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former president of Iraq has been dispatched

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Bhakta Don Muntean

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Well at last the former president of Iraq has been dispatched to the courts of Yamaraja - about time...i bet he wishes he had made different choices now...


This guy was like the ancient cruel king vena and he wasn't fear personfied for upstarts - he was an upstart.


Should we pity him? No.


God Bless America! God Bless Iraq!

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Yes he paid the price afterall!!!



Well at last the former president of Iraq has been dispatched to the courts of Yamaraja - about time...i bet he wishes he had made different choices now...


This guy was like the ancient cruel king vena and he wasn't fear personfied for upstarts - he was an upstart.


Should we pity him? No.


God Bless America! God Bless Iraq!

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To enjoy the suffering of others is symptom of the demoniac. The difference between King Vena and saddam is that the brahmanas who capitally punished Vena also produced the personalities of King Prthu and Queen Arci.


The punishers of saddam have produced akmadinajak and the shiite takeover of Iraq, something the brutal saddam prevented for many years.


So I dont cheer this move, it is political suicide, making regional civil war inevitable. Many westerner fanatics cheer because they love to see muslims killing muslims, just as LAPD loved the black on black, blood-crip-crip nonsense in the eighties.


Time to duck, friends, impeachment means bush will nuke someone.


sad mahax

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News Brief – December 30, 2006



"Saddam Hussein has been executed for crimes against humanity, Iraqi officials claim.

Hung just before 3am British time, they added that the former Iraqi dictator put up no resistance and asked for his Koran to be passed on to someone.

Saddam was said to be in a defiant mood on the gallows and refused to wear a hood.

Before being executed he is alleged to have shouted: 'God is great. Or so the official story goes.

However this website is extremely sceptical, the reason being that we don’t believe that the man tried and executed was in fact Saddam Hussein but one of his doubles, if indeed an execution even took place.

Outlandish as this may sound, the evidence for this claim is substantial and convincing. See the links below":

Saddam’s wife could not recognise her husband


Mrs Saddam Says Saddam Not Saddam


Iraqi Commander Swears he saw USAF fly Saddam out of Baghdad


Hussein Given Safe Haven in Belarus?


Shaddam Shaddam New Vaudeville Scam!


Yes, but Where Are the Saddam Look-Alikes?


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posted 2006-12-30 10:45


Bangalore: Devotees from South India believe that Saddam Hussein has a good chance of attaining salvation, as he was hanged on auspicious day of Vaikuntha Ekadashi.


See the video: http://www.ibnlive.com/videos/29889/saddam-has-chance-to-attain-moksha.html


Since it's believed that if one gets darshan of god and receives mercy on this day, one can reach the abode of god quickly, said Iskcon Vice-President in Bangalore Chanchalapathi Das.


Though he ran out of luck in Iraq, Hindu priests believe there's still hope for Saddam, in the afterlife. Saddam died on Vaikuntha Ekadashi, which is auspicious for attaining salvation.


As it's coincidental that on this day he was hanged and it's an auspicious day. Therefore there's some benefit for his soul. Not that all his sins will be pardoned, but it's good fortune that he'll get blessings of god. It's not that whatever your sins you'll be promoted, but some good fortune will happen. Maybe god will bless him with wisdom, said Chanchalapathi Das.



Thousands of devotees throng Vishnu and Krishna temples on Vaikuta Ekadashi, which fell on December 30 this year.


They believe that Vaikunta Dwar or Swarg Dwar the doors of heaven are open on Saturday.


Saddam's hanging on this day perhaps gives hope for his soul. And what most people think is that no sin is so great that it can't be forgiven.



Devotees believe:


  • If you come here on Vaikunta Ekadashi, you'll go to heaven
  • Every one's sins will be forgiven
  • If he really repents for his sins, he'll be forgiven
  • You'll get moksha

Sinner or not, it's the day when thousands seek heavenly grace at prominent Vishnu temples like Iskcon and Tirupathi.

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This is his last words. Go ahead and have your opinions.


He was convicted of exacting extreme measures against islamic fanatics who were involved in an attempt of assassination. Now try to imagine an enclave of extremists holed up after an assassination attempt against a US President. What would that president order?


Janet Reno ordered the execution of 50 men, women, and children at waco, and their crime was that their leader was accused (but never proved to be) of child abuse.


There are many worse political criminals who were coddled by the US (Pinochet, Moise Tsombe, Shah Pahlavi, Papa Doc Duvalier). This execution is a mafia revenge hit of a competitor who became a target because he tried to off Papa don Bush.


I mourn his death. Just see how the next guy rules that god-forsaken place and what measures he has to take to keep social order. GW Bush and GHW Bush have killed many times more innocent Iraqis than Saddam.


sad mahax

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I tend to agree that this is nothing to celebrate. I haven't been celebrating it either but I was surprised they actually carried it out. I kept expecting him to be pardoned for his crimes and I figured eventually he would end up working for Hillary's election campaign or as a Fox News Middle East correspondent or something.

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Good one, am. But the sad thing is that he was officially at war with Iran at the time, being our person to avenge the hostage crisis. The shiites that tried to assassinate him in 1982 were engaged in an act of war, fully surrendered to the ayatollah khomeni. It would be a derelection of duty to do anything other than he did.


Granted, you will never hear me defend saddams brutality, but please give me a break. War is brutal, and the leaders on nations should not be brought to trial for DEFENDING their country from their declared enemies. Especially when one considers the great brutality against Iraqis by Khomeni forces during the same conflict. The definition of war crimes does not fit at all in this case. Had the shiitesd been taken prisoner and summarily gunned down, then perhaps. But this was not the case.


