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{Poems) and An Interesting Verse from Bhagavata Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam)

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S.B. 1.5.22.


idaḿ hi puḿ sas tapasaḥ ś rutasya vā

sviṣ ṭ asya sū ktasya ca buddhi-dattayoḥ

avicyuto 'rthaḥ kavibhir nirū pito

yad-uttamaś loka-guṇ ā nuvarṇ anam


It means:


Learned circles have positively concluded that the infallible purpose of the advancement of knowledge, namely austerities, study of the Vedas, sacrifice, chanting of hymns and charity, culminates in the transcendental descriptions of the Lord, who is defined in choice poetry.





(By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder, Iskcon.) .


Human intellect is developed for advancement of learning in art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology, economics, politics, etc. By culture of such knowledge the human society can attain perfection of life. This perfection of life culminates in the realization of the Supreme Being, Viṣ ṇ u. The ś ruti therefore directs that those who are actually advanced in learning should aspire for the service of Lord Viṣ ṇ u. Unfortunately persons who are enamored by the external beauty of viṣ ṇ u-mā yā do not understand that culmination of perfection or self-realization depends on Viṣ ṇ u. Viṣ ṇ u-mā yā means sense enjoyment, which is transient and miserable. Those who are entrapped by viṣ ṇ u-mā yā utilize advancement of knowledge for sense enjoyment. Ś rī Nā rada Muni has explained that all paraphernalia of the cosmic universe is but an emanation from the Lord out of His different energies because the Lord has set in motion, by His inconceivable energy, the actions and reactions of the created manifestation. They have come to be out of His energy, they rest on His energy, and after annihilation they merge into Him. Nothing is, therefore, different from Him, but at the same time the Lord is always different from them.


When advancement of knowledge is applied in the service of the Lord, the whole process becomes absolute. The Personality of Godhead and His transcendental name, fame, glory, etc., are all nondifferent from Him. Therefore, all the sages and devotees of the Lord have recommended that the subject matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology and all other branches of knowledge should be wholly and solely applied in the service of the Lord. Art, literature, poetry, painting, etc., may be used in glorifying the Lord. The fiction writers, poets and celebrated litterateurs are generally engaged in writing of sensuous subjects, but if they turn towards the service of the Lord they can describe the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. Vā lmī ki was a great poet, and similarly Vyā sadeva is a great writer, and both of them have absolutely engaged themselves in delineating the transcendental activities of the Lord and by doing so have become immortal. Similarly, science and philosophy also should be applied in the service of the Lord. There is no use presenting dry speculative theories for sense gratification. philosophy and science should be engaged to establish the glory of the Lord. Advanced people are eager to understand the Absolute Truth through the medium of science, and therefore a great scientist should endeavor to prove the existence of the Lord on a scientific basis. Similarly, philosophical speculations should be utilized to establish the Supreme Truth as sentient and all-powerful. Similarly, all other branches of knowledge should always be engaged in the service of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gī tā also the same is affirmed. All 'knowledge' not engaged in the service of the Lord is but nescience. Real utilization of advanced knowledge is to establish the glories of the Lord, and that is the real import. Scientific knowledge engaged in the service of the Lord and all similar activities are all factually hari-kī rtana, or glorification of the Lord.


Yours Sincerely

Gaurav Silwal

(M-Tech , Intgr) EE, IIT Kgp. India

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:deal: See the poem online at site poemhunter.com


The Human Form Of Life


This human form of life,

our rarest asset indeed.

To be utilized for highest purpose,

For achieving supreme success.

Not to be wasted in childish inanities,

wild fantasies and ephemeral activities.


Senseless thoughts and actions,

which degrade one thoroughly.

And make one unfortunate,

unhappy, disturbed and devoid of gravity.

Let they not have a place,

In this temporary and short life.


Love, affection, care and gratitude,

To be the principal qualities.

Mutual harmony and benevolence,

To lead the hearts of one and all.


If so turns the tide,

of all hearts, minds and emotions.

Only then the sublime fondness,

Can prevail within and without.


I pray to the Lord of the Universe,

Lord Jagannath - who dwells in Puri,

To show his miraculous pastime.

