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What would you do if the whole world was on fire???

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The deep sense of urgency Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarawati Prabhupada felt to propagate the divine teachings of Lord Chaitanya for the benefit of the suffering world of misconception is exemplified in the indomitable conviction of his statement:


"If fire burns the whole world, do not waste time trying to put it out. All necessities can be met only by serving Krishna." :smash:

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Dear Friend,


I am sure Krishna or the our Allmighty knows what has to be done. And along with your devotion he also says us to apply our skills, knowledge to do our Duty.


There was a small story told to me: There were three fisherman travelling in a Boat to cross a mighty Sea. It was a fine morning, clear sky and calm waters. It past noon and they crossed almost halfway and during the the evening times everyone was joyous that they were going to reach home in sometime. But suddenly it started with some thunders, heavy rain, huge waves.. they started panicking. One of them prayed to Shiva "Save me Save me !!..." another to his favorite God "Save me Save me !!..".. and the other told "Pray and start swimming we can reach the shore n we are not far away from the Shore." They told "God shall save us" and stayed in the Boat. The 3rd Guy prayed to his Favorite God and jumped into the Sea, swam across and saved his life. Well i hope you got the Moral of the Story.


"Serving by Doing"






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How does one conquer fear?


How have the multitudes dealt with fear?


The multitudes have spoken novelas and chanted like crows, and thus went head-long into maya ---like animals to slaughter to the teeth of dullards.


Just as the topic of "Krishna" leads one to "Absolute Truth" --so, similarly, the topic of conquering fear must be ABSOLUTE.


A non-absolute calculus of "Absolute Truth" leads one back to being comfortably numb.


Just as the cosmos are absolute so also is the mystery behind the cosmos absolute.


Fear is usually addressed after the fact--ie: court of law hearing regarding insurance liabilty --if the lible party had the foresight to prepare for the most fearfull situation they are considered thoughtfull & conscientious.


Fear will make us carefull and attentive --this is called KARMA-MANAGEMENT.


Such proper management awards one honor.


If we neglect to ward off fear-some-ness before the fact then we are proper servants, civil-servants upholders of civility.


Conquering fear is not the same as wishy-washy prattling.

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How does one conquer fear?


How have the multitudes dealt with fear?


The multitudes have spoken novelas and chanted like crows, and thus went head-long into maya ---like animals to slaughter to the teeth of dullards.


Just as the topic of "Krishna" leads one to "Absolute Truth" --so, similarly, the topic of conquering fear must be ABSOLUTE.


A non-absolute calculus of "Absolute Truth" leads one back to being comfortably numb.


Just as the cosmos are absolute so also is the mystery behind the cosmos absolute.


Fear is usually addressed after the fact--ie: court of law hearing regarding insurance liabilty --if the lible party had the foresight to prepare for the most fearfull situation they are considered thoughtfull & conscientious.


Fear will make us carefull and attentive --this is called KARMA-MANAGEMENT.


Such proper management awards one honor.


If we neglect to ward off fear-some-ness before the fact then we are proper servants, civil-servants upholders of civility.


Conquering fear is not the same as wishy-washy prattling.









Lord Nrsimhadeva stretched Hiranyakasipu across his lap and with his long nails, he ripped apart the demon.

Hiranyakasipu died instantly on Nrsimhadeva's blood

drenched lap.


He was killed neither on the land, sea nor in the air but on the lap of the Supreme Lord. He was killed neither during the day or the night but in the twilight. He was killed by neither beast nor man, but by the lord's lotus hands and was kill with no weapons but with the nails of Lord Nrsimhadeva.


Thus Hiranyakasipu's benediction from Lord Brahma remained intact and he was killed by the personification of fear, Krishna Himself in His half-man, half-lion form, Lord Nrsimhadeva.:pray:

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