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vaisnava teachings of Lord Jesus Christ

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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


“The sastras [scripture] of the yavanas, or meat-eaters, are not eternal scriptures. They have been fashioned recently, and sometimes they contradict one another. The scriptures of the yavanas are three: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their compilation has a history; they are not eternal like the Vedic knowledge. Therefore although they have their arguments and reasoning, they are not very sound and transcendental. As such, modern people advanced in science and philosophy deem these scriptures unacceptable.”


Bhaktivinoda Thakura (Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharya, India, 1837-1914)


“Some philosophers say that because of the first living entity's sin all the other living entities are imprisoned in the material world. Later, punishing Himself for their sins, God delivers the living entities.”


“Deliberating on the virtues and faults of this world, some moralistic monotheists concluded that the material world is not a place of pure happiness. Indeed, the sufferings outweigh the pleasures. They claim that the material world is a prison to punish the living entities. If there is punishment, then there must be a crime. If there were no crime, then why would there be any punishment? What crime did the living entities commit? Unable to properly answer this question, some men of small intelligence gave birth to a very wild idea. God created the first man and placed him in a pleasant garden with his wife. Then God forbade the man to taste the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Following the evil counsel of a wicked being, the first man and woman tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thus disobeying God's command. In this way they fell from that garden into the material world filled with sufferings. Because of their offense, all other living entities are offenders from the moment of their birth. Not seeing any other way to remove this offense, God Himself took birth in a humanlike form, took on His own shoulders the sins of His followers, and then died. All who follow Him easily attain liberation, and all who do not follow Him fall into an eternal hell. In this way God assumes a humanlike form, punishes Himself, and thus liberates the living entities. An intelligent person cannot make sense of any of this.”


“These philosophers say that the living entity's life begins at birth and ends with death. After death, he is not born again. After death he attains the results of his actions in that one lifetime.”


“To accept this mixed-up religion one must first believe these rather implausible things: ‘The living entity's life begins at birth and ends at death. Before birth the living entity did not exist, and after death the living entity will no longer stay in the world of material activities. Only human beings have souls. Other creatures do not have souls.’ Only extremely unintelligent persons believe this religion. In this religion the living entity is not spiritual in nature. By His own will God created the living entities out of matter. Why are the living entities born into very different situations? The followers of this religion cannot say. Why is one living entity born into a house filled with sufferings, another living entity born into a house filled with joys, another living entity born into the house of a person devoted to God, and another living entity born into a wicked atheist's house? Why is one person born in a situation where he is encouraged to perform pious deeds, and he performs pious deeds and becomes good? Why is another person born in a situation where he is encouraged to sin, and he sins and becomes bad? The followers of this religion cannot answer all these questions. Their religion seems to say that God is unfair and irrational.”


“Why do they say that animals have no souls? Why do birds and beasts not have souls like human beings? Why do the human beings have only one life, and, because of their actions in that one life are rewarded in eternal heaven or punished with eternal hell? Any person who believes in a truly kind and merciful God will find this religion completely unacceptable.”


“These philosophers say that by cultivating fruitive work and speculative philosophy one should make improvements in the material world and in this way please God.”


“The followers of this religion have no power to worship God selflessly. In general their idea is that by cultivating fruitive work and speculative philosophy one should work to make improvements in the material world and in this way please God. By building hospitals and schools, and by doing various philanthropic works, they try to do good to the world and thus please God. Worship of God by performing fuitive work (karma) and by engaging in philosophical speculation (jnana) is very important to them. They have no power to understand pure devotional service (suddha-bhakti), which is free of fruitive work and philosophical speculation. Worship of God done out of a sense of duty is never natural or unselfish. "God has been kind to us, and therefore we should worship Him." These are the thoughts of lesser minds. Why is this not a good way to worship God? Because one may think, "If God is not kind to me, then I will not worship Him." In this way one has the selfish, bad desire to get God's kindness in the future. If one wishes that God will be kind by allowing one to serve Him, then there is nothing wrong with that desire. But the religion under discussion does not see it in that way. This religion sees God's kindness in terms of one's enjoying a happy life in this material world.”

