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Krsna Story Borrowed from Christianity????

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A small poem like the Bhagavad Gita can contain pure religious material. But a huge work like the Bible or the Bhagavata Purana will invariably contain non-religious material such as dynasties, creation stories, geography and a number of such other topics which are not related to religion or spirituality.


What do you want from these large texts? If you view these texts as spiritual sources, you should focus on the spiritual material and ignore the rest. It really does not matter if Adam lived 6000 years ago or 6 billion years ago. It has absolutely no significance in your spiritual quest.


The problem here is some people imagine they have been assigned the responsibility of defending their holy books and Gurus, word to word. They defend their position to the point where they do not believe the words they are typing out, but still doggedly continue, nonetheless. Unfortunately, by doing so you are moving away from the spiritual path and into politics and personal ego games. The Guru is your guru for spiritual matters only. You do not go to him to learn about the moon or to find out the website providing the cheapest air tickets. Even if he has an opinion on the topic, it is by no means the final word as he is not an expert in the topic. Similar logic applies to religious books which are used to determine history.


The Guru and the book can be wrong in mundane matters and that is still OK. It has no bearing on spiritual matters. It is time to separate the rice from the husk and not waste time on the husk as many are doing here pitting one guru against another and the Bible against the Bhagavatam over mundane issues.

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"It's my sincere contention that we should appreciate anyone's most humble beginnings on the path of God consciousness and if we have anything to say it must be of the nature of helping their growth just as we wish help from those father along the path than we. Do unto others as you would others do unto you."





If you can bring people to the Holy Name that way all for the good.




Helping ones growth may entail shattering their illusion.


The problem is many who like you have only 'casually scanned' the Bible preach from it as if it were revealed scripture not really knowing what is in that book. I know because I used to do that myself. Cherry picking what I liked. When I made a good study I realized the whole thing was tinged with very bitter fruit and the cherries were few.


Concerning the guru making mistakes. It is the inspired side of guru that we are more inclined to recognize. If my guru makes a mistake on mundane matters it is really not a mistake in the spiritual sense. My guru is not a mechanic so if he gives some advice on how to fix my car it could be wrong. I do not consider that a spiritual mistake. With that in mind please consider the possibility that Srila Prabhupada was preaching according to time. place and circumstance when he spoke about Jesus. He facilitated our sentiment and exploited that in order to give us the Holy Name. He never made a study of the Bible, the alleged life of Jesus, or the history of Christianity anymore than he made a study of mechanics. It is pointed out by Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur and Srila Sarasvati Thakur that Christianity and the teachings of Christ are on the mundane level spiritually speaking. The teachings of Christianity are not transcendental, they are mundane. Karma and Jnana is on the mundane (material) platform it is not suddha bhakti or transcendental. Whatever was written about Jesus was written by those on the mundane platform.



My points on the matter of Jesus should be clear. There is no valid source to derive what actually happened or what he actually taught. If you take the Bible as the source you have to accept the negative things also. If we open the door and accept anything and everything out of parampara based on sentiment then anything will go and everything will be confused. The line is clear, accepting hearsay stories as factual absolute truth is very dangerous. Without the Bible you have no Jesus. All we really have is hearsay. You can spin it any way you like but I will stick to reading and following sources that have been recognized as authoritive scripture by our acharyas and continue to debunk hearsay ficticious scriptures that teach from the mundane platform appearing to be spiritual and tricking the people. Sarasvati Thakur himself called the teachers of Christianity (pastors, priests, ministers etc) to be PUTANAS, so I am not alone have good backing.


Concerning any science background. How do I know the Srimad Bhagavatam is science? Because my gurus said it was. That is how I know. The sages and saints are all scientist. They are the real scientist. Srila Prabhupada was a scientist. Bhaktivinode Thakur was a scientist. I am an aspiring one.


For a long time I did not know there were people in the Vaishnava world who were seeing the things I see concerning Christianity. I was very enthused and happy when I realized I was not alone.


For those who I offended I beg forgiveness. I do not believe anyone's intentions here were bad. Everyone's input was appreciated.


You are all servants of Krishna and I respect you for that even though we may differ in our understanding or approach.





All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

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The problem is many who like you have only 'casually scanned' the Bible preach from it as if it were revealed scripture not really knowing what is in that book. I know because I used to do that myself. Cherry picking what I liked. When I made a good study I realized the whole thing was tinged with very bitter fruit and the cherries were few.

