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Was Mirabai an incarnation of Shrimati Radha?

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There is a group of vaishnavas called Alvars of which I know very little except they approach Krsna directly. Many think that Mira is an incarnation of Radharani. This is not so with Gaudiya Vaishnavas who insist on approaching Krsna through his devotees.



How do Gaudiya Vaishnavas consider her?
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There are many stories, and none of them can be confirmed either by scripture or by logic. It's the bad habit of Hindus to always give a divine significance to ordinary people, even when there's no shastric support.

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Srila Prabhupada said:

SB 2.3.15 purport,



The celebrated Mīrā Bāī was a staunch devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa as the great lifter of Govardhana Hill.


Apparently, Mira Bai worshipped the deity of Lord Krishna as Giridhari.


I have never seen any reference of any Gaudiya acharya refer to her as an incarnation of Radharani.


Radha incarnates with Krishna.

There is no incarnation of Krishna that Mira Bai was known to be associated with.


She is known as a devotee of the Ragamarga.

She did not practice sadhana-bhakti.

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She was the incarnation of LAlita Gopi.One of Radhajis friends.


Anonymous statements such as this coming from an anonymous poster on a forum will never be acceptable to any devotee who requires proper authority to make such claims.


What Swami, guru or saint has said this of Mira Bai?


None of the gurus in the Gaudiya sampradaya has ever approved such an idea, so no Gaudiya devotee will ever likely accept such far-fetched claims.


In proper Vaishnava discussion, everything must be established on proper authority.

You can't just pop in to a forum and make outragious claims anonymously and expect anyone to take you seriously.


It's actually an instult to the other members to think that anyone would accept such anonymous claim on a forum.


There is so much nonsense that goes on in the name of "Hindu" religion.


Educated Vaishnavas don't accept such Hindu hodgepodge.

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