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its been a long time since i have been living with my dad. He is the worst man i have seen in my life.:crying2:

He does not care about anything but money.- gives money to my mother after a lot of pestering and after half the month is over, there is always a gloomy atmosphere in the house, there are times when food is very less and he is shouting at us-whatever food is there he eats it saying "mera to ho jayega. tumlog apna dekh lo". so many times i have seen my mother crying, none of her @#$ relatives want to help, when they come (very very rarely) and try to calm the atmosphere in the house the @#$ man cries in front of them saying that my mother has ruined his life, (when in fact he has ABSOLUTELY ZERO FRIENDS because he doesnt care abt anyone, but my mother makes all the contacts whenever there is work to be done and he simply uses them, fights with my mother and keeps cursing her and abusing). the man is such a low life that he pushed his own daughter (my sis) into a gutter when she was demanding money for house. My grandfather (from mother's side) died with the last words "i have done a big mistake by sending her to that @#$#$'s house" and so he decided to divide the money equally. but as luck would have it we got not a single paise from them as everything was immediately taken by the brothers. My dad's brothers whenver they come they like seeing dad and mother fight. They infuriate my mom by saying bad things and provoke my dad to kill us. To top it all the things that we get dont really bring out these problems in soceity. Look here anyone seeing me type here would INSTANTLY say that "oh he's a happy boy. see he gets so much from his dad he is so freely typing on the comp". :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: But that gives me very violent thoughts abt these ppl. How can they decide the quality of life by seeing the material possession? And my dad's not a poor person he earns abt 80,000rs per month.

I want to see him in tears for this. its enough to see my mom and sister crying almost everyday out of pain and not:eek3::eek3::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: a single man in this entire world being able to see our situation. Im fed up of these violent thoughtws everyday.


and oh yes i nkow what you will say -very easily "do meditation and excell yourself". but EVERYTIME i have done it that man somehow comes and either disrupts it or just in the next 1-2 days he comes and disrupts my sense of peace by doing something really bad.:mad2::mad2:

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Hare Krishna


All glories to srila prabhupad


I think its really bad but it is happening to us due to our past deeds and activities. Iam not recommending this chanting of the Holy Name of Lord Hari.but sastra says that we have to chant the holy name of the Lord Krishna. Please pray to lord Krishna and chant the Holy name of the Lord Krishna.

Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This is the only way to get rid of all your problems. you may ask that "simply by chanting what is going to happen"but really to speak is that we have to chant. Lord Krishna's Form, name, Prasadam, flower garland are same and equal. Lord Krishna has empowered his holy name also with all the potency as he was having Rama avatar, Krishna Avatar, Narasimha avatar and all other incarnations he have made till this time. and Krishna Appears as Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.incarnation of Lord Hari and he himself is hari. and he instructs to Chant the holy name of the Lord Krishna and spread to every village and town of entire world.


Holy name of the Lord Krishna can only give you solutions for all your problems. try to chant the maha-mantra which is



which is very easy to chant and very simple to remember and it can be chanted anytime anywhere and in any sitaution. please chant the Holy name.


Hare krishna

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This is a real motivation to live in the transcendental world, always. There this apparently violent drama will seem meaningless. Even just adding the night stars to your world view makes this world's ups and down seem trivial.


Keep your perspective and you'll get by all this nonsense.

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I was wondering if there is anything like a Family Crisis Shelter or a Women's Crisis Shelter where you can go.


If not, on chakra there was an article about an International Counsellors Directory with a website soon called VSARG Vaisnava Support and Abuse Resource Group. Maybe has a website already.


They aim to provide counsellors for survivors of domestic violence and other traumatic family situations.


The article is called International Counsellors Directory posted 12/22/06 by Kancana-valli dd on the website called chakra. It is under the menu heading of Announcements, then choose Services.


One of the VSARG volunteers is a Vaisnavi who is employed by www dot shelterfromthestorm dot org. You can see what a Family Crisis shelter is like if you check out that website.


Although they are based in California who knows? Maybe they can help your family to escape and/or at least help you with someone who is professionally trained to talk to while you are planning your strategies.


If you remain then your dad easily continues incurring more and more bad karma by hurting all of you. If you can escape then maybe a new life for your mom and sisters and you. It sounds like you are living in a war zone and I know what that is like as I am sure many people on this forum know what that is like also.


Please keep on reaching for help and please don't stop doing that until you get help. Perhaps a miracle can happen and there is some place where you can go where you can live safely and without fear. Let us know if the situation improves and if any positive resolution to your situation.


In some countries they have anger management classes that someone like your dad is forced to go to by the justice system also and if worst case scenario can obtain a TRO or Temporary Restraining Order that he may not come within so many meters of the ones he is hurting. More people are killed by their relatives in situations like you described than by strangers, so it is not a joke and see what legal remedies you have also.


Many temples around the world need paid staff and that is a way to obtain green card and live away from a violent no-win situation. Also try to email the Coachella Valley place maybe they have some suggestions like some family or wealthy persons in Silicon Valley nearby can help your family escape and start a new life.

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