That is your problem not mine. First I don't "preach" period from Gita or Bible. Ocassionally I learn something I want to share. Show me ONE example of where I have made referrence to the Bible that did not point out the same eternal truth found in the Gita. This is a serious challenge from me to you. If you cannot then I can only request you learn to control your mind and tongue and not make such snap judgements about what I think. The search function works on Audarya Fellowship so now it time you used it to back up what you say. I have over 10,000 posts and lets see if you can find even one where I called myself a disciple of Christ, Lord Caitanya or Srila Prabhupada or ever even once tried to convert someone to the Christian religion or any other religion.


If you really want to debate Christianity then go to a Christian forum. There you will find thousands who identify with the Christian religion and will have great interest in delving into you sectarian debate. You had an agenda from the start and disquised it cleverly in your first post and I fell for it.


We should all pray to become like swans.

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You have made over 10,000 posts but you never referred to yourself as a follower (disciple) of Srila Prabhupada, Mahaprabhu or Jesus Christ? There is no need for me to read your 10,000 posts I will take your word for it. Pray tell whose lineage do you claim connection to?



My points were clear from the beginning. You are reading into my posts things that do not appear there.


Many people read into the Bible what they want to hear and that is a point I should have hammered harder on here. You have given me the opportunity to do that now. Thank you.


I am sorry and do not want to offend you more but I find your statements contradictory. You say " First I don't "preach" period from Gita or Bible". Then you say

" Ocassionally I learn something I want to share. " Please explain to me how this sharing is not preaching from the Bible and Gita. I am confused.


Again the point being made is people read the Bible lightly and have not made a study of it then they try to harmonize it with the Veda when in fact there is little harmony. You say, "Show me ONE example of where I have made referrence to the Bible that did not point out the same eternal truth found in the Gita". You see you are doing this too and validating the Bible by comparing it to the truth you find in the Veda.


My agenda has been clear from the beginning but you say it is something other than trying to educate the Vaishnava public on some not so distant history. My agenda is also to show the Bible is not revealed scripture by Gaudiya Vaishnava standards and that I believe it is a mistake to continue to preach from it as if it were. It is a scripture for the meat-eaters, mlechas and yavanahs not the Vaishnavas.


The original post clearly shows that.


1. Christians tried to vilify the Vaishnavas by claiming we had taken from the Bible and created our religion from the Bible.

2. Christians claimed the birth of Christ was before the birth of Krishna.

3 Science, scholars and theologians proved they were wrong and that in fact Krishna appeared long before Christ and we had not borrowed or stolen anything from the Bible..

4 There is high probability that the accusers are in fact guilty of what they had accused the Vaishnavas of and in fact much of the Jesus story was taken from Krishna's pastimes.


A Vaishnava in my opinion should question this point 4th point seriously. How is it that a pure devotee imitates the pastimes of Krishna? We do not find such a thing in any Vaishnava scripture. The story of the birth of Jesus and other tales in the Bible are highly suspect as being imitations and copies.


The Christians made all these accusations against the Vaishavas but when they were proven wrong they simply brushed everything under the rug. They never even made the slightest attempt to apologize. Now some Vaishnavas are reopening the debate and turning the tables. I was happy to find a website where some Vaishavas are bringing to light these facts. I was also thinking the same thing so there is something in the ether at this time in history. I will post the website after I have completed 15 posts here as I think it should be warmly welcomed by the Vaishnava world.


My agenda here is to help bring these things into the Vaishnava world. This forum being visited by many Vaishnavas is a suitable place. Later in the future after we have honed our argument then yes indeed I would like to see this in the face of the Christian world.


It is time the truth be known and the whitewashed history of Christianity be replaced with facts. There is only one religion for this age and this is what the Vaishnavas should promote. Smashing the misconceptions in other doctrines will cause the intelligent class of people who are inclined towards God to the Vaishnava side. This type of debate has always been part of the Vaishnava tradition.


We should all be like swans??? I agree with this one hundred percent.