And fulfill all predictions;

Those foretold by Vaishnavas,

And revealed to the sincerest souls.


For You are the Supreme PERSON,

Master, Proprietor, Maintainer and Controller.


We look upon You;

We depend upon You.

For Your merciful protection,

For Your divine intervention.


For You alone can help,

In midst of all odds.



I pray at Your Lotus Feet,

To be engaged in Devotion Eternal,

In Divine Guidance of Your Servant bonafide.


The Loving Devotional Service,

The essence of this rarest human life,

May be manifested to one and all.


This is our only prayer;

O Dearest Supreme PERSON,

Praying to You fervently

As we chant Your Holy Names:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare.




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Sreedham Mayapur


The birthplace of Lord Caitanya

An incarnation of Sri Krishna

In the mood of Magnanimity

Appears in this Dham,

And performs amazing kirtans

---Congregational chanting of Holynames

With his associates Divine,

Beyond the modes of material nature

Beyond the domain of material energy.

Performing the Divine pastimes

---The Panchatattva Beautiful and wondrous.

-Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Acharya,

Gadadhar Pandit and Thakur Srivas.


Caitanya Caritamrita says:

vande sri-krsna-caitanya-

nityanandau sahoditau

gaudodaye puspavantau

citrau san-dau tamo-nudau


I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Krsna Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, who are like the sun and moon. They have arisen simultaneously on the horizon of Gauda to dissipate the darkness of ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow benediction upon all.


This is Mayapur Dham,

The most hidden and divine of all holy places.

The King of all pilgrimages

For Sri Krishna appears here as Lord Caitanya

In the mood of magnanimity,

Distributing the Holy names

To one and all.

And imparting Supreme Perfection

In the form of Love of Godhead.


The chanting of holy names

“Nitai – Gauranga”

Is beyond all offences

And readily gives everyone

The rarest gift of Love of God [Prema].


{{{ Nitai-Nityananda Prabhu

Gauranga--Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu }}}



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yasyaham anugrhnami

harisye tad-dhanam sanaih

tato adhanam tyajanty asya

sva-jana duhkha-duhkhitam



The Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna said -'When I feel especially mercifully disposed towards someone, I gradually take away all his material possessions.His friends and relatives then reject this poverty-stricken and most wretched fellow.In this way he suffers one distress after another.'


Hare Krishna.

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Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare


Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare


Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare


Namah om vishna padaya

Krishna preshthaya bhutale

Srimate bhaktisvarupa damodara

Swamin iti namine


Namh sad bhakta manayah

Manipur udbhavayah ca

Prabhupada lasyada vani

Pracaranir tayate


Jaya sri Krishna caitanya

Prabhu nityananda,

Sri advaita gadadhar srivasadi

Gaura bhakta vrinda

Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare


Jaya bhaktisvarupa damodara swami guru maharaj

Bhaktisvarupa damodara swami guru maharaj

Guru maharaj jaya guru maharaj

Guru maharaj jaya guru maharaj


Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare


Hare Krishna hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna hare hare

Hare rama hare rama

Rama rama hare hare

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Alas for those who spend their days

In festive mirth and joy.

The dazzling, deadly liquid forms

Their hearts fore'er employ.


The shining bottles charm their eyes

And draw their heart's embrace,

The slaves of wine can never rise

From what we call disgrace.


Was man intended to be

A brute in work and heart?

Should man, the Lord of all around,

From common sense depart?


Man's glory is in common sense

Dictating us the grace,

That man is made to live and love

The beauteous Heaven's embrace.


The flesh is not our own alas;

The mortal frame a chain;

The soul confined for former wrongs

Should try to rise again.


Why then this childish play in that

Which cannot be our own;

Which falls within a hundred years

As if a rose ablown.


Our life is but a rosy hue

To go ere long for naught;

The soul alone would last fore'er

With good or evil fraught.


How deep the thought of times to be!

How grave the aspect looks!

And wrapt in awe become, O we,

When reading Nature's books.


Man's life to him a problem dark--

A screen both left and right;

No soul hath come to tell us what

Exists beyond our sight.


But then a voice, how deep and soft,

Within ourselves is left;

Man! Man! Thou art immortal soul!

Thee Death can never melt.


