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Sri Ramanuja Journal Volume 3, Issue 3

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*SrimathE rAmAnujAya namaH*


*SrimathE varavaramunaye namaH*




*Margazhi, Vyaya

Azhvar 3, Acharya 3*




*TvamEva matvA paravAsu dEvam*

*RangEsayam rAja vadarhaneeyam*

*PrAbhodhakeem yogruta sookthi mAlAm*

*BhakthAngrunEham bhagavantha meedE*




*The moment we hear about the month "mArgazhi" the unparalleled composition

of our GodhA pirAtti, thiruppAvai engulfs our mind. Behind the scenes, this

month boasts of hosting the births of three other divine personalities in

the kEttai thirunakshatra namely: Sri ThonN-aradippodi azhwAr, sri periya

nambigal and sri koora nArAyana jeeyar.** *




ThirumaNdangudi a small village near the divyadesam thirupullambhoothamgudi,

roughly 40 kms from the famous temple town kumbakonam, is the birthplace of

the first in the above esteemed list, Sri Thondaradippodi azhwAr. He was

born in a chaste Brahmin family on mArgazhi kEtai day. Elders on seeing his

greatness compare him to be an amsa of vaijayanthi (vanamAlA of the lord).

The original name given to this AzhwAr as given by his parents is "

vipranArAyana". He grew up to be an expert in the vEdAs and the vEdAntas.

It was said that sri vishwaksEnar appeared from srivaikunta and performed

panchasamskaram to him. On learning the divine meanings of thirumantram,

vipranArAyana slowly started developing detachment towards the worldly

affairs and a deep interest towards the Supreme Being. He immediately

started his journey towards various divyadesams and first reached Srirangam.





*Vandinam muralum sOlai, mayilam Alum sOlai*

*Kondal meedhanavum sOlai, kuilinam kOOvum sOlai*

*AndarkOn amarum sOlai ani thiruvarangam.*







*Having performed managalAsasams to periya perumAl, he got immensely

attracted to the divine beauty of Him and decided to spend rest of his

lifetime in Srirangam itself by doing pushpa kainkaryam like periAzhwAr. ***



*Kudadisai mudiyai vaiththu gunadisai pAdham nEEti*

*Vadadisai pinbukAti, then disai yilangai knOkki*

*Kadalnirak kadavul endhai* *aravanai tuyilumAk kaNdu**









*He developed a full-fledged garden for performing pushpa kainkaryam to

periya perumAl on a daily basis and lived on the biksha (alms) given by the

people as per his varnasrama dharma. ***



Peculiar, are the ways of the lord in conducting this leelA vibhUthi. One

fine day, a damsel by name dEvadEvi from the adjacent town urAiyUr visited

Srirangam and she happened to pass through this garden along with her

sister. She offered her respects to vipranArAyana by prostrating him. He

was so immersed in his pushpa kainkaryam, that he hardly took notice of her

action. Failing to see his reciprocation, she felt insulted and vowed to

her sister that she would turn the tables towards her by making

vipranArAyana fall for her beauty. Though her sister warned her of adverse

reactions because of his saintly character, it only fell on her deaf ears.

After this incident, she enacted a beautiful drama before vipranAryana by

making a request to him to offer her a share of the kainkaryams, which he is

doing to the lord. The latter fell into her trap and in due course, got so

attracted towards her that whole of his attention turned towards dEvadEvi

away from lord Ranganatha. ***




*Seeing the sorry state of affairs of vipranArAyana, our ever-compassionate

piratti made a purushakaram (recommendation) to perumal to bring back his

dear devotee back in the track of kainkaryam. Periya perumAl appeared as a

servant of vipranArAyana in front of dEvadEvi's house and offered her a

golden vessel as given by his master vipranArAyana. The very next day, the

news spread to the king that one of the golden vessels from the temple

was missing and on enquiry, it was found in dEvadEvi's house and

was explained to the courteers as given by the servant of vipranArAyana.

Immediately, vipranArAyana and dEvadEvi were jailed in spite of them

pleading innocence. ***




*Again due to pirAtti's request, lord appeared in King's dream and said that

all the happenings are due to his leela and all the sufferings of

vipranArAyna so far, are due to his karma. The king realized his mistake

and released them. On his release, vipranArAyana also realized his mistake

and felt very bad for what all had happened. He took the sripAtha theertham

of the devotees and got himself purified from the sins he had

committed. Thereafter,

he cherished himself being the dust in the feet of the lord's devotees and

hence he was celebrated as thondar adip podi AzhwAr*.




