> the goal.

> These great souls, Maa and Swami, incarnated on this world to help

> improve it, and bring their disciples to self realization. Their

> committment is so selfless, that it defies description.

> In this time when we honor another great soul, Jesus, who came to this

> world to take away its sins, let's thank all the great souls, and

> support them with our prayers and actions.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love


> vishweshwar


> , "inspectionconnection108"

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> > Shree Maa as quoted in the Devi Mandir book: Before Becoming This,

> > page 223

> >

> > Maa: Relationships between men and women have become competitive

> > instead of being a place to learn respect. Everybody wants to win,

> > but where is the peace?

> >

> > Competition and selfishness are at the root of the problem. We have

> > not learned how to give. If each person would practice giving to

> > their partner, their relationships would be peaceful and harmonious.

> > Instead, most of us are very selfish. We are only thinking about

> > ourselves. Therefore in the Indian system, this time in the history

> > of the planet is called the Dark Age. Another reason for unsuccessful

> > relationships is overpopulation.

> > People are increasing the population, but they don't have a goal or

> > purpose. They are bringing souls into this world and not teaching

> > them spiritual wisdom.

> > Everybody has his or own purpose for being on this earth. However,

> > most people do not understand their purpose.

> >

> > To be continued..........

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >



















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Dear Debbie,


Your post echoes the sentiments, fears and thoughts of many parents

today, writer included.


My son very level-headed and respectful but on the serious side, and

like you described, he hates what he preceives as "evil" or wrong

doings like lies and deceit or the feeling of being victimized.

These actions anger him and he holds on to that anger. Thankfully,

though he is living in a foreign country, he calls very often and

discusses things with me and with the limited knowledge to the best

of my capacity i try to explain things to him but always always

remind him that he is fortunate to know right from wrong and rather

than being angry he should talk to people and explain how he feels.

I also try to explain the importance of seekingand talking to the

Divine to work out any problems which he may have.


My daughter, the older of the two is completely different and does

not talk neither does she like to be corrected. The piercing, the

tatoos ... There was a time when i cried and cried wondering where i

went wrong, how can I help her/him, how can I, how can I ...whether

this question arose from love or ego attachment i am unsure but in

accepting that i have no power and that we all have our dharma to

fulfill, with each day's worship, at least morning and evening, i

offer them both at the Beloved Lotus feet of Mother praying for Her

loving guidance and protection for them.


You are not alone dear Debbie. Please ask Divine Mother to speak

through you to your son in a way that he can understand and offer

his name in the pray group. You speak to Beloved Shree Maa's photo

with attention and devotion and the guidance which you seek will be

revealed to you.


Jai Maa


With love,




, Debra McDaniel

<student61754 wrote:


> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective

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Thank you Kalia,

WIll do.

Very helpful.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story.

It does help to hear about others.

This gives me faith.

I know Shree Maa will help.

Bless you,



kaliananda_saraswati <kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:

Dear Debbie,


Your post echoes the sentiments, fears and thoughts of many parents

today, writer included.


My son very level-headed and respectful but on the serious side, and

like you described, he hates what he preceives as "evil" or wrong

doings like lies and deceit or the feeling of being victimized.

These actions anger him and he holds on to that anger. Thankfully,

though he is living in a foreign country, he calls very often and

discusses things with me and with the limited knowledge to the best

of my capacity i try to explain things to him but always always

remind him that he is fortunate to know right from wrong and rather

than being angry he should talk to people and explain how he feels.

I also try to explain the importance of seekingand talking to the

Divine to work out any problems which he may have.


My daughter, the older of the two is completely different and does

not talk neither does she like to be corrected. The piercing, the

tatoos ... There was a time when i cried and cried wondering where i

went wrong, how can I help her/him, how can I, how can I ...whether

this question arose from love or ego attachment i am unsure but in

accepting that i have no power and that we all have our dharma to

fulfill, with each day's worship, at least morning and evening, i

offer them both at the Beloved Lotus feet of Mother praying for Her

loving guidance and protection for them.


You are not alone dear Debbie. Please ask Divine Mother to speak

through you to your son in a way that he can understand and offer

his name in the pray group. You speak to Beloved Shree Maa's photo

with attention and devotion and the guidance which you seek will be

revealed to you.


Jai Maa


With love,



, Debra McDaniel

<student61754 wrote:


> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective









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I did as you suggested after puja.