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“To accept this mixed-up religion (Christ and Christianity) one must first believe ...implausible things"

Bhaktivinode Thakur


No acharya recommends the scriptures of the Judeo Christian tradition. It is hodge podge mixed up and not transcendental no matter how much you try to read into it.


There is no historical evidence that Jesus even existed. There is nothing new that Jesus taught not already taught in other pagan cults of the day.


Prabhupada was being very generous with the western people he was preaching to to bring them to the proper conclusions. No achaarya sees much in the teachings of Christ. Basic abc karma kanda stuff at best. At worst it breeds the worst kind of fundamental fanaticism. Just look at what our neocon born again Christian President Bush has gotten us into. This crap has been going on for 2,000 years. It is time for the truth about Christianity to be told and the Vaishnavas should be brave enough to come out and tell it like it is.


Christianity has been a plague for 2,000 years. The Bible is the handbook for atrocities and genocide.

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At worst it breeds the worst kind of fundamental fanaticism. Just look at what our neocon born again Christian President Bush has gotten us into. This crap has been going on for 2,000 years. quote by guest


It is clear in this twenty first century that religious fanatics are a huge problem. I would say that there are religious fanatics pervading many religions and so-called spiritualities.


Any sane person, in this current age, would analyse his own faith and weed out traces of fanaticism from his own path. I am sure you would agree.


It is something we must work on, or at least be conscious of.

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***Real Unity (transcendental loving devotion)***


When we are on the material platform, there are different types of religions — Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and so on. These are instituted for a particular time, a particular country or a particular person. Consequently there are differences. Christian principles are different from Hindu principles, and Hindu principles are different from Muslim and Buddhist principles. These may be considered on the material platform, but when we come to the platform of transcendental devotional service, there are no such considerations. The transcendental service of the Lord (sādhana-bhakti) is above these principles. The world is anxious for religious unity, and that common platform can be achieved in transcendental devotional service. This is the verdict of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. When one becomes a Vaiṣṇava, he becomes transcendental to all these limited considerations..... (CC Madhya 25.121 purport AC Bhaktivedanta Swami)


My thoughts...


Saying this, the transcendental devotees objective in discussing spirituality with others, is never with aims of converting them. In the transcendental science the material designations are of a secondary nature. If there is any objective at all, it is only to inspire the listener to deepen their chosen faith. And hopefully oneday to rise above material designations to transcendental realization.


By transcending material designations one is not required to leave one’s chosen religion. But by rising above these material designations people of all faith may perceive their common unity and live together in love and harmony. With devotion ever present in their hearts.


Surely such transcendental realization (devotional service) is the panacea for a divided world. Where so much bigotry, hatred, and war has been enacted in the name of God. Where religious fanaticism has tainted religion and divided many.


According to Jesus Christ, the greatest goal for all humanity is to love God with all your heart; so I perceive that flowing from this, we are to love all souls (the parts and parcels of God) by giving them the Holy Names. This will be the greatest wealth. Devotional service culminating in love of God is the eternal religion of all mankind.

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Vaisnava means worshipper of "Vishnu" . So did Jesus, if he even existed at all, tell people to worship Vishnu? No. So he did not give Vaishnava teachings.

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And it would not have been so difficult for Jesus, if there even was such a person historically, to just come out and say, "Look you people: you know the Gods that the Romans worship in Rome in the Pantheon? The same ones that they learned from the Greeks but gave them different names? Well they are from India originally. So here are all the Sanskrit names for all of them..."


I mean it would have been no biggie. But did Jesus do that? No. Who did do that? Prabhupada. And all of the great saints from India who have shared their culture with the West, that's who. Prabhupada and the other saints from India are the ones who taught Vaisnava teachings. They are the ones who used the word Vishnu. They are the ones who explained Visnu tattva.


And it would not have been so difficult because Rome had a rule where everyone had to respect all of the Gods: Unity in Diversity. No one was allowed to put down the other Gods and say "My God is better than your God"; that is what the Pantheon was all about: "Pan" = "many", "Theon" = "Gods". That was the State Temple of the Roman empire, pre-Christianity.