*Compositions of Thondar adip podi AzhwAr*




*Thirupalliezhucchi:* *The lord after the pralaya, awoke all the jeevathmas

and gave them the required senses (karna kalEbara) to live in this leela

vibhUdhi. After this the lord settled down into a yOga nidhrA (divine

sleep). Thondar adipodi AzhwAr stands out in the AzhwAr goshti, since he

awakens the lord by this composition of 11 pAsurams.*




*ThirumAlai:* *There is a famous tamil saying "thirumAlai ariyAr thiru mAlai

ariyAr" (people who don't know this divine composition Thirumalai, don't

know thiru mAl (lord Vishnu)). Not just stopping with poo mAlai (flower

gArland) he composed this divine pAmAlai of 45 pAsurams which gives the

whole srivaishnavic essence. *



*Salient features*


*Paasuram 2: BhUloka vaikundam vs parmapadam : Achuvai peRinum


in beauty of Thiruvarangan, Sri ThoNdaradippodi preferred bhUlOka vaikunTAm

to paramapadham. *


*Paasuram 4: ThirunAma magimai: 'moitha val vinaiyuL ninRu' highlights the

efficacy of ThirunAmam*


*Paasuram 9: Supremacy of Emperuman : 'mathumOAr dheivam vuNDEan' -This

paasuram unequivocally indicates that He is the Supreme and points to the

fact that He is sulaban (filled with saulabhyam) 'kaTrinam mEaitha endhai

kazhaliNai paNiminErEA'-Lord KrshNA *


*Paasuram 19: The archAvathAram is highly commended in the pAsuram 'kuda

disai mudaiyai vaithu' and EmperumAn's beauty is devoured. Since,

vibhavAvathAram has gone long long back, AzvAr advocates for

Thiruvarangam 'vaNdina

muralum sOlai' and the beauty of arangan in 'kudadhisai mudiyai vaithu' . *


*Paasuram 23: Purity :If yamunA is pure because of Sri krshNa sparisam

(touch of krishna's divine body), kAvEri is pure because it surrounds the

Lord - and so naturally becomes purer than GangA - GAngaiyil puNidhamAya

kAviri naduvu pATTu. *


*Paasuram 29:* *Thiruvarangan TheUltimate Refuge*: *AzvAr talks of The Lord

as his refuge and has no other relatives 'vuravu maThoruvar illai' -Oh! Lord

You are my only relative and Your divine feet is my refuge **'pAril nin

pAdha mUlam paTRu' .*


*Paasuram 38: DhvayArtham:* *That Lord EmperumAn is upAya/upEyam is

underscored in the pAsuram 'mEamporuL pOgavittu..vAzhum sOambarai vugathi

pOlum'. * *Like Srimad bhagavat geetha to Mahabharatha and charama sloka to

Srimad bhagavat geetha this paasuram is the essence of thirumaalai. mEamporuL:

The nature of soul to Look at Him for refuge and He has to lift us up. This

is crystallised as pAsuram 'mEam poruL pOga vittu'





*The fundamental principles of SrevaishNavisam being 'Birth is not the

criteria but devotion to Sriman NarAyaNA is' spelt out in the pAsuram-s

following the mEmporuL pAsuram *




*mEamporuL mEAliR pATTil visadhamAgak kANaLAm. (Srivachanabhooshanam 227)*




*The bhAgavatha shEshathvam is highlighted in these pAsuram-s and AzvAr thus

came to be known as the speck of dust of devotee's divine feet - anbar thAL

thUli- ThoNDar aDip podi. *


** * *


*This azhwAr has another uniqueness since he performed mangalAsAsanam only

to Srirangam and no other divyadesam. Due to this, Srirangam attained the

'Number One position' among all the srivaishnava divyadesams, having the

uniqueness of having the mangalasasanams from all the 10 AzhwArs. *




*kOthaNdE jyEsta nakshatrE mandangudi purOthbhavam*


*chOLOrvyAm vanamAlAmsam bhakthabhatrENumAsrayE*






*Thondaradipodi Azhvar ThiruvadigalE sharaNam*





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Nice Journal.Pl keep it posted regularly.







ramanuja, "Varavaramuni Dasargal"

<varavaramuni wrote:


> *SrimathE rAmAnujAya namaH*


> *SrimathE varavaramunaye namaH*


> **


> *Margazhi, Vyaya

> Azhvar 3, Acharya 3*




> *TvamEva matvA paravAsu dEvam*

> *RangEsayam rAja vadarhaneeyam*

> *PrAbhodhakeem yogruta sookthi mAlAm*

> *BhakthAngrunEham bhagavantha meedE*




> *The moment we hear about the month "mArgazhi" the unparalleled


> of our GodhA pirAtti, thiruppAvai engulfs our mind. Behind the

scenes, this

> month boasts of hosting the births of three other divine

personalities in

> the kEttai thirunakshatra namely: Sri ThonN-aradippodi azhwAr, sri


> nambigal and sri koora nArAyana jeeyar.** *


> *

> **

> ThirumaNdangudi a small village near the divyadesam


> roughly 40 kms from the famous temple town kumbakonam, is the

birthplace of

> the first in the above esteemed list, Sri Thondaradippodi azhwAr.

He was

> born in a chaste Brahmin family on mArgazhi kEtai day. Elders on

seeing his

> greatness compare him to be an amsa of vaijayanthi (vanamAlA of the


> The original name given to this AzhwAr as given by his parents is "

> vipranArAyana". He grew up to be an expert in the vEdAs and the


> It was said that sri vishwaksEnar appeared from srivaikunta and


> panchasamskaram to him. On learning the divine meanings of


> vipranArAyana slowly started developing detachment towards the


> affairs and a deep interest towards the Supreme Being. He


> started his journey towards various divyadesams and first reached


> ***




> *Vandinam muralum sOlai, mayilam Alum sOlai*

> *Kondal meedhanavum sOlai, kuilinam kOOvum sOlai*

> *AndarkOn amarum sOlai ani thiruvarangam.*



> (Thirumaalai-14)




> *Having performed managalAsasams to periya perumAl, he got immensely

> attracted to the divine beauty of Him and decided to spend rest of


> lifetime in Srirangam itself by doing pushpa kainkaryam like

periAzhwAr. ***



> *Kudadisai mudiyai vaiththu gunadisai pAdham nEEti*

> *Vadadisai pinbukAti, then disai yilangai knOkki*

> *Kadalnirak kadavul endhai* *aravanai tuyilumAk kaNdu**



> *


> (Thirumaalai-19)




> *He developed a full-fledged garden for performing pushpa

kainkaryam to

> periya perumAl on a daily basis and lived on the biksha (alms)

given by the

> people as per his varnasrama dharma. ***


> *

> Peculiar, are the ways of the lord in conducting this leelA

vibhUthi. One

> fine day, a damsel by name dEvadEvi from the adjacent town urAiyUr


> Srirangam and she happened to pass through this garden along with


> sister. She offered her respects to vipranArAyana by prostrating

him. He

> was so immersed in his pushpa kainkaryam, that he hardly took

notice of her

> action. Failing to see his reciprocation, she felt insulted and

vowed to

> her sister that she would turn the tables towards her by making

> vipranArAyana fall for her beauty. Though her sister warned her of


> reactions because of his saintly character, it only fell on her

deaf ears.

> After this incident, she enacted a beautiful drama before

vipranAryana by

> making a request to him to offer her a share of the kainkaryams,

which he is

> doing to the lord. The latter fell into her trap and in due

course, got so

> attracted towards her that whole of his attention turned towards


> away from lord Ranganatha. ***




> *Seeing the sorry state of affairs of vipranArAyana, our ever-


> piratti made a purushakaram (recommendation) to perumal to bring

back his

> dear devotee back in the track of kainkaryam. Periya perumAl

appeared as a

> servant of vipranArAyana in front of dEvadEvi's house and offered

her a

> golden vessel as given by his master vipranArAyana. The very next

day, the

> news spread to the king that one of the golden vessels from the


> was missing and on enquiry, it was found in dEvadEvi's house and

> was explained to the courteers as given by the servant of


> Immediately, vipranArAyana and dEvadEvi were jailed in spite of


> pleading innocence. ***




> *Again due to pirAtti's request, lord appeared in King's dream and

said that

> all the happenings are due to his leela and all the sufferings of

> vipranArAyna so far, are due to his karma. The king realized his


> and released them. On his release, vipranArAyana also realized his


> and felt very bad for what all had happened. He took the sripAtha


> of the devotees and got himself purified from the sins he had

> committed. Thereafter,

> he cherished himself being the dust in the feet of the lord's

devotees and

> hence he was celebrated as thondar adip podi AzhwAr*.