All I lack is to put him on prayer list.

Wld like to join in prayer club soon myself but just waiting to get MM mantra down.

When they say 21 times is that 21 malas.

Who would I talk to abt finding out more about what's required ect.



Debra McDaniel <student61754 > wrote:

Thank you Kalia,

WIll do.

Very helpful.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story.

It does help to hear about others.

This gives me faith.

I know Shree Maa will help.

Bless you,



kaliananda_saraswati <kaliananda_saraswati > wrote:

Dear Debbie,


Your post echoes the sentiments, fears and thoughts of many parents

today, writer included.


My son very level-headed and respectful but on the serious side, and

like you described, he hates what he preceives as "evil" or wrong

doings like lies and deceit or the feeling of being victimized.

These actions anger him and he holds on to that anger. Thankfully,

though he is living in a foreign country, he calls very often and

discusses things with me and with the limited knowledge to the best

of my capacity i try to explain things to him but always always

remind him that he is fortunate to know right from wrong and rather

than being angry he should talk to people and explain how he feels.

I also try to explain the importance of seekingand talking to the

Divine to work out any problems which he may have.


My daughter, the older of the two is completely different and does

not talk neither does she like to be corrected. The piercing, the

tatoos ... There was a time when i cried and cried wondering where i

went wrong, how can I help her/him, how can I, how can I ...whether

this question arose from love or ego attachment i am unsure but in

accepting that i have no power and that we all have our dharma to

fulfill, with each day's worship, at least morning and evening, i

offer them both at the Beloved Lotus feet of Mother praying for Her

loving guidance and protection for them.


You are not alone dear Debbie. Please ask Divine Mother to speak

through you to your son in a way that he can understand and offer

his name in the pray group. You speak to Beloved Shree Maa's photo

with attention and devotion and the guidance which you seek will be

revealed to you.


Jai Maa


With love,



, Debra McDaniel

<student61754 wrote:


> Thank you Vish for this post!


> It's an answer to prayer.


> I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

year old.

> He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

injustices put apon them.

> Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.


> Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective














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Dear Debbie,

So glad for the opportunity to assist. Thank you.

i offer the names at the end of the sankalpa just after '.......puja

karmaham karisye'. Nandaji had posted sometime ago on how to

perform sankalpa but i was unable to locate it.


It will soon be time for submission of the January prayer list so

look out for the notice from the prayer club. At that time you can

make the request to join. If you are able to, listen to Maa singing

the MM Mantra at http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/44, the words

to the mantra are also shown on that page ... not sure what you

meant by "waiting to get the MM mantra down" but there is no time

like now. Just start and the correct pronounciation will come. The

mantra is repeated 21 times (... not malas)


Just post any question that you are unsure of and someone would

respond to you. At times there are questions directed specifically

to Swamiji, if you want to do so - make that the subject heading.

Nandaji is usually the one to forward these questions.


Hope this helps.


Jai Maa Jai Swami


, Debra McDaniel

<student61754 wrote:


> I did as you suggested after puja.

> All I lack is to put him on prayer list.

> Wld like to join in prayer club soon myself but just waiting to

get MM mantra down.

> When they say 21 times is that 21 malas.

> Who would I talk to abt finding out more about what's required


> Debi


> Debra McDaniel <student61754 wrote:

> Thank you Kalia,

> WIll do.

> Very helpful.

> Thank you for taking the time to tell your story.

> It does help to hear about others.

> This gives me faith.

> I know Shree Maa will help.

> Bless you,

> Debi


> kaliananda_saraswati <kaliananda_saraswati wrote:

> Dear Debbie,


> Your post echoes the sentiments, fears and thoughts of many


> today, writer included.


> My son very level-headed and respectful but on the serious side,


> like you described, he hates what he preceives as "evil" or wrong

> doings like lies and deceit or the feeling of being victimized.

> These actions anger him and he holds on to that anger. Thankfully,

> though he is living in a foreign country, he calls very often and

> discusses things with me and with the limited knowledge to the


> of my capacity i try to explain things to him but always always

> remind him that he is fortunate to know right from wrong and


> than being angry he should talk to people and explain how he


> I also try to explain the importance of seekingand talking to the

> Divine to work out any problems which he may have.