And when did the Roman empire start losing its battles? When under Christianity influence they stopped going to the Pantheon and worshipping the Goddess Victoria or Nike before battles. When they stopped worshipping Goddess Nike then that is when the Northern European tribes who still worshipped their Gods and respected Multitude of Gods sacked Rome.


It would have been sooooooo simple for Jesus to just say, "Hey people, look: God is blue like Poseidon and he wears a yellow toga and plays a flute like Pan. And He is jolly fellow like Dionysis" if he actually gave Vaisnava teachings. I mean they knew what Gods were who have Name, Form, Qualities and Pastimes back in the day.


All he would have had to say was, "Hey people, guess what? You know what they are doing in Rome? We ought to do that also. Just tweak it a bit for accuracy. Look, I was in India studying this stuff for the last 20 years; I know what I am talking about."


But did Jesus do that? No.

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And we can know for sure that the God of the Torah and the Bible was not Lord Vishnu or Krishna, because we know from the scriptures that the Lord does not accept meat offerings.


The God of the Hebrews must have been a minor deity and maybe an asura and not even a deva.


The God of the Hebrews sounds like an asura with all this meat-eating and meat-offerings of the Bible and the Torah.


I don't see how he could have been a deva, because the demigods do not eat meat.


Many asuras have been worshipped as God by all sorts of primitive peoples.

Maybe the Hebrews had been duped into worshipping an asura who was passing himself off as God?


If we look at the story of Judaism from a Vedic point of view I believe the picture is very clear. They were nomadic goat herders who were fighting to get land. They were surrounded on all sides by advanced cultures. Before Zoroastrian influence (they gave them the Torah, this is becoming a popular opinion among scholars) they were barbaric worshippers of many spirit gods. Ask any Parsi (Zoroastrian in India) they will say that indeed the Jews got their concepts from them, the concept of one good god and one bad god was given by the Persians (Zoroastrians) to the Jews. Prior to that they worshipped a demon called Molech hence the term Mlechha for those living outside Vedic culture. They engaged in offering babies to the demon Moloch before a more powerful demon god Yaweh ( a perversion of Azura Mazda the god of the Parsis) was given to them by the Persians, (Zoroastrians). Christianity is an evolution or more like devolution from these demonic religions. There is nothing transcendental about them in the least bit.


Vaishnavas should become learned in the history of Abrahamic religions and just see the destruction and abuse these religions have reeked for centuries. They are in no way pluralistic religions and all those who follow the Veda should wake up to this fact. In fact the present Pope when he was a Bishop was instrumental in blocking the construction of a Hindu temple in Russia.


All the so-called lovey dovey stuff they preach on the surface is just a guise for their real agenda.


Wake up Vaishnavas. The fact is in India today Christian missionaries are still reeking havoc.

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According to the Veda (Rg Veda), Zoroaster was the brother of Vashista. He appeared in the previous age. He came up with his own concocted religion. It was not accepted in India. He introduced the messianic idea of a day of judgement, Satan and all the other doctrines found in both Judaism and Christianity. Instead of accepting defeat in debate with the Rsi's Zoroaster was arrogant and took his teachings to Iran where they caught on and became the religion of the region. The Zoroastrians gave the Hebrews an upgrade on their belief system introducing monotheism.. Christianity is no more than the devolution of the teachings of a sour grapes sage called Zoroaster.

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I am glad for you guest, for your read knowledge about the evolution, and development, of the judaic people's understandings and relationship with God. Use it wisely.


Some of the judaic people's perceived that Jesus, was a further revelation and culmination of their understandings. For time and place and circumstance for sure from our Gaudiya perspective. But still the active hand of God leading all souls further on..yes?


So how very relevant is the teaching of Sri Caitanya...and if an 'open minded/hearted' christian or jew would be willing to give us ear...we would be most fortunate for the grace to sing the Lord's glories. Surely a granted priviledge to be grateful for.


So we are most fortunate to have been exposed to the message of Sri Gauranga. Because of this we have an oppurtunity to enter transcendental knowledge (devotional service). As I said, the real unity for mankind.


It would do us no good to behave like some fundamentalist evangelicals in our preaching, they claim Krsna to be a demon, don't they? So to copy this behaviour would be foolish.


