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India's full and active participation...

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India's full and active participation in efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction a major condition for the Nuclear Deal

Media Release

Dec. 21, 2006


Attacking US President George W Bush, senior Democratic lawmakers have described as "outrageous" and "shameless" his statement that he considered certain provisions in the new law Indo-US civil nuclear deal as mere "advisory". Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, who was the author of the Harkin Amendment which said it shall be the policy of the US to secure India's full and active participation in efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, sharply criticised the President for his clarification, seen in many quarters as an attempt by the White House to allay concerns and apprehensions of India.

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Unfortunately, the US president bush is an outlaw. He disregards the entire content of the US Coinstitution, and actually believes he is transcendental to any laws of the country he pretends to represent. He is liable for impeachment proceedings, and he is also liable in front of the world court to stand trial for major war crimes. He is not president by the will of the american people, in fact, the leader of Iran has more authority to claim leadership of Iran than bush and his criminal administration have to lay claim on America. I really hope that people from other nations recognize this person for who he is, and never make deals with such a devil.


India needs no permission from US to have and even use nuclear weapons. India has the right to arrange agreements with anyone they choose to. India is an independent nation who threw the british out 60 years ago. But independence (and related freedom) is easily lost, as the american populace may soon attest to. "Outrageous" and "shameless" are diplomatic terms used by the political opposition of America, the democratic party. Other terms for his behavior are used by a huge and growing segment of american society, who will no longer tolerate this blatant fascist takeover by the oil barons and elitist corporate functionaries.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


The future of America depends on nations like India to hold onto their freedom, their democracy, their independence. Treaties and other such things are not legal from the executive branch of the government, by US Constitution, please dont enter into any agreeements with such demogogues.

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Unfortunately, the US president bush is an outlaw. He disregards the entire content of the US Coinstitution, and actually believes he is transcendental to any laws of the country he pretends to represent. He is liable for impeachment proceedings, and he is also liable in front of the world court to stand trial for major war crimes. He is not president by the will of the american people, in fact, the leader of Iran has more authority to claim leadership of Iran than bush and his criminal administration have to lay claim on America. I really hope that people from other nations recognize this person for who he is, and never make deals with such a devil.


India needs no permission from US to have and even use nuclear weapons. India has the right to arrange agreements with anyone they choose to. India is an independent nation who threw the british out 60 years ago. But independence (and related freedom) is easily lost, as the american populace may soon attest to. "Outrageous" and "shameless" are diplomatic terms used by the political opposition of America, the democratic party. Other terms for his behavior are used by a huge and growing segment of american society, who will no longer tolerate this blatant fascist takeover by the oil barons and elitist corporate functionaries.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


The future of America depends on nations like India to hold onto their freedom, their democracy, their independence. Treaties and other such things are not legal from the executive branch of the government, by US Constitution, please dont enter into any agreeements with such demogogues.


Yes you are right!!!! This is the reason I am trying to get hold of a copy of the recent deal,, so that could arrange a protest...Difficult to get but!!!!!


I/we are not against US or for that matter any other country in this world (except pakistan)...:smash:


Hari hari bol

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Another thing, its suprising to see US giving such an importance to India, I cant belive this,,, Krishna plays here trust me Krishna plays here


Hari bol


It's easy to understand Krsnadasa,

Every nation who are in close geographic proximity to some of these button pushers feel threatened that some ratbag may just have a bad day and be pushed into using their full power of destruction on their non aligned neighbors.

So Bush and his cronies play on other countries fears and insecurities to panic them into aligning with America. It being the most powerful bully in the world. The lesser armed countries figure if they hop into bed with America that America will always support them if the sh-- hits the fan. Australia and Great Britain are also in this predicament of supporting America in their common fight against evil, or whatever they name it. In return for support if they ever need it. Even tho here in Australia now the majority of the population no longer support being dragged into these dirty little wars along with our allies, as most people feel it is not our problem and we shouldn't be involved. Every time a country aligns with any other country in war they will make enemies where they previously may have had none, and bring more resentment towards their shores.


America knows your difference with Pakistan is based on religion at it's rootand that ultimately they could trust India before Pakistan, but in signing treaties that are supposed to scare your neighbors, will only up the anti further for others to enter the stand off.


Srila Sridhara Maharaj told about 20 years ago that "America is coming to swallow the whole world." And in more ways than one we can see that.

India really has to learn to stand on it's own strengths and not become Americas' sacrificial cow.

It may not be avoidable if every country is forced into siding one way or the other, but before that ever happens we should do our best to keep friendships wherever possible, not that we have to agree with their values.

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Sometimes, because of the uncanny criminality of the US Gov, I think (my own opinion) that these demons would love to see India and Pakistan go full throttle. Then the heat on these criminals would deisappate.


However, Pakistan was created by Britain, and is not really a fact. It is India. Ghandi felt he failed mother India by letting the west take this last destructive stab at India, after taking all the wealth, plundering everything. They left grave enemies.


The US is presently run by those who want civil wars everywhere. They love abbas and hamas squaring off. They love chechniya, they love war lords in afghan, they love sunni-shiite rifts. Saddam is swe4ntences to death for killing kurdsw, but the US conspires with turkey to let them be killed, US gives saddam all the WMDs needed.


WMDs were found in Iraq, but the criminals could not pat themselves on the back with a big justification press release because these WMDs came from new jersey.


Pak is not a problem. There are people who live in pak that are just lackeys of disc ord, and India also has them as well. But hindus and muslims can live together in peace, it is seen in history. There are other things going on that have nothingt to do with which form of the Supreme Lord one worships, be he allah (all compasionate) or Krsna (all attractive). In america, the opposition has a slogan, "follow the money". There we see the root of all evil. The4 interests of an elitist few create havok for all the innocents of all sides, the humble shiite, hindu, sunni, christian, jew.


This is why gandhi is the hero of the twentieth century, because he saw through the brainwashing that caused enmity between those who should be quite compatible as neighbors and friends. There is enough resources to make all of south asia completely happy and at peace, but those greed masters of war want you to kill your neighbor so he can have all the stuff, more crown jewels.


This is actually a slap on all our faces. We see questions on how to surrender on another topic. We dont, unless we are defeated. Enough, thios martya loka, this planet of death, I need to breathe, so I give it all up.


Sorry fro rambling here, folks, but my heart is always on India, a place I never saw, but also a place I never leave. Im very proud of Indias position as the leader of non-alligned nations. India stands alone. Hew wealth is her people, who always are quite favored. I pray that she does not offer herself to a pretend lover who really intends to treat her like a whore. Read the storiesw of the polynesians of Hawaii or our indigenous peoples who tried to give themselves to the US in love and honesty, and see their naked and bruised bodies strewn along the railroad tracks of history.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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It all started on the day Lord left to his abode after showing his Lila... Brits and Americans were just a tool in the real play.. We pay for the Adharmic acts that we have been pefroming right through this age.. India was supposed to teach the world of how to live in this mrtyu loka to get the better in the next, but the ship is crusing in the wrong direction.. and its been guided by the corrupt politicians..When the responsible and knowledgble commit a mistake , then they have to pay to a larger extent than the ignorant ones.. this is the case with Bharatha..


I just can hope that one day the dead consience, self esteem of the people of this holy land would revive and only then they see the truth as it is.


Hari hari bol

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