I am interested in Swans like Sripad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur who in the name of spreading Mahaprabhus mission had to fight many battles and 'spill gallons of blood', (figuratively speaking). He gave up political correctness and the status quo in order to establish the siddhanta of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas and went out of his way to smash misconceptions, expose the sahajiyas and other bogus teachers. Yes I would like to try to follow that example. He only lightly referenced who the Putanas were. Now those of the western countries are left with the task of revealing fully what Sarasvati Thakur alluded to.


This battle will not be for the timid or weak of heart.

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At the end of your previous post you have outlined your agenda and calling well. A fairly big task ahead of you for sure.


I will not be joining you in your vaisnava crusade. This type of thing has been going on in the name of all religions since time immemorial.


I see a new world. Where we can gently assist others to higher realization and understanding. With the wealth of knowledge of the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition. Rather than the mission of conversion or knocking on the head.


I understand from one of your previous edited posts you where born in the bible-belt of USA. So your understanding of christianity would be of a certain type. From my brief encounter with fundamentalist evangelicals, it has been seen that they are very intolerant of other faiths. I can see this conditioning coming through in some of your words.


Sometimes it seems the more energy we put into defeating some standpoint, we eventually end up mirroring that standpoint in some ways. Please do not take offence at me saying this.


Saying this I am probably conditioned by my christian upbringing also. Which was of a more progressive slant on the catholic theology. Directly after Vatican Two council. Where an openess to other faiths had begun. And dialogue had been entered after centuries of closure, crusade, and wrong...in the name of God. Even though this movement was quelched somewhat...it was a time of great hope.


So I am grateful for this encounter. Which installed a type of 'universalism' from a very young age. So the transition to santana dharma universalism was spontaneous and easy.


And what is that universalism? It is devotional service.


Where are a christian, muslim, jew etc can also take part. Real unity as Srila Prabhupada has said. And as realization progressively develops we will no longer identify with such designations so much.


From this I can envision peace for the earth in the name of God. Rather than endless crusade and conflict. Which has been proven from the past.



This battle will not be for the timid or weak of heart. quote by Tattvadasa

May I dare to say in reference to your post...

This battle will not be for the timid or spacious of heart.


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The Christians made all these accusations against the Vaishavas but when they were proven wrong they simply brushed everything under the rug. They never even made the slightest attempt to apologize. Now some Vaishnavas are reopening the debate and turning the tables. I was happy to find a website where some Vaishavas are bringing to light these facts. I was also thinking the same thing so there is something in the ether at this time in history. I will post the website after I have completed 15 posts here as I think it should be warmly welcomed by the Vaishnava world. quote by Tattvadasa


I was also thinking there is something in the ether at this time. The age of Kali Yuga...the age of quarell and hypocracy. That is what I am picking up on anyway. Where many religionists are showing symptoms of intolerance, division etc.

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You have made over 10,000 posts but you never referred to yourself as a follower (disciple) of Srila Prabhupada, Mahaprabhu or Jesus Christ? There is no need for me to read your 10,000 posts I will take your word for it. Pray tell whose lineage do you claim connection to?


A "claimed" connection has no value therefore I choose not to deal with it. You will know them by their fruits.

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Tatvadasa, you make some good points, but you can never convince these people who are more christian than gaudiya in their attitude. They are fanatics, so forget about them. They fanatically defend the lies of christianity, including the jesus myth. If only they exhibit the same fanaticism in understanding vedic scriptures! It will never happen, though.


Prabhupada wanted these ignorant christians to become gaudiyas, so he spoke of jesus etc. It was just a preaching device. Unfortunately, it backfired and instead of christians converting to vaishnavism, we have vaishnavas converting to christianity!

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Tatvadasa, you make some good points, but you can never convince these people who are more christian than gaudiya in their attitude. They are fanatics, so forget about them. They fanatically defend the lies of christianity, including the jesus myth. If only they exhibit the same fanaticism in understanding vedic scriptures! It will never happen, though.


Prabhupada wanted these ignorant christians to become gaudiyas, so he spoke of jesus etc. It was just a preaching device. Unfortunately, it backfired and instead of christians converting to vaishnavism, we have vaishnavas converting to christianity! quote by Tackle-berry


Yes...I think Tattvadasa has some good points also.


Tackle-berry thanks for putting a smile on my dial.:)

I do not get called a fanatic everyday.


I think ofcourse there is going to be difference to some degree in understandings. It is a diverse world...isn't it?

