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oppiliappan suprabhatam - second part/ conclusion

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shreyonidaanameva samastajantoH

ityaashaya.m karuNayaa svapadaaravindam.

nirdishya darshayasi bhuumipate! kareNa

tva.m dakshiNena bhagavan! tava suprabhaatam.. 16.

He bhagavan! Thou art pointing to Thy lotus feet with Thy right hand.

May be this is Thy way of telling all the living things that this is

the way to good fortune! Tava suprabhaatam!


badhvaa.aJNjali.m duritakR^idgatiratra keti

paarshavasthayaa vasudhayaa kR^ipayaa.anuyuktaH.

eshheti dakshhiNakareNa padaaravinde

naija.m pradarshayasi bhuupriya suprabhaatam.. 17.

BhumidevI is seated with anjali mudra near Thou asking Thou out of

compaasion for a remedy for all the bad actions committed by everyone

and Thou art indicating Thy lotus feet with with Thy right hand! He

BhUpriya! Tava suprabhaatam!



maamaashritya sumateratibhiishhaNo.api

sa.msaarasaagara iyaan bhavatiiti nuunam.

hastena suucayasi naatha kaTisthitena

vaamena bhuumikamitastava suprabhaatam.. 18.

`The fearful samsaric ocean is just this much for the smart who

worship me'"is the mesaage that is signalled by Thy left hand that is

on Thy hip, he Bhuminayaka! Tava suprabhaatam!



sa.mshleshhapada.m gaganapattanametadaasiit.

haatu.m tadetaducita.m na kadaacaneti

tva.m nityavaasamiha vaaJNcasi suprabhaatam.. 19.


" Nammazhvar was extremely distressed due to My separation and this

ViNNagar was the place at which he united with Me. So it is not

appropriate to leave this place" Thinking thus, You reside here

forever! Tava suprabhaatam!


aaakaashadivyanagaresha shubhaa.m tvadiiyaa.m

muurti.m bhajeya satata.m dayataa.m bhavaan me.

pashcaat bhava.m pratibhaya.m na hi kaamayeyeti

aacashhTa te kaliripustava suprabhaatam.. 20.

"If I could have Thy audience all the time and look at Thy handsome

form forever, then I will never desire this dreadful samsaram" said

Thirumangai Azhvar! Tava suprabhaatam!

alpaasthira.m vitarataH phalamiishvaraadiin

naaha.m smaraami divi te.anubhavaadi lipse.

bhuuvallabhetyakathayat tava sa.mnidhaane

shhaTasuuktikaarakalijit tava suprabhaatam.. 21.

"Other gods grant very small boons and benefits and I will never even

think about them; I desire only experiences with Thee and thy

audience" said Thirumangaiazhvar who made six sookthis in Thy praise,

Suprabhatham to Thee!


kukshhau sthiti.m tadanu janmajaraamR^itiishca

tvadvismR^itermuhuragaa.m khapuraadhinaatha.

ityabhyadhaannijadashaa.m bhavataH samiipe

bhuumyaaH pate kaliripustava suprabhaatam.. 22

Thirumangaiazhvar said that he was born again and again and went

through the cycle of birth – oldage - death because he forgot Thee;

and thus he related his plight to Thee, he Lord of ViNNagar! - Tava

suprabhaatam! 22.


tva.m shrIshca divyabhuvane samaya.m vidhaaya

praaptau pR^ithagvanamida.m jagato vibhuutyai.

vyaajo mR^ikaNDutanayasya tapo.avataare

tasyaashca te ca vasudhaadhava tava suprabhaatam..

This avataram was planned by You with Lakshmi in ShrivaikunTam, and

accordingly to that both of you appeared here separately. You just

used MarkaNdeya's penanace as an excuse. Your true intent was to save

the universe. He Vasudhaadhipa! Tava suprabhaatam! 23.


nirnidrapadmasubhaga.m nayanaambuja.m te

vaikuNThasiimani nishhevya viyatpur.asmin.

nityaaH sushhuptisushhamaamanubhuuya tR^iptaaH

nidraa.m vimuJNca dharaNiishvara suprabhaatam..

Nityasuris are always feasting their eyes on Thy beautiful lotus eyes

while You are awake. Here they are enjoying the look of Thy eyes that

are closed in sleep. Enough! Wake up! He Vibho! Tava

suprabhaatam! 24.


bhaagyena kenacana kiN^karataadhiraajya.m

bhaktaa janaaa bhuvi bhavatkR^ipayaa prapannaaH.

bhogaiH samarcayitumiisha bhavatpratiikshhaaH

bhuumiisha jaagR^ihi vibho tava suprabhaatam.. 25.

