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10 percent tithing

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Is the following article concordant with the teaching of the Bhagavad Gita as expounded by the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition?


Does this article explain a practicle way for a househoulder to develop spontaneous attraction to Krsna (as explained in the article)?


Some thoughts would be appreciated.


I received this article from Bhakti Projects via email.




GURU SEVA (Guru Dhaksin)


Bhakti Projects - General Fund


By: Radhakanta dasa



Bhagavad-bhakti is attained by visrambha guru-seva (intimate service) to the lotus feet of Sri Guru” (From the sixteen essential teachings (Upadesavali) of Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja).


We have heard many times that Guru-nistha is the backbone of bhakti. It is the first limb (anga) of bhakti, among the 64 limbs given by Srila Rupa Goswami in Nectar of Devotion (Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu). But how do we practically serve Sri Guru?


Brahmacaris and sanyassis are fortunate to have a simple path clearly defined for them. For the most part, their life is dedicated to living and serving in the temple (math) or traveling and preaching.


For householders, the path is not so clearly defined. Since most devotees are householders, this can present a challenge. Householders live separate and sometimes far away from Srila Gurudeva or a temple. They are busily engaged in earning money everyday to support their family, and there may be little time for service besides a daily routine of spiritual practice at home (sadhana-bhakti). Thus, householders and their families wait for those special occasions like Vraja Mandala, Navadvipa dhama parikramas or festivals with Srila Gurudeva in their country to get the opportunity for sadhu-sanga and service to Srila Gurudeva.


The process of bhakti is so sublime for it allows everyone, in any condition of life to make advancement and achieve the ultimate goal of life, Krsna-Prema. All we need is to be under the guidance of a pure devotee and render service to him (tad viddhi pranipatena). Following is a practical simple suggestion for the general household devotees to engage in guru-seva from wherever they are, every day.





Tithing is an ancient spiritual practice propounded by most religions and spiritualists. It is a secret of success in both material and spiritual life. There are numerous books written on this subject. Many persons are attracted to tithing for material prosperity, and they also receive spiritual benefit. Those who do it without seeking material rewards, achieve greater spiritual rewards.


What is tithing? It is based on the principal of giving a portion of ones time, energy and money to the source of ones spiritual inspiration. The usual amount is 10%. If one can give more than this, all the better, but 10% is the generally recommended amount because it does not cause a hardship for the giver. This is not just money to be given, but time, and energy as well. That means that in a given day or a week, one will set aside 10% of ones time for spiritual activities and service. In a day consisting of 24 hours, that equates to approximately 2.5 hours to be spent on spiritual activities or sadhana-bhakti.


Srila Prabhupada asked of his householder disciples living in ISKCON to give 50% of their income, but practically very few could follow this. Giving 10% is much easier and one hardly notices any change in ones daily routine or material obligations. In fact, whatever lack may be there, turns into a boon (spiritually) and creates much more prosperity in ones life.


Prosperity is more than money. It is also precious time, energy, inspiration, good health, well being, etc. Those who practice tithing find the extra prosperity and fortune that comes into their lives many times exceeds whatever they have given.


If a miserly person is only concerned about his own maintenance and well-being and doesn’t thinks about others needs, then he finds himself always lacking and in want. This is the paradox and secret of living in an interactive world. In giving one finds happiness and pleasure, and in helping others one finds ones own needs are automatically met.


In tithing, regularity is essential. Whatever time, energy or money is given needs to be done regularly every day, every week, every month, every year, without fail, regardless of whatever other needs, problems or pressing demands arise in one’s life. Maya will always present obstacles in the form of procrastination and thinking that one has to wait until other obligations are met, before giving to others.




To ‘Pay God first’ is the principal. All living beings are maintained by the causelessly merciful Lord. We should not be ungrateful, but reciprocate with Him by offering a portion of our income and lives in His service. If anyone will follow this principal earnestly, they will discover enormous benefit in all parts of their life.


A natural sequence in the development of Krsna Consciousness takes place when one works for Krsna, as explained in the 12th Chapter Bhagavad Gita on Devotional Service texts 7-10. Since, everyone has to do some work; it is quite natural for one to work for Krsna, our dear most friend, the soul of souls. If everyday we dedicate some time in Krsna’s service, then everyday is a good day and a day of spiritual advancement.


If we are contributing a portion of our income regularly for Guru seva, then our work becomes yoga, or a process of linking with the Supreme, instead of just maintaining ourselves. We will develop a sense of devotion in our daily work. Because we are working for Krsna, it helps us to remember Him throughout the day. Such work will gradually lead to full absorption in Krsna Consciousness, always remembering Krsna in love. This stage is called raga-marg or the path of spontaneous attraction, and is the goal of all practitioners of bhakti-yoga.


Bhagavad-Gita 12.7 "But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Påthä—for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death."


Bhagavad-Gita 12.8 "Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt."


Bhagavad-Gita 12.9 "My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga (vaidhi-bhakti). In this way develop a desire to attain Me."


Bhagavad-Gita 12.10 "If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage."


From these words of Lord Krsna we can understand that through the process of working for Krsna, one gradually purifies ones existence of all material desires, including the desire for accumulating wealth. Thus one gradually comes to the stage of pure bhakti.




(Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada states in his purport to this verse, “One should be sympathetic to the propagation of Krsna consciousness. There are many devotees who are engaged in the propagation of Krsna consciousness, and they require help. So, even if one cannot directly practice the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga, he can try to help such work. Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization and labor. Just as in business one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krsna. The only difference is that in materialism one works for sense gratification. The same work, however, can be performed for the satisfaction of Krsna, and that is spiritual activity. If one has sufficient money, he can help in building an office or temple for propagating Krsna consciousness. Or he can help with publications. There are various fields of activity, and one should be interested in such activities. If one cannot sacrifice the results of his activities, the same person can still sacrifice some percentage to propagate Krsna consciousness. This voluntary service to the cause of Krsna consciousness will help one to rise to a higher state of love for God, whereupon one becomes perfect.”




There is a section on the bhaktiprojects web site that is dedicated to Srila Gurudeva’s General Daksina Fund. This fund is the reservoir of offerings from his loving servants and supporters in the form of their donations, the fruit of their labor and collections. By giving to the general daksina fund one makes a statement to Srila Gurudeva that, “I want to help your mission in whatever way you desire”.


One does not put any restrictions on how their offering should be used, but leaves it up to the needs of Gurudeva’s mission and his desire. For example, if funds are required for Navadvipa Project or book publication above what is currently available in those individual funds, then it is drawn from the general fund. Srila Gurudeva’s travel expenses for himself and his party come from this fund as well.


Of course we encourage devotees to donate to any fund that they are inspired to, as it is all transcendental devotional service. If one can regularly donate or ‘tithe’ that is wonderful and will greatly help the devotee in his spiritual path. Even occasional donations, however, or a one time donation is greatly appreciated and will be of immense benefit for the donor.

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