Our recently resigned SECDEF at the time, as well as our present VP were both saddams allies. Both had arranged weapons of mass destruction to be delivered to sadedam for the purpose of defeating the Islamic fundamentalists who declared a jihad against all americans. Both rumsfeld and chaney were filmed cordially associating with saddam during this exact same time frame.


The entire world knows that to enter agreements with the US is like selling their souls to the devil. Noriega trafficed drugs on behalf of the US govt, who illegally sponsored (from the finances obtained by Noriega) the contras, who were fighting against the democratically elected Sandinasta Government of Nicaragua. Noriega was repaid by GHW Bush, who killed thousands on christmas, and defied SANCTUARY by arresting him in a church. And now we have rhetoric against the leader of Iran who was a great friend of Reagan getting arms from him, having made a deal with him to keep the hostages until carter was defeated, allowing reagan to take power.


I think that saddam should be playing golf with noriega, this would be the proper way to deal with our ex-agents.


sad mahax

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Pink floyd had the final solution:


Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere

And build them a home a little place of their own

The fletcher memorial

Home for incurable tyrants and kings

And they can appear to themselves every day

On closed circuit t.v.

To make sure theyre still real

Its the only connection they feel

ladies and gentlemen, please welcome reagan and haig

Mr. begin and friend mrs. thatcher and paisley

Mr. brezhnev and party

The ghost of mccarthy

The memories of nixon

And now adding colour a group of anonymous latin

American meat packing glitterati

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect

They can polish their medals and sharpen their

Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while

Boom boom, bang bang, lie down youre dead

Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye

With their favourite toys

Theyll be good girls and boys

In the fletcher memorial home for colonial

Wasters of life and limb

Is everyone in?

Are you having a nice time?

Now the final solution can be applied


sad mahax

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Pink floyd had the final solution:


Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere

And build them a home a little place of their own

The fletcher memorial

Home for incurable tyrants and kings

And they can appear to themselves every day

On closed circuit t.v.

To make sure theyre still real

Its the only connection they feel

ladies and gentlemen, please welcome reagan and haig

Mr. begin and friend mrs. thatcher and paisley

Mr. brezhnev and party

The ghost of mccarthy

The memories of nixon

And now adding colour a group of anonymous latin

American meat packing glitterati

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect

They can polish their medals and sharpen their

Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while

Boom boom, bang bang, lie down youre dead

Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye

With their favourite toys

Theyll be good girls and boys

In the fletcher memorial home for colonial

Wasters of life and limb

Is everyone in?

Are you having a nice time?

Now the final solution can be applied


sad mahax


Yes the 'Final Cut' [A REQUIEM FOR THE POST WAR DREAM] - the lyrical genius of Roger Waters...i used to listen to this album all the time in the 80's and 90's - here is the track 'final cut':


Through the fish eyed lens of tear stained eyes

I can barely define the shape of this moment in time

And far from flying high in clear blue skies

I'm spiralling down to the hole in the ground where I hide

If you negotiate the minefield in the drive

And beat the dogs and cheat the cold electronic eyes

And if you make it past the shotguns in the hall

Dial the combination, open the priesthole

And if I'm in I'll tell you what's behind the wall

There's a kid who had a big hallucination

Making love to girls in magazines

He wonders if you're sleeping with your new found faith

Could anybody love him

or is it just a crazy dream

And if I show you my dark side

Will you still hold me tonight

And if I open my heart to you

and show you my weak side

What would you do

Would you sell your story to Rolling Stone

Would you take the children away

And leave me alone

And smile in reassurance

as you whisper down the phone

Would you send me packing

Or would you take me home

Thought I oughta bare my naked feelings

Thought I oughta tear the curtain down

I held the blade in trembling hands

Prepared to make it but just then the phone rang

I never had the nerve to make the final cut


...and here is the last track from the 1983 album:


'Two Suns in the Sunset'


In my rear view mirror the sun is going down

Sinking behind bridges in the road

And I think of all the good things

That we have left undone

And I suffer premonitions

Confirm suspicions

Of the holocaust to come

The rusty wire that holds the cork

That keeps the anger in

Gives away

And suddenly it's day again

The sun is in the east

Even though the day is done

Two suns in the sunset


Could be the human race is run

Like the moment when the brakes lock

And you slide towards the big truck

You stretch the frozen moments with your fear

And you'll never hear their voices

And you'll never see their faces

You have no recourse to the law anymore

And as the windshield melts

My tears evaporate

Leaving only charcoal to defend

Finally I understand

The feelings of the few

Ashes and diamonds

Foe and friend

We were all equal in the end


...pink floyd is to rock what beethoven is to music...

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The present leader of Iran was the head of the students of khomeni who took the hostages. Secord did business with him, negotiations took place with akmaddinajak, and promises were made. Promises to arm Iran, by the US, to pay for treasonous actions by our government to support overthrow of democratrically elected sandinistas,


Carter was asked about his "failure" recently, and he said it was a victory. All hostages were retrieved, and he didnt have to go to war which would have killed them all.

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hmmmm-i dint know that about the students. thank you.

i don't feel sorry for the sandy's though. if they hadn't treated the population like serfs (miskito tribe) and lived like feudal lords (ortega) they would still be in power. with ot without the contras. still doesn't excuse our actions.

didn't carter try a military rescue that resulted in some fatalities? i seem to remember a helicopter fiasco. kbd

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