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Kashyap Sutra-epitome.

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Kashyap Sutras- Epitome.


Whatever has a beginning has an end.


The great Kashyap Muni in fifteen small statements has covered the entire ground of spiritual life. The spiritual aspirant gets from it, what he needs to pursue his Sadhana. The study of these Sutras has shown us that:

1. The goal of human birth is to get merged with the Absolute or formless God, free from any qualities or modifications (Sutra 12). That is the ultimate aim-eternal liberation (Sutra 13). And that is self-realization (Moksha) too (Sutra 14).

2. The absolute or formless God is eternal (Sanatan) and has no beginning and therefore has no end (Sutra 1). He is endless (Ananta). He is self sustained and shines on His own. Knowing Him, everything is known. To realize Him is the Goal of every manifestation in this Universe.

3. The Absolute God or Universal consciousness appears as this vast Universe when seen through the veil of Maya (Time, Space and causation). He is beyond sense-perception (Pratyaksha) or mental conception (Pratyaya) for both would limit Him. He is known only by illumination (Prakasha) in Samadhi (Sutra 6).

4. When we understand Maya fully and get over it in Samadhi we realize the absolute God – absolute existence, absolute consciousness and absolute bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). And that is the greatest achievement of all achievements. (Sutra 7) (Jnana Yoga)

5. When a yogi achieves perfection of attainment of Life Force (Prana) he reaches the same goal and is filled with Shanti (peace) and Anand (bliss), which he can spread to others too (Sutra 11). (Raja Yoga)

6. Every manifestation in the Universe has a beginning; therefore it must have inherent strength to do whatever is needed to complete itself (Sutra 1).. Consequently every thing in this universe is moving towards this goal of Self-Realization relentlessly along his chosen path (Sutra 5). Indeed that is the only purpose for which he is born. He works out his karma and tries to exhaust his desires which bind him in the world, by either satisfying or by overcoming them with discrimination (Sutra 2). After satiation of desires comes renunciation. Till then he has to suffer good and bad fruits of his past actions (Prarabdha Karma) and desires (Sutra 4); and face the confusion caused by conflict between wisdom and ignorance born out of his actions (Sutra 9). At last he is able with his Sadhana* and the Grace of the Lord to tear asunder the noose of six shortcomings (Vikars)- desire, anger, greed, ignorance, attachment and jealousy (Sutra 8). All along he is supported and helped

by God himself either directly as Prakash (illumination) within or through physical Guru and that is his good fortune (Sutra 15). (Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga)

7. By seeing God in everything everywhere including himself, a Sadhak achieves the same goal and overcomes death itself (Sutra3) and gains victory over pain (Sutra 10) for he is free from any desire. In the end his ego also disappears, and with it he sheds his ‘individuality’ and merges in Universal Consciousness in Nirvikalp Samadhi. The purpose of having human birth is thus fulfilled and he gives up his body as trees shed their dried leaves.. Only a rare few return from this stage to the world with a mandate from God to teach and help others.


* Sadhana (religious practices) consists of Yama (self-control), Niyama (discipline), daily Puja (worship), Havan ( worship at fire), Japa (Repetition of Lord’s name), Sankirtan (Joint singing of Lord’s praises) Satsang (Keeping company with holy persons) Meditation, Pranayam (learning how to control Prana-Life force), Study & Discussion, Nishkam Karma (Selfless work without worrying about its result). In short whatever you do for God is Sadhana; whatever is done without any selfish motive is Sadhana.




Chetan Merani






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Nice recap, Chetan!


Jai Maa!





, Chetan Merani <cvmerani wrote:


> Kashyap Sutras- Epitome.


> Whatever has a beginning has an end.


> The great Kashyap Muni in fifteen small statements has covered the

entire ground of spiritual life. The spiritual aspirant gets from it,

what he needs to pursue his Sadhana. The study of these Sutras has

shown us that:

> 1. The goal of human birth is to get merged with the Absolute or

formless God, free from any qualities or modifications (Sutra 12).

That is the ultimate aim-eternal liberation (Sutra 13). And that is

self-realization (Moksha) too (Sutra 14).

> 2. The absolute or formless God is eternal (Sanatan) and has no

beginning and therefore has no end (Sutra 1). He is endless (Ananta).

He is self sustained and shines on His own. Knowing Him, everything is

known. To realize Him is the Goal of every manifestation in this


> 3. The Absolute God or Universal consciousness appears as this vast

Universe when seen through the veil of Maya (Time, Space and

causation). He is beyond sense-perception (Pratyaksha) or mental

conception (Pratyaya) for both would limit Him. He is known only by

illumination (Prakasha) in Samadhi (Sutra 6).

> 4. When we understand Maya fully and get over it in Samadhi we

realize the absolute God – absolute existence, absolute consciousness

and absolute bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). And that is the greatest

achievement of all achievements. (Sutra 7) (Jnana Yoga)

> 5. When a yogi achieves perfection of attainment of Life Force

(Prana) he reaches the same goal and is filled with Shanti (peace) and

Anand (bliss), which he can spread to others too (Sutra 11). (Raja Yoga)

> 6. Every manifestation in the Universe has a beginning; therefore it

must have inherent strength to do whatever is needed to complete

itself (Sutra 1). Consequently every thing in this universe is moving

towards this goal of Self-Realization relentlessly along his chosen

path (Sutra 5). Indeed that is the only purpose for which he is born.

He works out his karma and tries to exhaust his desires which bind him

in the world, by either satisfying or by overcoming them with

discrimination (Sutra 2). After satiation of desires comes

renunciation. Till then he has to suffer good and bad fruits of his

past actions (Prarabdha Karma) and desires (Sutra 4); and face the

confusion caused by conflict between wisdom and ignorance born out of

his actions (Sutra 9). At last he is able with his Sadhana* and the

Grace of the Lord to tear asunder the noose of six shortcomings

(Vikars)- desire, anger, greed, ignorance, attachment and jealousy

(Sutra 8). All along he is supported and helped

> by God himself either directly as Prakash (illumination) within or

through physical Guru and that is his good fortune (Sutra 15). (Bhakti

Yoga and Karma Yoga)

> 7. By seeing God in everything everywhere including himself, a

Sadhak achieves the same goal and overcomes death itself (Sutra3) and

gains victory over pain (Sutra 10) for he is free from any desire. In

the end his ego also disappears, and with it he sheds his

`individuality' and merges in Universal Consciousness in Nirvikalp

Samadhi. The purpose of having human birth is thus fulfilled and he

gives up his body as trees shed their dried leaves. Only a rare few

return from this stage to the world with a mandate from God to teach

and help others.


> * Sadhana (religious practices) consists of Yama (self-control),

Niyama (discipline), daily Puja (worship), Havan ( worship at fire),

Japa (Repetition of Lord's name), Sankirtan (Joint singing of Lord's

praises) Satsang (Keeping company with holy persons) Meditation,

Pranayam (learning how to control Prana-Life force), Study &

Discussion, Nishkam Karma (Selfless work without worrying about its

result). In short whatever you do for God is Sadhana; whatever is done

without any selfish motive is Sadhana.

> omomomomomomomomomomomomom



> Chetan Merani







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