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No Siddhi

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Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram

We have recieved few mails blaming sadhnas for their failures and difficulies faced by them. We are also sadhaks like them. We have to say this as per our experience so that they change their false thinking of being "decieved" or being "mislead" about the effects of sadhnas.

There are so much associated factors that it is very difficult to

point out any necessary factor.

Success in sadhna requires faith in Guru, Mantra, sadhna,

& on himself/herself.This is an often repeated line because it is the most important line.

Take one thing for sure there is nothing lacking from

the Guru,mantra or sadhna. Whatever is lacking, is from

the side of sadhak only. Whatever we may say this

fact, it is always true when the knowledge of Guru is Tried, Tested and accepted by authorities which matter.

Judging the Guru and his knowledge is a stage prior to

Guru Diksha. All these doubts need to be cleared before taking

Gurudiksha. A person should use his all logic and reasoning ablilties before accepting some as your Guru.

Once a person has accepted someone as his Guru

the he should act and believe on whatever is said and directed by Guru.

There can be no other way. Either you stand on the shore or jump into

the sea to collect gems of knowledge. There is no third alternative.

After taking Guru Diksha all of us have some experience or the

other which tells us that we are getting benefit from the sadhna.

Many sadhaks start thinking that these are normal events of life

which should not be attributed to the result of sadhna. They get enchanted by

the picture of the world they see around themsleves. There logic is, there are so many people

who are not doing sadhnas, they are also getting the same benefits as we do.

After this, no matter what effect a sadhna makes in the life or

personality of sadhak, he is not ready to accept that it is the result of

sadhna or blessings of Guru.He has his own parameters about the success in sadhna

without realising that a mountain of obstacles is blocking the results of his sadhna as per his/her own

liking . This is the last straw on the back on the camel.

After this a single blow of harsh reality of life, in these distrubed

circumstances prevailing around us in this world, shatters all these notions and believes.

Suddenly a person realises how helpless he is before Nature. To win over adversities of life

and Nature how important it is to have faith in Guru.

This is not horrifying display of the realities of life to fill terror in the minds of sadhaks.

These are just the events going around us which we keep on wishing away by closing our

eyes and living in the world created by our own beliefs,dreams, and values.

When faced with testing times, where does these values & beliefs go?

Don't we expect allround benefits from our sadhnas?

There is nothing wrong about expecting result of sadhna in particular way

and be focussed about that only, but who will take take of other dimensions of


Why do we take for granted that other things will be taken care automatically, we

just want the results as per our choice only?

Do we know what it takes to follow this approach?

Do we know what scarifices a person has to make and how

much hard work he has to do if he really wants to follow this strong approach for

getting results of sadhna as per own liking and choice?

Is sadhak ready to leave his family and friends to be completely focussed about his

objective? If his family is facing difficult time,

may be a severe desease or accident or some other life threatening situation, is that sadhak

ready not to let go any effect of his sadhna to ward off that situation?

Sadhak should not expect the Guru to tackle this whole messy situation and

simultaneous 100% results in his personal objective of sadhna siddhi also.

If you are so much interested in 100% results then divert your mind from everything around you

and work only for your Goal.Does a sadhak has such mental strength?

But a sadhak wants everything including the siddhi he is working for.

He wants to be financially secure, he wants his health to be perfect, he wants safety from accidents, he wants well being of the

family, he wants respect from the people around him, he wants all good things for which people aspire for and

he wants complete control over the divine form whose sadhna he is doing. A single siddhi may give all round success, but

mind of sadhak is already engaged in all those abovementioned needs of life.

A sadhak is not ready to wait for getting siddhi first and then getting the desired things. He is not

ready to have patience and keep a balanced pace considering the

complexities of his life. He is not ready to accept that mantra japa he does and dikshas he take are going

into taking care of so many aspects of his life. He takes everything for granted. He looks only at the outer picture of

his surroundings. He thinks if others are leading a seemingly similar life like him then he is entitled to get

these so called ordinary benefits of life as his birthright.

Meaning of sadhna & Guru is lost and he is back to profit loss equation of day to day life based on his part experiences and present

surroundings. His attitude towards any finer aspect of sadhna or love of Guru is like "what is the big deal in it, I am also doing


Now we all can imagine where are we going if we get caught in circumstances similar to this sadhak with same kind of

attitude,casualness and carelessness about the benefits which we get from sadhna and blessings of Guru.

Worst part of it is that it happens to a sadhak after taking Guru Diksha.

Whatever we described above is what goes in front of the screen. There can be countless similar situation in the life

of a sadhak like described above. You may personally experience them, feel them and think about them.

Behind the scene obstacles are also equally complex and we will just mention a few of them.