I feel this is why the acarya's like Bhaktivinoda were straightforward, but also tactful. With the goal of raising up the receiver to transcendental knowledge. That is what I perceive from their writings anyway.

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History lesson:


Where did the word devil come from?


It is derived from the word deva. Zoroaster did a slight of hand. He considered the devas to be demons. Azura Mazda became his god (yes azura/asura like in demon). He rejected the devas and accepted an asura deity.


The God of the Hebrews is the same asura god. The same god Jesus was supposed to be representing and telling us to love.


This god accepted the blood of his enemies, encouraged rape and pillage, flooded the earth, destroyed his chosen ones and sent plagues because they did not worship him with a joyous heart etc. etc. etc.


Jesus is the fulfillment of this gods promise?


Or was Mohammad the fullfilment of this gods promise?


Take your pick they both come out of the same concocted can.


And the Jews are still waiting and fighting for their god given land and their messiah to appear!!!


Wake up Vaishnavas. The Bible, Koran and Torah are not the books of the Vaishnavas. They are man-made religious texts and teach sub-religious principles.

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I am glad for you guest, for your read knowledge about the evolution, and development, of the judaic people's understandings and relationship with God.


Some of the judaic people's perceived that Jesus, was a further revelation and culmination of their understandings. For time and place and circumstance for sure from our Gaudiya perspective. But still the active hand of God leading all souls further on..yes?


So how very relevant is the teaching of Sri Caitanya...and if an 'open minded/hearted' christian or jew would be willing to give us ear...we would be most fortunate for the grace to sing the Lord's glories. Surely a granted priviledge to be grateful for.


So we are most fortunate to have been exposed to the message of Sri Gauranga. Because of this we have an oppurtunity to enter transcendental knowledge (devotional service). As I said, the real unity for mankind.


It would do us no good to behave like the fundamentalist evangelicals in our preaching, they claim Krsna to be a demon, don't they? So to copy this behaviour would be foolish.


I feel this is why the acarya's like Bhaktivinoda were straightforward, but also tactful. With the goal of raising up the receiver to transcendental knowledge. That is what I perceive from their writings anyway.


Very good points and well taken.


Yes we should not become fanatics but we should be as outspoken about the concocted religions of the west and Middle East as our acharyas were outspoken when it came to the concoctions within Hinduism of the east. They were fearless in the face of great obstacles. But they succeeded because they spoke the truth.


Yes if these people who adhere to these concocted religions accept the teachings of Mahaprabhu the world will change for the good. It is the only thing that can save the world at this point.

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Yes, if we do spread the message of Mahaprabhu we can bring hope to this troubled place. It is sure in need of it isn't it?


I like this quote from Srila Prabhupada alot:


Christian principles are different from Hindu principles, and Hindu principles are different from Muslim and Buddhist principles. These may be considered on the material platform, but when we come to the platform of transcendental devotional service, there are no such considerations.



This is surely what we need for the world right now friend. The material designation/world still exists. But by grace and mercy we can then perceive a higher reality, where there are...no such considerations.


So how to inject this higher consciousness into the masses? Not requiring a Muslim or Chrsitian to become a Hare Krsna. But reaching a platform, the transcendental platform where we can stand together. United in devotion to the only true Supreme Person.

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You see, what I like about some of Mahaksadasa's writings in this thread, is that...if a christian reads such things they may become further enlightened about their own tradition. If they are not already, ofcourse. And also they may gain an appreciation of our tradition. Which from our understanding would be pious credits plus to them.


Raising one another to transcendental consciousness, through transcendental sounds...that is the objective. Where these so-called differences are no longer considered. Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krsna!

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Maybe Jesus said to love God, but if the god of the peoples he was preaching to was an asura, then what the hell kind of preaching is that.


The God of the Hebrews was a demon and the there is plenty of evidence for that in their own scriptures.


So, if Jesus was running around telling everybody to love the Hebrew God, he was implicated in encouraging worship of an asura.


Telling people to love god is no good if the god they know and fear is an asura.


I don't see anywhere Jesus gave the people any new god or a different god.

He was talking about the same old evil god that the Jews had been fearing all along.

The religion of the Hebrews was fear of the Asura God.