> *Compositions of Thondar adip podi AzhwAr*


> **


> *Thirupalliezhucchi:* *The lord after the pralaya, awoke all the


> and gave them the required senses (karna kalEbara) to live in this


> vibhUdhi. After this the lord settled down into a yOga nidhrA


> sleep). Thondar adipodi AzhwAr stands out in the AzhwAr goshti,

since he

> awakens the lord by this composition of 11 pAsurams.*




> *ThirumAlai:* *There is a famous tamil saying "thirumAlai ariyAr

thiru mAlai

> ariyAr" (people who don't know this divine composition Thirumalai,


> know thiru mAl (lord Vishnu)). Not just stopping with poo mAlai


> gArland) he composed this divine pAmAlai of 45 pAsurams which gives


> whole srivaishnavic essence. *



> *Salient features*

> **

> *Paasuram 2: BhUloka vaikundam vs parmapadam : Achuvai peRinum

> VEANDEAn-Immersed

> in beauty of Thiruvarangan, Sri ThoNdaradippodi preferred bhUlOka


> to paramapadham. *


> *Paasuram 4: ThirunAma magimai: 'moitha val vinaiyuL ninRu'

highlights the

> efficacy of ThirunAmam*

> **

> *Paasuram 9: Supremacy of Emperuman : 'mathumOAr dheivam vuNDEan' -


> paasuram unequivocally indicates that He is the Supreme and points

to the

> fact that He is sulaban (filled with saulabhyam) 'kaTrinam mEaitha


> kazhaliNai paNiminErEA'-Lord KrshNA *

> **

> *Paasuram 19: The archAvathAram is highly commended in the

pAsuram 'kuda

> disai mudaiyai vaithu' and EmperumAn's beauty is devoured. Since,

> vibhavAvathAram has gone long long back, AzvAr advocates for

> Thiruvarangam 'vaNdina

> muralum sOlai' and the beauty of arangan in 'kudadhisai mudiyai

vaithu' . *

> **

> *Paasuram 23: Purity :If yamunA is pure because of Sri krshNa


> (touch of krishna's divine body), kAvEri is pure because it

surrounds the

> Lord - and so naturally becomes purer than GangA - GAngaiyil


> kAviri naduvu pATTu. *


> *Paasuram 29:* *Thiruvarangan TheUltimate Refuge*: *AzvAr talks of

The Lord

> as his refuge and has no other relatives 'vuravu maThoruvar illai' -

Oh! Lord

> You are my only relative and Your divine feet is my refuge **'pAril


> pAdha mUlam paTRu' .*

> **

> *Paasuram 38: DhvayArtham:* *That Lord EmperumAn is upAya/upEyam is

> underscored in the pAsuram 'mEamporuL pOgavittu..vAzhum sOambarai


> pOlum'. * *Like Srimad bhagavat geetha to Mahabharatha and charama

sloka to

> Srimad bhagavat geetha this paasuram is the essence of thirumaalai.


> The nature of soul to Look at Him for refuge and He has to lift us

up. This

> is crystallised as pAsuram 'mEam poruL pOga vittu'

> *




> *The fundamental principles of SrevaishNavisam being 'Birth is not


> criteria but devotion to Sriman NarAyaNA is' spelt out in the


> following the mEmporuL pAsuram *




> *mEamporuL mEAliR pATTil visadhamAgak kANaLAm.

(Srivachanabhooshanam 227)*




> *The bhAgavatha shEshathvam is highlighted in these pAsuram-s and

AzvAr thus

> came to be known as the speck of dust of devotee's divine feet -

anbar thAL

> thUli- ThoNDar aDip podi. *


> ** * *


> *This azhwAr has another uniqueness since he performed

mangalAsAsanam only

> to Srirangam and no other divyadesam. Due to this, Srirangam

attained the

> 'Number One position' among all the srivaishnava divyadesams,

having the

> uniqueness of having the mangalasasanams from all the 10 AzhwArs. *




> *kOthaNdE jyEsta nakshatrE mandangudi purOthbhavam*


> *chOLOrvyAm vanamAlAmsam bhakthabhatrENumAsrayE*


> **


> **


> *Thondaradipodi Azhvar ThiruvadigalE sharaNam*




> *VaravaramunidasargaL*


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