We are uasally not aware of these hidden obstacles and only Guru knows about those and guides us

accordingly. Here by Guiding we does not mean that he individually tells everyone at every step about

what to do and what not.

There can be any kind of obstacles in our way. Past bad karma of many previous births,

pitri dosha, Curse of divine powers, Negative energy surrounding

the place of sadhna or living, inability to understand the

importance of special time periods for better results of sadhna

due lack of Kaal Gyan, laziness, transient emotions overpowering

the heart & mind (Fear, Anger etc. 32 in total), lack of good

health, improper food habits, tendency to show off unnecessarily

the progess made in sadhnas everywhere and much more.

If we quit the sadhna then it is our loss only. Guru,mantra,

sadhna and this whole knowledge will remain at their divine


In the process we will not recognise the value whatever we

already have with ourselves.

We have Guru who is the best in whole universe, we have

got a powerful mantra in Guru Mantra which will help us in getting

success in spiritual and material pursuits.There is so much being offered

to us, then why be desparate?

It is clearly said that if we deserve anyhthing then there will

not be any delay in giving that to us by Gurudev. Do we have faith on Guru's promise and patiencein our effort?

If we are getting something then there is something lacking in us only. This is not said to

demotivate any sadhak or ridicule the effort of sadhak. This is said to make him look at his own weakness,

then work to get rid of them. This is a gradual process. It is never easy to accept one's own weaknesses.

Just for the sake of listening we may listen to the hard words of Gurudev but deep inside our heart we never

accept those words of criticism as our own. We usually think that we are free of these drawback, maybe Gurudev are

saying these words about some other sadhak. Therfore we can see how difficult it is to accept crticism even from Guru whom

we claim to love more than our life.

Sadhaks say they have taken this many levels of particular Diksha and not getting the siddhi.

Shaktipat diksha is important step towards siddhi but they forget to keep in mind many others things.

We only remember that if we do this sadhna and then we will get this siddhi. So much else is written on

pages around it about what it takes to be deserving sadhak for that siddhi. We do not consider those pages

or just take them as "routine advice". We never bother to think about that what is "devotion". Just like a

person can write complete book and still can not define word " sweet". Untill a person tastes it, there is

no way to someone realise what is "sweet".

Inspite of so much demanding nature of this path of sadhna we feel lucky to follow it.

The reason is that the basic purpose of Diksha is to transform an "undeserving person " into a person qualified to

do sadhna. The very purpose of writing this long mail is this only. On personal level Our Group feels gratitude towards Gurudev

for making us persons qualified to do sadhna. Not only us you will find many accomplished sadhaks saying this in

literature available with our siddhashram sadhak parivar.

Some sadhaks has some complaints about not getting siddhis in their sadhnas with indirect blame on Gurudham.

If it was so easy to get siddhis then no one in this world would have been poor.

Many sadhaks go to gurudham and complain about their failures to Gurubhais there. In some cases they are caught in some difficult

sitaution or some kind of emergency and request for immediate help with instant results through the effort of Gurudham. Therefore in those cases sometimes

sadhaks at Gurudham offered to do some anushthan for them for results as per their liking. Many sadhaks go on the backfoot

when they are told about the demands of that anushtahan. Their minds again is filled with many doubts and they back out.

We have personally seen many sadhaks complaining before Srivatavji and feeling not so good when Srivastavji tell about what they have to

do instant results.

Therefore the better way is for sadhak to do the hardwork on their own with lots of patience and keep on doing sadhnas as per their capacity.

Do not run too hard so that you loose your breath.

We are quoting few lines from the description of sadhna on page no. 82 in November 2006 issue.

"...........once a sincere aspirant is steered on to the path of sadhna he all of a sudden has a taste of Divine nectar which

prompts him to seek deeper to reach the source.

This stage however is crucial, for the first encounter is so pleasent that one may be tempted to neglect one's materail needs

and duties and devote all time to meditation. This would lead to failure on the material front amd then frustration. Final result is that

one is either left impoverished or one blindly rushes into the race for wealth and power leaving one's spritual quest unfulfilled. This only creates

disillusionment and the individual in his ignorance shifts all blame onto the Guru.

...........only through perect balance can the Supreme Goal be achieved. Hence.............."

This description appears in "Gurutatva Sadhna" .

Therefore as it is said there a person should have balanced approach and follow the "the path of golden mean"

or middle path.

Only other sadhak will ineterfere in your sadhana to help us get siddhi untill he has order from Gurudev. Then

why look for help here and there. Just keep on working on your own, Gurudev know what we need and how badly we need.

Don't complain too much.

Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram Nikhileshwaram



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