So, Jesus comes along and tells them not to fear this asura but love him, well then that has nothing to do with spirituality.

It is just devil worship.

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But, don't get me wrong.

There are a lot of good people that eat meat and consider themselves as Christians.

They have accepted a religion that is the traditional faith of the western world.

Their intentions are good, but they have been the vicitms of mass propaganda that has been going on in the name of "Christianity" for nearly 2000 years.


There are alot of good people that call themselves Christians.

The people are good, but the faith system is sorely lacking.


I am not putting down the goodness in people that consider themselves Christians.

I am just speaking out against a religious system that is very mixed-up and riddled with deep doctrinal aberrations.

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It is just devil worship:eek:

It is just devil worship:eek:

It is just devil worship:eek:

O yee of Liitle Faith!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's an example:

If there was a tribe of people who believed that George Bush was God and they lived in constant fear of Mr. Bush and worshipped him as God out of fear and then I come along and say "don't be afraid of Mr. Bush - love him", then is that religion?

Is that God consciousness?

Is that transcendentalism?


Well, that is what Jesus was about.

He was trying to get all these people who feared the asura god to learn to love him instead.

I don't see that as anything really positive in the spiritual sense.


Our father who art in Heaven?


Well, there is a subterrainean Heaven that is supposed to be even greater than the heavens of the demigods, so the god in heaven that Jesus was talking about could have been from the subterrainean heaven where Maya Danava and many other asuras enjoy sense grat that the demigods can only dream of.

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Where in any of my writings on the subject do I accept or even give slight appreciation of bogus christianity. So all the folks burned by the psuedo religiosity which is a product of kali yuga, not Lord Jesus Christ, cannot discern between the two.


It is a sad commentary, because we have personally seen, with the help of Srila Prabhupada's published warnings about psuedo religiosity which impersonates Vaisnavism, similar destruction of real vaisnavism.


Perhaps this whole thread can serve a warning to those who are presently taking vaisnavism as a sectarian concern, at the exclusion of all others. I have read all the threads that have tried to discredit my writings, and as clearly stated in the beginning article of this thread, I actually support their conclusions. I have no use for christianity or the cross they use to slaughter all others. I have no use for bush or robertson or any that the great majority of christians hold so dear. I reject them to a greater degree than the writers here, and I have never been duplicitous in this regard.


However, there are some who follow the actual teachings of Lord Jesus Chruist, whom I have shared realizations with, who freely say hare krsna (like the two hundred rastafarians at the Island Reggaefest in Duncan BC on stage, ca 1992), who never disregard the religious impulse in man.


Srila Prabhupada, in his initial statements regarding his mission in the west, was clear. He is not about having folks change their religion. He is here to enhance religion, purify by initiationg the yuga dharma (Harinama). To change ones religion is bogus, because ones REAL religion is sanatana dharma, the eternal function of the self, and cannot be changed at all. Srila Prabhupada said "The religious impulse in mankind is welcomed." And his demeanor proves that his movement has nothing to do with sectarianism, in fact, is against all forms of sectarianism.


Christians cannot be reached because they are ruined by sectarianism. But some who think that Vaisnavism is a sectarian religion are equally ruined and cannot be reached. They think no harm will come to them if they strike a blow for their sectarian purposes by deriding the innocent Vaisnavas preaching the glories of the Supreme Lord.


But Lord Jesus rejects christianity, he clearly says "I never knew you." The mechanations of christianity and the false doctrine which is a product of the roman empire, headed by the servant of Rome, Saul of Tarsus, consistantly reject the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ. They have made him a false God, even though he has rejected soundly such a notion. But there is also a modern day equivalent, a false notion that faultless devotees of the lord should be worshipped in the manner specifically designed for the Supreme Lord.


Perhaps on another thread, we can all have a discussion of the difference between the worship designed for elders, spiritual masters, brahmanas and the type of worship that is designed ONLY for the Supreme Lord. This is widespread misunderstanding with all this controversy on the guru tattwa issue, yet Srila Prabhupada discusses the differences of these types of worship in the Bhagavad Gita. Ill look it up and perhaps we can discuss.


