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Soundarya Lahiri Verse 9

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maheem mooladharey kamapi manipurey hutavaham

sthitam swadisthaney hrudimarutamaakasamupari

manopi bhroomadhyey sakalamapi bhitwaa kulapatham

sahasrarey padmey saha rahasi patyaa viharatey

Vitalising Mooladhara, then Manipura, Swaadhishtanaa -the seat of Agni(fire), the heart, the sky above, mind which is at the meeting point of eye brows and then(through) the royal path (you enter) the thousand petalled lotus, sporting along with your husband.

This verse is highly technical, to be interpreted only by experts. However as a lay man I am putting down my own thoughts as humble homage to Devi and Adi Sankara.

The five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky(space) became manifested

as this graceful couple sported in the Chakraas representing them--like the Royal pair in their gardens. These elements existed before this royal sport but were dormant. They became vitalised and became the fundamental and subtle components of this creation. Various permutations and combinations of these elements result in different shapes, feelings , qualities etc of this creation.They not only combine but also evolve in a manner analogous to evolution of life.This evolution broadly follows 2 paths, one holistic and other specific. A particular result of Holistic evolution is consciousness. This is consistent with the present scientific evidence that some time during evolution of life from simple hydrocarbon compounds to higher forms of life consciousness/awareness developed whether the organism evolved in the sea or land or sky. Consciousness it self consists of 4 parts of which one is the mind. Consciousness, because of mind which has the control system is

associated with another Chakra and wakes up only when the divine couple sport in its Chakra.

This creation or manifestation of this world is only an incidental consequence of this divine couple's play in these gardens(Ckakraas). After their entertainment in these gardens, the couple reach through the private royal path to their palace which is the thousand petalled lotus.

The mother in her benevolence permitted Siva to reveal to the world the technique through which a devotee can experience the sight of splendour and magnificence of the divine couple and worship them in these Chakraas(Verse 31).

Being human it self is a privilege in this evolution according to VIVEK CHUDAMANI, another work of Adi Sankara( Jantoonaam nara janma durlabah)

And in addition, if you have been blessed with a good mind, education and an easier living compared to the vast humanity struggling for survival, it is your duty to use these privileges and opportunity in contemplation and worship of the Shakti(power) who has allowed you to be what you are.

The body and consciousness together are an analogue of this creation.The giant telescopes and electron microscopes of the the body and mine when used effectively and correctly as per instructions have the power to reveal the splendour of this creation. This needs a combination of impulse and technique.

Yantra is a circle with two parallel lines passing through it. Both the lines end in tridents at both edges. Bijaksharams are placed in the circle with in the two lines in 3 rows.

Yam Yam Yam (a pronounced as u in SUM)


Aam Krohm

Expected result of upasana is two fold

1. Spiritualistic-- A gradual understanding of the entire being in case of prolonged and sustained upasana or an awareness of the six chakraas and the five elements.

2.An immediate benefit with a limited upasana is the return of some beloved family member who has gone far away and unable to return due to some hindrances.


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