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Tatvadasa, you make some good points, but you can never convince these people who are more christian than gaudiya in their attitude. They are fanatics, so forget about them. They fanatically defend the lies of christianity, including the Jesus myth. If only they exhibit the same fanaticism in understanding vedic scriptures! It will never happen, though.


If you believe Jesus is only a myth and we are beyond hope in regards to seeing things properly , that is through your eyes then you should abandon us and let us live in our ignorance. So please stop trying to save us. Why are you so concerned with someone else's choices in spiritual life? Why do you think it any of your business? You folks are just as fanatical as the street corner preacher telling everyone they are going to hell. Only difference is you are using this web site to do it.



Prabhupada wanted these ignorant christians to become gaudiyas,


I suppose you mean me also even though I grew up an atheist and not a Christian. Don't you find it strange that our views find basis in the direct words of Srila Prabhupada whereas characters like you can only insist he really feels the opposite of what he is saying. Don't you realize how offensive that is. Agree or disagree with Srila Prabhupada but don't think you can spin his words and not rack up some aparadha's.


What I get fom reading/hearing Srila Prabhupada is that he wants everyone to realize themselves as spiritsoul, as eternal servants of Krsna. But you obviously have your own interpretation and that is your business but don't you think it rather foolish to expect people on this forum to ignore Srila Prabhupada's words and accept yours?

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Don't you find it strange that our views find basis in the direct words of Srila Prabhupada whereas characters like you can only insist he really feels the opposite of what he is saying. quote by Theist

I can understand why Tackle-Berry and others say such things. Srila Prabhupada seems to have been very tactful in his preaching methods with those outside of the movement. And at other times on certain points...very straightforward. But yes....I feel in my heart and from his words that he had great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. He requested his disciples to refer to Jesus as the son of God. I am sure he did not want fanatical disciples.


It seems from what I have seen and read that he had a very spacious heart. And understood that souls cannot spiritually awaken over night. So his methods were to nurture, care and uplift the soul to greater awareness and understanding. Something that is a gradual process for many....even a process over lifetimes...in his understanding.


I recently watched an ITV movie of Srila Prabhupada being interviewed on television. He gave the interviewer answers to his questions very simply. Almost as if giving the interviewer what he wanted to hear...but injecting truth at the same time. Who can understand the depth of his realization and his methods and tact in dealing with others of much less realization.


Saying this I feel Srila Prabhupada did not see the person Jesus as a religious myth.

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Hey Tattvadas, lets not forget when Krishna killed the Putana demon she got a very elevated position as a Mother of Lord Krishna. What do you say to that?????? Others please let Tattva respond to this question first.



Ha ha. Can't argue with that!!!:)


But Krishna had to first kill Putana and her demons. He lovingly embraced her with a death hug and sucked her demonic nature right out. Yes that is Krishna He is not afraid to fight. No 'love bombing' for Krishna!!!!:eek:


But of course,

in this age we kill demons by chanting the Holy Name and kill misconceptions by putting forward the proper siddhanta. Misconceptions are like demons and those who promote them in the name of religion are the Putanas of this age. Yes we must save the PUTANAS by bringing to a head their misconceptions, cheating and deceit, then chopping it off with the torch of knowledge, not imitating the 'love bombiing sentimentalist Christians' who would be the first to lop off the heads of the Hare Krishnas if they had their way. Wolves in sheeps clothing most of them. First get them to hear the chanting, engage them in service then kill all their misconceptions. If they will not chant then speak the truth anyway. Intelligent people on the sidelines will be attracted to Krishna that way. We have the internet now, this is the informations age. Many people really do want the truth. If they perceive we are protecting bogus religions we lose a very intelligent section of society.




"The white man (Christians) came to these Islands and said, 'take this Bible close your eyes and pray', so we did, when we opened our eyes the white had taken our land, destroyed our gods, forbidden us to speak our language, they destroyed everything our whole culture, and now all we have is this dumb Bible that doesn't make a lick of sense."


Homeless Hawaiian Kahuna sitting next to his cardboard shanty 1999 ACE




I am thinking of a good name for the Christian/Vaishnava apa-sampradaya, those who are trying to mingle Christianity with Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Can you think of any?



and others of his mentality. I have a few serious question here. I want to find out just how deep your Judaeo-Christian conditioning goes.