Anyway, I congratulate all my detracgtors for rejecting christianity, because I have, Srila Prabhupada has, all those who have rudimentary understanding of the science of Bhakti will and do reject this perversion called christianity. But Lord Jesus also has, so why is this faultless person whose only business was to spread love of the Supreme Lord so maligned?


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


I like the bumper sticker, "who would Jesus have bombed?":crying2:

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The bottom line for me is that I honestly think the Jesus story is a fabrication, the religion is a fabrication and there really never was a Jesus as people think of today.


Srila Prabhupada or Bhaktivinode might have said or wrote some things to appease the Christian world, but that was all just a device.


Srila Prabhupada knew better than to come to the west preaching that Christ was bogus.

He didn't want to start a holy war with the Christians.


He was the leader of a spiritual movement.

He was obliged to make such concessions.


I am not a leader of a spiritual movement and i don't need to placate the Christians or cater to their sentimental hogwash.

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But there is also a modern day equivalent, a false notion that faultless devotees of the lord should be worshipped in the manner specifically designed for the Supreme Lord.




then you are at odds with shastra and all the acharyas.

What you are saying is your objection to the genuine shastric conception of worship of the representative of God.


Your statement is renegade and a slap in the face to the teachings of the shastra and the acharyas.


It's just your worthless opinion.

It is not in accord with Vaishnava principles.


the sat-guru is the God of the devotee of Krishna.


Maybe you should study the Vaishnava doctrine and stop insulting the shastric authority on worship of the bona-fide spiritual master.

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Vaisnavism is a sect: a particular designation with certain core beliefs. If you don't believe that, then try going to an ISKCON temple and leading the morning program doing the pranam mantras from Sridhar Maharaja's camp or Narayana Maharaja's camp or Swaminarayana's camp. And that is just within Gaudiya Vaisnavism from Bengal. Vaisnavism is much broader than that.


If you want to discuss the universal wisdom that everyone from any tradition can agree on which is extant in all the hearts of all living beings then why don't you refer to it by its proper name: Sanatana Dharma?


However, if you start such a thread and want to be taken seriously by other people, don't start putting it into writing that what other people believe in is bogus and and that they are offenders just because they don't believe what you believe in.


Many people here seem to be able to critique your essay and not use such verbiage towards you. If you were in kindergarten and called another child "bogus" or an "offender" during sharing time, in a country like UK, Oz, NZ, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, or the US, the teacher would most certainly immediately correct you and remind you not to call the other students names when it was sharing time.

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You see, what I like about some of Mahaksadasa's writings in this thread, is that...if a christian reads such things they may become further enlightened about their own tradition. If they are not already, ofcourse. And also they may gain an appreciation of our tradition. Which from our understanding would be pious credits plus to them.


Raising one another to transcendental consciousness, through transcendental sounds...that is the objective. Where these so-called differences are no longer considered. Nityananda! Gauranga! Hare Krsna!


Unless they are New Age Christians with the romanticized version of Jesus they will not be impressed with any similarities between Christianity and Vaishnavism. Well there really are no similiarities. Even Mohammad said 'love God'. The ones who follow the Bible believe the Vaishnavas and everyone else are going to hell.


Well we will see how far the neocons take power. It a theocracy is formed again in America (which is not too far fetched at this point in history, all our freedoms have already been taken by the current Christian president in the white house) you will see just how kind and loving these Christians can be, just how tolerant and accepting of other beliefs they can be. There is even one deluded Vaishnava group who preach from the Bible and have formed a sahajiya sampradaya in Hawaii who advocate concentration camps for anyone with AIDS, they even support fundamental Christian groups who advocate death for homosex. Yea following the teachings of the Bible really promotes tolerance and helps one in their bhajan.


The Christians in the west, like myself, had already seen the hypocrisy in Christianity. Although having some sentiment for Jesus in the beginning after seeing the evidence, reading the Bible etc. I have concluded the fundamental Christians are really the ones who follow the teachings of the Bible including the New Testament. Jesus himself says the non-believers will be cast into hell by him. I guess that adds up since the father he wants us to love had his own son tortured and crucified. The whole religion is bogus. Throw the Bible out and accept reality. Those who advocate the mythical accounts of Jesus will do more harm than good.

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