These devotees of You have attained the kingdom of Your kainkaryam

due of Your compassion. They are awaiting Your awakening to worship

You with all the right things. He Bhumipate! Tava suprabhaatam!


ruupeshhu paJNcasu para.m tava divyabhaava.m

vyuuhastathaa vibhavasa.nGYamathaantara.m ca.

arceti teshhu carame kR^itino ramante

ye taan vilokaya mahiishvara suprabhaatam.. 26.

There are five forms that are Yours - param, vyuham vibhavam

antryaami and archa - those who are fortunate are waiting to have Your

audience in the archa form. Please wake up and look at them, oh

MahIshvara! Tava suprabhaatam! 26.


suuriishvarairbahumate shaThakopamukhyaiH

ashhTottare sati shate bhagavatsthalaanaam.

saulabhyamabhyadhikamatra pure vitanvan

viikshhasva naH kshhitipate tava suprabhaatam..

All the Azhvars, among whom Nammazhvar is the foremost – praised Thee

in hundred and eight divyakshetrams. But then, we are contemplating

the ease of Your nearness in this place itself. He Kshitipate! Tava

suprabhaatam! 27.


tvatsevayaa tava guNaavalikiirtanena


kaala.m samastamiha naH saphala.m cikiirshhuu

priityaa.avalokaya mahiishvara suprabhaatam.. 28,

We wish to spend the rest of our lives in Thy service, singing Thy

praises, partaking Thy prasadam and worship only Thee! Take a glance

at us with affection, oh MahIshvara! Tava suprabhaatam! 28.

apraakR^ita.m shrutishatoktamakaalakaalya.m

aanandasaandramanagha.m parama.m pada.m ca.

tyaktvaa.a.agatastvamavaneravanaaya dev

sarva.msahesha bhagavan tava suprabhaatam..

Your abode is paramapadam that is not of this world, and that has been

praised by all the Vedas. This VaikunTham is filled with joy and is

beyond time. You have left this for ViNNagar to protect the world. Oh

bhagavan! Sarvamsahesha! Tava suprabhaatam!




vedaantadeshikagurugrathitaa.m sumaalaa.m

kaNThe kuru kshhitipate tava suprabhaatam.. 30.

ShriVedantadesikan has made this garland with excellents gems from the

ocean consisting of brahmasutras, adhikaraNas and divyaprabandams.

Please accept and wear this, oh Kshitipate! Tava suprabhaatam!




tvatkiN^karaastvadabhishhekakR^ite sametaaH

taanaadishaavanipate tava suprabhaatam.. 31.

Your servants are waiting with the waters of rivers. They have added

many perfumes like elaichi and filled golden pots with these waters

for Your thirumanjanam. Wake up and order them, oh Avanipate! Tava

suprabhaatam! 31.


kaalocitaa guNanidhe vividhaaH saparyaaH

bhaktaa yathaa.adhikaraNa.m pravidhaatukaamaaH.

utthaanameva bhavataH pratipaalayanti

vaikuNThapuryadhipate tava suprabhaatam.. 32.

Many of your devotees are waiting with the materials appropriate fot

the season and are ready to worship Thee and are just waiting for Thy

awakening. VaikuNThapuryadhipate! Tava suprabhaatam! 32.


tvatto.adhikaa purushhakaaratayaa dharitrii

tulyaa tvayaa ca phalataaphaladaatR^itaabhyaam.


vaikuNThapuryadhipate tava suprabhaatam.. 33.

Your beloved BhUmidevI is pusrushAkaram for devotees, so She even

outshines You in this respect. She is the upayam as well as palam and

hence She is equal to You. And thus She has these three attributes, oh

Vaikuntha pate! Tava suprabhaatam! 33.


aakaashapattanapate tava suprbhaatam

etajjanaaH pratidina.m bhavatassamiipe.

praataH paThantu sakala.m shubhamaapnuvantu

tvatpaadapdmamadhupaanarataa bhavantu.. 34.


He ShrInivasa! Let devotees read this suprahatam in Thy presence

every morning and attain all auspiciousness and rejoice in the nectar

of Thy lotus feet.



ShrI BhumidevIsameta ShrInivAsaparabraHmaNE namaH

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