1. Do you support Americas fight on terrorism?

2. Do you support the war in Iraq.

3. Who are the terrorists???



Bija, bija, bija,


"Saying this I am probably conditioned by my christian upbringing also. Which was of a more progressive slant on the catholic theology. Directly after Vatican Two council. Where an openess to other faiths had begun. And dialogue had been entered after centuries of closure, crusade, and wrong...in the name of God. Even though this movement was quelched somewhat...it was a time of great hope."





So we have something in common. I was educated in Catholic schools and learned my catechism well. But I did not learn the real history of the Catholic Church from within the Church itself. Most of the real information can be found in other places. Although I do admit the Catholic Encyclopedia is full of interesting things and admissions of wrong.



Practically every so called saint within the Catholic church were all fakes. In fact I could not find even one that knows anything about Krishna or Vishnu. Nothing in any of their writings has anything to do with devotional service. Just Karma and Jnana and the Jnana is really confused. And as far as the karma or good works, as Prabhupada used to say to the Christians, 'you want to do good, but you do not know what is good. If you do not know what is good, how will you do good?"



The Catholic saints were made for political reasons the most recent being Theresa. Yes that is right Theresa was just as phony as all of them. Her real history has been recorded by those who saw her and knew the real story. The glossed over picture you got in the west is as glossed over as most of the history we learned there. It is just more Church propaganda. Giving her the benefit of the doubt perhaps we could say she was unwittingly used. But there is strong evidence she was in on the hoax. She was no saint by any stretch of the imagination. The fact of the matter is the asura SLY BABA (sai baba) has done many more times good works in India than Theresa. And he has much less money at his disposal than the good sister did. The hospitals and schools opened by the sisters were deplorable by any standard. She has given India a very bad name and been made out to be a saint who only came to help. This type of propaganda has been used for centuries by the Catholic Church.


The very early so-called saints were copies of demigods, that is a fact! They did a slight of hand to win the so-called pagans over. When they were not killing them they were cheating them with false histories and fables or giving them what they were already used to and then claiming it as Christian. Bija, how big was your Christmas tree this year?


Do you know anything about Xavier? A contemporary of Mahaprabhu who instigated one of the most horrendous inquisitions of all time? The ignorant masses in India and the west still refer to this asura as a saint. No one wants to tell the real story. Did you know it was by his orders that literally thousands of Hindus were tortured and murdered? Did you know the Gaura Sarasvata Brahmins, the lineage where both Rupa and Sanatana Goswami took birth were among those tortured and killed? They had to flee Goa in order to keep their religion, many were slaughtered or forced to convert. Before coming to Goa they were driven out of Bengal, they were originally from Bengal, but the Moslems forced them out. Same thing with the Moslems, convert or die. This is the history of the Judaeo-Muzzie-Christian tradition.


Did you know the Catholic Church to this day have not given an apology for the massacre and genocide in India perpetrated by this asura Xavier? Recently we passed the 500th year of this genocide and many Hindu groups asked the Church to apologize. Still no apology from the Catholic Church.


You can travel the length and breadth of India and see Xaviers name everywhere with a

big ST. in the front. Catholics here and around the world still regard him as a great saint. Just google Xavier and see how much his name comes up attached to all kinds of colleges, hospitals and so on. He is still praised and glorified by the Catholic Church and Christians in general.


You want to talk of the progressive nature of the Catholic Church? Fire away my friend.


Everyone of us born and raised in the west has a Judaeo Christian psyche. It is not easily discarded.


I am having trouble getting on this website. More times than not the server is too busy. Does anyone know a better site this thread could be moved to?

No wise cracks please.

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Tattvadasa, Tattvadasa, Tattvadasa,:rolleyes:


please firstly let me clarify. Yes I am aware of all these atrocities. So I will not begin to defend such. But life is short for me friend...so I will not expend precious time in pointing the finger. There are plenty of others to do this.


You make some interesting points about christian theology. I think what is very relevant to me is this....clearly from my own background I was only taught religiosity and it's outcome economic development.


Basically do a hard days work, go to church etc and this will be pleasing to God on judgement day. Now as you can understand...this sure leaves some gaps to be filled in for the seeking soul.


So ofcourse at a young age the catholicism was left behind. But interestingly enough the more I discover within about Vaisnavism, I can appreciate more now of some that I left behind.


