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I fail to see the connection between Mars in 8 and politics

well mars in 8th or for that matter any malefic in Kanya does affect health, it is the kitchen of the Kalapurusha so if it is not healthy the entire system suffers, I am sure u wud have seen kitchens of a home and hotels how diff they r [not the 5 star ones].

so digestive disorders will be there


and Mars is in 8th HERE makes u a hen-pecked husband.

accident prone when mars is in Kumbha, Mithuna and Kanya. either in transit or aspect.


Politics may be in sani dasa not earlier



vinoddevchugh <vinoddevchugh (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> Respected astrologers

> My mars dasha is started from 8,11,2006 ,Mars is 3rd and

> 10th lord sit in 8th house . my question is regarding mars

> period .This is good for me health wise and career wise ?

> 2nd is i want to enter in politices . this is good for me or not

> also tell me can i wear redcoral ? my astrological birth detail is

> 25-2-1965 , time 6.20AM Place delhi .

> sincerely

> vinod dev chugh






Prashantkumar G B

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