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Soundarya Lahiri--Verse 8

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sudhasindhormadhyey suravitapi vatee parivrutey

manidveepey neepopavanavati cintamani gruhey

sivaakarey manchey paramasiva paryankanilayaam

bhajanti tvaam dhanyaah katicana cidaanandalalahireem

amidst an ocean of sweetness, encircled by heavenly gardens (on) :

an island of gems, (with the fragrance of) breeze from Kadamba trees(English?), in a cave (studded with precious) wish fulfilling gems :

on a cot that is in the shape of Siva, (oh mother) who reclines (gracefully) on a couch that is Paramasiva(him self) :

(only) the blessed few worship you (contemplating on you in this form and feel) the waves of eternal bliss/happiness.

This is perhaps the most beautiful verse in Soundarya Lahiri. Rhyme and musical quality can be seen by the consonant use fitting into the meter. Like sudha sindho or vitapi vatee. It has the grace and elegance that match the supremely beautiful( Soundarya) form that Adi Sankara is describing. This verse comes just before he describes the ascent of kundalini through the chakras. It is the goal. It is the temple you reach after climbing through an arduous path.This is the mother illuminated by soft moon light. Her abode is an island in this sea of light and has the splendour that befits a palace for the most royal queen of all worlds. Her abode is surrounded by gardens and cool breeze flows bringing with it the fragrance of the plants.She is present on the form of Paramasiva but appears distinct as if she is seated/reclining on a couch which is Paramasiva. This dual but distinct form is supported by Siva, as a seat/couch is supported by a structure. Only the blessed

can contemplate on and worship this form

Waves of eternal pleasure resulting from this contemplation will lift the devotee into a sublime state of consciousness. A few blessed have experienced earlier and described it. Why only a few ? Is it denied to others ? Implicit here is the Master/Guru who had this experience and can take another along, in this path to the destined goal. There is no explicit reference to need for a Guru in Soundarya Lahiri. But here and in another verse where he

says " Mahaantah Pashyantey " which means the great(sadhakas?) see(her) there is implicit need for learning through a Guru and in ways that have been known for a long time. In another composition " Viveka Cudamani" he dwells at length on the Guru/Sishya relationship. The qualities of a Sadguru and the learner are described.

Medhavee purusho vidvan uhaapoha vicakshanah

Adhikarah atma vidyanaam ukta lakshana lakshitah

The learner/seeker should have a sound intellect and the logical ability to distinguish between real and unreal. He can then earn the right(Adhikarah) to learn Atma Vidya.He should also have some other qualities which are mentioned(else where). He should find a Guru whose qualities are also described in Vivek Chudamani. This Guru has to carefully chose and transmit the knowledge after preparing the learner's body and mind through training

I read earlier in a discussion in this group, that even in the past as now, there were only a few Sadgurus. To meet one, " Kruta punya prabha" is


At the end of it all, there is bliss and eternal happiness. Bhagavad Gita says self realisation is possible for every one. But there is a path to the peak. Perhaps one can find it for one self by searching. Bur such a search has many pitfalls and delusions that mislead the traveller. A good guide can smooth the passage, but still one has to climb a long way.

Yantra is like + sign with 2 perpendicular straight lines intersecting at the centre. The vertical line ends in tridents in both directions. The horizontal line has only one trident which is to the left(west). The Bijaksharam is " RUM " with u as in RUN and is in the first quadrant near to the centre

The source I am referring gives 2 types of Upasana Vidhi(method):

!) For a spiritual objective which is to break away from the bonds of Birth, Death, Decease etc and lead a spiritual life. This is consistent with the meaning of the verse.

2) A materialistic benefit as in case of relief from wrongful imprisonment or being held captive etc.

My source also advises that Bijaksharam RUM being Agnibijam(associated with fire), due care is needed in Upasana.


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