> My daughter, the older of the two is completely different and does

> not talk neither does she like to be corrected. The piercing, the

> tatoos ... There was a time when i cried and cried wondering where


> went wrong, how can I help her/him, how can I, how can

I ...whether

> this question arose from love or ego attachment i am unsure but in

> accepting that i have no power and that we all have our dharma to

> fulfill, with each day's worship, at least morning and evening, i

> offer them both at the Beloved Lotus feet of Mother praying for


> loving guidance and protection for them.


> You are not alone dear Debbie. Please ask Divine Mother to speak

> through you to your son in a way that he can understand and offer

> his name in the pray group. You speak to Beloved Shree Maa's photo

> with attention and devotion and the guidance which you seek will


> revealed to you.


> Jai Maa


> With love,

> Kalia


> , Debra McDaniel

> <student61754@> wrote:

> >

> > Thank you Vish for this post!

> >

> > It's an answer to prayer.

> >

> > I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

> year old.

> > He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> > Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

> injustices put apon them.

> > Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

> fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But


> she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.

> >

> > Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective

















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You can add him onto the prayer list anytime. We, including Maa and

Swami, all prayer for anyone on the list.

Do you have the CD of Maa chanting the MM mantra? That is the best

for learning. Then you can put it onto a CD player and let it run 24 /7.

The prayer club just asks for 21 times, not 21 malas.


Call me if you want to review the MM mantra by phone


Join us for the Christmas celebration Sunday eve, starting at 6:60

pacific time.


P.S. We also have 4 older children, all out of the house. Our 17 year

old is a senior in high school and the baby. Many similarities to

your family. We moved from Iowa to be here with Maa 4.5 years ago.

707 255 3383


Jai Maa Jai Swami














-- In , Debra McDaniel <student61754



> I did as you suggested after puja.

> All I lack is to put him on prayer list.

> Wld like to join in prayer club soon myself but just waiting to

get MM mantra down.

> When they say 21 times is that 21 malas.

> Who would I talk to abt finding out more about what's required ect.

> Debi


> Debra McDaniel <student61754 wrote:

> Thank you Kalia,

> WIll do.

> Very helpful.

> Thank you for taking the time to tell your story.

> It does help to hear about others.

> This gives me faith.

> I know Shree Maa will help.

> Bless you,

> Debi


> kaliananda_saraswati <kaliananda_saraswati wrote:

> Dear Debbie,


> Your post echoes the sentiments, fears and thoughts of many parents

> today, writer included.


> My son very level-headed and respectful but on the serious side, and

> like you described, he hates what he preceives as "evil" or wrong

> doings like lies and deceit or the feeling of being victimized.

> These actions anger him and he holds on to that anger. Thankfully,

> though he is living in a foreign country, he calls very often and

> discusses things with me and with the limited knowledge to the best

> of my capacity i try to explain things to him but always always

> remind him that he is fortunate to know right from wrong and rather

> than being angry he should talk to people and explain how he feels.

> I also try to explain the importance of seekingand talking to the

> Divine to work out any problems which he may have.


> My daughter, the older of the two is completely different and does

> not talk neither does she like to be corrected. The piercing, the

> tatoos ... There was a time when i cried and cried wondering where i

> went wrong, how can I help her/him, how can I, how can I ...whether

> this question arose from love or ego attachment i am unsure but in

> accepting that i have no power and that we all have our dharma to

> fulfill, with each day's worship, at least morning and evening, i

> offer them both at the Beloved Lotus feet of Mother praying for Her

> loving guidance and protection for them.


> You are not alone dear Debbie. Please ask Divine Mother to speak

> through you to your son in a way that he can understand and offer

> his name in the pray group. You speak to Beloved Shree Maa's photo

> with attention and devotion and the guidance which you seek will be

> revealed to you.


> Jai Maa


> With love,

> Kalia


> , Debra McDaniel

> <student61754@> wrote:

> >

> > Thank you Vish for this post!

> >

> > It's an answer to prayer.

> >

> > I've been trying to put into words a request for help with my 17

> year old.

> > He'll be 18 in Aug and graduates in 2008.

> > Long haired singer in a band with lerics crying out about the

> injustices put apon them.

> > Broke up with his girlfriend this week & of course it's all Gods

> fault because her mother is a christian & didn't like him. But then

> she didn't like any of her daughters boy friends.

> >

> > Explained to him that God sees things in a bigger prespective

















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