Recently I undertook a small study of Father Bede Griffiths Bhagavad Gita translation. I had high hopes. But was dissapointed. Not a scratch on Gita As It Is or The Hidden Treasure of the Absolute.


Bija, how big was your Christmas tree this year? quote by Tattvadasa

Christmas Trees......how was yours Tattva. No I did not have one.




and others of his mentality. I have a few serious question here. I want to find out just how deep your Judaeo-Christian conditioning goes.


1. Do you support Americas fight on terrorism?

2. Do you support the war in Iraq.

3. Who are the terrorists??? quote by Tattvadasa


It is interesting you ask this...and where you want to go with the answer.

Look...no to the first two questions. Simple.


The third question is somewhat more complex...I would say fundamentalists of all religion have something to add to this. And people based in ignorance.

As I have mentioned before Prabhu...spirituality for me means alot more than economic development. It is amazing what people will do for a dollar. It is amazing what people will do to keep a dollar. And it is amazing what people will do who do not have a dollar. But ofcourse the answer is much more complex than this.

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I can understand why Tackle-Berry and others say such things. Srila Prabhupada seems to have been very tactful in his preaching methods with those outside of the movement.


Consider this bija. Srila Prabhupada gave the majority (seems like 80%+) of those statements concerning Jesus to his disciples on morning walks, room conversations, lectures and personal letters and not in a press release to the general public. Many of those disciples were also from Jewish backgrounds. So why would Prabhupada need to try to placade them with praise of Jesus Christ?


Personally I have long long lost all desire to associate with with anyone that holds an offensive attitude to Christ even if they wear tilak and a thousand neck beads and chant Hare Krsna. These morons even think they are advancing the cause of the sankirtan movement by jousting with the windmills of false Christianity. Better to leave them to their delusions.

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Point considered and taken Theist. And in regards to association as you mention...I do not spend much endeavour trying to bring some around. Especially those with an agenda to criticize other faiths.


It is obvious isn't it...in the material realm religion is going to have defect. Not one is perfect in my opinion. It is the nature of this sphere. Plenty of room for Putana's. I think we have all had our own encounters with our personal Putana's or are having them now.


Anyway Tattvadasa Prabhu...sorry to have spoiled your party...any more thoughts?

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Not all religious fundamentalist have something to add to terrorism.


When was the last time you heard of a Jain suicide bomber? Jains can be as fundamental about their religion as any.


When was the last time you heard of a Parsi terrorist hijacking a plane? The Parsi's (Zoroastrians) can be as fundamental about their religion as any.


When was the last time you heard of a Vaishnava inquisition? Yes Vaishnavas can be fundamentalist too.


When was the last time you heard of a Buddhist country stockpiling nuclear weapons and other WMD? Buddhist can be as fundamental as any.


Playing ring around the posey with different groups that have promoted terrorism for centuries will not win them over. They should all be exposed for what they are. The religious underpinnings should be pulled.


I am just calling a spade a spade thats all. If you think this is pointing the finger so be it. I think if people actually learn the truth about these different religions this can only be for the good. I think the Vaishnavas should know these things clearly. If you call that fundamentalism I am happy to carry that label. The Vaishnavas have nothing in their history to hide. This cannot be said for the Abrahamic religions. They have been hiding the truth for centuries. People are sick of it.




This is one problem you do not get at all. SInce the very beginning certain groups claimed to be the real Christians. Now some Vaishnavas are claiming to know the real Christ. What makes you different? How is it you know the real Jesus? This is all sentiment plain and simple. Certainly the vision of Jesus you have must be that of a pure devotee the problem is history does not back up an historical Jesus, you have no evidence and this make you look as silly as any Jesus freak. Yes you can mock the 'fake Christians' and criticize them for mis-representing Jesus while thinking you have the real one, just like every Christian group before you.. Groups have been saying this for 2 thousand years creating their own theologies around the 'real jesus'.


Have you actually read the Bible from cover to cover? Have you studied world history?

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Not all religious fundamentalist have something to add to terrorism. quote by Tattvadasa


Yes Tattva I would agree. But many fundamentalists are divisive or intolerant of other faith. Many I said...I do not know about all.


Do you think there are elements of fundamentalism in Gaudiya Vaisnavism?

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