For thee thy Sire on High has kept

A store of bliss above,

To end of time, thou art O! His-

Who wants but purest love.


O Love! Thy power and spell benign

Now melt my soul to God;

How can my earthly words describe

That feeling soft and broad.


Enjoyment, sorrow - what but lots

To which the flesh is heir?

The soul that sleeps alone concludes

In them it hath a share.


And then, my friends, no more enjoy

Nor weep for all below;

The women, wine, and flesh of beasts

No love on thee bestow.


But thine to love thy brother man

And give thyself to God.

And God doth know your wages fair-

This fact is true and broad.

Forget the past that sleeps and ne'er

The future dream at all,

But act in time that are with thee

And progress thee shall call.


But tell me not in reasoning cold,

The soul is made alone

By Earth's mechanic lifeless rules

And to destruction prone.


My God who gave us life and all

Alone the soul can kill

Or give it all the joys above

His promise to fulfill.


So push thy onward march, O soul,

Against an evil deed

That stands with soldiers Hate and Lust-

A hero be indeed.


Maintain thy post in spirit world

As firmly as you can,

Let never matter push thee down-

O stand heroic man!


O Sharagrahi Vaishnava soul,

Thou art an angel fair;

Lead, lead me on to Vrindavan

And spirit's power declare.


There rests my soul from matter free

Upon my Lover's arms-

Eternal peace and spirits love

Are all my chanting charms.



Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur is a Vaishnava saint who initiated the teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Western World (McGill University, Canada) in 1896.....the year of birth of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada...

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Adore adore ye all

The happy day,

Blessed than heaven,

Sweeter than May,

When he appeared at Puri

The holy place,

My Lord and Master

His Divine Grace.


Oh! my Master

The evangelic angel,

Give us Thy light,

LIght up Thy candle.

Struggle for existence

A human race.

The only hope

His Divine Grace.


Misled we are

All going astray.

Save us Lord

Our fervent pray.

Wonder Thy ways

To turn our face.

Adore Thy feet

Your Divine Grace.


Forgotten Krishna

We fallen souls,

Paying most heavy

The illusion's toll.

Darkness around

All untrace.

The only hope

His Divine Grace.


Message of service

Thou has brought.

A healthful life

As Chaitanya wrought.

Unknown to all

It's full of brace.

That's your gift

Your Divine Grace.


Absolute is sentient

Thou hast proved,

Impersonal calamity

Thou hast moved.

This gives us a life

Anew and fresh.

Worship Thy feet

Your Divine Grace.


Had you not come

Who had told

The message of Krishna

Forceful and bold.

That's your right.

You have the mace.

Save me afallen

Your Divine Grace.


The line of service

As drawn by you

Is pleasing and healthy

Like morning dew.

The oldest of all

But in new dress.

Miracle done

Your Divine Grace.



This poem was written by Srila Prabhupada, (Founder Acharya, Iskcon) as an offering unto his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur in 1935 on his Vyas Puja Ceremony (his birthday,62) .


One stanza had specifically made Srila Bhaktisiddhanta so happy that he made a point of showing it to all of his guests.


Absolute is sentient

Thou hast proved,

Impersonal calamity

Thou hast moved.


In this couplet he(Abhay) had captured the essence of his spiritual master's preaching against the Mayavadis and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta took it as an indication of how well Abhay knew the mind of his Gurudeva.


Hare Krishna

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Similarly, all other branches of knowledge should always be engaged in the service of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gī tā also the same is affirmed. All 'knowledge' not engaged in the service of the Lord is but nescience. Real utilization of advanced knowledge is to establish the glories of the Lord, and that is the real import. Scientific knowledge engaged in the service of the Lord and all similar activities are all factually hari-kī rtana, or glorification of the Lord.

So Krsna consciousness is not the negation of the different human arts and sciences it is the perfected use of them.


This is why we should not bash on scientists but rather we should dispute the atheistic conclusion arrived at by some materialistic scientists. In the above purport I see that the Intelligent Design proponents are actually engaged in "Hari-kirtan".


Understanding this will help us appreciate the efforts of others beyond those of our own sect. I believe this to be an important vision and even essential in working with other monotheists in our combat with atheism.

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